It Begins. I purchased all the items for the SwissTemple Prostaglandin Protocol. Wish


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My regime didn't fail, I just gained one Norwood instead of two and I'm not here crying about it. I'm not shitposting, I'm pointing that there is no regrowth here and going on about gains is either delusional or purposely misleading people. The fact that he's trying to get people to join a group buy based on what is shown here is why I keep commenting and whilst people are free to spend their money how they like, people should not be mislead into thinking they will make any gains with this.

People are not being mislead. They can look at the "progess" and decide for themselves if they see any gains, and whether those gains are satisfactory enough for them vs the money spent. Certainly the OP's ADD fed postings don't match the reality of his progress, but many here do see SOME progress.

I said this originally at the beginning that this regime does not work and one year on it has not. Saying that he is not using an AA or he may do better on Fevi is beside the point. Anyone trying this protocol of Wounding+LiCl/Seti/Pge2 and expecting massive regrowth is in for a big disappointment.

Swoop already pointed out that a hypothesis is not a theory.

And yes sh*t is being sold because we're talking about group buys for Fevi, it's the same tactic ST used.

Just because PGD2 may restrict growth it doesn't mean that blocking it will cause regrowth, you do realize that don't you? Please tell me with your infinite wisdom how PGD2 inhibition causes DPC proliferation?

Yes, you've been a negative Nancy all along, congrats. Without any proof, and despite ST's results showing otherwise, you jumped in right away saying OP wouldn't gain. Then when he didn't update for a bit b/c life got in the way, you concluded he'd failed/lost gains/given up, same as you claim ST did before him. You've since been on the kick that he's trying to shill for the private forum and ignoring the fact that 1) he started this regimen long before he joined that forum and 2) it'd certainly make sense that he'd want to try Fevi over Seti in the hopes of improving the pre-set angles of his current regimen, and thus would need a group buy in order to get it. Seriously, you have no proof of any of the before mentioned claims, yet you continue spouting your sh*t.

PGD2 inhibition causing DPC proliferation? Why the f*** would I need to explain something to you that I've never stated? And big difference between PGD2 inhibition causing regrowth and allowing regrowth, the former of which I've never stated, and the latter of which I've only said MAY be possible.


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I will repeat myself again that inhibitors have not and will not cause hair regrowth. That includes finasteride, dutasteride, PGD2 inhibitors and any other inhibitor. The thinking behind inhibiting something that is elevated will cause regrowth is broken because the elevation is a symptom and not the cause which we do not understand (yet).

You can get a cheap PTGDS inhibitor now, Retinoic Acid aka Tretinoin/Retin-A which has been used before and never caused any significant regrowth.

I will give you another example with IL-6. There are studies that show DHT causes IL-6 elevation and that IL-6 inhibits hair growth, there is also a link between PGD2, IL-6 and PGE2. You can inhibit IL-6 very cheaply with menthol in peppermint oil. Does it cause any regrowth? No.

I don't need to try Seti/Fevi because I cant see the mechanism of how they can grow hair, they may be good at maintenance and drug companies certainly have an incentive to trial them even if they result in maintenance as they can be patented unlike Retinoic Acid, Menthol or something similar.

I don't disagree w/ what you say above. But per my last post, inhibitors at least have the potential to ALLOW growth which is what I've said all along. Hence why the OP is using wounding/LiCl.


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Re: my "hope", you know nothing about my thoughts or feelings, though good try at dismissing my points as solely coming from some emotion-filled place devoid of rational thought. I'm NW6 and have been for years. Any emotions re: me balding left the building years ago. I have an interest in the science behind all of this, thus why I study it and experiment on myself when I see something that shows potential, even if not yet proven or not.

NW6? Well then you are taking the wrong action. I suggest tranny regimen. If you do that you might regrow some. I'm being honest with you.

Besides that, you are in the wrong topic. Go follow Tsuji, he might turn that NW6 of you in a shining NW1. Real science brah.


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NW6? Well then you are taking the wrong action. I suggest tranny regimen. If you do that you might regrow some. I'm being honest with you.

Besides that, you are in the wrong topic. Go follow Tsuji, he might turn that NW6 of you in a shining NW1. Real science brah.
What's your take on the amount of hair those two guys/girls transitioning grew back?

I know you've been a big proponent of the thought process of follicles being destroyed by Androgenetic Alopecia to a point of no return once a certain time period hits. I've even posted some biopsy pictures that are pretty damning yet these guys had some major hair loss that doesn't seem to be recent (i.e. Took a long time) yet grew back an astonishing amount of hair.

I'm not being argumentative just genuinely curious. It seems that there's two trains of thought on this subject. You have people like Cots that think stem cells are always there and just need to be activated and then there are others that believe there is a point of no return (Higgins, Hoffman). Those biopsy pictures you've posted in the past clearly show the follicles destroyed yet these guys were able to grow back a ton of hair, one of them being slick bald.


