Italian Hair Loss Lotion To Hit The Market In 2016


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Note that the word "remedy" is used when in Italian the word "cure" is used.
Where I come from, freaking tea with flowers is called a "remedy".


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Note that the word "remedy" is used when in Italian the word "cure" is used.
Where I come from, freaking tea with flowers is called a "remedy".

Well, remedy is correct. Is not a "cure" as It is not going to erase our Androgenetic Alopecia predisposition genes.


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Well ze imposter was right about somethings. Der presentation will contains a low resolution photo of Beps's scalp. That is all I can reveal for now.

Anyways, gotta get back to my Swedish smörgoosebord. Auf viedersehen!

LMAO - I gotta say this is pretty hilarious. Low res pics of beps' scalp!! - this sums up this thread so perfectly.;)

Holy f*** its real

Is it only real now because the notice was posted in english, as opposed to Italian a number of days ago?

"aka Brotzu lotion" They noticed us apes again

Yeah, a tip of the hat to us forum users. To say the least, Im sure this forum is nothing but a source of endless entertainment at Fidia. 1300+ pages of pure speculation, bro science, conjecture, unraveled sanity, and heresy.

Many here are guilty of being more emotional about this lotion than a tweenie girl is about a teenage boy band - complete lunacy and the antithesis of masculinity.


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I think the study is up for review and then naturally it will be in the public domain.

They note the completion of the study in bold, so hopefully you're right.

The emotional rollercoaster that this has been it's hard to be confident about anything, but it's really hard to speculate that they conducted a study for over a year, found that it really doesn't have any marked efficiency comparable to current treatments, and then are going to bring it to market internationally.


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I just f*****g hope that a decent few people here who buy this stuff take good before and after pictures.


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I bet they will have a lot of pictures on the trinov website. Either way I will give it a shot I don’t have many options left.
Same here. It's either wig time or this dubious crap. I'll be NW7 when Shiseido hits the market. I'm Norwood 4.5 already, lost my glorious bangs when I was 19, started balding at 17.

What makes me hopeful is not the fact the Brotzu should work on Androgenetic Alopecia, but the fact that was used for an autoimmune disease and I have one, the same one which could trigger baldness (thyroiditis).


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Same here. It's either wig time or this dubious crap. I'll be NW7 when Shiseido hits the market. I'm Norwood 4.5 already, lost my glorious bangs when I was 19, started balding at 17.

What makes me hopeful is not the fact the Brotzu should work on Androgenetic Alopecia, but the fact that was used for an autoimmune disease and I have one, the same one which could trigger baldness.

Now that you mention it, I think my biggest concern isn't that they won't release photos, or that it doesn't work outright, but rather what it works for. They've not mention androgenic alopecia specifically at all in the company statements. An alopecia areta treatment, great though that may be for those afflicted, and as happy as I would be for their newly found relief, wouldn't really have a hell of a lot of relevance for most of us.


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It seems that Clockwise’s imposters name is ClockwiseD and he is a new member. This guy should be banned.


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At least we can be confident Fidia's ingredient list won't look like this other "anti-fall" product that efarma sells.

Edit: All of the other anti-fall products on efarma are just vitamins. Hopefully Fidia doesn't surprise us--not that that wouldn't be hi-larious.
I'm not sure what you were reading, but on the product you linked, only a very small portion of it is made of vitamins.

The main ingredients are:
1. Evening Primrose Oil, which, like S-Equol (A main ingredient in Brotzu) is derived from a plant. And is often used with soy isoflavones (which is what S-Equol is) for naturopathic (aka bullshit) remedies.
2. Methionine, also known L-Methionine, is an amino acid studied to be involved in keratin production
(L-Carnitine, a main ingredient in Brotzu, is an amino acid)
3. Cystine, which is another amino acid found in high concentrations in hair cells.
4. Glycine soja oil, which is a soybean oil, (isoflavone just like s-equol). And guess what, it consists of linolenic acid. You know borage oil, a common hair loss supplement? Borage oil has gamma-linolenic acid. Guess what DGLA (the main ingredient in Brotzu) is? It's dihomo-gamma-linolenic acid.

So it seems like this product has virtually identical ingredients as Brotzu. It literally checks every single box that Brotzu's lotion checks. The only difference is Brotzu has the magical liposomes. I don't know how much hope juice you can squeeze out of this information, but it's not much.

All of this information you can easily find on google. Please feel free to research it and discuss it if you'd like.

There are two ways to interpret this information:
1. Brotzu is exactly like many other multi-decade-old hair health products. Research on these ingredients implies they truly help hair, but if the products aren't actually helping hair, why do products with virtually identical ingredients keep coming out? Maybe they do help, but only if they get to the follicle properly. Maybe Brotzu's liposomes make it possible.

2. Brotzu's lotion is exactly like many other multi-decade-old hair health products that don't work. And this won't work either.

You can choose which one you believe in.
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I really don’t get the obsession over photos.
Have you seen the photos on the Revivogen website, for example?!


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I actually think a photo showing mild - moderate regrowth can give more credibility compared to some fake *** or very best case freak result of major regrowth.
That’s why I was not so disappointed by the conference photos. They were not trying to market the product at the conference. At least it showed some regrowth and therefore could ask have good maintenance potential.


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I actually think a photo showing mild - moderate regrowth can give more credibility compared to some fake *** or very best case freak result of major regrowth.
That’s why I was not so disappointed by the conference photos. They were not trying to market the product at the conference. At least it showed some regrowth and therefore could ask have good maintenance potential.

You don't get it, right? The bad photos from the conference are the very best case regrowth.


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from Italian Ieson forum confirmed that Fidia will present the product at Sitri, most important italian convention for hairloss.
Event will be 18th of november.

Doesn't make any particular mention about an itinerary or anything. Who confirmed this and how would they know? @Clockwise, say it's true and I'll believe you. It's a bit far away, but I'd gladly take a new presentation. Can't be worse than the last one!

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