New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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2young i d take a break then if you have ur 12 week rolling sessions done.Permanent rolling isnt the best in my opinion.1-2 months break(ur hair won fall out im pretty sure) and then roll again.let everything heal completely.

@ charlesxavier: estrogen is able to recover ur hairloss problem,but too much isnt good also.The sides are the f***** **** ,u ll get gyno and become more fat etc.But you can counteract it by taking progesteron. On german forums there is atm a "hype" about progesteron,many ppl are taking it.they do not only get results as good as propecia,they also profit from easier muscle gain,more shredded,and being in hyper ultra good mood


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i am still 7th week :(... i have some road till i compete the study.
2young i d take a break then if you have ur 12 week rolling sessions done.Permanent rolling isnt the best in my opinion.1-2 months break(ur hair won fall out im pretty sure) and then roll again.let everything heal completely.

@ charlesxavier: estrogen is able to recover ur hairloss problem,but too much isnt good also.The sides are the f***** **** ,u ll get gyno and become more fat etc.But you can counteract it by taking progesteron. On german forums there is atm a "hype" about progesteron,many ppl are taking it.they do not only get results as good as propecia,they also profit from easier muscle gain,more shredded,and being in hyper ultra good mood


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please explain to me why all of these scientifically proven/approved medications are the number one cause of human death?

Tin foil hat alert! I think we have ourselves a new age conspiracy theorist.

@Bush I'm on an iPhone.... My computer is screwed up.

Can't you repair it with belief?

You can't tell me how a process of the MIND works when you don't know much about how we even experience consciousness lol

You are forgetting that not all cogitative processes are conscious. Do you consciously decide to inhale each breathe?

Why hasn't science cured cancer yet? German New Medicine was before one of the doctors got jailed for I think "malpractice" and the guy had a 92% success rate in curing cancer.

Cancer does not have a single cause. It will not have a single cure.

Whatever idiot that believes mainstream science is the answer for male pattern baldness or anything for that matter will die a very uncomfortable death lol.

What is the alternative? Pseudo-science?

I think "malpractice" and the guy had a 92% success rate in curing cancer

"I think", "the guy" and "92% success rate in curing cancer" are all pretty vague terms (and see above; there are different forms of cancer).

1). I don't completely discredit science... I discredit mainstream science.

Again, what is the alternative to "mainstream" science? It either works and it is accepted, or it doesn't.

Dr.Harner (German doctor) was thrown in jail & he had a 92% success rate in curing cancer... I can name several cases like these as well as several forums vouching for things like the rife machine (curezone is one)
RE: "rifle machines"

I know of a person that was taking 180 prescription meds with serious things like Lyme disease & she is now off all medications just from using a mind/body healing modality religiously.
Perfect example, I'm glad you mentioned Lyme disease. If the patient notices the tick bite and classic bullseye rash symptom --- it is easily treated with a short course of antibiotics. However, if the patient ignores or fails to notice the rash --- in many cases it will then progress to a chronic stage. This is MUCH more difficult to treat and can cause serious neurological and heart problems. This highlights the danger of your philosophy. It is well known that Steve Jobs initially tried to cure his pancreatic cancer with "magical thinking" while rejecting surgery. We all know the outcome there.

The chances are that you are a cherry picker. Rejecting parts of science that you don't like based on paranoid delusions whilst reaping the benefits. E.g. Have you ever had a vaccination?

Back on topic now... sparing you any further embarrassment.


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guys i am in trouble

i developed increased lymph nodes and went to the dr i did blood test ultrasonic test and it is not leykemia or caner. possible cause is inflamation. i told the dr the severe imflamation i create with the roller due to heavy wounding . and the way i try to stay inflamed with minoxidil and he said this is the cause. what to do now? i am seeing results i dont want to give up i have other half of the study to complete./ tomorrow i go to pathologist to discuss how i bypass this somehow without stopping dermarolling heavy. btw my radiologist will start dermarolling and the blood test guy. but please tell me your opinion what to do?

It is a response to the acute inflammation induced by hard core derma rolling! Clean your roller like a mofo too!


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I give up on dermarolling without a numb cream... its too painfull

guys a question about numb cream

The ones you are using is 2% lidocaine... can i use 5 % lidocaine when i'm dermarolling?

so i guess you apply numb cream wait a couple of minutes and let it absorb and then dermaroll? dont you wash the numb cream before dermarolling since maybe it can get in the blood system because of wounding?

Im sure its safe but would be really comforting with a answer.

