New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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LMAO welly documented? Nothing special about it? Why do we still take meds if placebo has been proven to cure most if not all illness already? You're a walking contradiction bro. I want to say so much but I'll just take 1 shot at this reply. How does consciousness work? Why and how do we experience consciousness? Explain. No theories, I want hard facts and evidence. Once you can answer that question (which you can't) THEN you can tell me how the placebo affect (Which is the MINDS ability to HEAL physical aliments & ETC. WITHOUT ANY "SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN/APPROVED MEDICATION") works and how it isn't a "big deal" or anything "special" You can't tell me how a process of the MIND works when you don't know much about how we even experience consciousness lol..

Also, please explain to me why all of these scientifically proven/approved medications are the number one cause of human death? They go through countless studies until proven better than placebo and they still kill people even when taken as prescribed? Why hasn't science cured cancer yet? German New Medicine was before one of the doctors got jailed for I think "malpractice" and the guy had a 92% success rate in curing cancer. Wake up man... It's nearly 2014 already and you haven't gotten the memo already?

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@Bush I'm on an iPhone.... My computer is screwed up. I'm not going to hold your hand and provide you with studies. In order to beva "science head" you have to go and find/read new studies right? I'm telling you to go and keyword search wtf in talking about.... Or are you too stupid to do so? There are studies on everything I talk about as well as a whole bunch of anecdotal evidence. Whatever idiot that believes mainstream science is the answer for male pattern baldness or anything for that matter will die a very uncomfortable death lol. If mainstream scientists were so good & wanted to help us out so much why aren't there any mainstream cures for certain diseases out there? All there is, is maintanence so the Big pharma can profit. They wouldn't patent a natural substance even if it cured every disease because of the lack of profit they would receive from it... They admitted this already.

We're shifting to an era where we're about to release flying cars but still no mainstream cure for cancer even after what I said on my last post? I'm done with your simple minded ***. Back to the original topic.

yes, science does not have an answer for everything but it does not mean that it does not work where it is documented to work ... quantum physics might not explain a lot of stuff in cosmology but it sure explains a lot of phenomenon , some of which is used to make the internet work!! so does relativity! and countless scientific theories! if scientific theories were discredited just because they cannot explain everything, we would still be living in stone age! And regarding mainstream vs alternative therapies cure for male pattern baldness, i am pretty sure internet is filled with alternative therapies for every disease and i wonder why online forums are not filled with success stories with these natural therapies ... i mean if people found success with everything, "big pharma" profits would have nose dived anyways... i am also on a lot of supplements like black tea, soy, and just am relying on it but i do not discredit the mainstream research ... regarding cure for cancer, we still have to make progress in understanding how even a single cell works..but progress has been made...and it is slow but it is going on... and scientifically proven medications have saved a lot of lives - to say it is the number one cause of human death, it is just wrong ... anyways, i suppose when u suffer a heart attack u will refuse all medical treatment and stay at home and order some herb of amazon ... but i guess it will be for good coz when a avant grade idiot like you dies, it will only help make the world a better place...and yes BACK TO THE THREAD TOPIC...


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vitamin c topical could help, but maybe is not powerful..[/FONT]

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vitamin c topical could help, but maybe is not powerful..[/FONT]

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Been discussed before. Only works in vitro.!


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Squeegee you can be a d*ck sometimes but you are pretty well informed, so if I ever insult you I mean it in a nice way:)


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yes, science does not have an answer for everything but it does not mean that it does not work where it is documented to work ... quantum physics might not explain a lot of stuff in cosmology but it sure explains a lot of phenomenon , some of which is used to make the internet work!! so does relativity! and countless scientific theories! if scientific theories were discredited just because they cannot explain everything, we would still be living in stone age! And regarding mainstream vs alternative therapies cure for male pattern baldness, i am pretty sure internet is filled with alternative therapies for every disease and i wonder why online forums are not filled with success stories with these natural therapies ... i mean if people found success with everything, "big pharma" profits would have nose dived anyways... i am also on a lot of supplements like black tea, soy, and just am relying on it but i do not discredit the mainstream research ... regarding cure for cancer, we still have to make progress in understanding how even a single cell works..but progress has been made...and it is slow but it is going on... and scientifically proven medications have saved a lot of lives - to say it is the number one cause of human death, it is just wrong ... anyways, i suppose when u suffer a heart attack u will refuse all medical treatment and stay at home and order some herb of amazon ... but i guess it will be for good coz when a avant grade idiot like you dies, it will only help make the world a better place...and yes BACK TO THE THREAD TOPIC...

Karakakakakakannanakakanananaan Somebody bring outside ideas to the experimental thread and all you can come up with is die with your herbs you ****ing idiot?He's not talking voodoo sh*t yet! LOL First, most pharmaceuticals medications are manufactured from a plant..etc.. All you need is the right "molecules" to attack or stop a signal in your body. Cancer is a big business. People researching want to keep their jobs.. so they keep researching!! until they find a way to pattern and manufacture and make money out of it. Capitalism for you my friend. This is why I don't care about the FDA,Cotsarelis Follica... etc.. **** em.. **** all the bull****. If tomorrow I have cancer, I will do everything to survive just like I do with hairloss. If you believe in proven medications.. just stay away from the experimental section. Abuse "the big three" , you and your ignorance can masturbates at home waiting for a big cie to fix your hair on your dumb pumpkin. Sounds like a plan?

