Oral Steroid Made My Hair Grow Back Thicker!


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It is expressed in beards. I'm not sure the extent to which it's expressed compared to the scalp, though.

So much we don’t know

Do you think this process is a safe bet to extract forskolin ?

Extract is contain 10% forskolin. So my plan was to dump a bunch of extract like 50 grams worth (equal to 5 grams of forskolin). in 70% dmso and 30% distilled water. Let it sit there for a few minutes. Then kinda spin it for a bit like in a centrifuge fashion. Then filter the rest out with a coffee filter. Should work right?


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So much we don’t know

Do you think this process is a safe bet to extract forskolin ?

Extract is contain 10% forskolin. So my plan was to dump a bunch of extract like 50 grams worth (equal to 5 grams of forskolin). in 70% dmso and 30% distilled water. Let it sit there for a few minutes. Then kinda spin it for a bit like in a centrifuge fashion. Then filter the rest out with a coffee filter. Should work right?
If you're extracting anything and you're not using heat, you're going to want to leave it for at least a few days. Use ethanol. Forskolin is aliphatic and has a ton of hydroxyl groups, so ethanol should work well. DMSO will work well, too, but if you're going to be putting this on your skin, I don't think you'll need that much DMSO. I would advise using ethanol and then adding DMSO later to act as a penetration enhancer if you want to use DMSO. Either way will work, though.. just skip the water.


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If you're extracting anything and you're not using heat, you're going to want to leave it for at least a few days. Use ethanol. Forskolin is aliphatic and has a ton of hydroxyl groups, so ethanol should work well. DMSO will work well, too, but if you're going to be putting this on your skin, I don't think you'll need that much DMSO. I would advise using ethanol and then adding DMSO later to act as a penetration enhancer if you want to use DMSO. Either way will work, though.. just skip the water.

Thank you for this!

Seriously this is great!

However ethanol isn’t a great vehicle Cause it significantly degrades forskolin.

I also just ordered a centrifuge.

I am gonna redo another batch.
I am following this method without the same solvents though.

They show how they prepared the topical

Cause lots of sources say ethanol just degrades forskolin

Gonna use cellulose acetate membrane for filter.

I originally used a coffee filter but I realized it’s possible some of the bleach in a coffee filter could latch onto the dmso and get into my solution?


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Thank you for this!

Seriously this is great!

However ethanol isn’t a great vehicle Cause it significantly degrades forskolin.

I also just ordered a centrifuge.

I am gonna redo another batch.
I am following this method without the same solvents though.

They show how they prepared the topical

Cause lots of sources say ethanol just degrades forskolin

Gonna use cellulose acetate membrane for filter.

I originally used a coffee filter but I realized it’s possible some of the bleach in a coffee filter could latch onto the dmso and get into my solution?
I'm curious to see how it affects you. Use of compounds to upregulate aromatase and cAMP are things that I've researched the past couple years. The only one I tried was PGE2, which was definitely a success, but not complete without dealing with the 5AR issue. I was thinking of purchasing dibutyryl-cAMP to see what effects it might have, but never did.

Mr. Grey

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I just start my treatment with 0,6 finasteride, topical dutasteride and topical Spironolactone
I think need something for aromatase for improving
This post very useful and, guys, please do not stop share you're experience, it is very important for many us!


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I'm curious to see how it affects you. Use of compounds to upregulate aromatase and cAMP are things that I've researched the past couple years. The only one I tried was PGE2, which was definitely a success, but not complete without dealing with the 5AR issue. I was thinking of purchasing dibutyryl-cAMP to see what effects it might have, but never did.
I am curious myself.

I’ll have more of a clear answer in a month or so.

However any regrowth can’t be entirely attributed to one thing I am doing. But if I see significant regrowth at the temples I can safely assume other things besides the finasteride are the largest promoters.

I feel like finasteride stops the attack. But one the attack has begun things still professs and for this needs to be revered downregulatikn of something needs to occur and that takes time. Basically I am talking about turning off genes that had been turned on


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Okay so so far I stopped using topical forskolin. Dmso at one point made my skin look like I got a 2nd degree burn.

