Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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If they were driven purely by financial gain they would have marketed it now regardless of it effectiveness because they know the following the product now has. You wouldn't be taking this long if it was 100% snakeoil. As for the lotion not doing anything - the fact that someone made their own in a lab and had the results we've all been wanting points at it doing at least something positive.
I agree. We see too many bogus products (foreskin lotion, laser combs, anything by dnc labs) come out all of a sudden with all of these “studies” and “results” seemingly overnight. One of my favourites was the one spectral dnc brought out with “astressin-b” in it. Anyone with a brain in their heads knows that it takes years of human safety and efficacy trials before anything gets marketed to the consumer. Honestly, if it DOESN’T have a somewhat drawn out proces, you have to question where the evidence of efficacy actually comes from.


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Honestly, if it DOESN’T have a somewhat drawn out proces, you have to question where the evidence of efficacy actually comes from

Exactly this . And not to mention there is no way if you were Brotzu (either father or son) you would let your name and contact details be so known both on public forums and facebook, whilst knowingly orchestrating a snakeoil product - you'd just be asking for abuse and backlash. Im not taking off by Brotzu t-shirt just yet.

Hopefully Fidias 9 month long '3 week Christmas break' ends soon :rolleyes:


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Could someone gather all the possible side effects of different variants of Equol? What would be the difference between oral and topical application? I've got lost in this thread already.


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Could someone gather all the possible side effects of different variants of Equol? What would be the difference between oral and topical application? I've got lost in this thread already.
Hey, you should head over to the thread that @IdealForehead made about equol. It’s got a lot of useful info.


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Dont you guys think that by now if this sh*t worked someone official would post one definitive photo showing irrefutable evidence of growth. Just one. But nope.
Even a year or two ago, there was a "trial" performed that claimed something along the lines of:
Month 1, hair loss slowed down
Month 2, vellus hair thickening, hair loss has halted
Month 3, robust hair growth, hair loss still halted.
And so on...
Dont quote me exactly, but it was something along those lines. My point is even then, when they reported "robust" growth there WAS NOT ONE PHOTO of any evidence to prove this. And im not counting any of the areata patients.
We cant get one photo from Brontzu Sr., his son, Fidia, one of the 60 testers....give me a f*****g break man. And its not because of a NDA. There are no good legit photos.
We are dreaming if we still believe this is legit. There is no proof. But "the science is sound". No, f*** that. What the hell do we know about sound science? A lot of theories sound like they should work until they don't. I'm not trying to be negative, but I just come on here to see the latest real information, and all I get is people mixing up real information (which is zero) with speculation and hope.
But i still cant tear myself away from this thread. Im an f*****g idiot.


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Dont you guys think that by now if this sh*t worked someone official would post one definitive photo showing irrefutable evidence of growth. Just one. But nope.
Even a year or two ago, there was a "trial" performed that claimed something along the lines of:
Month 1, hair loss slowed down
Month 2, vellus hair thickening, hair loss has halted
Month 3, robust hair growth, hair loss still halted.
And so on...
Dont quote me exactly, but it was something along those lines. My point is even then, when they reported "robust" growth there WAS NOT ONE PHOTO of any evidence to prove this. And im not counting any of the areata patients.
We cant get one photo from Brontzu Sr., his son, Fidia, one of the 60 testers....give me a f*****g break man. And its not because of a NDA. There are no good legit photos.
We are dreaming if we still believe this is legit. There is no proof. But "the science is sound". No, f*** that. What the hell do we know about sound science? A lot of theories sound like they should work until they don't. I'm not trying to be negative, but I just come on here to see the latest real information, and all I get is people mixing up real information (which is zero) with speculation and hope.
But i still cant tear myself away from this thread. Im an f*****g idiot.

Although ironically a homemade version did actually create 'robust shiny hair growth' by month 3...Funnily enough i think the actual lotion will be worse than the homemade one.


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Isn't it that the symptoms of MS almost disappear during pregnancy as well? Don't quote me on that but I remember reading this some time ago.

Likely because MS is an infection but classified as an 'autoimmune' disease of unknown origin. Estradiol has some antibacterial effect but it mainly triggers the body's antibacterial mechanism which indirectly affect the course of MS while Estradiol levels are high.


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Although ironically a homemade version did actually create 'robust shiny hair growth' by month 3...Funnily enough i think the actual lotion will be worse than the homemade one.
I agree, but again we dont really even know what was in the homade version. It could have been minoxidil and bull semen. Its all just guesses


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I agree, but again we dont really even know what was in the homade version. It could have been minoxidil and bull semen. Its all just guesses
I can tell you that there were non minoxidil in that lotion. None


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I can tell you that there were non minoxidil in that lotion. None

The temple regrowth result is what gives me hope that this lotion could be of some help to strengthen weakened hairs, if these pictures are of people that used a lotion similar to Brotzu. The female photo from the presentation was pretty good too.