Hairloss At 21 Years Old...what To Do?


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The standard of women that want to have sex with you will on average drop 3 points. You will symbolize disease, sickness and decay to the average person. If you can deal with that and the in-congruence of losing your hair at your age, then more power to you but just telling you how it is.

Not sure if you're a virgin, but you obviously have no sex life judging by your posts so calling me the loser is laughable.

"My face and head are not good looking and it has hurt my social life and my luck with girls. "

I'd rather get 2 transplants in a decade, stay on finasteride and f*** 6+/10 whenever I feel like it than have baldness at 21 which is at the level of serious disfigurement and no sex life. I did suggest hairpiece or SMP as you would look substantially better and your post makes it pretty clear baldness is having a negative impact on your life, so if you want to reject the advice and pretend you're fine, then go ahead. You will be fine, but you will live a lower standard of life.

Your first sentence might be somewhat correct. Your second sentence I totally disagree with...not because I feel bad for myself, but because I know it's wrong...the AVERAGE person does not look down on baldness as being some sort of sickness. You're ridiculous. Yeah, there are a lot of people out there who might...and most of them probably fall below the 40th percentile in terms of IQ. Most people know that male pattern baldness has absolutely nothing to do with general health, intelligence, or capability.

I'm not a virgin...just not active right now, but completely honestly it's because I don't even try. My confidence isn't great right now, for a number of reasons beyond just hair loss, and so I don't even make much of an effort to pursue girls. I'm sure if I did I would succeed here and there.

You'd rather have 2 transplants and take a potentially dangerous medication just to have sex "whenever you feel like it?" Ok, well I think we know what your life priorities are now; that's pretty clear. You are absolutely a loser. Not because of how you look or who your contacts in life are/aren't, but because of the decisions you make and the hate that you spread around to others. That's what losers do.

Every piece of advice you "offered" in this thread could have been done with mature respect for other people, and in a positive tone. You have none of that, though. There's tremendous hate in your heart.

Joe rogan got a hair transplant when he was younger, now he bics his head...................... butttt don't hair transplants work? But finasteride but 80% but lol stfu he says the transplant was the worst decision he ever made and if he could go back in time he would've just always shaved his head.


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Getting a hair transplant would be totally illogical for me at this point anyway. No disrespect to those who have gotten them; do whatever you want and what fits your goals personally and be happy with that.

But I'm already almost done with college, so going through a questionable (to me) medical procedure that isn't instant wouldn't do much for me. My friends and girls in college would see that and that wouldn't make me any more attractive while the process was going on. By the time everything would be finished and I'd have "total confidence" back, I'd be out of college and have a full-time job and focused on that, not f*****g around with girls. So for me, it's not worth it. That's all.


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Maybe one day hair transplants can be done without any blood, scars, or unnatural hair evolution (hair permanently staying on top of head until death).

I'll admit that's what would hold me back from choosing to get one. I wouldn't consider this a true "cure" because I consider a cure to be a full restoration of original hair follicles and hair. Any form of transplant would not be that.

But, if these two things could somehow be achieved with advanced future technology:
1) Create new hair follicles on top of head without any trace of scarring or visible evidence whatsoever
2) "Fake" (or technologically-generated) hair that is programmed to thin and recede as time goes on, on a timeline that the individual chooses

then everyone would love this option. Perhaps in the future that will be possible.

Amanda Brussels

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So, recently I started losing hair, sometimes a lot of hairs fall off and sometimes few hairs, but what all the lost hair have in common is something at the end of the root. Honestly, I don't know what it is and I am very scared. I am only 18 and baldness now is not something I wish for. I have looked on the internet and there is something called telogen effluvium, I was wondering if it could be it? Btw i am not losing hair a certain place at my scalp but more overall

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Help pls!

You can try it the natural way since you're still young and isn't fully bald yet. Try mixing coconut oil, castor oil, aloe vera gel (pure), and vitamin e. it would work wonders. Look it up while you can.


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@JeanLucBB Just wanted to clarify that anything I say in a post is solely based on what you and I have shared here and how I disagree and don't care for your tone. I don't mean to be hateful on a deeper level though and I shouldn't make any assumptions about you on a deeper level than just these I don't mean to hurt you and apologize if I went too far. I don't know you as a person. I hope your treatment and transplant is satisfying for you and that you're pleased with it.