I am now taking it orally while on finasteride.

I am seeing improvements all around but I can’t say it’s forskolin at work.

Either way the increases Camp from forskolin probably will help in many ways


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I actually don't think that we need DHT for our skin.. at least not in any significant amount. I believe that DHT is almost like an inferior, but necessary, version of testosterone for when the body isn't functioning properly. I feel that it's the body's way of protecting itself from excessive estrogenism. When you see guys that have really good looking skin and hair... like godlike.. it's because they naturally don't express 5AR in the skin or hair. So, most of the androgens in their skin and hair are metabolized to estrogens and the rest are left for masculine features like facial hair growth. The guys that have very little testosterone in the skin probably don't end up having much facial hair or oil in their skin.

So, anyway, somewhere along the path of our geneology, our ancestors probably encountered some kind of chronic environmental stress over generations that caused us to express 5AR in places it didn't really belong in order to protect itself.
DHT inferior? No way. DHT is the king hormone. It is needed for a host of functions.

Mr. Grey

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Okay so so far I stopped using topical forskolin. Dmso at one point made my skin look like I got a 2nd degree burn.

I am now taking it orally while on finasteride.

I am seeing improvements all around but I can’t say it’s forskolin at work.

Either way the increases Camp from forskolin probably will help in many ways

What about experiment with dexa?
What forskolin can do for hair? If I right understand, it increase testosterone..


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DHT inferior? No way. DHT is the king hormone. It is needed for a host of functions.
I didn't say it wasn't needed. There's no such thing as a "king hormone". Every hormone serves a physiological purpose and I believe have DHT in the skin is inferior to having testosterone in the skin. More specifically, over expressing 5AR in the skin and hair follicle is inferior. DHT is definitely needed. In fact, I think it's probably most important as a neurosteroid. There's no doubt it's important in sexual function, too. Without it, estrogenic activity goes unregulated and out of control. But it's definitely inferior to have in the skin and hair follicles.


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I didn't say it wasn't needed. There's no such thing as a "king hormone". Every hormone serves a physiological purpose and I believe have DHT in the skin is inferior to having testosterone in the skin. More specifically, over expressing 5AR in the skin and hair follicle is inferior. DHT is definitely needed. In fact, I think it's probably most important as a neurosteroid. There's no doubt it's important in sexual function, too. Without it, estrogenic activity goes unregulated and out of control. But it's definitely inferior to have in the skin and hair follicles.

Ya it’s largest effect must be on the nervous system. I noticed dht increases the ability to push muscle further than its capable.

And def dhts level in skin and hair best to be kept low ideally. Better for subscribe glands. Better for skin and head hair. It might not even be super needed for body hair. Cause I am nuking my dht with finastride yet still got hella body hair just slower growth a little bit

Trust me. Listen to chemhead. He’s on to some real sh*t.
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Ya it’s largest effect must be on the nervous system. I noticed dht increases the ability to push muscle further than its capable.

And def dhts level in skin and hair best to be kept low ideally. Better for subscribe glands. Better for skin and head hair. It might not even be super needed for body hair. Cause I am nuking my dht with finastride yet still got hella body hair just slower growth a little bit

Trust me. Listen to chemhead. He’s on to some real sh*t.
DHT is highly neuroactive and seems to also be critical for mucosal tissue function (mouth, gut/digestive tissues) as well as vascular tissue. It's an absolute necessity for physical performance due to the vascular effects and neurological effects. It gives you this electric feeling almost.. you wouldn't really recognize it unless you've lost it from taking finasteride, though.

DHT is definitely not needed for body hair. Testosterone and estrogen will make body hair thicker than DHT. The presence of testosterone is responsible for the hair's existence and the estrogen will actually make it thicker.


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DHT is highly neuroactive and seems to also be critical for mucosal tissue function (mouth, gut/digestive tissues) as well as vascular tissue. It's an absolute necessity for physical performance due to the vascular effects and neurological effects. It gives you this electric feeling almost.. you wouldn't really recognize it unless you've lost it from taking finasteride, though.

