Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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He’s an incel
Its funny that he Still Lose ground despite using
@losingbattle88 @Mr. Slap Head
it seems that you both take it behind .. hahahaha there are those who lick the pussy and those who lick the c*** in this world ... or who eats the male sh*t good god .. it makes you laugh to think which side are you on ..... .
You are mad and crying that I dont want to eat your a**h** out. Dont be, you have many on grindr who are willing to do that for you. And you to Them.


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but realistically, who cares? People are just different, ya know? Even you genuinely feel the way you do and think they're hurting themselves or whatever and you're providing a wake up call, well each individual has the right to their choices. I hate seeing people I know with a cigarette addiction, but i'm not about to harp on it and tell them they're taking years off their life. They're aware of their decisions. And if I continually let others online upset me to the point of writing paragraphs on paragraphs i'd never have time to do anything else.

Anyway, food for thought.

He’s not people, he’s an abomination, a freak of nature and what’s worse is it’s self-imposed. someone wants to commit suicide, you don’t allow that and just watch it happen, you bring them back to sanity.

We must remind these abominations about their insanity. I really got bored of replying but I have realised you don’t give up on a person and see them commit suicide. Same way we shall not give up and should remind these freaks what they are.

Because we have no other choice, it might spread to other normal people and bring insanity to our sane world.

So yeah I am not stopping posting even if I am bored af writing a reply, I am doing a good thing for humanity (normal humanity not freaks)


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Silly Hairful, I got substantial hair growth in only two months with this regimen and I see plenty of budding hairs on the way so this is just the beginning. I knew you would jump at the chance to judge my results by unreasonable standards that you wouldn't judge a cis guy's results.

We get it. You think I'm sick. Move on. You're boring. If you can't get back to talking about hair instead of my supposedly bad life choices and my supposedly miserable life, I will just ignore you after this.

Also, I didn't say I don't care about social validation, wtf. I said I don't want sexual or romantic relationships any time soon... But obviously you are an unreasonable person to expect genuine criticism from. It's also not about validation, it's about sharing my results so us people who care about talking hair can get back to it. By the way, it's interesting you are mixing the two up. It's almost as if you have a toxic view of masculinity that in order to be a happy man and get validation, the only way is to have a sexual/romantic partner and that's not a healthy basis for any such relationship or a recipe for healthy interactions with women, even cis women. I hope you don't get as much pleasure trying to humiliate cis women as you enjoy trying to humiliate trans women.

So hey, buddy, maybe you should talk to a therapist about that! I mean, I wouldn't butt into your personal mental health business except oops you did that to me first. Hell, for all I know, maybe you're an egg in extreme denial of you being trans yourself and all your caps angry posting is a defense mechanism from realizing you are trans. You know what they say about homophobes, right? That they are often closeted homosexuals? The same is sometimes true of transphobes.

Anyway, this is hair loss talk dot com, right? Not talk trash about trans people dot com.

Have a nice day, mate. Take a chill pill.
What the f is a cis guy? I don’t know your insane terminology and won’t be dragged into this freaks world.

You became an abomination and you still can’t grow hair hahahaa, that’s pretty damn hilarious. You even mutilated your dick for it, and what have you become? A hairless freak can’t be recognised as male or female or eunuch but some abomination.

The only relationship you can expect are from similar abominations, you scare normal people. Just imagine if some kid sees you, he will be scarred for life. The kid will be Mom, what is that thing??? “We don’t know, sweetie ;(“. Denying you want validation/relationship is not working, you’re worried about hairs, you mutilated your body, the sad thing is as a nw7 man, if you had instead chosen to work out, you will still have managed to attract many quality women and I am talking normal vaginas not mutilated dicks converted into vaginas ( disgusting ).

Yes, as a man being in a relationship with an attractive girl is one of the greatest pleasures of life. It’s something your body is hardwired to yearn , it’s biology. Humans crave touch, kids who aren’t touched by their parents grow up with malfunctions and underdeveloped, there’s a whole documentary about it. Literally the body craves touch and romantic attention. I told you before, couples live longer, happier than forever alone people. Trans aka freaks have the highest suicide rates and depression rates. It’s because they not only inject poison into their body but lose connection with the normal world and give up on relationships, sex with a mutilated dick, that in itself is depressing and vomit inducing forcing one to commit suicide.

This is real life not the movies or TV shows. When you hate something it doesn’t mean you like them, that’s fucked up movie logic. I hate being in pain, according to your logic that must mean I want to skin myself alive? What the f? You’ve gone clearly insane to think like this. I hate cockroaches, no that doesn’t mean I want to f*** cockroaches secretly and like them, just ew.

I don’t know what else you expected from the sane normal people. You remove the govt imposed forced acceptance and punishment, introduced for population control and then see how people cringe away from an abomination like you. Mutilating yourself then wanting acceptance, what strange times we live in. But the govt wants to control the population growth so the freaks are allowed in public instead of admitted to mental asylums.

I mean just wow, since you love torture and pain and misery, why not do a little experiment for us. Get on anti-prolactin drugs and see if that grow hairs on your barren head. It’s not like you need prolactin for sexual function anyway and you’re f*****g up other bodily functions with the poison you inject.

Just insane, the Nazis get bad rep for experimenting on people, here you got willing subjects willingly becoming part of the lunatic project and culling themselves