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lol...I guess I'm just too nice of a person that I sometimes feel bad even when I criticize people who probably deserve it.

Thinking back, I wanted to touch on one thing I didn't really mention yet....
I'm very surprised that literally NO one...friends or family...mentioned anything to me about my balding head as I was going through it starting around age 16-17. I didn't know any better myself...a teenager has no reason to research anything about hair loss at that age. I just assumed that, as the corners of my temples receded, that it was just my mature hairline. I actually had medium-length shaggy hair until age 16 or 17 and then I decided to buzz it, and honestly by that time my hairline had already receded quite a bit, but like I said I just assumed it was a mature hairline because I didn't know any better. Over time I just ignored it and paid it no attention and then it was too late. And nobody ever said "Hey, your hair is thinning and stuff, you should get it checked out. And my dad never told me about his early age balding and fake hairpiece until just a few months ago. He's a good person but clearly insecure and doesn't like to talk about it to anyone. If I would've caught this earlier I could've done Minoxidil and Finasteride to keep most of it. Oh well. Maybe if I can put together some pics of my progression I'll upload some just for the heck of it.
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lol...I guess I'm just too nice of a person that I sometimes feel bad even when I criticize people who probably deserve it.

Thinking back, I wanted to touch on one thing I didn't really mention yet....
I'm very surprised that literally NO one...friends or family...mentioned anything to me about my balding head as I was going through it starting around age 16-17. I didn't know any better myself...a teenager has no reason to research anything about hair loss at that age. I just assumed that, as the corners of my temples receded, that it was just my mature hairline. I actually had medium-length shaggy hair until age 16 or 17 and then I decided to buzz it, and honestly by that time my hairline had already receded quite a bit, but like I said I just assumed it was a mature hairline because I didn't know any better. Over time I just ignored it and paid it no attention and then it was too late. And nobody ever said "Hey, your hair is thinning and stuff, you should get it checked out. And my dad never told me about his early age balding and fake hairpiece until just a few months ago. He's a good person but clearly insecure and doesn't like to talk about it to anyone. If I would've caught this earlier I could've done Minoxidil and Finasteride to keep most of it. Oh well. Maybe if I can put together some pics of my progression I'll upload some just for the heck of it.
I agree, a hair transplant is a VERY risky move at this point. Why not try the hair system route like your father did, who knows it may be the best solution for you.


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lol...I guess I'm just too nice of a person that I sometimes feel bad even when I criticize people who probably deserve it.

Thinking back, I wanted to touch on one thing I didn't really mention yet....
I'm very surprised that literally NO one...friends or family...mentioned anything to me about my balding head as I was going through it starting around age 16-17. I didn't know any better myself...a teenager has no reason to research anything about hair loss at that age. I just assumed that, as the corners of my temples receded, that it was just my mature hairline. I actually had medium-length shaggy hair until age 16 or 17 and then I decided to buzz it, and honestly by that time my hairline had already receded quite a bit, but like I said I just assumed it was a mature hairline because I didn't know any better. Over time I just ignored it and paid it no attention and then it was too late. And nobody ever said "Hey, your hair is thinning and stuff, you should get it checked out. And my dad never told me about his early age balding and fake hairpiece until just a few months ago. He's a good person but clearly insecure and doesn't like to talk about it to anyone. If I would've caught this earlier I could've done Minoxidil and Finasteride to keep most of it. Oh well. Maybe if I can put together some pics of my progression I'll upload some just for the heck of it.

"And my dad never told me about his early age balding and fake hairpiece until just a few months ago. He's a good person but clearly insecure and doesn't like to talk about it to anyone. "

So he knew how it hurts, is incredibly insecure about it and yet didn't tell you. The reason people didn't bring it up with you is because experiencing the level of disfigurement of a norwood 6 at the age of 21 is something too painful to bring up, people ignore it until it is too late. If your dad can't even tell his own f*****g son about balding, that goes to show how terrible this disease really is. It is HORRIFIC, people will view bald men, especially young as subhuman.

"I'm not a virgin...just not active right now, but completely honestly it's because I don't even try. My confidence isn't great right now, for a number of reasons beyond just hair loss, and so I don't even make much of an effort to pursue girls. I'm sure if I did I would succeed here and there."

