norwood 5/6 hairtransplant words


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If this was a normal result no one would give a sh*t about balding and hair transplants would be common practice. This is the top 5% result with the top donor hair imaginable in terms of density and contrast. Most people need 2-3 surgeries and 10-30k to get anything close to that and the vast majority of people don't get a result that good.
post average results at that stage please


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It is misconception that asian hair is always better...I've seen many cases of diffused, whispy asian donor hair combined with the fact that hair counts are generally less for asian men than Caucasian...the tradeoff being "usually" better hair diameter...but of course not always the case.

Generally speaking even if you go full on cue ball bald you can be saved with a good donor area...this is why finasteride and minoxidil are important. Minoxidil can actually improve your transplant result and make your resultant hairs grow better because it aids in blood flow to the scalp, and blood flow is needed for the grafts to grow.

Finasteride will help protect your donor area from miniaturization, and also in some very unlucky cases, help your transplanted grafts if they are too sensitive to DHT as well in your recipient area.

But this is why keeping a strong donor is key and not reaching a diffuse, DUPA state in the Norwood 6 or 7 region. I have seen such cases in person, up close, and there is no way that these guys can be candidates, even if you absolutely over harvest the donor even past what is reasonable given the compromised donor.


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But this is why keeping a strong donor is key and not reaching a diffuse, DUPA state in the Norwood 6 or 7 region. I have seen such cases in person, up close, and there is no way that these guys can be candidates, even if you absolutely over harvest the donor even past what is reasonable given the compromised donor.
I recently saw a NW6 middle aged guy with the thickest donor ever, its probably as thick as before he lost any hair. He can probably get a decent amount of coverage and still not be overharvested, 10k potential grafts easily.


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post average results at that stage please
Why don't you look them up for yourself? Any hair transplant board with people posting results will show you the thin or partial results that NW5/6 get after one surgery like this guy had. Eugenix is known as one of the best clinics for higher NWs, and all of their results still look like you've lost a lot of hair.

Even the main guy/moderator of the hair transplant network (Melvin?) who was a NW5 or 6 with a great donor area got a great frontal/mid result but his crown is still almost fully bald despite getting transplanted hair in that area and 6k+ grafts total. Yet the guy in this video got 4k grafts and he looks like he's never had hairloss in his life.
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Why don't you look them up for yourself? Any hair transplant board with people posting results will show you the thin or partial results that NW5/6 get after one surgery like this guy had.

Even the main guy/moderator of the hair transplant network (Melvin?) who was a NW5 or 6 with a great donor area got a great frontal/mid result but his crown is still almost fully bald despite getting transplanted hair in that area and 6k+ grafts total. Yet the guy in this video got 4k grafts and he looks like he's never had hairloss in his life.
The guy in the video was not as bald as the guy you are mentioning and the guy in the video still has a far from perfect crown and in some angles the crown loss is visible.


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The guy in the video was not as bald as the guy you are mentioning and the guy in the video still has a far from perfect crown and in some angles the crown loss is visible.
I'm not saying he has perfect density, just that his top quality donor hair has given him this aesthetic without the need for 6-7k grafts.

A good example of the opposite donor quality is Mr Rolandas on youtube. He got an excellent frontal hair transplant using slightly less grafts then the guy above got total for the front and crown. He's going to need almost 7k+ grafts to get a result remotely comparable to what that guy got with 4k.


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Why don't you look them up for yourself? Any hair transplant board with people posting results will show you the thin or partial results that NW5/6 get after one surgery like this guy had. Eugenix is known as one of the best clinics for higher NWs, and all of their results still look like you've lost a lot of hair.

Even the main guy/moderator of the hair transplant network (Melvin?) who was a NW5 or 6 with a great donor area got a great frontal/mid result but his crown is still almost fully bald despite getting transplanted hair in that area and 6k+ grafts total. Yet the guy in this video got 4k grafts and he looks like he's never had hairloss in his life.

And even for him it is hard to say how good his result is. He uses concealers + has his hair very long and slicked back, basically running a combover so it is hard to know his true density.


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And even for him it is hard to say how good his result is. He uses concealers + has his hair very long and slicked back, basically running a combover so it is hard to know his true density.
For some reason his hair looks weird from the front. My hairline is definitely better

I think it's cuz he lacks temple points and his hairline is a bit higher than normal

Growing it out long and combing it backwards is cool though. Later on, one can add some grafts on the midscalp just for minimal coverage + minoxidil.. that's what I'm planning to do next year.
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Apparently he just had another transplant this week. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.

He didn't lower his hairline.. I just saw him with a buzzcut in the last vid and it should be 1cm lower.


