My 5300 Fue (turkey) - 7 Months Since Op!!


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Hi guys

I've posted a story about this before but now at a stage where I want to compare my before and after and get a consensus of what you all think.

To be honest my knowledge of hair transplants was somewhere in the middle compared to the demographic on here - I've seen people who clearly know more than I do and others who know less. I had done a fair bit of research in to this prior to choosing my clinic, which was Clinicana in Istanbul.

I feel as though the result has exceeded my expectations and am very happy. I've posted 5 pictures of where my hair was at prior to the procedure, and you can agree I had very advanced, ugly, patchy hairloss. I now feel and look completely different, for a fraction of the price I would pay in the UK. The 5 "after" pictures have different styles and range from 4-7 months post-op. The most recent one is where I am wearing the blue t-shirt (3rd last).

Happy for feedback and any questions.


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My Regimen
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Looking really good. Love your story.
Gives me faith, I really don't like the idea of taking finasteride due to sides, and prostate cancer in my family whereby his early detection was crucial. So the long-term use is just not it for me. Thereby, my hairloss is pretty aggressive where I look almost identical to my grandfather. This was first aggressive and then slowed down. He lost his cross, still has some in the middle and bald front.

Think this will happen to me too, but I think it will go slowly after my mid 20's. I might wait till 30, till it is maybe progressed further or maybe a little stabilized since my temples look like sh*t already.

Hope I can get the same results as you man!


Established Member
My Regimen
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great results, any pictures of your donor before and after ?


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No finasteride mate. Only sup I take is Biotin. Thinking of starting on minoxidil too but thats it.

I thought that finasteride was pretty much a necessity?

I'm not well versed in how hair transplants work but I thought that from somewhere.


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I thought that finasteride was pretty much a necessity?

I'm not well versed in how hair transplants work but I thought that from somewhere.

Not mandatory but risky, and more risky for FUE as many will thin slightly at a slower rate at the edges of the extracted supposed "safe zone" and therefore the transplants may thin too. May not also, but not a bad idea to just take the finasteride if possible to lower the risk.


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I'm really happy with the result. My surgeon is too - he still says there's potential for further growth considering it can keep improving until 18 months but I feel like this is the final result for me now.

I've attached some side-on of my donor as requested and an up top photo. I tried to get one of the back but it was too figity, kept turning out blurred etc and just didn't have the time to spend messing around. I took one picture with a flash and the other without for the side. This was deliberate. With the flash, you can clearly see a difference from the donor area. However, the one without the flash shows how it looks to the naked eye. In all normal lightings, you cannot tell any different between my donor area and the rest of the back of my head. With a flash, it does highlight it, but that's really the only time you see it. Tiny price to pay for what I gained out of it though.

I'm still supp-free, just on the biotin (orally once a day and biotin shampoo).


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I'm really happy with the result. My surgeon is too - he still says there's potential for further growth considering it can keep improving until 18 months but I feel like this is the final result for me now.

I've attached some side-on of my donor as requested and an up top photo. I tried to get one of the back but it was too figity, kept turning out blurred etc and just didn't have the time to spend messing around. I took one picture with a flash and the other without for the side. This was deliberate. With the flash, you can clearly see a difference from the donor area. However, the one without the flash shows how it looks to the naked eye. In all normal lightings, you cannot tell any different between my donor area and the rest of the back of my head. With a flash, it does highlight it, but that's really the only time you see it. Tiny price to pay for what I gained out of it though.

I'm still supp-free, just on the biotin (orally once a day and biotin shampoo).
Pete, great results and looks totally natural. When I see this type of result it makes me want to pull the trigger for a hair transplant. Is your hair caliber considered medium fine or fine?


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Pete, great results and looks totally natural. When I see this type of result it makes me want to pull the trigger for a hair transplant. Is your hair caliber considered medium fine or fine?

I worry about that...I was wondering if men's hair gets 'finer' in caliber past 40 like women who are not even losing hair.

I have a TON of hair on back of my's so far not miniaturizing BUT it's not as coarse as when i was in I worry how would it transplant being 'finer' in caliber. Not sure how to tell..i was told by 3 Dctors that I have a good donor area unaffected by hair loss...but our hair is 'finer' in caliber past age 40 (even without hair loss) least women I don't know about men.

I ask because I am contemplating a hair transplant eventually.


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For the majority of men, hair retained in the non-bald areas, including the back of the head, will become thinner as you get past 55-65. Probably still good enough as a donor though below that upper age group.

Pete, you look 15 years younger. Jackpot, man!
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I worry about that...I was wondering if men's hair gets 'finer' in caliber past 40 like women who are not even losing hair.

I have a TON of hair on back of my's so far not miniaturizing BUT it's not as coarse as when i was in I worry how would it transplant being 'finer' in caliber. Not sure how to tell..i was told by 3 Dctors that I have a good donor area unaffected by hair loss...but our hair is 'finer' in caliber past age 40 (even without hair loss) least women I don't know about men.

I ask because I am contemplating a hair transplant eventually.
My hair caliber is thinner all over than before.