finasteride since 03/13/13 - great success


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finasteride since 03/13/13 - great success / Complete regrowth (RU,dutasteride)


I take finasteride since ~4,5 months now and the result is very good (see pics).
Sorry if my english isnt the best, im no native speaker ;).
Im 24 now and I hope I can maintain a few years. My father is NW6, he began to lose his hair with 19 (me@23) and his hair loss was very aggressive.

Before finasteride i lost about ~70 hairs when i comb my hair: now 1-2!
When I wash my hair i loose ~5-10 hairs, before finasteride ~40-50.

8012013.jpg is from today (08/01/13).

My hair feels a bit thicker now.

finasteride 1,25 ED since 03/13/13
Ketocozanol shampoo ED
80mg Zink Chelat

Update January 2014.. hair got better ;) :
so guys.. small update

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my regime now:
1,25mg finasteride
in the morning: dutasteride-topical (2 veltride dutasterid tablets@10ml.. i use 1-1,5ml)
night: nizoralcreme-isopropanol-mix (10ml iso+10ml creme mixed)
nothing else..

from now on ive added 50mg RU@KB (1/28/2014).. hope to get all the hair back :woot:

my hair was oily at the beginning with finasteride only.. but after 3-4 months it changed and only my forehead was a bit oily.

RU since 1/28/2014.. i hope that i will get another "boost".. once a day. i cant say so much about it.. my scalp doesnt itch anymore.. only after a few days of RU.
no minoxidil..

For the people who PN`ed becuase of the Bifon Haarlösung (cheap K&B) me:
on the left side you can choose "Versand nach" and choose your country.. you can only solve 30mg RU/1ml. It is absolutely stable for 6 months in it.. we tested it professionally in the german forums.

try finasteride oral and dutasteride topical..and wait ;)
There is new evidence emerges that the combination of finasteride and dutasteride significantly better results than finasteride or dutasteride alone!

i think ketocozanol is also very important..
It blocks an enzyme which is responsible for the formation of various male hormones in the scalp by up to 40%.
It is not enough to use nizoral shampoo .. Dilute the shampoo with vodka 50/50 and carry it on with a blunt cannula. Let it act for 30 min and then rinse it out. In the German forum are much more competent people than here;)

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hairline is coming back..
left - 2/22/14 -- right - first january week

hairline 5/1/2014
ru works pretty good..


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Da Crow

Established Member
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Any weight gain? Muscle change?


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I think my face changed a little bit (minimal). No waight gain / muscle changes.
I am ~180cm @ 84kg @ ~10% Bodyfat, i think my body looks almost equal to peapoddys (but without hair on the brest lol). Nothing changed here since finasteride..

Sometimes I feel a bit tired in the morning.


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IS the tired normal or is it because of finasteride? and do you think it was the best decission you ever made(taking finasteride) against your hairloss?


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IS the tired normal or is it because of finasteride? and do you think it was the best decission you ever made(taking finasteride) against your hairloss?
I think it was the best decision i can do atm. dutasteride should be better than finasteride, but it has more possible sides... Yes, i think the tired is because of finasteride, but its not dramatically and not everyday.

I do not need minoxidil atm. My father is a NW6-7, but his hairloss began with 19. I am 24 now and my hairloss began ~23.

My face looked a bit more "fatty" after 2-3 months finasteride, but now it is normal again.

I also use 1% Voltaren (Voltarenspray(4% Diclo) + 10ml PPG + 65ml Vodka) since 07/31/13 2 times a day.. (Diclofenac). In a german alopecia forum many guys are testing it.. There are 2-3 new terminal hairs in my small "temples" :eek:nfire:


New Member
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Heh, your hair, weight, height and situation seems identical to me. :) My difference is that I have started using finasteride (1mg) and Ketocozanol just about 3 weeks ago. Did you experience shedding when you started using finasteride? I'm seeing my crown thinning slightly after 3 weeks of using finasteride. Nothing too bad.

