Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.

Kira Marie

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I am. I had an Orchiectomy 2016, Breast Augmentation 2017, and been living full-time for +2 years. I've been taking weekly inj (20 mg/ 7 days), 12.5mg androcur, and finasteride the last 2 years (DIY), but I just started seeing a new endo last month. The regimen (I'm suggesting) to her is same inj dose, with 05mg of dutasteride, and 25mg of bicalutimide. It's the only one that actually started to show signs of improvement and regrowth from the previous endo that I was seeing in KC +3 years ago (pre-op). E was 420 and T was 12. I literally just had bloodwork done from (new endo), so I'll know sometime next week where everything stands with her. Im not holding my breath tho, cause I know how endocrinologist differ. A (few) genuinely care about how you feel and what's actually working, and the rest are solely by the book. Are you trans? I just joined like,..2 hours ago :)


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I am. I had an Orchiectomy 2016, Breast Augmentation 2017, and been living full-time for +2 years. I've been taking weekly inj (20 mg/ 7 days), 12.5mg androcur, and finasteride the last 2 years (DIY), but I just started seeing a new endo last month. The regimen (I'm suggesting) to her is same inj dose, with 05mg of dutasteride, and 25mg of bicalutimide. It's the only one that actually started to show signs of improvement and regrowth from the previous endo that I was seeing in KC +3 years ago (pre-op). E was 420 and T was 12. I literally just had bloodwork done from (new endo), so I'll know sometime next week where everything stands with her. Im not holding my breath tho, cause I know how endocrinologist differ. A (few) genuinely care about how you feel and what's actually working, and the rest are solely by the book. Are you trans? I just joined like,..2 hours ago :)
Your injection dosage is extremely high. As great as E can be, you definitely don't want too high of levels or too large of fluctuations. Steady levels are key. One thing with injections is that it gives super high levels after the first couple days and then they steeply decline until the next dose. I'd consider lowering the dosage and injecting more often. Especially since EV has a half life of about 5 days. Personally I inject about 7mg every 5 days. I'd imagine 20mg is giving extreme spikes, which could possibly trigger hormonal telogen effluvian. Just something to consider. Keep us posted.

Kira Marie

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Im totally aware of that, and appreciate your advice. But i've been playing the game for (soon to be) 4 years now. I know what has worked and what hasn't worked for me. I've done 10mg5d,.10mg/7d,.15mg/7d,.and 20mg/7d. Night/day difference. Everybody's body is different to sensitivity and responsiveness. Finding an individualized sweet spot is all we can really do to delay the onset of our already predetermined genetic outcome. Sad but true.

Kira Marie

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For the record: at 15mg my E was 272, and T was 42 (preop). Close to what WPATH "standards" are, and 10mg was pointless.


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Query: I've been taking Bicalutamide (with 4mg e) for the past 3 months and I've notice no change at with my hair. I'm about to run out and considering going back to CPA? Have I given Bica enough time? or do I stick with it for a further 3 months.

Previously I've been on CPA + duta + minoxidil for a year or so, on this I managed to recover hair crown and fill temples with a ton of pigmented vellus hairs. But everything stopped growing, so I switched to Bica. And it's stayed the same - vellus temples stuck not growing, not falling either, weird.

Doesn't bica take a couple of months or so to fully kick in? That's what I remember anyway, and I didn't start feeling it's full anti-androgenic effects until around the 2 month mark.


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I've had an Orchiectomy and been on inj, and androcur for almost 3 years now and can't say it's been helping much. Really sucks.

Did it at least stop your hair loss? You could always add some form of minoxidil (oral, preferably). Although, your age could be playing a factor; how long have you been dealing with this hair loss, and what is the severity? And, could we see the condition of your hair currently?

Hair We Go Go

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Doesn't bica take a couple of months or so to fully kick in? That's what I remember anyway, and I didn't start feeling it's full anti-androgenic effects until around the 2 month mark.
Ok - maybe I'll buy another 3 months worth and give it a little longer. I'll also seek out a blood test at the same time to check levels.

Another query: is it possible to DIY 'E' injections? Or is this something that would need to be done through some kind of official channel. Just wondering if it's worth switching from sublingual estrofem.
Ive 2mg4 or 6mg

Hair We Go Go

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Ok - maybe I'll buy another 3 months worth and give it a little longer. I'll also seek out a blood test at the same time to check levels.

Another query: is it possible to DIY 'E' injections? Or is this something that would need to be done through some kind of official channel. Just wondering if it's worth switching from sublingual estrofem.
Ive 2mg4 or 6mg
Lol, posted before I finished typing.

Ignore that last bit, I was only going to say that uping the tablet dose doesn't seem to change a thing. I have actually questioned the drugs themselves as I feel nothing - no change etc...


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After 3 months I discontinued E3 a few days ago because I don't know if my lymph nodes are swollen or if I just developed a lot of fat under my chin and jawline over the last month. Fat distribution throughout my body is significantly more feminine too. I will have to battle this without messing with my hormones as I can't deal with my neck looking like this. More power to you all that can handle the sides.


Salvador Adam Llopis

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Can anyone tell me what does it mean?
Despite nuclear AR expression, bicalutamide can completely block DHT-stimulated AR transactivation and has no detectable partial agonist activity on the full-length AR

Anyone knows if bicalutamide blocks dht or affects dht in a similar way than CPA?


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Can anyone tell me what does it mean?
Despite nuclear AR expression, bicalutamide can completely block DHT-stimulated AR transactivation and has no detectable partial agonist activity on the full-length AR

Anyone knows if bicalutamide blocks dht or affects dht in a similar way than CPA?
You'll find all your answers in the drug facts and drug studies.


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Better to have titties than to have a bald head, f*** yo bald head.


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That's what most encourages me to start, if it all comes down to having tits and hair or not having tits and being bald I definitely choose the first option, without hesitation.

It was hands down the BEST decision I ever made, I went from bald to prepubescent density, I'm going to do an experiment and see if i can maintain everything with dutasteride and CPA or Bica alone and drop the estrogen (for health reasons). I'll give an update on it in 6 months or so.


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It was hands down the BEST decision I ever made, I went from bald to prepubescent density, I'm going to do an experiment and see if i can maintain everything with dutasteride and CPA or Bica alone and drop the estrogen (for health reasons). I'll give an update on it in 6 months or so.

Yes, please keep your situation up to date. I can't speak for everyone but I read and follow the progress that many of you are making. The reason? Simple. I'm going to try it myself in the next few months. If I don't do anything I'll be bald in a couple of years and that would be hell for me, I know. So it is very important to read personal experiences that most of the time are much more important than visiting an infinite number of dermatologists, which in my case have proven to be unhelpful visits.