Low Testosterone Levels = Accelerated male pattern baldness?


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oh my... how are you feeling though? If you're always tired then that could be hypothyroidism and that could also be the cause for your low T levels.

for 5 days a few weeks ago i felt horrible....brain fog, extreme fatigue...etc. but lately i have been feeling fine for the most part

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here to help you guys

low t is a sign of liver problems if you want your hair here is what you do.

No more alcohol, No more pop, stay away from fatty foods or carbs, you need your liver to heal, you probably have some level of nash that the doctors wont find.

Your gallbladder is probably not good. laser combs are usually pretty good for this, duetseride will slow it. Pantene Prov V shampoo and Nizoral.

Stay away from minoxidil

Its not the low t thats killing your loss its the screwed up liver/thyroid combo

I guarentee your tsh is above 2.0

TSH is 2.950 uIU/mL with a range of 0.450-4.500


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your tsh 2.950 is way to high normal young people with good hair are around .95
the range is not right, the range is off because half of america is overweight and half of america is insulin resistant.

You have a liver problem i guarantee it, probably Nash or gall bladder. Low liver equals high tsh, low testosterone, high cholesterol, high white count.
minoxidil will do nothing for you, duatestiride will help but not fix.

Drink water, low sugar, low carbs, no alcohol, no smoking, no red meat, no fatty foods

Get your gallbladder checked you need a hida scan, its where they inject die into veins with a nuclear scan and check your gallbladder
The ultrasound for stones is usually useless. Most young peoples problems is sludge.
Another thing you can do is take epsom salt it makes the gallbladder pump.

Normal hairloss is slow and happens in your thirties. When young people get it there is something wrong way wrong. Doctors just dont understand it, and are to lazy to help.
I have been through this and i am trying to help.

Again if your hair is normal, and you are a normal young adult your tsh is below 1.0 when people that have a thyroid disorder and they are on medicine for the thyroid
Doctor keeps them below 1.0

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brain fog is a definite problem with liver, you will feel exhausted.
my guess is you have irish or english blood in you also

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also folligen cream usually works fast for someone like you its cheap and you can get it at amazon, I had the best results with that stuff.


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I've been thinking of getting a blood test but dont know what type to ask for. Ideas?


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I've been thinking of getting a blood test but dont know what type to ask for. Ideas?

Thyroid full panel: TSH, T3, reverse T3, T3 uptake, T4, free T4

testosterone, free testosterone, DHT, SHBG, estrogen, estradiol


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I haven't had a blood test since I was like 20 and that was for sugar or whatever. Now 26. Have diffuse thinning all over head including sides and back. Though never been aggressive. I get brain fog, tired all the time. Black bags under my eyes, senesitive to light.


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I haven't had a blood test since I was like 20 and that was for sugar or whatever. Now 26. Have diffuse thinning all over head including sides and back. Though never been aggressive. I get brain fog, tired all the time. Black bags under my eyes, senesitive to light.

I am here to help this was me 5 years ago

Black bags and fog are part of nash or gallbladder problems. So is sensitivety to light. HYPOTHYROID is a symptom of liver problems.

I cured my hypothyroid simply by stopping fatty foods, and alochol.

America is becoming less healthy and its showing up on our heads. High Fatty foods ruin livers, so does alcohol. Pop is the worst. Young people are having heart attacks left and right. Chinese people eat way healthier they dont lose hair until there 40's.

My story started getting diffused thinning at 18, got on minoxidil at 19 it did NOTHING. TOOK finasteride FROM 19 TO 22. Got on Duatesteride from 22 to 25 did little. Got on folligen with duat. It helped alot. But the duat was killing my sex drive didnt even think about girls for 4 yrs. Got off duat had gallbladder surgery. Life was hell, Quit caring bout hair for a while. Lost alot of hair. Learned about this alternative stuff, take nizoral, folligen and laser, and a way better diet and I am gaining fast.

Young people dont lose hair unless you have a problem. You are supposed to lose hair in your late thirties normally because of accumulation of dht. People that have liver problems lose it fast, because you have a autoimmune problem that almost all liver people have. Your body is attacking the hair follicles, and the DHT is making it worse.

minoxidil will make it worse.

Usually people with this will have a reddish scalp, that is itchy. They say its male pattern baldness, because of the hairline, when i reality its something else. male pattern baldness is slow over years, this **** that hits young people takes there hair out in 2 years.

Folligen works by helping the skin heal. Stopping the reaction. I had results with that in 2 weeks that were very positive.
Folligen will do very little for slow male pattern baldness guys but for young people with this ultra hair loss it might be the best thing

Problem with getting on hypothyroid meds, is they are hard on liver, and you can end up making your problem worse

Try my way first see what you think.

Take epsom salt drinks daily, for 3 weeks
Take epsom salt baths you are detoxing.

