JDW's Story - (with pics)


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still the same mate unfortunately, the front of the hairline has really started to miniaturize as well...still on the finasteride and back at 1mg a day now.


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damn, going through a REALLY aggressive shed right now. If I wet my hands and run them through my hair I get about 10 big healthy hairs stuck to it everytime. Even the sides are coming out if I run my hands through it, surely this isn't right. shite, could this be down to increasing my finasteride dosage?! could it be that my hair just can't 'handle' this much finasteride? is it me changing from Proscar to Fincar?! or something else?!

I swear I'm not exaggerating when I say that my hair is coming out in clumps.
the lack of answers to these questions is so frustrating. I'm going to monitor how a few others react to switching from finasteride to dutasteride and maybe follow them but if it is the increase in finasteride that is doing this then durely dutasteride will run riot on my hair?!


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I've been through the same when i switched Elitenet Pharmacy Finasteride 5mg to Fincar. Though i've been through agressive flaking skin with bulk hair attached. Now things are undercontrol and i shed normally (a little more because of anti-flaking skin shampoo).

But i think Elitenet Pharmacy Finasteride 5mg was better than Fincar.


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IBM are you still on fincar or did you change back?


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JDW said:
IBM are you still on fincar or did you change back?

I'm still on Fincar. I've supply for more three months i think.
I may change to dutasteride 05mg/day next time i buy the meds.


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same here mate, keep me updated with what you decide.


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if finasteride and minoxidil dont stop my hairloss, i will give spironolactone a try as well.


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Re: JDW's turn

Ok am onto my second month of dutas, still no change and I continue to shed harshly. Today I ran my fingers through my hair again and again and again and could keep coming out with hairs. :lost:


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Re: JDW's turn

can it be your hormone (excessing T level) causing your hair loss?


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Re: JDW's turn

well in that case the medications are pushing T levels up so if I stop them then DHT will rise back up...
If this is the case surely I'm in a no win situation?!
16 months on treatments and it's just continued to get a lot worse.


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Re: JDW's turn

I am thinking what if you reduce your overall T level, will it lead to less conversion to DHT as well?


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Personally I would want a hormone test so you know what is going on, the thing is that you don't know for a fact what your DHT, test, and various estrogen levels are.

The thing is we need to see tests from both positive and negative responders of both finasteride and dutasteride.

It may simply be a lower or higher does is needed or that something odd is going on with the different types of estrogens, or even further that the AR (androgen receptors) are becoming more abundant and sensative. There are many possabilities but the test will allow us a better understanding.

Otherwise I would suggest and anti androgen. DIM may be a very good option for you as it has been shown to not only be and anti-androgen, helping excreate excess hormones, but also has been shown to lower testosterone which may be by excreating.

The supplement is cheep, has tons of studies, and most importantly is used by a lot of people so you have real world experience to go on.


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If I were you, I'd cut my hair down to about 3 inches in length. If the amount of hair coming out is stressing you and freaking you out, it might help because it won't be nearly as noticeable. The more you stress and worry, the more you may be causing damage. I have a similar hairline and that was the single best move I've made so far. I started with hair longer than yours and progressively got it cut shorter and shorter and the fact that I don't think about it as much makes me feel better about my situation.


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you still have a lot of hair left and it looks quite thicker... I would say the only way to bring back your NW1 hairline is hair transplant.

I think you will be a great candidate for that.


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appreciate the commments guys but when i can lightly tug at my hairline and come away with 3 hairs everytime it's worrying. If i can't even maintain on dutasteride then a hair transplant is certainly not an option. I would be very happy with maintenance right now but I'm far ffrom that situation. The worrying thing is that hte hairs tha ar coming out are LONG, THICK & BLACK. Is this the much debated dutasteride 'fontal shed' taking hold?!


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sh*t I've just pulled 80 hairs out of my frontal area with no effort...this isn't right.
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JDW said:
$#iT I've just pulled 80 hairs out of my frontal area with no effort...this isn't right.

Please don't pull your hair out! I think that's becoming your habit. :nono:
I think this is causing your thinning to some extent... I used to do that too.
I know hairloss drives you crazy, but when you are worried too much, it can makes things worse.
Somebody has said it alreay but buzzing your hair short can help you reducing the stress...
I think getting your hormone level tested is a good idea. I also thought once that I had hyperandrogenicity but the blood test proved me wrong.
Good luck :)


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when my male pattern baldness first started, I can easily get 50 hair out without too much effort.