Iamme_'s Story - (22)


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3rd month on avodart and crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shedding
never seen any shedding like this before.....100-200 hairs everyday....
i guess ill go for a hairpiece next year


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Hang in there and don't panic, hair loss treatment is a long term thing and it's so easy to get sucked into having little "freak-outs" (even after years I still get a few paranoid days :) ).

I'm not entirely certain shedding really exists, I suspect that if it does then it just means that a large number of hairs have had their normal growth cycle "re-booted" simultaneously and they should re-grow over the coming months.

Please note that this is just my theory about shedding, it's not really based on science. Just what I've experienced when I've significantly changed my regimen or had to stop medication for any length of time.


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GeminiX said:
Hang in there and don't panic, hair loss treatment is a long term thing and it's so easy to get sucked into having little "freak-outs" (even after years I still get a few paranoid days :) ).

I'm not entirely certain shedding really exists, I suspect that if it does then it just means that a large number of hairs have had their normal growth cycle "re-booted" simultaneously and they should re-grow over the coming months.

Please note that this is just my theory about shedding, it's not really based on science. Just what I've experienced when I've significantly changed my regimen or had to stop medication for any length of time.

I totally agree. Every human being is shedding more in the winter and spring. And grows more hair in the summer. (maybe vitamin D3?) You will shed more on the pills than without them. But your hair will not be lost, but regrown. With your kind of hair (that i can see from the photos - it is normal to shed a lot becouse u have a lot more hair than other guys here).

I don't like your atitude and how you change the regimen of your pills and u get easily depress and freak out about nothing. Your hairline isn't that bad. Some guys here would kill for that hairline. :woot:

You can't do more than what u are currently doing to your hair(finasteride,min,keto). So be more positive and find something else to freak about - like a girl or life!


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Lol, kinda agreed with you but things have been going downhill as I got kinda lazy with the regimen and started taking avodart for every two days for two months. That resulted in a nw3ish hairline. On top of that I am running out of avodart and can't find a website that ship to Canada.
Doctors here won't prescribe finasteride or dutasteride so I am stucked in the middle.


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So I went to a Dr to get a prescription and even brought avodart's empty packet to show him that I been using those pills and I am not getting those scary sides.
When I showed him... he started singing that old song that side effects are scary and I shouldn't be using those pills. He even says that those things won't help curing the hairloss since its hereditary. I nearly begged him to prescribe me either finasteride or dutasteride but the retarded guy simply refused....
Now I got an appointment with a derm on 16 aug....


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New regimen:
0.5mg dutasteride morning
5 mg finasteride night
5% kirkland minoxidil 6 ml (3 ml day 3 ml night)

Planning on going to oral spironolactone (100mg) in next 2 weeks... let's see what happens


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Hairs falling out is a androgen DHT issue. You might want to also add all the DHT blockers topically.

I take 4 ml 5% generic minoxidil, mix it with 100mg spironolactone, 62.5mg Flutamide, 0.125 dutasteride, 2.5 finastride and apply twice a day. That way your applying them directly to scalp to affect hair follicles without getting it directly into blood stream causing unwanted sides. Ever since I started this, my hair loss has stopped.

If you start getting soar/sensitive nipples after starting oral spironolactone, you should stop it immediately or use nolvadex 20-40mg a day to prevent gyno (male breast growth). If you start loosing your ability to get erection, you should use either v****/cialis or testosterone patch or injection 10/12mg daily or 75mg injection weekly.

However if you start taking exogenous testosterone, that will have a chance to convert to DHT, but you have that covered with duta/fina.


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Thanks. Did you have regrowth with topicals? and also would nolvadex 20-40mg decrease oral spironolactone potency?


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Most people really don document their starting point, so its tough to know how much you really grew back. Me included. The only thing that saved me is that I have a scare in middle of forehead from car accident that started showing with hairloss. From that scare, I have grew back 1/4 inch hair back in my hairline. They started out with new white fuzzies and are now light brown and getting longer.

The regrowth will come from the minoxidil, tricomin products.

The hair loss prevention will come from the DHT androgen blockers topical spironolactone, fluta, fina, duta.

I think you need both to keep your hair and grow new.

Nolvadex just competes with female hormones to occupy the receptor site. thus nolvadex binds stronger than female hormones, thus female hormone cant bind, and stops side effects. Its used very heavily in bodybuilding when they take huge amounts of testosterone, which the body will convert some test to estrogen, which is safety feedback loop.


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TRex said:
Hairs falling out is a androgen DHT issue. You might want to also add all the DHT blockers topically.

I take 4 ml 5% generic minoxidil, mix it with 100mg spironolactone, 62.5mg Flutamide, 0.125 dutasteride, 2.5 finastride and apply twice a day. That way your applying them directly to scalp to affect hair follicles without getting it directly into blood stream causing unwanted sides. Ever since I started this, my hair loss has stopped.

