Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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So equol and DGLA are not particularly expensive chemicals to produce right? Because obviously that would be the big concern for Fidia - and by extension, ourselves - is if the lotion can even be reasonably expected to be profitable after commercialization. I know that's why Aderans decided to pull the plug even though they likely had a fairly solid maintenance solution. Obviously this point is moot if the lotion proves to be ineffective for Androgenetic Alopecia, but even if it doesn't work that well, given the constraints they can avoid by selling it as a cosmetic, it would be pretty shocking at this point if this doesn't reach the market. The question now is when..


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So equol and DGLA are not particularly expensive chemicals to produce right? Because obviously that would be the big concern for Fidia - and by extension, ourselves - is if the lotion can even be reasonably expected to be profitable after commercialization. I know that's why Aderans decided to pull the plug even though they likely had a fairly solid maintenance solution. Obviously this point is moot if the lotion proves to be ineffective for Androgenetic Alopecia, but even if it doesn't work that well, given the constraints they can avoid by selling it as a cosmetic, it would be pretty shocking at this point if this doesn't reach the market. The question now is when..

It's crazy they're still so quiet about it. The interview with brotzu that said they finished testing came out about a month and half ago. And we done even know if it was just over or if the testing has been done for awhile before the interview took place. I wonder if admin reached out if they'd be willing to talk now.


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It's crazy they're still so quiet about it. The interview with brotzu that said they finished testing came out about a month and half ago. And we done even know if it was just over or if the testing has been done for awhile before the interview took place. I wonder if admin reached out if they'd be willing to talk now.
Well to be fair he didn't exactly say the trials were done, the phrase used was "Given the data we now have, I think the company will put the product on the market fairly soon." But that doesn't exactly mean the trials are over.


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It's areata, isn't it? (she's got her hair long approximately 5 cm)

yes far as I know he only did study of women over 50.

It's crazy they're still so quiet about it. The interview with brotzu that said they finished testing came out about a month and half ago. And we done even know if it was just over or if the testing has been done for awhile before the interview took place. I wonder if admin reached out if they'd be willing to talk now.

it must be stabilization problems at room temprature--but I do wish they would address it or confirm this.


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Well to be fair he didn't exactly say the trials were done, the phrase used was "Given the data we now have, I think the company will put the product on the market fairly soon." But that doesn't exactly mean the trials are over.

Ahh, that's fair. Thank you for that clarification. I hope they finish soon.


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So random assumption here: The guy who was claiming to see pictures of 2 people who went from Norwood 3/4 to fully recovered, it may be fair to assume, (assuming this guy was telling the truth), that these patients were 2 younger guys who lost all of that hair over the course of the past 5 years or less.


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lol I got banned on another forum 'cos apparently they do not like somebody to argue against the Brotzu lotion... ridiculous... either you keep saying brotzu will work brotzu will work or you get banned? Of course this is just my impression, but I am starting to wonder whether some hairloss forums might have some economic interests behind this lotion, that they have to hype the product before we even have any single proof of their effects? 'Cos I really cannot understand how somebody can so strongly believe in something without any scientific proof, to the extent that users which say the opposite get banned... I'll just leave this forum as well before you ban me for my opinions, keep putting faith in the Brotzu lotion without any proof it works, if that makes you feel better. Not interested in discussing with people that restrict freedom of expression. IF AND WHEN proofs of the Brotzu lotion working will be released, I'll be the first one to be happy of admitting I was wrong.


First of all I'm sorry you got banned and I don't know why people got offended about your posts but normaly you would not get banned if you made a solide argumentation against the lotion. I have not read your posts so i can't judge you but there where a lot of idiots here lately which just talked a lot of bullshit. I think there is a big difference between arguing and just trolling. There are many people here which gave some good points why they don't believe the lotion will work and why they have their doubts and i really respect their opinion because we don't know by now how good the lotion is and i'm 99% sure that none of them got banned.

For me the argumentation that there is no evidence is just wrong. Yes there are no really good photos for Androgenetic Alopecia but there are sientific facts, that this lotion does regrow hair and you can't ignore that and the argumentation that the lotion does not work because there are no photos is okey but not really solide. If the only fact you believe in are photos, then you must be really frustrated at this point because there is literally no product in the pipeline which has good photos. Most of them are bad quality or have different lightning or styling etc. But this does not mean that there are no sientificy facts that those products will work for Androgenetic Alopecia and nothing will come out in the next few years.

For the Brotzu Lotion just look at the FAQ thread about this lotion. There are studys and interviews which give some inside and facts about the lotion and even a paper which has some (bad) photos on female Androgenetic Alopecia. Also there is that presentation from brotzu about his researsh on AA which clearly showed some positive results. (by the way a big thanks to @The 7TH Sense for translating the video, awesome work!). Check those information out, make your decision wether this lotion works or not based on this informations and if you make a solide argumentation why this lotion does not work you wont get banned and you will probabely even recieve some thumbs up.


