Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Whatever happened to the OP? Any one know?
Bridgeburn? There is no sense in staying active on a hairlossforum, if you don't have any hairloss at first place. Lol

Tho he had to sacrifice a lot to get back what he once had... The most important is that he is happy, and yes, he is!


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Bridgeburn? There is no sense in staying active on a hairlossforum, if you don't have any hairloss at first place. Lol

Tho he had to sacrifice a lot to get back what he once had... The most important is that he is happy, and yes, he is!
Do you keep in touch with him?


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Some have accused me of not being persistent enough. But in fact, if you continue to go bald during treatment, it means that the scheme does not work. After 1,2,3,4 and 5 months on Bicalutamide I saw a deterioration, so there was no doubt that it was not helping me. Now I am on HRT and I will be evaluating the first results in 3 months.

There is a myth that you need to give treatment for at least half a year in order to conclude whether it helps. Sometimes these periods are extended to a year or two, which is even more absurd when we have to rush to treatment. In fact, more often than not, three months are enough. You should have had an improvement in hair quality and an increase in hair diameter before new ones began to grow.
It took me six years to regrow most of my hair and that can be typical for many people apparently but age might have an effect but then again, I am no spring chicken, officially anyway.

There's no doubt that MtF's have an advantage here compared to guys using HRT for hair in that we can proceed without worrying about breast growth or excessive feminization.


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I've already posted several pictures of myself here, from every possible angle.
I even posted my blood tests, you have no idea what you're talking about, I've been posting things here for almost 1 year; I come here to expose information for free for people like you to challenge what I say, this is impolite.

I've posted pictures of myself here more than 3 times, you can check, don't be lazy.
Sorry, I won't post pictures of myself every time, because one or another user didn't see.

I'm sorry.

Believe if you want.

Talk is cheap, do something, i do, and u?
Wow. I think that it is pretty well established that HRT can regrow a full head of hair in the best cases but we don't know exactly why hair restoration comes so easy for many and so hard for most.


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I think Noah's success in part may be due to the fact that he used Minoxidil (before starting HRT), which prevented permanent follicular death and scalp fibrosis. I even thought about oral minoxidil, but I am annoyed by its deceptive nature: it will grow your hair, but when you stop it, it will quickly disappear. There is an option to use it all the time, but I don't know ... I'll try to do just hormones
Pretty much all treatments are ineffective without either dutasteride or estrogen, when you go off them. I have so many treatments but oral min to me, seems far more effective than using it topically, which didn't do anything but maintenance for me.


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First out, first in is not at all how I would characterize my regrowth. It seems to improve hair everywhere not just on top or in the corners. One thing is that if successful, many people will notice an ovalization of the hairline which seems to sort of roll forward gradually.For MtF's having such a canopy hairline improves passability as does having a lower hairline.
I thought so too, but no. Hair is smaller in diameter and miniaturized. Basically, if I answer HRT, the first improvement should occur in these areas, because they started to go bald last.
View attachment 164018


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Your pattern is like mine. You answered HRT, that's encouraging. Typically, no one shows their hair from the back and side when sharing progress. I have not found any success stories of retrograde alopecia on HRT
Is your hair better now than in this photo? I hope HRT has improved the sides
Retrograde hair loss to me, seems to be related to thinning but rarely full hair loss. As mine has come in, the fringe and sides look much better. I also microneedle my entire scalp and face once a week which probably helps.


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How is this different from what you are doing? I just chose a cheaper and more convenient option. But we'd both be on HRT, man
I have no ulterior motives. I am afraid of body changes. I'm just a very desperate guy who decided to go for it so as not to kill myself. nw0 or die
I mean, it doesn't really matter whether one has subconscious desire for feminization upon going on HRT. Some people think that HRT causes dysphoria but that's a stretch in my view. People should consider their life and family goals and many seem to think marriage won't be an option without hair. I still worry about breast growth and facial feminization making me male fail. I have to wear a lot of jackets to hide my incipient breast growth which might put off the females that interest me. My face seems more and more androgynous especially as my hair grows and very few males over the age of 30, say, can grow their hair to my length without it looking like a rat's nest. HRT improves the "quality" of every single hair shaft in terms of shine, texture and manageability.