Its up to you on the dutasteride it will kill your sex drive but help hair loss. I stay away as I like ****ing girls lol.
Use Nizoral 1 percent every other day.
Use folligen cream at night 4 times a week.
Buy a lasercomb from laserwands, use it ever other day
Pantene Pro-v ever other day that you are not using Nizoral
Once a week use head and shoulders

Now for the diet.

No pop
No candy
Absolutely no alcohol
eat as much gluten free bread as you can
eat lean turkey meat
no fried foods
stir fry is great, with rice, and chicken
also stay away from heavy red meats

you need to heal, to stop this reaction

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what i mean by eating as much gluten free
is always eat the least bread as you can but if you do eat gluten free if you can
carbs are terrible for liver
I know a guy who was supposed to get a liver transplant but stopped eating breads and completely healed.

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another major test on liver us your poop gross but true.

When you are in high school bowel movements are perfect and you barely wipe.
When you get older you usually start going more, and having to use half a roll to get urself clean

Thats your LIVER not working as well. Your head and your poop and bags under your eyes are literally how healthy you are. If you do not
change your life style you are in all types of other serious health problems

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[SIZE=+1]Higher testosterone Equals Lower DHT levels in Aging Men




Duasteride stops 98 percent of DHT so it should cure hair loss shouldnt it. News flash it doesnt. Just slows it there are other contrubuting factors
DHT just enhances a problem that is already there.


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someguuy, stop posting your "theories".... what makes you think hypothyroidism can't cause fatty liver? Prevalence of fatty liver in Japan is almost the same as in the US, yet the japanese don't go bald


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Op, how is your sex drive?

my sex drive is a-ok, but my semen is watery from finasteride side affects

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yeah you're definitely hypothyroid... good news is that it's very treatable and it will probably solve both of your problems - low T and hair loss.


I don't know what's up with someguuy but I'm pretty sure he'll be trying to sell something

thanks for your help sir, i just found this link:



Established Member
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hmm, just got blood work done. i am 30 and have a receeding hairline. i am in shape, eat very healthy (low carbs, no refined sugar / fat etc). i'm on finasteride and i still get that itchy/tingly feeling once in a while only at my hairlne where i am receeding.

i sweat a lot and here were my TSH numbers: 3.6 i guess this is high and is an issue?

previous to finasteride when i got my blood work my TSH was 2.34 hmm...

My T4 Free is 15.7, and my T3 Free 4.9, Test is 15.4 range 10-30 nmol/L (raised since i've been on finasteride)



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hmm, just got blood work done. i am 30 and hav a receeding hairline.

i sweat a lot and here were my TSH numbers: 3.6 i guess this is high and is an issue?

previous to finasteride when i got my blood work my TSH was 2.34 hmm...

My T4 Free is 15.7, and my T3 Free 4.9, Test is 15.4 (raised snce i've been on finasteride)

yeah with 2.34 you were already hypo. Your current TSH now confirms this.

What is your T range? 15.4 doesn't mean anything to us

a lot of people on propeciahelp report thyroid problems so it must be connected.


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yeah with 2.34 you were already hypo. Your current TSH now confirms this.

What is your T range? 15.4 doesn't mean anything to us

a lot of people on propeciahelp report thyroid problems so it must be connected.

test range: 10-30 nmol/L

so finasteride could be making things worse by increasing my TSH #'s? lol ouch. i wish i had gotten a DHT test prior to finasteride. i still haven't gotten one.

what is also odd is i sweat a lot, have oily hair/skin, and can't handle heat.. which i have read is associated with low TSH #'s (hyperthyroid), not high (hypo) like i have..


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in a 10-30 range, 15.4 would be kind of low too... your hypo might be causing that. Start taking thyroid hormones and do a test a month or so later


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i eat a ton of steamed broccoli, and i just read broccoli increases TSH levels.. hmm.

but none of this makes sense with regards to me sweating a ton.


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yeah with 2.34 you were already hypo. Your current TSH now confirms this.

What is your T range? 15.4 doesn't mean anything to us

a lot of people on propeciahelp report thyroid problems so it must be connected.

2020, you seem to know much about this matter. did you have hypothyroidism as well? if so, did your hair start growing back after treatment?


Experienced Member
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2020, you seem to know much about this matter. did you have hypothyroidism as well? if so, did your hair start growing back after treatment?

nope, just been reading propeciahelp and other forums. I have been tested for hypo and my TSH came back at 1.6 so I most likely don't have hypo...

even if you're balding in a typical pattern, it's very much possible that hypothyroid state would accelerate this process


Established Member
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Isn't stuff like hypothyroidism aggressive and fast? Not slow and progressive?


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Just saying because most cases I seen online are aggressive, like a ton of hair in 3-5 months. Not thin out for awhile etc