Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Agreed. Hopefully they do but if the GB lotion doesn't work I wouldn't completely discount the actual lotion - although some people on here will.

I'm in the GB and hoping to get the lotion soon and try it out. I have longer hair so I'm worried about how I can apply it efficiently.

Yeah people are already discounting it so the backlash will be crazy if the gb doesn't pan out haha. Keep us posted brother!

Also maybe you could get one of those Roots hair club brushes, would probably really help apply the lotion to your scalp


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I really don't think the term snakeoil is applicable here. Snakeoil is when some shady company will mix together a bunch of natural oils and herbs, most of which you've never heard of, give it some fancy name and packaging and set up a bunch of Amazon reviews to make it sound great.

This is a legitimate company, backing a legitimate team headed by a legitimate doctor. And if you look into the ingredients and processes, from the interview with Dr
Brotzu, and research it a little, it all seems solid and is something that hasn't been done before. I would put money on it not being snake oil ( I say that as a recently graduated unemployed student), the question is how effective it actually is and when it's coming out


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Yeah people are already discounting it so the backlash will be crazy if the gb doesn't pan out haha. Keep us posted brother!

Also maybe you could get one of those Roots hair club brushes, would probably really help apply the lotion to your scalp
Just checked it out thanks for the tip never knew that existed.

Just not sure if will be able to handle a thicker lotion.


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I wonder what Dr. Brotzu would think if he decided to google his name and sees that every result that appears is about this lotion.

Mr White

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So what is supposed to be the driving force of this lotion that should enable all this magical regrowth of hair lost within the last 5 years?
To me it sounds like a slightly souped up herbal cocktail. The equol is surely not going to give regrowth, we know inhibiting DHT generally doesn't lead to that.
So, it's either the DGLA... or something else. Must be something pretty powerful, I mean come on. His claims are in line with the kind of results you might expect from taking a MTF transgender regimen. So either he's not telling everything that he plans to put inside or, some of these ingredients are indeed magical.

I don't know but maybe the ingredients you mentioned will work synergistically. And combining this with finasteride and minoxidil may be even more effective.

I'm usually patient and optimistic but I have to confess I'm a bit anxious about Brotzu's lotion. It's the best and closest thing we've got right now. This wait is killing me! :(


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This thread reminds me of the film Groundhog Day.

A "snake-oil" salesman who doesn't try to sell us anything or take our money. Yeah right!

As said before I think it's very unlikely to be snake oil with Dr Brotzu's reputation on the line, I mean why would someone do that at that point in their career, it doesn't make any sense.
Also as I've said before I find it very hard to believe this lotion won't work at least to some level, the level or how well it works will be the key point, as in will it be at worst another minoxidil or at best regrowing five years of lost hair, or somewhere in between. That is what we want to find out.

Also I think it's very unlikely to have any major sides, Brotzu said there was none and tested the lotion on young children.


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Yeah I agree with that, they're bad photos. I'd love to see some good photos which would give us something concrete to chew on, and I believe we'll get them in the coming months. I get your skepticism, it's not unwarranted, I'm just staying hopeful and trying to keep an open mind

Check my join-date (and this is not even the first forum I joined)
In light of that, I'm just really really at the end of my goodwill and excitement.
In fact, I ran out about 5 years ago after product nr x that had everyone hyped, pictures turned out to be taken with a potato and product x went on to under-deliver.

let's just say even Richard Simmons would stop laughing after all this time and after all these disappointments.

Mr White

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How is it the best and the closes thing we've got right now when we don't even know if it's working? Explain me your logic behind this?

I have no idea if it works or not but we have good reasons to be optimistic (solid research, famous doctor, reliable company).


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Admin needs to lock this thread for a few days so you guys would calm the f*** down already. :) People are spamming with posts that have nothing relevant to add to the topic.

And how is what you're doing helpful or relevant? Just ignore the thread if you don't believe in the research and are irritated by the posts, youre just being childish haha


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Check my join-date (and this is not even the first forum I joined)
In light of that, I'm just really really at the end of my goodwill and excitement.
In fact, I ran out about 5 years ago after product nr x that had everyone hyped, pictures turned out to be taken with a potato and product x went on to under-deliver.

let's just say even Richard Simmons would stop laughing after all this time and after all these disappointments.

Hey man I getchya, can't argue with that. I just think, yaknow, it's 2016, something better HAS to come along soon, and I'm choosing to believe it could be this


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The only reason I am seeing are the words of allegedly reputable 80 year old doctor.

I wouldn't say he's allegedly reputable, he is reputable unless this turns out to be bs.

There's also the women with AA who was part of Brotzus trials and said the lotion works and seen men with Androgenetic Alopecia get results. I really doubt she'd lie, she's also a hair loss sufferer.

Most on the forum say this is snake oil just based on a lack of pics which is ridiculous imo, they have nothing to prove at this point to a bunch of forum members. He's a researcher they don't focus on taking pictures. If fidia releases no pictures from their trials that is a huge concern because they're going to market the lotion.

I'm optimistic but waiting on Fidia's announcement to make a final judgement


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I guess we are getting desperate. Most products like this would get labeled snake oil and buried the same day the thread opened.
The only difference here? This one has a reputable doctor's name attached to it.

My take on this product, bottom line - best case scenario, if the equol penetrates topically and successfully binds >90% of DHT, then you can expect maintenance. And that would be a huge win for this product already. Maybe a slight growth boosting effect from the DGLA if that ingredient is as useful as is claimed. Less than, or on par with, minoxidil.

But the part about reversing 5 years of hair loss and such sounds like unfounded speculation.


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I'd rather see it without DGLA, just being able to maintain, without any unsustainable growth that requires this specific product to be continued instead of enabling a smooth switch to a topical anti androgens that may be released in the future.

That Guy

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But the part about reversing 5 years of hair loss and such sounds like unfounded speculation.

To me it doesn't sound like "unfounded" speculation but rather a rare, very best case scenario that was probably observed or is hypothetical based on the best results they did see.


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I guess we are getting desperate. Most products like this would get labeled snake oil and buried the same day the thread opened.
The only difference here? This one has a reputable doctor's name attached to it.

My take on this product, bottom line - best case scenario, if the equol penetrates topically and successfully binds >90% of DHT, then you can expect maintenance. And that would be a huge win for this product already. Maybe a slight growth boosting effect from the DGLA if that ingredient is as useful as is claimed. Less than, or on par with, minoxidil.

But the part about reversing 5 years of hair loss and such sounds like unfounded speculation.

Along with the reputable doctors name attached this was also purchased by a large reputable cosmetics company, which to my knowledge has never been the case with previous snake oils


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I'm reading pages and pages of hype and can't get the real information from all the spamming.

There's been no new information in weeks. The last new information was that Fidia would not release new information until after the summer.