Google High dose Vitamin C or DCA Sodium Dichloroacetate and cancer! Both kill cancer cells but cannot make money out of them.

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Squeegee you can be a d*ck sometimes but you are pretty well informed, so if I ever insult you I mean it in a nice way:)

Sometimes I re-read myself and I can be the best example of a Bi-Polar ! hahaahahahahah Don't take anything personally. You can insult me.. I can take the hits! I often deserves it!


squeegee - what did i say wrong - am i wrong abt scientific theories working in their domains and not necessarily explaining everything. am i wrong about alternative therapies, if they were as successful would not we be inundated with pictures of success of people on those, am i wrong about progress of science happening slowly - you quote scientific studies abt wounding and progress has been happening but scientists do not understand everything , you have been involved in discussions about PGD2 , PGE2 , Fibrosis etc and you know these are recent developments...I was not talking abt DRing as some crackpot treatment , I was simply annoyed by the gross misinformation and prejudice spread by those members and they were bullying this guy for taking a stand against them... they are making statements like "scientific drugs are no1 cause of death" -- i mean wtf... i am not going to stay quiet and have such brain vomit been thrown here...and the same nutcases chasing ppl away so that their bigotry remains unchallenged... and i do not want to extend this fight further coz this thread is not for this was started first by those people...i was simply responding...BACK TO THE THREAD...


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Did my tenth roll yesterday. Second with the dermastamp. I really like the stamp. I stabbed the piss out of my head. For the first time since I been rolling about ten minutes after I felt my scalp pulsating and like blood rushing to my crown. It felt weird, but nice. And today my crown does look noticibly better. My front still looks kind of screwed, but hopefully that will get better. Just wanted to share my bald brothers. Take care. Also, I have been getting headaches more than often lately especially the day after I roll. Does anyone else experience this?


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yes, science does not have an answer for everything but it does not mean that it does not work where it is documented to work ... quantum physics might not explain a lot of stuff in cosmology but it sure explains a lot of phenomenon , some of which is used to make the internet work!! so does relativity! and countless scientific theories! if scientific theories were discredited just because they cannot explain everything, we would still be living in stone age! And regarding mainstream vs alternative therapies cure for male pattern baldness, i am pretty sure internet is filled with alternative therapies for every disease and i wonder why online forums are not filled with success stories with these natural therapies ... i mean if people found success with everything, "big pharma" profits would have nose dived anyways... i am also on a lot of supplements like black tea, soy, and just am relying on it but i do not discredit the mainstream research ... regarding cure for cancer, we still have to make progress in understanding how even a single cell works..but progress has been made...and it is slow but it is going on... and scientifically proven medications have saved a lot of lives - to say it is the number one cause of human death, it is just wrong ... anyways, i suppose when u suffer a heart attack u will refuse all medical treatment and stay at home and order some herb of amazon ... but i guess it will be for good coz when a avant grade idiot like you dies, it will only help make the world a better place...and yes BACK TO THE THREAD TOPIC...

1). I don't completely discredit science... I discredit mainstream science. They want money, not cured people. This is common sense and they have jailed many people that gave had high success rates in curing cancer. Dr.Harner (German doctor) was thrown in jail & he had a 92% success rate in curing cancer... I can name several cases like these as well as several forums vouching for things like the rife machine (curezone is one) I know of a person that was taking 180 prescription meds with serious things like Lyme disease & she is now off all medications just from using a mind/body healing modality religiously.

Your whole rebuttal doesn't even make sense to me... It seriously doesn't.. You're taking black tea & soy and you're complaining about alternative therapies lol? Seriously???? Who the hell said black tea & soy are good supps? I don't think they are at all, although they both have SOME benefits. Do your research before you talk bro.

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Casperz! I ****ing love your avatar! Common guys! get yours! it adds some personality to the forum!

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hahahhhahahahaha! :salut:


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Casp..If I walk around in a dress at the shopping mall, is my estrogen level will rise?

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When you hair start thinning, then game over! This is why it is important for the new balders to jump on the problem ASAP just like cancer I guess!

I understand what you're saying but, I don't think thinning is an advanced case.... If that were the case guys like you and casperz shouldn't even be trying to regain your hair back no? I was balding for 2 years before I recovered my hair... I was thinking a severe case (and your reply said SOME SEVERE CASES) was like 20-40+ years before it can be considered game over.... I haven't seen one person that didn't benefit from any if this & I've seen some case studies of guys growing full heads of hair after many, many years.


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@Belief.. I really think that all of us on here can grow their hair back.