Zinc Chelate seems interesting. What Zink Chelat have you been suing?


Established Member
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Padsch, do you have same pattern as your dad and what about your maternal grandfather, is he bald ?


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small update.. hair looks fine now!

so guys.. small update


my regime now:
1,25mg finasteride
in the morning: dutasteride-topical (2 veltride dutasterid tablets@10ml.. i use 1-1,5ml)
night: nizoralcreme-isopropanol-mix (10ml iso+10ml creme mixed)
nothing else..

from now on i will use:
@morning: 45mg RU@1,5ml K&B instead of the dutasteride-topical
@evening: i add 4 dutas to the nizoral/iso mix ( u need the tablets..)

i think my dads hairloss was more aggressive and more temple/receding hairline/thinning hairline
maternal grandfather is 83 now and he has a bald crown and lost 2-3cm in the frontal region.. but hey hes 83.

forget zink
use finasteride 0,5-1mg/day + ketocozanol (nizoral creme 10g + 10ml isopropanol.. mixed.. u can solve 4 dutas in the iso)


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Did your dye your hair? cause it looks a lot darker. Could be due to lighting or thickening from finasteride as well.


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Did your dye your hair? cause it looks a lot darker. Could be due to lighting or thickening from finasteride as well.

no.. my original haircolor is darkbrown with a little bit ash.. but the male pattern baldness changed it to blonde/brown :/
thickening :turned:


Established Member
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Thanks for the update, looking good.

How do you mix RU and any tips on RU use? Are you happy that it has been properly tested?


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Thanks for the update, looking good.

How do you mix RU and any tips on RU use? Are you happy that it has been properly tested?

i use RU since one day..

in germany you can get "Bifon Haarlösung", it is K&B but with piroctone olamine and bifonazol (PO is good against hairloss,too) and RU is stable for 2+ month in it (but u can only solve ~34mg/1ml). 100ml for about 6€ :). I use ~1,3ml each morning ->44mg RU/day


Established Member
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That's pretty impressive. From your pictures, I'd never know you had any hair loss.

Now if only someone could publish a thirty year longitudinal study finding no serious finasteride side effects.


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That's pretty impressive. From your pictures, I'd never know you had any hair loss.

Now if only someone could publish a thirty year longitudinal study finding no serious finasteride side effects.
Try RU@KB instead of finasteride..

I am now 2 weeks @RU@50mg/day and ... since 4-5 days after the first RU-day there was NO itching on my scalp. I think that stuff works better than finasteride and dutasteride-topical..


Established Member
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Where do you guys get RU? How do you mix it and stuff? Can someone do a thread explaning it better please?


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beautifuls results.

I hope it will continue like that for you.
you are not using minoxidil?
RU58841 once a day?

over the head?
you had oily hair before?


Reaction score
beautifuls results.

I hope it will continue like that for you.
you are not using minoxidil?
RU58841 once a day?

over the head?
you had oily hair before?

my hair was oily at the beginning with finasteride only.. but after 3-4 months it changed and only my forehead was a bit oily.

RU since 1/28/2014.. i hope that i will get another "boost".. once a day. i cant say so much about it.. my scalp doesnt itch anymore.. only after a few days of RU.
no minoxidil..

For the people who PN`ed becuase of the Bifon Haarlösung (cheap K&B) me:
on the left side you can choose "Versand nach" and choose your country.. you can only solve 30mg RU/1ml. It is absolutely stable for 6 months in it.. we tested it professionally in the german forums.

try finasteride oral and dutasteride topical..and wait ;)
There is new evidence emerges that the combination of finasteride and dutasteride significantly better results than finasteride or dutasteride alone!

i think ketocozanol is also very important..
It blocks an enzyme which is responsible for the formation of various male hormones in the scalp by up to 40%.
It is not enough to use nizoral shampoo .. Dilute the shampoo with vodka 50/50 and carry it on with a blunt cannula. Let it act for 30 min and then rinse it out. In the German forum are much more competent people than here;)