"paying For It" By Chester Brown - Tales From Norwood Cemetery


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Aesthetic face, hair and muscle = cucking every man




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Doesn't take away from there skills and genetics but to think most athletes are clean is absurd. I suppose most of you think Olympians are clean to? Or if someone isn't big that they are clean.

NFL, cyclists & baseball players are massive users of PEDS to name a few. Only difference is those who get caught and those who don't. PEDS higgly contribute to recovery, speed, explosiveness and accelerated performance of athletes on all levels. An athlete on drugs will destroy someone who's similar and natural.

You're right that it's not about being 'big' but it's wrong to say that most athletes are on PED's. It really depends on the testing levels in the sport. Some are completely 'corrupt', like rugby is over here and like I imagine NFL is over there. Or like Cycling was prior to the awareness of EPO use. Even then, you get clean athletes who are successful and you get non clean athletes who are not as successful. Recovery is a huge benefit of PED's for sure. I get too sore to train if I work the same body parts more than 4-5 times per week yet I see some guys who I believe use PED's who can train every day. Still, however...my lifts are getting right up there with the best I've realised and I don't and won't ever use any PED's...I don't believe in manipulating hormones full stop..hence why I won't even take propecia.


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Looks like he's lacking in one relatively important department..
Bannana hammock looking on point

Dennis newman
Bob Paris.


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Shook, a doctor put you on trt?


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Shook, a doctor put you on trt?
I put myself on it. I've been cruising on 250mg for the last five months. I don't blast steroids any more then 600mg anymore. Throw in a few oras here and there

When I got rid of the toupee and shaved my head I had an extreme wake up call on the reality of my hair. I started seeing the patchy diffuse areas on my scalp. The same areas that had me confused on there state for many years when grown out. Came to realuse my hair means more to me then a bit of extra muscle that I would achieve from blasting ridiclious doses. I am at a level where I am content, but still want.more. when you lift for as long as I have yoy are never truly content. All though I don't want it taking longer because this game is all about patience. Without consistency and patience you will burn out. Just a little epiphany I had when I was shaved. It was a slap in my face.

I haven't come off since July 2014


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I put myself on it. I've been cruising on 250mg for the last five months. I don't blast steroids any more then 600mg anymore. Throw in a few oras here and there

When I got rid of the toupee and shaved my head I had an extreme wake up call on the reality of my hair. I started seeing the patchy diffuse areas on my scalp. The same areas that had me confused on there state for many years when grown out. Came to realuse my hair means more to me then a bit of extra muscle that I would achieve from blasting ridiclious doses. I am at a level where I am content, but still want.more. when you lift for as long as I have yoy are never truly content. All though I don't want it taking longer because this game is all about patience. Without consistency and patience you will burn out. Just a little epiphany I had when I was shaved. It was a slap in my face.

I haven't come off since July 2014

Is this intravenous?


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I put myself on it. I've been cruising on 250mg for the last five months. I don't blast steroids any more then 600mg anymore. Throw in a few oras here and there

When I got rid of the toupee and shaved my head I had an extreme wake up call on the reality of my hair. I started seeing the patchy diffuse areas on my scalp. The same areas that had me confused on there state for many years when grown out. Came to realuse my hair means more to me then a bit of extra muscle that I would achieve from blasting ridiclious doses. I am at a level where I am content, but still want.more. when you lift for as long as I have yoy are never truly content. All though I don't want it taking longer because this game is all about patience. Without consistency and patience you will burn out. Just a little epiphany I had when I was shaved. It was a slap in my face.

I haven't come off since July 2014
what's your weight and height? how much can you bench press, like for one rep max? idk if thats the standard benchmark for strength, just going off what i do know lol.


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I put myself on it. I've been cruising on 250mg for the last five months. I don't blast steroids any more then 600mg anymore. Throw in a few oras here and there

When I got rid of the toupee and shaved my head I had an extreme wake up call on the reality of my hair. I started seeing the patchy diffuse areas on my scalp. The same areas that had me confused on there state for many years when grown out. Came to realuse my hair means more to me then a bit of extra muscle that I would achieve from blasting ridiclious doses. I am at a level where I am content, but still want.more. when you lift for as long as I have yoy are never truly content. All though I don't want it taking longer because this game is all about patience. Without consistency and patience you will burn out. Just a little epiphany I had when I was shaved. It was a slap in my face.