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If you did that, with the aromatase change, it might make things worse hair-wise, I would think. The second thing is that only rarely does conjecture offer us a new way or approach that hasn't already been tried. I would advise you to read some of the non-binary posts related to Serms on Reddit as they pop up because we still don't know all of the parameters.


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yeah mate here’s a little list of things I can remember from the top of my head, no blood work ever done mate. While on high dosages of loniten I kept an eye on my blood pressure.

Loniten 5-10mg - no side effects.
Loniten side effects at 30-40mg.. irregular heart beats, low energy, weak.. excessive nose bleeds, puffy eyes apon waking up in the morning, sore heads

Avodart - first 6months - 1yr - no sex drive (none). Extended sheds.

bic - small gyno, sore to touch, lower sex drive, sore heads, rashs/pimples.
Mate, I have used oral min (drinking topical) at 12.5mg twice daily and along with weight gain and water retention and puffy eyes but I will taper down to 6.25mg and then get a feel for whether that hurts anything. I doubt it will for someone on HRT or using dutasteride/finasteride. You have a dream protocol so to speak and since it is oral, you don't have the ingestion issues that others have. I do think that a full recovery is possible just from HRT but why wait if oral min can get us there more quickly. The puffy eyes improve during the course of the day but they make me look strange when I first wake up. I use moisturizers and concealer but hopefully at only 12.5mg daily divided into two doses will resolve my eye issues. People can also try filler in the eye area although I haven't done that yet but in general, filler is amazing and costs an amazing amount of money.


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Very good find, although I am not completely sure how to interpret these results (or actually I am, I think the results are incomplete the way they are presented here). Of course, we have the binding affinities on the left, indicating good selectivity of WAY-2000070 for ER-beta. On the right, we have the transactivation of the receptor, however, it is not specified to what extent the receptors are activated. For example, the compound 7-alpha-hydroxy-DHEA (7-HD) only has an EC50 of 20 uM, but is able to activate ER-beta with 60-70% potency of E2*. So, we see that the EC50 for transactivation of WAY-2000070 for ER-beta is 31nM, but it does not specify the transcriptional activity of the receptor at that concentration. This is a really important difference, since you might end up with a compound that can only activate a small part of ER-beta associated genes.

As a side note, the more I read about estrogens and their relation to hair growth, the more I am starting to doubt E2's real global efficacy (and the more I realise estrogens are very poorly understood, with many pathways other than ligand-binding that influence tissue genetic expression). In my previous post I mentioned that E2 lengthens anagen in frontotemporal male follicles (FMF), but induces catagen in the same female follicles (FFF)**. The authors of the associated paper conclude that E2 may have vastly different local effects depending on the scalp region. To complicate things even further, E2 is also known to strongly decrease AR density***, which may or may not account for some if not all of its positive effects on FMFs. If we were to replace E2 with a selective ER-beta ligand, we might not get any positive effects or maybe even induce catagen, like in the FFFs. To me, it is not clear enough whether ER-beta truly is the holy grail for hair growth. There has been only one study to my knowledge on these positive effects, and that one was executed on mice****. Since male and female human follicles already behave differently, these results are absolutely not transferable to human (male) follicles.

Personally, I think that E2 can definitely be useful. However, based on the current knowledge it should preferably be used locally, only on the frontotemporal region (for males, that is). Whether the positive effects are coming from direct estrogen-related gene transcription or AR supression is still unknown, unfortunately (at least to me). Also, anyone wanting to experiment with E2 (or any hormone for that matter) should be aware of all its direct and downstream effects, some of which are especially detrimental to males. Of course I am always open for discussion on this topic, as we can all learn from each other.

Source list (again, no hyperlinks, still restricted on my account):

*Estrogen Receptor b Ligands: Recent Advances and Biomedical Applications
**Estrogens and the hair follicle
***The hair follicle as estrogen target and source (really nice, complete article with tons of information)
****Hair cycle control by estrogens: catagen induction via estrogen receptor (ER)-alpha is checked by ER beta signaling

I am pretty certain that HRT can restore a head of hair but since I have multiple treatments, I am not much of a data point and here I am referring to microneedling which can at times, it appears, vastly improve a person's hair and in some cases, produce spectacular growth. I use generally 2.0mg and 2.5 mg needles. Since Bridge didn't microneedle, he is a better source.