According to this study.. we still all have our follicles.. but the micro-inflammation going on will bring some side-effects , fibrosis, hardening of the collagen, reduction of endothelial microstructures etc.. which takes a lot of time to reverse. This is where the derma roller comes in the game! This is why the new balders should not wait when they start noticing their hair thinning.

Bald scalp in men with androgenetic alopecia retains hair follicle stem cells but lacks CD200-rich and CD34-positive hair follicle progenitor cells.

Garza LA, Yang CC, Zhao T, Blatt HB, Lee M, He H, Stanton DC, Carrasco L, Spiegel JH, Tobias JW, Cotsarelis G.

Department of Dermatology, Kligman Laboratories, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104, USA.


Androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia), also known as common baldness, is characterized by a marked decrease in hair follicle size, which could be related to the loss of hair follicle stem or progenitor cells. To test this hypothesis, we analyzed bald and non-bald scalp from Androgenetic Alopecia individuals for the presence of hair follicle stem and progenitor cells. Cells expressing cytokeratin15 (KRT15), CD200, CD34, and integrin, α6 (ITGA6) were quantitated via flow cytometry. High levels of KRT15 expression correlated with stem cell properties of small cell size and quiescence. These KRT15(hi) stem cells were maintained in bald scalp samples. However, CD200(hi)ITGA6(hi) and CD34(hi) cell populations--which both possessed a progenitor phenotype, in that they localized closely to the stem cell-rich bulge area but were larger and more proliferative than the KRT15(hi) stem cells--were markedly diminished. In functional assays, analogous CD200(hi)Itga6(hi) cells from murine hair follicles were multipotent and generated new hair follicles in skin reconstitution assays. These findings support the notion that a defect in conversion of hair follicle stem cells to progenitor cells plays a role in the pathogenesis of Androgenetic Alopecia.


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Did my tenth roll yesterday. Second with the dermastamp. I really like the stamp. I stabbed the piss out of my head. For the first time since I been rolling about ten minutes after I felt my scalp pulsating and like blood rushing to my crown. It felt weird, but nice. And today my crown does look noticibly better. My front still looks kind of screwed, but hopefully that will get better. Just wanted to share my bald brothers. Take care. Also, I have been getting headaches more than often lately especially the day after I roll. Does anyone else experience this?

How long have you been rolling for again? You roll once every..... Week??


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I roll/stamp once a week. This is my 10th week rolling. Ninth using minoxidil. I use Minoxidil only once a day though. Im praying this would give great cosmetic results to us all.


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keep rollin


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squeegee i saw ur keto and mico posts,looks like they can help alot by preventing dht etc.Question: on which days post rolling?2?

i remember that ketokezanol still effects scalp for like 48 hrs after used .So maybe use it on the rolling day in the morning to have like 2 days still antiandrogen effects

PS: they do also have anti bacterial effects for those who are scared of mrsa oder sth.


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according to this . remodelling angiogenesys and generally most of the things last a yaer post wounding. remodelling up to two years. lol that means that if we wound sufficient we will start to loose maybe again hair in two years.

:):):):):):):):):):):):):) but because we need to over release factors of the first stages of healing we rewound hard once a week. it makes total sense that in the study results continiued to increase months after dropping roller and minoxidil...



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btw guys last night i shed 3 hairs :(


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according to this . remodelling angiogenesys and generally most of the things last a yaer post wounding. remodelling up to two years. lol that means that if we wound sufficient we will start to loose maybe again hair in two years.

:):):):):):):):):):):):):) but because we need to over release factors of the first stages of healing we rewound hard once a week. it makes total sense that in the study results continiued to increase months after dropping roller and minoxidil...



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btw guys last night i shed 3 hairs :(

Wouldnt your older non replaced hairs just continue to fall out around the new ones though.
I think like anything else this is a lifelong thing but in the end think of the good your doing for your skin and such by continuing.
Im looking forward to my next go hopefully friday evening


@BIK- i have put u on ignore list, so if u think i will read ur crap, i wont... so keep barking , hopefully DRing can help grow some brain cells too and if you "believe" hard enough might help your IQ go beyond single digits, so keep hoping !!! LOL....BTW to others, i am going to use a PGE2 topical post DRing, can someone tell me d ideal concentration of PGE2 needed?


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if you mean hairs where you didnt roll around. the hairs that would bald later in life.i believe no cause the hole head gets new vessels more circulation etc. and its kinda of chain to hair theory only though
Wouldnt your older non replaced hairs just continue to fall out around the new ones though.
I think like anything else this is a lifelong thing but in the end think of the good your doing for your skin and such by continuing.
Im looking forward to my next go hopefully friday evening


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@BIK- i have put u on ignore list, so if u think i will read ur crap, i wont... so keep barking , hopefully DRing can help grow some brain cells too and if you "believe" hard enough might help your IQ go beyond single digits, so keep hoping !!! LOL....BTW to others, i am going to use a PGE2 topical post DRing, can someone tell me d ideal concentration of PGE2 needed?

You mean you're going to use pure PGE2?
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