This is the most ridiculous cope I've ever heard in my life. Dude the reason you're not trying to get laid at the moment is because subconsciously you know your sex life is over until you do something about the hair issue, like SMP or a hairpiece. No one your age is going to have sex with you unless they are incredibly ugly (3/10) and even older women don't want someone who looks like they have cancer or serious medical issues at 21. If you don't opt for some kind of fix your sex life is over until for the forseeable future. If you could have sex, you would have sex. Don't bullshit yourself.

"the AVERAGE person does not look down on baldness as being some sort of sickness"

Dude you're f*****g 21 with a norwood 6, that is 1/5000 or less. In general they don't look at it as a sickness (but they will see it as subhuman) they will look at YOUR case as sickness because it is so rare, and typically the only bald men your age are cancer patients or have serious illness.

Face facts buddy, and look how ridiculous your "Just not active right now" comment is.

If I sound harsh, it's only because life will prove the same thing and the quicker you realise the better. You have some solutions like the hairpiece or SMP route which are worth looking into.


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"And my dad never told me about his early age balding and fake hairpiece until just a few months ago. He's a good person but clearly insecure and doesn't like to talk about it to anyone. "

So he knew how it hurts, is incredibly insecure about it and yet didn't tell you. The reason people didn't bring it up with you is because experiencing the level of disfigurement of a norwood 6 at the age of 21 is something too painful to bring up, people ignore it until it is too late. If your dad can't even tell his own f*****g son about balding, that goes to show how terrible this disease really is. It is HORRIFIC, people will view bald men, especially young as subhuman.

"I'm not a virgin...just not active right now, but completely honestly it's because I don't even try. My confidence isn't great right now, for a number of reasons beyond just hair loss, and so I don't even make much of an effort to pursue girls. I'm sure if I did I would succeed here and there."

This is the most ridiculous cope I've ever heard in my life. Dude the reason you're not trying to get laid at the moment is because subconsciously you know your sex life is over until you do something about the hair issue, like SMP or a hairpiece. No one your age is going to have sex with you unless they are incredibly ugly (3/10) and even older women don't want someone who looks like they have cancer or serious medical issues at 21. If you don't opt for some kind of fix your sex life is over until for the forseeable future. If you could have sex, you would have sex. Don't bullshit yourself.

"the AVERAGE person does not look down on baldness as being some sort of sickness"

Dude you're f*****g 21 with a norwood 6, that is 1/5000 or less. In general they don't look at it as a sickness (but they will see it as subhuman) they will look at YOUR case as sickness because it is so rare, and typically the only bald men your age are cancer patients or have serious illness.

Face facts buddy, and look how ridiculous your "Just not active right now" comment is.

If I sound harsh, it's only because life will prove the same thing and the quicker you realise the better. You have some solutions like the hairpiece or SMP route which are worth looking into.
The thing is your view on reality and women is different because you grew up as an ugly person. So without your hair youre just a bald ugly person. Now your an ugly person with a hair transplant. Catch my drift.


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How many times will we have to go over this?

Hair pieces are not a viable solution to hair loss.

What you're basically telling him here is "trade your life for the appearance of hair".

Trust me, that trade-off is almost never worth it.

@shookwun has explained what a hair piece is going to do to you.

You become more secretive, paranoid, plan your whole life based on your hair piece.

"Nah I can't do this because it will get wet, no I can't go out because it will change the color of my hair piece, I can't go swimming because it will get wet. I can't go out dancing because it will be sweaty and the glue might melt, what if it's displaced? What if people discover me?"

I could go on. People should not suggest this "solution" (which doesn't work) lightly.

What are your thoughts on SMP?


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Hi Nahte42

My degree of hairloss is not dissimilar to yours. I wear a system now, which I got 5 years ago, and I am really happy with it. I know that you are not enthusiastic about taking the system route, but you should keep an open mind about it. The technology has improved immensely in the last 10 years and now it is a far better solution than most people are aware of (which is actually a good thing for those of us who wear but don't choose to be public about it) - I have talked to quite a few guys like me who were forced into systems for lack of any other option, and have been surprised at how well it works for them. For about $800 a year and about 1 hour a week you can basically have your hair back. OK it's a prosthetic, but no one will be able to tell by looking at it or even by casually feeling it. For the other 167 hours in the week you can pretty much forget you are wearing a system. If you feel like investigating this possibility, even if only to rule it out, feel free to PM me.