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First of all I'm sorry you got banned and I don't know why people got offended about your posts but normaly you would not get banned if you made a solide argumentation against the lotion. I have not read your posts so i can't judge you but there where a lot of idiots here lately which just talked a lot of bullshit. I think there is a big difference between arguing and just trolling. There are many people here which gave some good points why they don't believe the lotion will work and why they have their doubts and i really respect their opinion because we don't know by now how good the lotion is and i'm 99% sure that none of them got banned.

For me the argumentation that there is no evidence is just wrong. Yes there are no really good photos for Androgenetic Alopecia but there are sientific facts, that this lotion does regrow hair and you can't ignore that and the argumentation that the lotion does not work because there are no photos is okey but not really solide. If the only fact you believe in are photos, then you must be really frustrated at this point because there is literally no product in the pipeline which has good photos. Most of them are bad quality or have different lightning or styling etc. But this does not mean that there are no sientificy facts that those products will work for Androgenetic Alopecia and nothing will come out in the next few years.

For the Brotzu Lotion just look at the FAQ thread about this lotion. There are studys and interviews which give some inside and facts about the lotion and even a paper which has some (bad) photos on female Androgenetic Alopecia. Also there is that presentation from brotzu about his researsh on AA which clearly showed some positive results. (by the way a big thanks to @The 7TH Sense for translating the video, awesome work!). Check those information out, make your decision wether this lotion works or not based on this informations and if you make a solide argumentation why this lotion does not work you wont get banned and you will probabely even recieve some thumbs up.

Come on, the Brotzu lotion patent, as any patent, is public... anybody can read it and know how the lotion works... Now, if this lotion would really work as Brotzu say... do you think Follica, Shiseido, Replicel, Tsuji, Histogen, and so on, would invest so many years and money to figure out a solution to hair loss??? Seriously? If hair can regrow just by putting a miracolous lotion on the scalp, why should Follica invest money and years of research in some complicated procedure which involves wounding the head at the hospital? Why should other companies invest in stem cells injections if we already have a magic lotion fixing the problem simply by putting it on our head before going to sleep??? Are all those companies stupid, or are they just aware Brotzu lotion is BS and we need something more serious to fight hair loss? NOBODY would go to have its head wounded by needles with Follica treatment, or injecting stem cells in his body for a presumable very high price, if he could have is hair back just with a cream on his head, be serious...


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Come on, the Brotzu lotion patent, as any patent, is public... anybody can read it and know how the lotion works... Now, if this lotion would really work as Brotzu say... do you think Follica, Shiseido, Replicel, Tsuji, Histogen, and so on, would invest so many years and money to figure out a solution to hair loss??? Seriously? If hair can regrow just by putting a miracolous lotion on the scalp, why should Follica invest money and years of research in some complicated procedure which involves wounding the head at the hospital? Why should other companies invest in stem cells injections if we already have a magic lotion fixing the problem simply by putting it on our head before going to sleep??? Are all those companies stupid, or are they just aware Brotzu lotion is BS and we need something more serious to fight hair loss? NOBODY would go to have its head wounded by needles with Follica treatment, or injecting stem cells in his body for a presumable very high price, if he could have is hair back just with a cream on his head, be serious...

Well minoxedil and finasteride does that already but with sides for some People. Doesn't stop Them from developing something better.
I think this lotion realisticly is more about maintiance with hopefully minimal sides and some possible regrowth.

Sweet Seventeen

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Finasteride is f*****g aweful somebody please bring brotzu lotion to me
What worries me is the equol. I thought the doctor clearly stated: "I would never recommend anyone taking finasteride". Why has he added equol then..? Have I got something wrong?


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Come on, the Brotzu lotion patent, as any patent, is public... anybody can read it and know how the lotion works... Now, if this lotion would really work as Brotzu say... do you think Follica, Shiseido, Replicel, Tsuji, Histogen, and so on, would invest so many years and money to figure out a solution to hair loss??? Seriously? If hair can regrow just by putting a miracolous lotion on the scalp, why should Follica invest money and years of research in some complicated procedure which involves wounding the head at the hospital? Why should other companies invest in stem cells injections if we already have a magic lotion fixing the problem simply by putting it on our head before going to sleep??? Are all those companies stupid, or are they just aware Brotzu lotion is BS and we need something more serious to fight hair loss? NOBODY would go to have its head wounded by needles with Follica treatment, or injecting stem cells in his body for a presumable very high price, if he could have is hair back just with a cream on his head, be serious...

There is different levels of work. It could work but not be a cure while the other companies are looking for a better solution. With that said, I'm still a little sceptic to this lotion. I hope they release it soon so we can shut this thread. Almost 10.000 replys - has any thread got that amount of attention?