I haven't come off since July 2014

Adjust your goals. It's why I love calisthenics after doing just weights for so many years. I'm learning new things and it's less about what I look like in the mirror and more about what I can do. Turns out you can still look half decent in the mirror with just a street workout. I still throw in the odd weights workout for good measure.

Bodybuilding for aesthetics is a mugs game in terms of long term health. I understand how addictive it can be but using AAS for that long isn't good...and if you care about hair then...


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My strength is weak but i have significant size. I don't believe there is a big coorelation between numbers you push snd muscularity.

Strength is relative though, need to lift enough weight to induce a progressive overload. I would say the pump, and tension is more important. The pump is not a myth and getting adequate blood flow and constant tension is key to growth.

However I can close grip 225 for 5
I can squat 315 for 5
I can deadlift 405 for 5

Captain. Yes....


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For a low dosage, wouldn't a skin gel work?
I thought a gel was how trt worked these days.


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do your fasting and your low carb stuff for a year
I did, along with some HIIT and weight lifting, and I've lost ~60 lbs in 16 months without being perfect in habits. Nearly all of my blood parameters such as cholesterol, estrogen, SHBG, c-reactive protein, fasting glucose, etc, have improved.

I will not be trying the diets from mealplansite.com that you advocate as they unhealthy for both the body and the brain.

Again, frankly I don't really care too much what that study says
Which is why you are unworthy of discussion.

You are set in your poorly-researched incorrect views. You're basing your opinion off people with great genetics, people who do steroids, people who work out four hours a day, and then saying they look good without their shirt off and therefore everything they say is true. You're also ignoring the multitude of athletes who do intermittent fasting or eat low-carb diets.

When I've posted articles written by experts you've just ignored them.
The people at mealplansite.com aren't experts lol. They're just peddling outdated bro-science that they don't understand. To reiterate, here is their dumb diet plan for all to see, perhaps someone else can explain to you why this poor advice:

Wake 7.30 am

1 scoop whey protein in water
8.00am Breakfast
Large bowl porridge made with 250ml skimmed milk + 2 tsp sugar
2 slices granary bread toasted + olive oil-based spread
Serving weight gain drink or MRP
200ml orange juice + 1 tbsp flaxseed oil
2 tuna sandwiches (4 slices granary bread)
Large banana
Large chicken breast
200ml fresh vegetable soup
4 slices granary bread + olive oil spread
Low fat yoghurt
6 oatcakes
Tub cottage cheese
45 mins pre-workout
Glass skimmed milk
Large handful mixed nuts

Immediately post workout
2 scoops whey protein + 50g dextrose in water
Lean steak or 2 pork chops
2 medium jacket potatoes or 100g boiled basmati rice
Large serving of vegetables
Low fat yoghurt
Large bowl wholewheat breakfast cereal + 250ml skimmed milk + 2 tsp sugar
1 scoop whey protein in 150ml skimmed milk

Read more at: http://www.mealplansite.com/sports/bodybuilding-new-gain.aspx
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If anybody is curious about intermittent fasting but has been turned off by jd_uk's broscience advocacy I recommend first checking out the intermittent fasting thread https://www.hairlosstalk.com/intera...ntermittent-fasting.98461/page-5#post-1361438 , or alternatively seeing if any of the known benefits of intermittent fasting might be things they would be interested in:

1) Increased rest metabolism
2) Decreased levels of insulin;
3) Decreased levels of blood glucose;
4) Decreased LDL cholesterol;
5) Decreased blood pressure;
6) Decreased hunger;
7) Decreases inflammation;
8) Increased autophagy;
9) Increased production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor;
10) Decreases side effects from chemotherapy in cancer patients -- trials currently underway to assess impact on the cancer itself but it's known to fight cancer in rats;
11) Increases production of human growth hormone;
12) Increases production of sex-hormone binding globulin, which is correlated with decreased male-pattern baldness;
13) Lose fat without losing muscle;
14) Slows down the ageing process and drastically delays Alzheimer's in rats, human trials underway;
15) Increased production of white blood cells;

All of these have been shown in the peer-reviewed scientific literature on human subjects not taking steroids, except for the parts where I write "trials are underway". If these are issues for you, I recommend reading more into the subject and giving it a shot.