Leaving that aside, my sincere advice to you is to forget meds and transplants. There is absolutely no way you (or I) could get an acceptable result using those methods. The choice for us is a system, a tattoo (maybe) or making the best of the bald look.

All the best with whatever route you take.

Where are you from?
Where do you buy your hair piece?


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How many times will we have to go over this?

Hair pieces are not a viable solution to hair loss.

What you're basically telling him here is "trade your life for the appearance of hair".

Trust me, that trade-off is almost never worth it.

@shookwun has explained what a hair piece is going to do to you.

You become more secretive, paranoid, plan your whole life based on your hair piece.

"Nah I can't do this because it will get wet, no I can't go out because it will change the color of my hair piece, I can't go swimming because it will get wet. I can't go out dancing because it will be sweaty and the glue might melt, what if it's displaced? What if people discover me?"

I could go on. People should not suggest this "solution" (which doesn't work) lightly.

The point surely is that Nahte does not have any other options apart from systems and baldness. You have said yourself (which I agree with) that SMP is not a viable answer for him, and it is clear beyond doubt that transplanting and meds. are useless for that degree of hairloss. For sure, hair systems are not for everyone, but many millions of men wear them and find them a good solution, including a lot of younger guys like me. I talked to Shookwun before and during his system period. He liked the look, but found he was paranoid about the system, and had technical difficulties with the adhesives (maybe because he works in the unusually toxic environment of an oil trade). Nahte may not have that problem. Systems are cheap, harmless, and wholly reversible. If you have no other options, surely it's worth a try? What has he got to lose?


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"I'm not a virgin...just not active right now, but completely honestly it's because I don't even try. My confidence isn't great right now, for a number of reasons beyond just hair loss, and so I don't even make much of an effort to pursue girls. I'm sure if I did I would succeed here and there."

This is the most ridiculous cope I've ever heard in my life. Dude the reason you're not trying to get laid at the moment is because subconsciously you know your sex life is over until you do something about the hair issue, like SMP or a hairpiece. No one your age is going to have sex with you unless they are incredibly ugly (3/10) and even older women don't want someone who looks like they have cancer or serious medical issues at 21. If you don't opt for some kind of fix your sex life is over until for the forseeable future. If you could have sex, you would have sex. Don't bullshit yourself.

"the AVERAGE person does not look down on baldness as being some sort of sickness"

Dude you're f*****g 21 with a norwood 6, that is 1/5000 or less. In general they don't look at it as a sickness (but they will see it as subhuman) they will look at YOUR case as sickness because it is so rare, and typically the only bald men your age are cancer patients or have serious illness.

Face facts buddy, and look how ridiculous your "Just not active right now" comment is.

If I sound harsh, it's only because life will prove the same thing and the quicker you realise the better. You have some solutions like the hairpiece or SMP route which are worth looking into.

Dude, you're totally wrong and you don't know me. Got with a 7/10 consistently just last year. Not that it matters that I boast about that to anyone.

You're not harsh; you're an idiot. My baldness is almost entirely a self-confidence issue...nobody has abandoned me because of it; it's all internal. I just moved to my college's main campus this semester and it's going pretty good...I have no trouble making friends, including girls. The reason I'm not having sex is because I'm not even trying. I have low motivation. The FACT is if I tried, I would get some, no doubt. My friend here who is 25 and is far better looking than me (probably an 8/10) complains to me about how he's still a virgin and every girl he tries doesn't like him. He's my friend, but it makes sense because he's kind of a douchebag. He's obnoxious and immature, and I've seen him try to talk to girls and it's weird.

I got your message stop acting like a total loser. Carrying this attitude will lead to some harsh obstacles in life and the quicker you realise the better. You have some solutions like take a look in the mirror and work on your character which are worth looking into.


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I put together this collage to show my progression over time, with my age in each picture noted. Hopefully it will add something of value to this forum.

I had a cowlick at the front of my hair which was kind of cool when my hairline was fully healthy, but then it turned into looking ridiculous when my hairline went, until the cowlick area was fully gone.

The pics in my original post look especially bad because I had just shaved my head a few days before. That was the first time I ever fully shaved it. If I don't cut it for a while, I still have some hair on top, but very thin and weak.


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