Incredible recovery from NW5: the power of super aggressive regimens!


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Very impressed, I really doubt you will have to wait a year to see a nw1 with thick hair. You have responded not only really well, but extremely fast.


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Pretty cool that you don't need minoxidil. Estrogen must be doing all the work here. Amazing thanks for the updates.


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Really great results, as expected. Thanks for the solid updates and keeping up the good documentation. Happy for you, dude.


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I really wish we could take this without all the associated side effects, or applying it only to the scalp somehow... but not feasible.

And for OP, I'm super happy for you and wish you the very best!


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Unfortunately, i dont have very high quality before pics but hopefully you can still see enough to make a call.


4 months update (4/6/15):

Holy shit.
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Now I'm really excited to see how my results pan out. I'm happy for you, this thread definitely answers any doubters out there.


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Still crazy gains! You shouldn't underestimate minoxidil. It really speeds up the recovery when androgens are controlled. But I understand why you don't want to commit to it. If you haven't already, you should consider the foam. Especially in the morning.
And thanks for the update!


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Man that's insane growth. Quick question. I don't know much about hairloss tbh and I'm only thinning slightly. Not looking to regrow anything just wanna keep what I have. You reckon 1mg finasteride per day will do the job?

Agustin Araujo

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Hi recedingyt, congratulations on your recovery, your hair has improved tremendously. :salut:

How much do you think your hair is going to continue to improve after being NW5? I also saw in one of your posts that you quit Minoxidil, how is your hair doing after quitting that medication?

Man that's insane growth. Quick question. I don't know much about hairloss tbh and I'm only thinning slightly. Not looking to regrow anything just wanna keep what I have. You reckon 1mg finasteride per day will do the job?

If your male pattern baldness is mild, slow, and not aggressive, then Finasteride is all you need. :)


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Impressive! Not everyones regime I guess. But goes to show that hair CAN be restored. All the best on your way!


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That is very impressive.
Sometimes I look at before and after pictures and I don't think much of it because their hair is longer = harder to see whats happened but with your results it's undoubtable that you have insane growth.


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No new pictures but I wanted to give a little update. I'm still shedding like ****ing crazy. I attribute this shed to a lack of sex hormones in general. Menopausal women often lose their hair too. Perhaps me stopping minoxidil back in March has also played a part in the shed, and/or perhaps me starting to use it again has worsened my shed. In any case, I just got more estradiol in the mail a couple of days ago so I am very very seriously hoping the shed will now stop and the hair that I lost will regrow, perhaps maybe even thicker. Going to keep using minoxidil since I'm now scared ****less that all the progress I made is about to be undone. Plus there's a lot of vellus hairs on my hairline that I just don't see thickening up on their own.


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No new pictures but I wanted to give a little update. I'm still shedding like ****ing crazy. I attribute this shed to a lack of sex hormones in general. Menopausal women often lose their hair too. Perhaps me stopping minoxidil back in March has also played a part in the shed, and/or perhaps me starting to use it again has worsened my shed. In any case, I just got more estradiol in the mail a couple of days ago so I am very very seriously hoping the shed will now stop and the hair that I lost will regrow, perhaps maybe even thicker. Going to keep using minoxidil since I'm now scared ****less that all the progress I made is about to be undone. Plus there's a lot of vellus hairs on my hairline that I just don't see thickening up on their own.

Dont worry so much, you have possible one of the strongest hairloss regiments, you will be fine.


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17 yr old male suffering from male pattern baldness..plz someone advice me gud regimen i wanna regrow my hair as i can see scalp from sides nd in middle of my hair


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any updates op?

Sure, no pictures though because honestly losing progress has been really difficult for me and I cant be bothered to take more right now.

All of the minoxidil dependent hairs eventually shed. This dropped my density significantly, especially in the crown. My hairline mostly stayed the same throughout the shed. I started using minoxidil again about a month ago. The shedding was really annoying (50-100 hairs a day at least and they were getting everywhere) and I find it really difficult to use minoxidil with longer hair so I buzzed my head to a #2 so that I could see the damage in full and have easier access to putting minoxidil on my scalp. Where I stand right now in terms of density is something like the picture labeled February 24th on my little mini timeline (on page 1/in the OP). Basically I've recovered to roughly where I was at 2 months of using Minoxidil in only 1 month, so I count myself lucky in that regard.

I'm hopefully going to be fine now that I have my hormones back in check and I'm using minoxidil again. I had a bunch (really a TON) of vellus hairs all over my hairline for some time now that have mostly not changed at all until recently, even through the shed. I'm seeing those thicken up now, like I did when my crown started coming in. The right temple especially is coming along very nicely... the left side is getting better too, but much more slowly for some reason. Oh and what I've been doing with my minoxidil is slightly different - as I've said in the past I really hate the way it irritates my scalp and how it makes my hair look. Instead of doing 1mL twice daily like most people do, I prefer to only apply it once a day. I use around 2mL to cover my entire scalp and I really make sure it gets to all of the places that need it. That way, I don't have to deal with dandruff/my hair looking greasy all day and I just wash my hair in the shower in the morning. I think this will be the only reasonable way to use minoxidil if I grow my hair out as long as I intend to. I seem to still be getting results, so I'm going to stick to doing it that way I guess for convenience's sake.