Lots Of New Info On Follica's Website


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age 43
My 23 years of experience.
The only way to program stem cells to new hair.
tsuji second hope.
New topical and wounding never follicles.
Such a big scam funds.
The new stem cells and organs.

Jeca Tatu

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new follicles in bald areas?
but no proof lie?
norwod 7 new hair?
DHT and destruction.

age 43
My 23 years of experience.
The only way to program stem cells to new hair.
tsuji second hope.
New topical and wounding never follicles.
Such a big scam funds.
The new stem cells and organs.

Awesome poetry, mate!


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Powerful, isn't it? The despair and the pain of the writer are palpable, along with the language barrier.

It's strange to me that people are so down on this... @hellouser attempted to talk to cots at the last conference, but was all but avoided... It's obvious they're keeping everything tight lipped... I doubt they're going to release much info if any, so you're basing their products success on assumptions... As highly regarded as cots is it would seem strange for him to attempt to sell a useless product...


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I dunno but it doesn't really matter.

Hair loss products do not get sold on the strength of an individual Doctor's credibility. If this treatment turns out to be crap (and I am not declaring that it is) then he probably won't get personally sunk by it.

We'll have to see. It's too early to tell. I'm just not very optimistic without human testing.



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I dunno but it doesn't really matter.

Hair loss products do not get sold on the strength of an individual Doctor's credibility. If this treatment turns out to be crap (and I am not declaring that it is) then he probably won't get personally sunk by it.

We'll have to see. It's too early to tell. I'm just not very optimistic without human testing.


So you don't think people are putting more credibility in this product specifically because it is something a leading scientist in this field has been working on for years? I think you're absolutely wrong that a company like this isn't banking on people taking cots credibility as a selling point when considering purchasing this product...


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I think nobody outside of a few internet baldness forums has ever heard of Cotsarelis, let alone having any opinion about his trustworthiness.

The market for Androgenetic Alopecia treatment is not just these forums.


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I think nobody outside of a few internet baldness forums has ever heard of Cotsarelis, let alone having any opinion about his trustworthiness.

The market for Androgenetic Alopecia treatment is not just these forums.

So you think Follica has no intentions of informing people that their product was designed by one of hairloss's leading doctors from UPenn, because nobody but those in this forum care?


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Follica wouldn't spend millions of dollars just to release something no better than Finasteride or minoxidil.... that's my take. I'm excited for their treatment.


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Follica might tout Cotsarelis's name on the treatment or they might not. It won't make a difference to the vast majority of the public either way.

I agree that they probably have something better than finasteride & minoxidil if they are bothering to release it. But how much better remains to be seen. That is pretty low bar to set in the big scheme of things.



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Follica might tout Cotsarelis's name on the treatment or they might not. It won't make a difference to the vast majority of the public either way.

I agree that they probably have something better than finasteride & minoxidil if they are bothering to release it. But how much better remains to be seen. That is pretty low bar to set in the big scheme of things.


Yeah I guess if name association to a product were so irrelevant companies would stop giving record contracts to athletes, but unfortunately that's not the case... I also think there's a certain amount of pride cots has to not release junk...


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How much control does Cots have?

It's a privately funded operation with other people involved. They haven't released anything after a decade of burning through research money. Cots might be feeling the long term pressure to put out something whether it's his masterpiece or not.

I am just spitballing here. But the negative views are no less supported than the positive ones right now.



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I was under the impression that most if not all of cots patents are controlled by the University of Pennsylvania.


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Not sure what to think... looks like they spent the most time on that website, presentation and courting investors.


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Oh no doubt there is pressure. They want to make money. But if Cots disagreed,he would surely leave.


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"But if Cots disagreed, he would surely leave."

I won't say you're wrong but that is very much a gray area.

Cots would have to weigh his chances for funding elsewhere. That kind of funding is never assured and it's a perpetual PITA even for those who get it. The Follica gig has to be nice for him. (How much research is Ken Washenik doing now that Aderans has folded?)



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Yeah I guess if name association to a product were so irrelevant companies would stop giving record contracts to athletes, but unfortunately that's not the case... I also think there's a certain amount of pride cots has to not release junk...

At some point he has to decide he's never going to do anything worthwhile, so he needs to cash in on something. His name isn't worth anything if he never does anything. I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I think he does have something with this. It's just not a cure. We have already seen people get great results from wounding. Hopefully he has perfected the protocol, and we will see even better results.