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Come on, the Brotzu lotion patent, as any patent, is public... anybody can read it and know how the lotion works... Now, if this lotion would really work as Brotzu say... do you think Follica, Shiseido, Replicel, Tsuji, Histogen, and so on, would invest so many years and money to figure out a solution to hair loss??? Seriously? If hair can regrow just by putting a miracolous lotion on the scalp, why should Follica invest money and years of research in some complicated procedure which involves wounding the head at the hospital? Why should other companies invest in stem cells injections if we already have a magic lotion fixing the problem simply by putting it on our head before going to sleep??? Are all those companies stupid, or are they just aware Brotzu lotion is BS and we need something more serious to fight hair loss? NOBODY would go to have its head wounded by needles with Follica treatment, or injecting stem cells in his body for a presumable very high price, if he could have is hair back just with a cream on his head, be serious...

No offense but that line of reasoning is simply awful. First of all, you have the chronology all mixed up: Brotzu's lotion was only tested for hairloss within the last couple of years and its effects were discovered accidentally. Some of those other companies you mentioned, like Follica and Shisiedo have been around for close to a decade. They've been paying researchers to discover the mechanism of male pattern baldness, and doing extensive trials on their own methods.

These companies are trying to break into a vastly underserved market, its illogical to think they would close up shop and quit after they've raised millions of dollars and used all their resources just because of a single patent from a non-hairloss expert in Italy. There's no clinical data to suggest that the lotion works - it's all anecdotal at this point. And even if it does work, as a topical treatment, it's highly unlikely to work on higher norwoods and older people.

And also, applying a daily topical ointment that messes up your hair is far from some idealized treatment. For people with the disposable income, you can bet your *** those folks would rather have a more advanced, permanent solution like injecting stem cells if it means avoiding a daily chore, even if it's a significantly higher price. In almost every market there's competition, and consumers will pick the products that work best for them, at a price point they can justify through their economic means.


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Like everyone has pointed out, we don't know how well this lotion will work. Even if it works as well as some claim it does it's not going to be the solution for everyone. Even if it lives up to it's best claims, anyone under 25-30 may be able to reverse several years of hair loss, but the majority of people out there are past those 2 deadlines. However it will be an absolute miracle for anyone who meets the criteria of either being young or being in the earlier stages of hairloss. But for everyone else, products like Shiseido and especially Tsuji are needed.


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Blah, blah, blah, blah...
There is no f-ing evidence, but the Brotzu believers ain't going away any time soon.
2018 is approaching. Can't you just wait and stop coming full circle every single week?
You're right 2018 isn't that far off, so if it really bothers you so much why don't you come back then and we'll discuss what we know at that point. For now we are discussing the potential of the product based on what we know as well as what others MAY have seen. Now could they be lying and making things up? Of course they could. Personally I don't see why they would but it's absolutely possible. But that's what this forum is, a discussion. If you don't like it then that's completely fine, come back in 2018 when we know more or go start your own thread specifically for announcements. But when you come to a thread that is nearly 500 pages you can't be mad when people continue to post and discuss.

Armando Jose

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Come on, the Brotzu lotion patent, as any patent, is public... anybody can read it and know how the lotion works... Now, if this lotion would really work as Brotzu say... do you think Follica, Shiseido, Replicel, Tsuji, Histogen, and so on, would invest so many years and money to figure out a solution to hair loss???

Could it be thought that these firms have also conducted studies with the Brotzu patent? And if they have not found very favorable results, they have continued their own investigations ...


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Could it be thought that these firms have also conducted studies with the Brotzu patent? And if they have not found very favorable results, they have continued their own investigations ...
I doubt it, all of this companies were working on solving hairloss for many years before Brotzu's patent came along. It would be quite Ironic actually if Brotzu was actually a lot more effective then these treatments considering it's discovery was an accident. These companies would probably be pretty upset actually. (except for Tsuji, because that would be the cure no matter how bad one's hairloss was)

Christian Miller

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You're right 2018 isn't that far off, so if it really bothers you so much why don't you come back then and we'll discuss what we know at that point. For now we are discussing the potential of the product based on what we know as well as what others MAY have seen. Now could they be lying and making things up? Of course they could. Personally I don't see why they would but it's absolutely possible. But that's what this forum is, a discussion. If you don't like it then that's completely fine, come back in 2018 when we know more or go start your own thread specifically for announcements. But when you come to a thread that is nearly 500 pages you can't be mad when people continue to post and discuss.
Nope, an individual who hasn't gotten obsessed with this particular lotion would have understood my point of view.
People talk the same sh*t every single week.
What's interesting (aka suspicious) is that once in a while sb will crop up and provide us with some kind of unsubstantiated bullshit about this mighty lotion.
Like bep (where is he?), The7thSense and others who just spread rumors and y'all are falling for them.
Just have a cool shower and then read the last twenty pgs of this thread.