If you start getting soar/sensitive nipples after starting oral spironolactone, you should stop it immediately or use nolvadex 20-40mg a day to prevent gyno (male breast growth). If you start loosing your ability to get erection, you should use either v****/cialis or testosterone patch or injection 10/12mg daily or 75mg injection weekly.

However if you start taking exogenous testosterone, that will have a chance to convert to DHT, but you have that covered with duta/fina.

That's a pretty full on regimen. Are you sure all those drugs actually dilute in 4ml of minoxidil? I just remember Enden (from these forums) talking about how you could only dilute 25mg of RU in 1ml of minoxidil because of the drug weighting or whatever.


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I don't know the exact chemistry. The key is to grind up the pills to ultra fine powder, then shake it up good. I had did it with 2ml and it was clumpy, but at 4ml its completely liquid. Someone from another hair loss forum was doing it with great results.

I believe they warn women not to touch broken fina, duta or fluta pills if pregnant or are trying, as it absorbs that easily. I think as long as you get it to your scalp, it will absorb. Its really working well, but I don't suffer any sides.


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Day 1 spironolactone --- Aldactone, going to see how it goes... Next update would be after a month


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I've also just started on finasteride about 2 months ago. Just wanted to answer because I seem to be seeing a lot of confusion or slight panic even.

There is a really really well written Guide on this forum. It is very motivating and very clear with clear instructions. I really suggest you to read this!! It actually got me to be confident about treating my hairloss and register to this forum.

What I mean is basically this:
It is ok to lose hair. finasteride doesn't stop your hairloss completely. It's perfectly ok to lose hair as long as you are not thinning. Something like 100 hairs a day is said to be ok. Also there can be a shed with finasteride and minoxidil which indicates that it is working. What the site says: Ride it out. It is not important what's coming off your head but what stays on your head. Believe in this treatment. Be patient and wait a full year before you assess if it has been effective. You will be fine. You can still (later on) use more stuff. But you are on the single most proven combination of treatment. This is powerful stuff.

Stop driving yourself crazy. You are doing what you can. Apply your stuff as you are supposed to.

I don't know why nobody told you to not switch treatment that fast? Are you not reading the recommendations? Were you even a year on finasteride? What do you expect? You're taking 5mg of finasteride plus dutasteride??? This is some serious stuff you're doing?? You're supposed to slowly add stuff? your body has not time to adjust, plus changing all that stuff around and taking like 10 different things is really not too great. Also, there are no pictures that I have seen on this thread (why don't you put them up) that indicate that you are really balding?!

On the one hand you're panicking a lot, on the other hand you're mentioning how you got lazy with your treatment and didn't take this or that. Then you go and change everything around. What do you expect?

I don't have the right to tell you what to do and don't mean to insult you with this. It is just that you will not get the results you want, if you keep NOT TAKING ADVICE!!! If you are serious and panik, then do what's in the guide on this page. This is the only scientifically proven way....
Hope this helps.


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Thanks for the post. I gave finasteride around 10-11 months and then started dutasteride. Gave dutasteride 8 months and it just made things worse.
I won't be taking dutasteride anymore because it never done anything good for my hairs. Rite now I am on 5 mg finasteride + 100 mg aldactone (spironolactone) and minoxidil. I will give this treatment atleast a year before going on better antiandrogens like flutamide or cyproterone.


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Can you post some pics of your status? I'm sure you also get more feedback.

Why do you use 5mg of finasteride? This is some heavy stuff.

"Increasing the Dose
We are often asked if one should increase the dose of Propecia. Although we do increase the dose under certain circumstances, there is no scientific evidence that increasing the dose will have any additional effects. There are published data demonstrating that 5 mg is no better than 1 mg from controlled clinical trials. In practice, I often increase the dose when someone has been on the same dose of medication for about three years and then stops responding (begins to lose hair after being stable). When increasing the dose, I generally use generic finasteride 5mg, ½ pill a day."

This is from there:

http://www.bernsteinmedical.com/medical ... nasteride/

I don't want to judge what you are doing but you're putting your (young) body through a lot. Apparently you seem to tolerate everything you take without sides. I hope it stays that way but you are treating your condition with heavy artillery. I'm still not sure that your hairloss is that bad? I'm amazed at how easily you take all of that stuff and change it around. Even though you were on these things for a few months, it's important to keep strictly to your regimen. Otherwise you're not able to assess its success.

Please post some pics showing your head in bright light. Maybe you're overtreating something that isn't even there yet?! From the pics you posted I wouldn't think your condition is as bad to warrant that kinda heavy treatment?!

Best of luck.


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Seriously man if you're taking all that stuff orally god knows how bad it is on your body. I currently take 1.25mg of finasteride with no side effects... but I hate to say that I feel as though you're overstating your hair loss to a degree. Oral spironolactone is what MTF transsexuals take to turn into women.


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Here are some new pics. Hair became really worse... hope spironolactone+finasteride would do something..


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