I use finasteride and duta together and never a single side but no regrowth either but these are more so maintenance drugs. Like me, Bridge added oral minoxidil later in the game but he had already had substantial success by then and that's how my situation with oral min is. I absolutely think that it helps and is probably, after HRT and perhaps microneedling, the number one treatment for hair growth.

I have looked at those articles, at least a couple of them and eh, I just didn't find any of it convincing. There's a one person study from 2016 involving an MtF who was almost bald then regrowing her hair substantially just from E2 and spironolactone. I think that a lot of XY's want to believe that HRT won't work for hair, subconsciously, so that they don't have to try it since "it's not guaranteed to work". People have difference life preferences. One type of person that I find exceedingly ridiculous are the MtF's who think that using HRT only for hair is some sort of sacrilege by infringing on their territory.


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I've already posted several pictures of myself here, from every possible angle.
I even posted my blood tests, you have no idea what you're talking about, I've been posting things here for almost 1 year; I come here to expose information for free for people like you to challenge what I say, this is impolite.

I've posted pictures of myself here more than 3 times, you can check, don't be lazy.
Sorry, I won't post pictures of myself every time, because one or another user didn't see.

I'm sorry.

Believe if you want.

Talk is cheap, do something, i do, and u?
Just look earlier in this thread at Bridge's pics. Are those pics fake? How about the hundreds of pics that I have posted going back six years? I mean, life is too short for people to "spoof" hair regrowth for what purpose now? It's a lot of work doing this and most people feel too exposed to post pics which I completely understand. I have posted pics of every single body part and obviously hair and face so that people can see what they might be getting into. It's also an enormous amount of work to find the right cocktail and that took me well over 7 years before I noticed substantial regrowth. At times, (like today), I have meticulously used estrogel as a hair tonic, meaning all over the scalp regardless whether an area is balding or not and I apply it several times daily, especially on the hair line. Microneedling is painful and I don't usually enjoy it but two years now have I microneedled once weekly without fail.

I had a shed to complete baldness but I don't think that was my baseline so I am not a story of a cueball with dormant follicles that have woken up but still from bald to beautiful, so to speak, is impressive and my baseline had lots of corner recession and an incipient bald spot that was quite noticeable under bad lighting.


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“no offence your nipples say otherwise”

how is gyno a gym related side effect?

the people on this section of the forum are getting worse haha.
This is now a banter thread that has little to nothing to do with the first 400 pages or so when Bridge was contributing. There have always been naysayers but when you check, quite often, they have gone off on their own tangent and then complain that HRT didn't work for them. Except for microneedling and maybe oral min in some cases, HRT is the only thing that will restore a full head of hair and not just that, a head of hair that is "rock and roll" hair that looks good long, like maybe Roger Waters and Mick Jagger.


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Mate, I have used oral min (drinking topical) at 12.5mg twice daily and along with weight gain and water retention and puffy eyes but I will taper down to 6.25mg and then get a feel for whether that hurts anything. I doubt it will for someone on HRT or using dutasteride/finasteride. You have a dream protocol so to speak and since it is oral, you don't have the ingestion issues that others have. I do think that a full recovery is possible just from HRT but why wait if oral min can get us there more quickly. The puffy eyes improve during the course of the day but they make me look strange when I first wake up. I use moisturizers and concealer but hopefully at only 12.5mg daily divided into two doses will resolve my eye issues. People can also try filler in the eye area although I haven't done that yet but in general, filler is amazing and costs an amazing amount of money.
The puffy eyes are a b**ch lol.

michel sapin

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i don't know how you achieve to handle the hypertrichosis side effect which might be insane with 5 mg dosage... Or i might be extra sensitive fo this particular side. Taht suks because i had no side effect from the oral except this one.


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i don't know how you achieve to handle the hypertrichosis side effect which might be insane with 5 mg dosage... Or i might be extra sensitive fo this particular side. Taht suks because i had no side effect from the oral except this one.
Laser removal except for the beard area, is pretty reasonable and if the question is hair or no hair, I don't have any bodily issue since most or almost all of such issues can be managed alternately but hair you pretty much still have to grow it yourself so you could titrate downwards but you might be facing something entirely difference if you are talking about bear-like body hair growth and then, that does trump hair loss. I had a buddy with an incredible head of hair but he literally had hair every single centimeter and thick too.