Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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I cant remember the last time I had this much anticipation for anything. Probably my first date. I hope this turns out alot better than that


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Not a brotzu hater nor am I delusional but why hasn’t there have been anything in the media/news about this yet? Or maybe it’s still too early and if the results truly are remarkable it would then gain attention. Idk just a thought.


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Not a brotzu hater nor am I delusional but why hasn’t there have been anything in the media/news about this yet? Or maybe it’s still too early and if the results truly are remarkable it would then gain attention. Idk just a thought.
I think after April 14th conference there will be some news


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With regard to how effective this is going to be....

Run a little survey. Approach people in your life, whether your parents, significant other, teacher, whoever. Simply tell them that you are eagerly awaiting to find out how effective an Italian hair loss lotion can be and that you think it might cure baldness. Note their reaction. Bubble burst. There’s your answer.

Let's go back to the 50's and tell people that in the 60's a human being will walk on the surface of the moon and watch their reaction... oh wait .


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I've been balding since 2013.
Finasteride definetely permanently slowed down my baldness even after quitting.
Initial loss was very fast and lots of follicles died.
Now that slow down is catching up.
I may look like that British prince soon.
I don't want to die, yet my inner hatred againt the world is becoming uncontrollable. I often scream that I want to kill, my neighbours are scared, the old lady started praying for her life. When I hear voices from the flats below and behind the walls I scream: i want to cut you all up, you pieces of sh*t!

Doesn't help that I'm getting older. I'm going to psychiatrist tomorrow since I'm turning crazy, I just wanted life as a young man back.

5 Years recovery? It's a fuckin joke, fine if you're NW2, but if 4 who will soon turn 5, how would that cosmetically help you, assuming it at least revives only peach fuzz, but not those tiny, light, almost invisible vellus on your scalp aka slickbald area. Also assuming it has resurrection properties.

I've had enough.
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Murkey Thumb

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I think Brotzu will only add something to the armoury, its not going to be a cure for 90% of us. However if it will regrow even peach fuzz we know that by using RU/finasteride etc, we can get that fuzz to turn into fully fledged hair. No cure but better than minoxidil hopefully.


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Let's go back to the 50's and tell people that in the 60's a human being will walk on the surface of the moon and watch their reaction... oh wait .

Lol, the delusion. Yes, this place is NASA and Dr. Brotzu is President Kennedy allocating a billion dollar budget.

The moon landing was a concentrated, well-researched, and well-funded endeavor that captured the interest of the world. It wasn’t discovered by “accident” by an obscure Italian doctor tinkering in his laboratory.

In before “respected family” and “muh Nobel Prize (nomination).” Just lol.


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This is the second time Brotzu has has been to Sitri, he was there in 2016...didn’t hit the news then probably won’t make international news now. I want Brotion to work just as much as the next guy but why isn’t the media all over this? I really hope Brotzu is not taking us for a ride. But again I don’t think I’ve ever seen an infomercial for finasterside...


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im pretty sure i ve never seen anything on the news aside of minoxidil that wasnt a scam
If the product works the derms will learn about it and prescribe it , dont expect to see it on the tv


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This is the second time Brotzu has has been to Sitri, he was there in 2016...didn’t hit the news then probably won’t make international news now. I want Brotion to work just as much as the next guy but why isn’t the media all over this? I really hope Brotzu is not taking us for a ride. But again I don’t think I’ve ever seen an infomercial for finasterside...
No one cares about balding. Only part of the balding community does. You don't see ads for finasteride fixing hair loss.
Not to mention this is only in Italy, has not been released, etc.


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Lol, the delusion. Yes, this place is NASA and Dr. Brotzu is President Kennedy allocating a billion dollar budget.

The moon landing was a concentrated, well-researched, and well-funded endeavor that captured the interest of the world. It wasn’t discovered by “accident” by an obscure Italian doctor tinkering in his laboratory.

In before “respected family” and “muh Nobel Prize (nomination).” Just lol.
You do realize rogaine and finasteride were both discovered by accident, right


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Yeah exactly finasteride is never advertised. Yes they were discovered by accident so this seems to be following suit...really hoping the Brotion pulls through... only 15 days till Sitri.

Hoping to get a confirmed release date....whether it’s 1 month or six months..this sh*t just better work.
I can’t imagine Brotzu has fabricated his results. For what purpose?
I’ve got faith this will definitely work, otherwise Fidia would want no part of it.


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this lotion is definitely gonna do something , if it was a pure scam they would ve just released it 1-2 years ago with the cool regrowth pics , made some money and thats it
It might be a major or minor improvement tho,even if there are great pics and trichograms at sitri you ll still have to wait 6 months after the release to see what it does


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So in regards to the little "5 year" rule...what if someone had been balding for a decade. but brings some hairs back with the big 3. Would the italian lotion bring back hairs that the big 3 made into vellus hairs? Would the italian lotion help those vellus hairs?

Can't believe I actually asked that. I feel like I just asked a fortune teller to read my future.
lol for the love of god people need to stop taking the 5 year claim seriously as a solid fact. Its an observational claim from Brotzu from the early days of testing. Its not some scientific law where every single person who takes the lotion will get 5 years of regrowth. its just some of the people he tested got that amount of regrowth based on their history of hair loss. Everybody gets different results.


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Just like the results with minoxidil are variable. Some girls have had amazing results with minoxidil alone
So I wonder if topical treatments favour better results with females vs. males in general ?