DHT is definitely not needed for body hair. Testosterone and estrogen will make body hair thicker than DHT. The presence of testosterone is responsible for the hair's existence and the estrogen will actually make it thicker.

That makes so much sense especially the last part.

I haven’t noticed any loss of electric feeling since I’ve been on finasteride. I feel just as energetic and full of energy. . In fact at least for now I feel amazing. Life’s great! My aggression is less. I used to have serious aggression problems. I legit feel like I had too much dht serum wise. I must still have tissue dht cause my appeptite is like 1500 calories a day. I am thin as hell. I can’t bulk for the life of me. It wasn’t until I took super dmz 2.0 way back in the day where I finally move up 15 pounds and maintained it forever. I was 125 pounds at like 5,10 age 20. Hit 140 and pretty much have never gone below that thanks to that prhormone lol. gave me b**ch tits tho.


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That makes so much sense especially the last part.

I haven’t noticed any loss of electric feeling since I’ve been on finasteride. I feel just as energetic and full of energy. . In fact at least for now I feel amazing. Life’s great! My aggression is less. I used to have serious aggression problems. I legit feel like I had too much dht serum wise. I must still have tissue dht cause my appeptite is like 1500 calories a day. I am thin as hell. I can’t bulk for the life of me. It wasn’t until I took super dmz 2.0 way back in the day where I finally move up 15 pounds and maintained it forever. I was 125 pounds at like 5,10 age 20. Hit 140 and pretty much have never gone below that thanks to that prhormone lol. gave me b**ch tits tho.
You probably don't have much 5AR expression in certain areas of the body and likewise you may have lower aromatase expression in those areas too. So, suppression of 5AR activity doesn't have much effect in those areas. Or finasteride is perhaps not as effective in you. Finasteride is extremely potent for me even at microdoses and I get all of the worst side effects from it.


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You probably don't have much 5AR expression in certain areas of the body and likewise you may have lower aromatase expression in those areas too. So, suppression of 5AR activity doesn't have much effect in those areas. Or finasteride is perhaps not as effective in you. Finasteride is extremely potent for me even at microdoses and I get all of the worst side effects from it.

Very interesting how that all works out.

What do u make of the study that says they found out men who were often hairy responded best to finasteride?


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Very interesting how that all works out.

What do u make of the study that says they found out men who were often hairy responded best to finasteride?
They responded well to finasteride because it put them in an androgen deprived state. The effect finasteride has on HPTA regulation of steroid synthesis is what would cause a hairy person to become less hairy. For me, it causes my body hair to increase in thickness and darkness for a short time and later it ends up thinner and less dense after finasteride has done it's metabolic damage and caused HPTA dysregulation.


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They responded well to finasteride because it put them in an androgen deprived state. The effect finasteride has on HPTA regulation of steroid synthesis is what would cause a hairy person to become less hairy. For me, it causes my body hair to increase in thickness and darkness for a short time and later it ends up thinner and less dense after finasteride has done it's metabolic damage and caused HPTA dysregulation.

You must really sensitive to hormone changes.

Any thing u would suggest to help avoid Hpta dysregulation.

I want to avoid losing effectiveness. I hear some people it works for a year. Some 5 years. Some 10 years and some 6 months. I want it to work obviously for as long as possible


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You must really sensitive to hormone changes.

Any thing u would suggest to help avoid Hpta dysregulation.

I want to avoid losing effectiveness. I hear some people it works for a year. Some 5 years. Some 10 years and some 6 months. I want it to work obviously for as long as possible
The only way to avoid losing effectiveness is to cycle finasteride.. Give yourself breaks where you let you 5AR expression return to complete normal and start again. Long term, it's just a really shitty way to deal with hair loss because it helps with DHT while simultaneously ruining your body's ability to provide what hair needs to be healthy. For healthy functioning hair follicles, you need high aromatase expression within the follicle and a good supply of testosterone. Finasteride will ruin both of those eventually.