Fidia is an amateur band of garbagemen who will never release anything worth calling a hair loss treatment for as long as they stand on this Earth.
I'm calling it right now.
Are you sure you want to call it now?
After many delays, 1000+ pages of shitposting on this forum alone (not to mention other forums such as bellicapelli and ieson), and a perpetual dearth of published clinical evidence?
Wouldn't it make more sense to wait another year, or perhaps another 1000 pages, before even daring to consider the off-chance that this lotion may perhaps not be nearly as effective as we all have come to believe within our heart of hearts?
Isn't the doctor famous? Shouldn't we demonstrate gratitude toward our most beloved inside-man
@beps63 and his irrefutable descriptions of that most potent ambrosia that can revert several Norwoods? Nevermind that he assumed we would be impressed by the most recent conference presentation. What incentive could he possibly have to tell us anything but the most objective interpretation of the state of affairs?
And what about that amateur with temple growth on ieson? Aren't those unofficial pictures enough to convince even the most staunch skeptics?
What additional evidence would one
possibly need in order to see the most obvious impending success of the lotion?
I'll tell you what,
@whatevr - go ahead, call it right now. Your lack of faith will seal your doom. The lotion does NOT work on non-believers.