Kintor has started Phase 3 trial in China for Pyrilutamide


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guys, after cutting the dose to 1/4 for a week without noticing any changes to the side effect (low libido). i'm finally stopping this drug and planning to try a weaker AR antagonist.

pyri works great for the hair but for me it killed my libido.

it is accumulating somewhere because when i started i could see the effect of lowering the dose immediately (the itch come back quickly and libido heals rapidly). but now even with low doses it takes a long time to notice.

i took a long shower and chaged all my clothes and bed sheets and pillow.

what's the consensus on CB-03-10 ? is it true that it has no side effects because it is well designed to degrade when it hits the bloodstream but on the other hand it's only good for maintenance ? because that's fine by me. if i can keep the hairs that pyri grew back i'll be happy.
I guess the good thing is that you can buy it from the same site

Thanks for sharing your results with us. Shame about the side effects.

I don’t think I’d try it without a modern vehicle, and it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen anytime soon.


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I think we can put this to rest. we have all been fooled by great marketing but as soon as china was on the table we should have know that they are all about looking real to the outside but having low quality products. Kintor did not do much research and did not motivate why pyrilutamide should even have less sexual sides. their goal was never to make a safe anti androgen but to just get some slice of the finasteride market particularly in china. if 10% or more have sexual sides who care there is still enough people to use it in their own country. thats all they need for it to be a commercial success. susceptibility to side effects on anti androgens is a genetic defect just like hair loss itself. its ridiculous to think someone would tailor a treatment just for people with this defect. I sure hope however they get major issue with FDA approval and their shitty product flies them right in the face. then they can apply their ethanol garbage vehicle right where it belongs.
OR whatever lab is selling illegal copies of Pyril has screwed us over / haven’t got it right.

Just being devils advocate here. I don’t think we really know.

All I know is I’m grateful for you guys and people testing this stuff. Nothing ventured nothing gained.


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OR whatever lab is selling illegal copies of Pyril has screwed us over / haven’t got it right.

Just being devils advocate here. I don’t think we really know.

All I know is I’m grateful for you guys and people testing this stuff. Nothing ventured nothing gained.
on reddit some guy said his estrogen was highly elevated on pyrilutamide. and many people said the sides are typical anti androgen sides. so I dont think the lab screwed anybody over tbh. its just that pyrilutamide is not the miracle drug we hoped for unfortunately


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I am also looking for something to replace Finasteride. I'm rejecting women that I like because of the side effects and my surroundings are starting to think that I'm homosexual (I don't have problems with them haha) but yes, I need to maintain and with that I would be happy.
anyway, when should piry rehearsals come out in the US? fourth quarter of 2022 right?
another aspect, I suppose you know cosmeRNA68, in this they have created some micelles for the molecule, so I suppose that scientists are aware of the importance of an effective vehicle, more than us. One thing that strikes me about this compound is that in theory it suppresses the AR receptor in the hair, but nevertheless its result is an increase of 4% according to the study, when it should be a cure in the field of androgens.
What about accept yourself and shave your head? Better than have hair and don’t have sex with any girl. What you think?


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What about accept yourself and shave your head? Better than have hair and don’t have sex with any girl. What you think?
I agree with this.

I’d do the same except I have a FUT scar which is why I personally keep coming back here.

While I hate it, I did have a good 10 years of success with it and got lots of female attention during that time. I don’t care as much now that I’m happily married.

Next move for me in another hair transplant with Eugenix in India.


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What about accept yourself and shave your head? Better than have hair and don’t have sex with any girl. What you think?
not for me. I need the confidence that feeling good about myself gives me today to feel good. In the future, who knows?
In addition, it would be very hard to stop the treatments and that in 5 years an effective maintenance would come out


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not for me. I need the confidence that feeling good about myself gives me today to feel good. In the future, who knows?
In addition, it would be very hard to stop the treatments and that in 5 years an effective maintenance would come out
agree. if I look like prince William then it doesnt matter if I have a partner or not, it'd be hell for me. that guys is what im morphing into and sometimes I have nightmares of looking like him. he is a respectable man but that look is just so terrible, the horseshoe is uglier than actually having an ugly face. shaving your head is not the final act, you'll still get the horseshoe and look bad and obsess over your appearance.


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@Min0 I stopped 100% pyri during 7 days until recover líbido.

Then I tried very low dose and I had líbido OK, but hairloss continue. After 1 week I increase the dose and hairloss stopped again, but after 2 days with the normal dose my líbido decreased.

I am still trying to find a balance, but not sure I will be able to do it.

@badnewsbearer I would prefer shave my head that take finasteride again. Topical finasteride goes systemic, and is less effective for hairloss but with same sexual side effects. No worth it.

@Min0 in 45 days we know that Pyri works, but in 10 years I never saw that CB works for any body.



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maybe you should shave your head modill? like this week. good luck. you generally dont know what you are talking about


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maybe you should shave your head modill? like this week. good luck. you generally dont know what you are talking about
When you don’t like my comments you click “dislike” like a little kid. I understand your frustration.

I shaved my head, but with Pyri I stopped to see if it works. Now I am trying to find a balance using the lowest dosage. If I don’t find, I will shave again.