16) You can enjoy massive meals of 1,500 calories and you don't need to spend 6 hours a day preparing 12 different meals, liberating time for the things that matter like friends, family, hobbies, and career;
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Imo, 1 rep max's are pointless unless you're a competitive powerlifter

Not ideal for creating good aesthetic, and there's little point to being able to lift up a massive amount of weight once for anything other than competition purposes


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Imo, 1 rep max's are pointless unless you're a competitive powerlifter

Not ideal for creating good aesthetic, and there's little point to being able to lift up a massive amount of weight once for anything other than competition purposes
Years ago, the standard advice was to use low reps (less than 6) to build size/mass/volume, and high reps (more than 12) to build endurance/tone. The intermediate option was to use 3 sets of 10. I had a personal trainer (one with formal training) tell me a few years ago that if I want to lose fat my weight training has to be 4 sets of 15 reps each, because fewer repetitions would put me into hypertrophy. Similarly, a woman I know who trains nearly everyday says she does long sets (~12 reps) because she's a woman and is afraid of getting too big.

This once-standard advice also appears to have not been based on much rigorous research, but as far as I can tell it hasn't been replaced by anything better. I can understand why, it would be very hard to design controlled studies.

What I was doing prior to finding out about my injury was going to failure on each set, with the same weight, and ~60 seconds break. So the repetitions might be 12-8-5, since I'm getting weaker with each set. There was no logic to using 3 sets rather than 2 or 4, or to using 60 second breaks rather than 45 or 90. I did do longer sets for anything involving the lower back, for physio purposes.

I might try the "reverse pyramid" scheme in the future on the basis that it is advocated by people I respect.


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People put to much any lysis into bodybuilding. Its quite simple actually, it involves picking weight up and putting them down, pulling and pushing on a controlled manner. There is nothing else to it.

The most important part of lifting is technique which would involve progesssively pushing the muscle harder each work out. Intensity, contraction and stimulation. Cheat repitions have there role but should never be the cimpound of your movements.

Diet: entity based on your genetics, to my variables involved and you wi have to find out what works for you. It takes years to develop the right routine that you will respond to

Bodybuilding is a life style first and foremost. It takes years to develop an appreciable physique. Take your time.

I will post pictures tomorrow of just how much food I actually eat in a day. A ridiclious amount that is way over my maitenance. These calculators for bmi.would indicate I am eating in an obese range. Everyone is different, get over it. I over eat every day, and store zero fat.

Genetics determine your response to training. Consistency is key, but be prepared to put in a lot of work with sh*t-average genetics. Drugs do not overcome genetics but will help accelerate you towards your goals. They are not.magic. I know guys grow from just looking at a weight, never mind gear. Then there is guys like me who have been training for over six years to look moderately big, and conditioned.



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If I'm naturally skinny, does that mean I have high metabolism genetically?
I stay 97 lbs 5'2" for as long as I can remember but I'm certain I look a bit "fatter" now. I think I definitely put on more fat and lost some muscles over the years. I'm not bothered by my size as I can't be more petite. But my face is really bothering me. I want more defined jaw line and less face fat. And my shoulders are just too narrow.
When I was 17, I was foolish that I wanted to be skinnier. Went on a diet and ran ever day for an hour for a month. Didn't do sh*t to my body. Nothing changed. I wonder if my body can burn fat at all.
Now I want less face fat and broader shoulders. I can't afford to lose more weight but I know I can't burn face fat without burning whole body fat. I used bodybuilding.com for a bit. They insist that I'm not eating enough (I eat like a pig no kidding. My guy friends can confirm). Also said I should train my pecs to get bigger. Don't want that. And friends who are into fitness told me there's no way I can have broader shoulders without developing muscles. Am I fucked?

I'm not sure about you guys but I've never been so obsessed with my body image before hair loss. Even my friends think I'm insane.


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Also, if boobs and bums are mainly made of fat, why are some people skinny with big breasts or big bum?


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Also, if boobs and bums are mainly made of fat, why are some people skinny with big breasts or big bum?

Hormones determine how fat is distributed on your body. I think boobs largely come from prolactin and estrogen, but I'm not sure.

Some men report a more feminine bodyfat distribution after taking finasteride, a drug that on average increases both estrogen and testosterone by 15%.