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For some reason his hair looks weird from the front. My hairline is definitely better

I think it's cuz he lacks temple points and his hairline is a bit higher than normal

Growing it out long and combing it backwards is cool though. Later on, one can add some grafts on the midscalp just for minimal coverage + minoxidil.. that's what I'm planning to do next year.

To me it looks fine and natural from the front for his age, and by all accounts he is very satisfied with his result as well, so I certainly have no reason to critique it aesthetically.

Just speaking objectively on how successful his yield and density is though, it may not be that great considering the other things he does.


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To me it looks fine and natural from the front for his age, and by all accounts he is very satisfied with his result as well, so I certainly have no reason to critique it aesthetically.

Just speaking objectively on how successful his yield and density is though, it may not be that great considering the other things he does.
Well he just got another transplant so obviously his density is about to get better. He's during the process. 1 transplant is never enough for advanced Norwood's.

It also seems like this time he transplanted hair to the temple peaks so good for him. He could've still lowered the hairline a bit though for optimal results though.


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Apparently he just had another transplant this week. Will be interesting to see how it turns out.

He didn't lower his hairline.. I just saw him with a buzzcut in the last vid and it should be 1cm lower.
Why would he lower his hairline? It's more then fine for a guy in his 30s. He needed all the attention he could get into his crown and thickening up the frontal area, and he's running out of grafts.


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To me it looks fine and natural from the front for his age, and by all accounts he is very satisfied with his result as well, so I certainly have no reason to critique it aesthetically.

Just speaking objectively on how successful his yield and density is though, it may not be that great considering the other things he does.
I think considering he was a fully bald NW6 not on any medication and had a botched 1st procedure, he's done fantastic and will have a great end result after this last transplant.

Speaking personally, I wouldn't be happy with his result and that's a primary reason why I probably won't go down the transplant route if it looks like I'm going to go past NW5 and nothing else is on the horizon in terms of pharmaceutical treatments or graft cloning/multiplication. I honestly would rather be bald with some light SMP then have to put concealers into my hair everyday.


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Why would he lower his hairline? It's more then fine for a guy in his 30s. He needed all the attention he could get into his crown and thickening up the frontal area, and he's running out of grafts.
It's fine but let's see it like this - you are already an advanced Norwooder and your hair is never gonna be fully thick everywhere, what are you gonna do? You have to choose between the best hairline you can get with a thin crown, or just a passable enough hairline with a slightly fuller crown. I went for the former to maximize my facial harmony/aesthetics.


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I think considering he was a fully bald NW6 not on any medication and had a botched 1st procedure, he's done fantastic and will have a great end result after this last transplant.

Speaking personally, I wouldn't be happy with his result and that's a primary reason why I probably won't go down the transplant route if it looks like I'm going to go past NW5 and nothing else is on the horizon in terms of pharmaceutical treatments or graft cloning/multiplication. I honestly would rather be bald with some light SMP then have to put concealers into my hair everyday.
Wait, why does he use concealers? I don't use any concealers and I'm fine. I get dates and my hair passes as full enough, no one ever tells me to "shave it bro" or whatever.


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I do think he would look better and younger buzzed in his situation though.

If you still have some thinner spots I think that you need a good beard to offset it. Otherwise you risk looking too young/not masculine enough for the rugged look.


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It's fine but let's see it like this - you are already an advanced Norwooder and your hair is never gonna be fully thick everywhere, what are you gonna do? You have to choose between the best hairline you can get with a thin crown, or just a passable enough hairline with a slightly fuller crown. I went for the former to maximize my facial harmony/aesthetics.
That's a personal decision, but if I was bald or almost bald on my crown I would be shaving my head. Shitty hairlines are common in the vast majority of men into your 30s and up, crown balding is not. I'd choose a thinner all over approach over a perfect hairline and bald crown.


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Wait, why does he use concealers? I don't use any concealers and I'm fine. I get dates and my hair passes as full enough, no one ever tells me to "shave it bro" or whatever.
Because he has no hair on his crown and needs the front hair to be thick enough to cover it. He uses heavy dermatch.


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Because he has no hair on his crown and needs the front hair to be thick enough to cover it. He uses heavy dermatch.
Damn, no hair at all? My crown is pretty thin but I have minimal coverage. Also my front is finally thick enough after 3 transplants and I never have any see-through moments anymore.


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Damn, no hair at all? My crown is pretty thin but I have minimal coverage. Also my front is finally thick enough after 3 transplants and I never have any see-through moments anymore.

Time stamped for you, he's not got much.

Like I said, personally if I'm in that exact same spot I'm shaving my head. I can live with a receded hairline as a guy approaching his late 20s/30, but I'm not walking around with a bald crown in my 20s or even 30s.
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