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When you don’t like my comments you click “dislike” like a little kid. I understand your frustration.

I shaved my head, but with Pyri I stopped to see if it works. Now I am trying to find a balance using the lowest dosage. If I don’t find, I will shave again.
that is what a "dislike" button is for. you'd be surprised how many of my comments have been disliked


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@Min0 what about this?

Please use google translator. They say:

Natural option for hair growth
37% reduction of follicles in telogen phase in only 90 days

Natural option for hair growth by stimulating the production of growth factors
KGF, IGF-1 and VEGF. It is a phytocomplex with specific fractions of vegetable oils.

Mechanism of action
Stimulates the gene expression of the growth factors KGF, IGF-1 and VEGF, involved in the proliferation of the cellular matrix, dermal papilla and vascular system.
dermal papilla and vascular system; increases the amount of extracellular matrix in the dermal papilla and maintains the follicle in anagen phase.

- Stimulates hair growth.
- Conversion of the telogen to anagen phase of the hair fiber.
of the hair fiber.

Topical use of 2.5 - 5%.
- Androgenetic alopecia.
- Alopecia areata.
- Telogen effluvium.
- Anagen effluvium.


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@Min0 in 45 days we know that Pyri works, but in 10 years I never saw that CB works for any body.


according to the internet, pyri doesn't work, but it did work for me. i'm hoping the same thing with CB. i just ordered a premade 2.5% CB solution from actifolic, i don't believe in mixing it myself, perhaps that's what's making the difference. i always buy premade

i hope it will be enough to maintain for me. and looks like it is a well designed drug that degrades in the bloodstream into other metabolites so it means less or no side effects.


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according to the internet, pyri doesn't work, but it did work for me. i'm hoping the same thing with CB. i just ordered a premade 2.5% CB solution from actifolic, i don't believe in mixing it myself, perhaps that's what's making the difference. i always buy premade

i hope it will be enough to maintain for me. and looks like it is a well designed drug that degrades in the bloodstream into other metabolites so it means less or no side effects.
According to internet Pyri doesn’t work? Where?? I have read several posts on reddit from people that works for them.

I have also read from people that doesn’t work, but who knows, maybe they are on finasteride and they cannot notice the real effect. For me works as crazy, in fact, if I use 1ml at 0,5% I have libido (not 100% but yes 85%) and at this dosage, pyri regrow hair enough. The problem is I am noticing chest pain, and I don’t like it. Low libido is ok, but chest pain is not ok.

Anyone else can share experiences?


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according to the internet, pyri doesn't work, but it did work for me. i'm hoping the same thing with CB. i just ordered a premade 2.5% CB solution from actifolic, i don't believe in mixing it myself, perhaps that's what's making the difference. i always buy premade

i hope it will be enough to maintain for me. and looks like it is a well designed drug that degrades in the bloodstream into other metabolites so it means less or no side effects.
on CB there should be no sexual dysfunction, I think the molecule degrades into cortisone in the blood and that has no anti androgenic activity. thats why I find it so sad that Cassiopea is such a poorly managed company and thanks to covid as well there have been no further trials. I think people got stupid because of the 12 months phase 2 results. lets not forget that CB after 6 months was better than finasteride and on par with pyrilutamide in terms of hair growth. sure, the results got worse but it shows it gets to the hair follicle and does something there to at least mitigate the damage quite a bit. this could have been a legit product but its like a curse on this field, like a law of physics that no product shall ever pass phase 2 in hair loss research. its absurd. haven't heard about recruitment for phase 3 either. they said it'd be on the shelves in 2021 back in 2018 and now they dont even have another trial done. at this point id not be surprised if it never comes out. which would be insane because the product is already on the market in a different formulation so they have the safety data and they have the manufacturing all in place already they literally just make a second product and put a different label on it and done. its so retarded. I hope this works for you and that it'll be easier to acquire in the future and that this stupid company moves forward at some point. they even talked about "well FDA application might be quick for Breezula because we already have the drug on the market". I feel like covid damaged them quite a bit, its an Italian company as well and that was particularly affected in 2020 when they planned their phase 3 trial. such a shame


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according to the internet, pyri doesn't work, but it did work for me. i'm hoping the same thing with CB. i just ordered a premade 2.5% CB solution from actifolic, i don't believe in mixing it myself, perhaps that's what's making the difference. i always buy premade

i hope it will be enough to maintain for me. and looks like it is a well designed drug that degrades in the bloodstream into other metabolites so it means less or no side effects.


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on their website it says

"Based on these results, we have selected the 75 mg BID dose for the phase III study, discussions are ongoing with the FDA and pending the successful outcome of these discussions we expect to commence the phase III trial in the second half of 2022."


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Rather than lower the dose, I would try to leave the lotion on the scalp for less time. leave it just a little while to make its anti-androgen effect and then remove it from your scalp.

If you leave it working for hours, at the end part of the substance will end up entering the body and that is when the problems come. I think It is not necessary, even a simple shampoo like ketoconazole 2% has been proven to have some anti androgen effect and we only let it act for a few minutes on the head.

I remember there was a guy who would upload videos on YouTube of himself applying Minoxidil foam, which he would leave on his scalp for only a short time and still had very good results for a while.