It depends on the particular cream, I guess.
The one I have (Dr.Numb), you have to apply it, wait 2 hairs for the effects to set in, then roll. (I wash my skin before rolling, so as to avoid unnecessary absorption of said cream)


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I've only done one real roll so far, waiting for my numbing cream to push a bit harder. Is there any reason not to only focus on trouble areas? For me that would be the temples (which have receeeded, one is worse than the other I'd almost call the bad one NW3 material the other is definitely more like NW2) and my crown a little to improve density. I feel like other areas it's hard to get in with the hair. For the crown I try to part the hair to get it out of the way as much as possible.


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Try a derma stamp


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Can I ask what you were using the dermaroller on your face for? And if it's for pores/acne scars, I'd live to know your routine and results.

It works awesome. 1.5mm with numbfast cream, thick coat of it.. I draw blood everywhere..I do the whole face ,forehead included.. results are just incredible.. small veins. enlarged pores etc.. gone. I derma roll my face once a week.. for 6 weeks then I will stop for few months.

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I've only done one real roll so far, waiting for my numbing cream to push a bit harder. Is there any reason not to only focus on trouble areas? For me that would be the temples (which have receeeded, one is worse than the other I'd almost call the bad one NW3 material the other is definitely more like NW2) and my crown a little to improve density. I feel like other areas it's hard to get in with the hair. For the crown I try to part the hair to get it out of the way as much as possible.

When you get a new paint on your car.. Do you do the bumpers and the hood only or the whole thing? :) Cover the whole head.. get an haircut!

- - - Updated - - -

i am still 7th week :(... i have some road till i compete the study.

Take a 10-15 days brake. When I first started I had too. Some weeks I was going too heavy with the roller to fit in the 7days timeframe.:salut: We all new at this game. We learn something every week and adjust accordingly..Keep Minoxing!


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Casperz! I ****ing love your avatar! Common guys! get yours! it adds some personality to the forum!

Thanks, I ran across it on the web and thought it would per perfect here. I'm a bald ape!m Haha.

Man those PrettyFly results are amazing!!! This is the cure guys, this is the CURE!


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Hi everyone.

This is my first post. I am approaching 8 weeks with the dermaroller, exactly as the study indicated. I have been taking pics (not the best quality sorry) but i should be able to share in the coming weeks.

So far i can tell this is a slow process but im pretty sure there is some improvement happening with thicker hairs growing in. At the moment im only doing my crown as a test and if that works out i will do entire head. I have severe hair loss my crown is almost bald but still has remaining small vellus looking black hairs.

I draw blood on each weekly sessions. Usually i only do it for a few minutes but there is blood just no dripping blood. Usually takes a few days to go back to normal. Anyway i will update with my results soon its just not good enough yet but is promising. Im not taking finasteride only minoxidil which i started 8 weeks ago. :santa:


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I'm jumping on this train!

I will be using a 192 1.5 dermaroller and minoxidil 5% twice a day. Starting this friday. Let's see if something will happen. I ain't got that much hope but since I already have an dermaroller that I've been using for my face (with excellent results btw) I thought why not. I'm 23 and have pretty aggressive hairloss. Was on finasteride for 3 years but stopped 1 year ago have been trying to start again but every time I do within a week I get this burning pain when I pee, burns for 5-10 minutes after I've pee'd. So I aint using that **** no more. Every time I try to start again I get this problem. Other than that I didn't have any side effects other than love handles.

View attachment 22657

Your hair looks exactly like mine. Maybe I have a little bit more hairs left. I'm also new here and will probably get on the train also...


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Finished my 11th session. Picture update with results progressing.


these are great results, his update will be the way he uses 1.5 every 9 days and used to be slick bald
I'm thinking of waiting 9 days, 9 is the number of transformation plus I think a few days of extra healing may kick start growth.


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these are great results, his update will be the way he uses 1.5 every 9 days and used to be slick bald
I'm thinking of waiting 9 days, 9 is the number of transformation plus I think a few days of extra healing may kick start growth.

Which page is this from? and is there a before picture? Without that I can't really use this to anything.


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Hey guys, i was searching in a new therapy that some dermatologists use for treatment autoimmune alopecia.
They use a topical named SADBE.

This kind of topical creates a high skin allergic reaction and cause a high degree inflammation.
The science behind this is that way; the whole inflammatory agents migrating from the base of the follicles and they gather in skin surface for fighting the inflammation.

That way, the follicles are free for development because they are free of inflammation.

They also said that some of the inflammatory agents that was around the follicles, maybe retreat after they done their job in the skin area from the immune system, or maybe not and they will gather again around the follicles. So the treatment should start again.

I have the feeling that dermaroller works that way, (or better AND that way) by creates a ton of skin inflammation and "invites" the inflammatory agents in the skin surface area.
So, the hair are free for some time to breath and growth....

That's why we should go hard as some members says, the higher inflammation will have better results.

2young2retire pics and lymph nodes problem as a side effects; is the perfect example for that
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