MSM supplement showing signs of new growth


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Is MSM easy on the stomach at these doses (5-10g+) ? Read some people get a lot of gas/ bloating (from which I suffer regularly already so an addition would be pain).
I haven’t noticed any stomach issues myself. If you’re prone to having issues with meds and such just start slow and see how you react.


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I'm struggling to take 4 pills a day right now ... makes my head feel dizzy and weird ... maybe it's just an adjustment, but will try and stick with 4g a day and try and make my way up to 10g per.


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Does anyone have before & after photos of their progress with this?
What do you need pictures for?everyone here had some reasonable progress .At the very minimum their hair loss stopped or reduced significantly
.If you want to go from nw7 to nw0 you can always try HRT and let us know how it works out for you.


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He just needs to go through the thread to see some pics, I'm trying to take one every 20 days or so but am personally waiting for that aha moment when all the thin new hairs become normal
He just needs to go through the thread to see some pics, I'm trying to take one every 20 days or so but am personally waiting for that aha moment when all the thin new hairs become normal
Damn straight


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He just needs to go through the thread to see some pics, I'm trying to take one every 20 days or so but am personally waiting for that aha moment when all the thin new hairs become normal
The pics seem to mainly from one dude ... who seems to have had good results ...

What I was after was a baseline vs 3-months-in or something side-by-side.

But that's okay, I will do it. :) I have ordered some of this stuff and will give it a crack.


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I'm fairly certain now that after a while the MSM levels in the body just stabilize and after that maybe you just piss away any excess. Would explain why the initial results were so noticeable as the body was quickly reaching the heights due to the large doses. And after that it kinda just probably stays steady and maybe with a little extra boost from something else the regrow will be quicker
yes agree....same case for me


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I too hope for density increase over time so far it's going at a snails pace. I can often see new light hairs at the front and they do get longer, they just get thicker incredibly slow I guess. But you're wrong about it just adding shine, it's hard to complain about MSM when it gives god-like texture. It just feels great and looks so healthy man, more volume and a lot of strength.
u need to couple msm with fish oil/ omega 3s and GLA , u will see results faster


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usually the first signs of MSM is working for u . u will notice few strands of hair which are extra long. After a 1-2 months u will notice hair feels different to touch a bit thicker....and shinier.. all this shows MSM does something to hair , something positive.


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I ve had scalp psoriasis with thick plaques my whole life.Even strong steroids didnt work.But for the last few weeks my scalp is mostly clean .Is the msm responsible?I don't know but if it isn't that must be some wild coincidence.That by itself is a huge bonus for me.Besides that, mostly thin lifeless hairs all over my scalp.
it is MSM.. i had the same incidence... except that i dont have full male pattern baldness, just diffuse thinning
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WAY too early to say, I've only been using it for under a month, usually most oral treatment for hair takes at least a few months to show substantial improvement since hair grows in cycles and also because I never had significant shedding to begin with, it was more miniaturisation and thinning that I had.

Will wait atleast 6 months before I can make a decision. I have just reduced my dosage to 1 capsule just today which is around 800mg though, would be best to start on 1 capsule of 800mg to ease your body onto it anyway.

But I can say that I noticed my hair follicles feel less sensitive to DHT sensitive triggers. So it must be working in some way.
yes it is working for u dude. Cos the male pattern baldness itch ill be gone.


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Nearly a week in, no side effects at all?? so I've upped to 12mg (12 pills) a day. I just wonder the purity of the brand I'm using.. since I notice no change - no headaches/insomnia/nausea that some users report


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I bought mine from here (I'm actually in Sweden, but they ship all over the place). The reviews are good. I hope it's legit - I bought 2kg of the stuff. I guess we'll see soon enough:



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Lol that's extremely cheap
I actually just received and am having my first dose as I type.

It looks like extremely fine, white-as-snow powder. Like creatine or something. I can't taste anything weird but I added 2 dis-solvable magnesium tablets and 2 resorb tablets in the water and they're pretty strongly flavoured.

I dunno why they cut the price so severely. I ordered it a few days ago at full price. :(


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Are you going to try it topically?
Yeah, sort of. I ordered this stuff and will start with that when it arrives in a few days...

I'll also post a picture of my head today as a baseline to measure progress. I'll post the same picture every month or so in the same location and same light and see what happens ... if anything.