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What's your take on the amount of hair those two guys/girls transitioning grew back?

I know you've been a big proponent of the thought process of follicles being destroyed by Androgenetic Alopecia to a point of no return once a certain time period hits. I've even posted some biopsy pictures that are pretty damning yet these guys had some major hair loss that doesn't seem to be recent (i.e. Took a long time) yet grew back an astonishing amount of hair.

I'm not being argumentative just genuinely curious. It seems that there's two trains of thought on this subject. You have people like Cots that think stem cells are always there and just need to be activated and then there are others that believe there is a point of no return (Higgins, Hoffman). Those biopsy pictures you've posted in the past clearly show the follicles destroyed yet these guys were able to grow back a ton of hair, one of them being slick bald.

Cotsarelis does mention the following about Androgenetic Alopecia:

Cotsarelis says that in gauging future prospects for alopecia treatment, it’s important to have realistic expectations. “I’d hate to use the word cure, because I don’t think male-pattern baldness can be completely reversed,” he says. “Instead, we’ll develop different treatments, and as with other personalized therapies in medicine, some will work better in various subgroups than others.”

About these transgenders, it's awesome. But it doesn't prove that a "point of no return" doesn't exist in Androgenetic Alopecia. I mean who says that these two subjects have reached that point of no return? Would they regrow the same amount if they started therapy 20 years later?

Also if you look at one of those transgenders you can clearly see that she hasn't regrew her temples. She confirms this also.


Why not? Have those follicles reached a point of no return state? Or is it simply a matter of the "correct signal" not being strong enough to force these follicles in a healthy anagen growing state? Who knows.

But generally I do believe that it's impractical to resurrect hair follicles that are miniaturized for a long time, especially aggressive Androgenetic Alopecia programmed hair follicles.

Rmember that studies have shown that hair follicle structures haven been damaged partially/fully in (advanced) Androgenetic Alopecia cases.

This doesn't mean that some people can't regrow a tremendous amount though as obviously displayed in those transgender cases.


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If fevipiprant works and shows regrowth and stabilization were all saved cause it will be out In 2019


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If fevipiprant works and shows regrowth and stabilization were all saved cause it will be out In 2019

A lot of the guys on the private forum are waiting to get their hands on Fevi before starting Anabolic steroids. Fevi is a very powerful PGD2 inhibitor.
Last edited:


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Left Temple.

Mind you my forelock hair is kind of long so it makes my temple hairloss look worse than it is. Im getting nice results so far.

Im going to be slightly lowering my Seti doses so that it can last me untill I get my hands on Fevi around April hopefully.


How're you going to get Fevi? You have a source that is verified for authenticity and purity of Fevi?


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A lot of the guys on the private forum are waiting to get their hands on Fevi before starting Anabolic steroids. Fevi is a very powerful PGD2 inhibitor.
Good let us know how it goes! I think fevi will be superior to finasteride without the sides i can't wait for it to come out! Unlike the rest of the industry it will be labeled under asthma and i bet Novartis is really pushing this drug especially how they have THREE phase 3 trials for it going on! I mean if your getting great results from seti I'm excited to see the results you get from fevi


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Left Temple.

Mind you my forelock hair is kind of long so it makes my temple hairloss look worse than it is. Im getting nice results so far.

Im going to be slightly lowering my Seti doses so that it can last me untill I get my hands on Fevi around April hopefully.

How low are you dermastamping? I think you will have even stronger results if you dermastamp lower down to where your original hairline was.


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Good let us know how it goes! I think fevi will be superior to finasteride without the sides i can't wait for it to come out! Unlike the rest of the industry it will be labeled under asthma and i bet Novartis is really pushing this drug especially how they have THREE phase 3 trials for it going on! I mean if your getting great results from seti I'm excited to see the results you get from fevi

Been a long time, you must have started this fevi by now... how's it working out?


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it is indeed crazy (if you were talking to me :)) ... but I am always 100% honest with everything I try. I would LOVE to come on here one day and report that something is working. Don't think that day will ever come. Seti 100% gave me instant inflammation. ALL other variables in my routine and regimen stayed consistent. i added it, orally 300 mg per day, scalp started to itch, crawl, burn etc... tried it at 600mg / day, even worst. I am done with everything. for real this time.

You are probably allergic to most medications.

Seems like you get inflamed with almost every product, am I wrong?


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If the date is correct you have less hair. Hop on RU+minoxidil and save your hair.


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I Parted/Pulled back some of the long hairs to reveal some of the new hairs (Left Temple)




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I Parted/Pulled back some of the long hairs to reveal some of the new hairs (Left Temple)


Wow there is so many! I can't wait to see what the trial results are for seti! If they are good and have regrowth like this we should all be happy! Fevi will be out in 2019 which is even stronger than seti... Im excited