Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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What regimen are you planning to follow?

Duta, min x2 daily and spironolactone 50mg daily- and increase after every couple of weeks until I’m about 100mg. I’m just gonna take it slow.
I’m sure I won’t get sides as i was taking finasteride and duta together for 8 months without a single side. But I’m still going to be precautious no the less.


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I had fog in my head and depression when I took one capsule per day. after taking 4 a day, it went away after 3 days. It seems to me that depression and headache are associated with the fact that the DGT is not completely blocked, and there are roller coasters. according to my feelings, a capsule covers no more than 7 hours, then the effect drops. This is said by many who have long taken dutasterid. But when you start taking 4-5 capsules per day, other problems appear. Avodart is an acid and it hurts the stomach of the liver to bones and teeth. It is necessary to use calcium. Many advise to drink avodart with 40 grams of gelatin to neutralize the harm of avodart. Gelatin for hair is good. I know that from large doses of avodart a lot of harm.
But this is the only way to see the effect. CPA blocks both testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Why block testosterone if it does not harm the hair. When blocking testosterone need to take estradiol. But why do we need boobs .. CPA without hormones can not be taken. And as far as is known, CPA is much more harmful for the liver than avodart. The only advantage of the CPA is that it blocks DHT much more strongly. But Cypro still blocks testosterone, which does no harm to your hair.
I actually just dropped Estrogel after 6 weeks because I felt some unwanted changes might be happening to sexual organs. I thought if I pushed on I might really regret it. I know that 6 weeks is too short to expect much change in hair, but I gotta say that I saw no positive effects in the 6 weeks of daily dosing with Estrogel. So now I'm only using finasteride and min and am wondering if I should add 1 dutasteride a week and also add topical RU or CB.


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Duta, min x2 daily and spironolactone 50mg daily- and increase after every couple of weeks until I’m about 100mg. I’m just gonna take it slow.
I’m sure I won’t get sides as i was taking finasteride and duta together for 8 months without a single side. But I’m still going to be precautious no the less.
How'd you maintain for the 8 months on dutasteride and finasteride?


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Do we really know that testosterone does not harm hair? It's molecular structure is very similar to DHT so it would not be surprising if it elicited similar effects as DHT at the follicle.
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michel sapin

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So I just finished a week of raloxifene and it was doing a great job of reducing gyno in such a short time but just like last time after a week I started shedding heavily and I just cant stand that sh*t. My hair is still too thin to sustain a long period of shedding while still looking good. I think I'm gonna run another 3 months of Cypro and Estrogel and then run a 2 month long cycle of ralox. My hair just reached a new level of thickness and I cant bear to go back to where I was. I've come to the conclusion that I will be much happier with a full head of hair and man boobs then no hair and no gyno. So worst case senario is the ralox cant turn back the gyno enough and I will have to start saving money for gyno surgery. I am now willing to accept that possibility.

An interesting thing i've noticed since I started this regimen is women have been smiling at me way more than before and they just seem happier to see me. Now granted part of that is because I've been in better moods lately because of my hair doing much better but I'm noticing it from girls I just pass by on the street as well. A woman the other day just told me she reallly likes the way my hair is now and told me not to change it. Thats literally the first compliment Ive had on my hair in about 4 years. At the rate my hair is going I wont have to use any toppik at all in a month. I'm pretty stoked.

you will not notice a difference for a gyno in just 1 week of ralox bro.


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I actually just dropped Estrogel after 6 weeks because I felt some unwanted changes might be happening to sexual organs. I thought if I pushed on I might really regret it. I know that 6 weeks is too short to expect much change in hair, but I gotta say that I saw no positive effects in the 6 weeks of daily dosing with Estrogel. So now I'm only using finasteride and min and am wondering if I should add 1 dutasteride a week and also add topical RU or CB.

Estrogel on the head to smear there is no sense. There is a war on the head for the receptors, in which DHT is stronger than estradiol. I also stop taking 1 mg of estradiol. I do not need tits. Finasteride is not able to cover the entire DHT. Very weak drug, can only help if the problem has just begun. Dutasterid is very strong but it acts very little. The first 5 hours, it suppresses 99% of DHT. Later its action begins to fall. After 12 hours, its action drops completely and the body begins to resist and raises more DHT than it was before. This is how hormonal swings that hair doesn’t like very much. Avodart capsule a week will not do anything. The effect is from 2-3-4 capsules per day. It depends on how much DHT you have.


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I want to try to smear the topical liquid dutasteride on my head. To add effect. But as I understand from him there is no sense as it penetrates the skin poorly and dries quickly. And wearing it all day like a gel on your hair is probably not convenient, especially if there is not enough hair. Topical dutasteride did not help anyone?


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Do we really know that testosterone does not harm hair? It's molecular structure is very similar to DHT so it would not be surprising if it elicited similar effects as DHT at the follicle.

The molecular structure is similar but it acts 10 times weaker than DHT. Moreover, there is no scientific evidence that testosterone harms hair. There are girls who have testosterone almost at zero, but increased DHT and hair fall out. I do not know who thought up about the harm of testosterone. If I find out that TST can cause hair loss, I will also start using cypro. But so far I do not see the point. I think the whole secret is that cypro reduces DHT much more than duta. And testosterone is irrelevant.
But I'm not sure.


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That's impressive temple regrowth - what all are you taking?

since august 2018

12.5 mg cpa
1.25 mg finasteride
minoxidil 5% topically + orally
50 mg dhea sublingually
100 mg progesterone sublingually
3 to 6 drops of estradiol-gel
vitamines, nems, .....


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@LEXUS What about spironolactone? Its weaker than Cypro, and some people have had great results with that (they were not using estrogel or anything like that), regrowing all hairs on NW0 area

Do you believe, that high dose of dutasterie can provide us regrow? Or it will just stop balding?


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since august 2018

12.5 mg cpa
1.25 mg finasteride
minoxidil 5% topically + orally
50 mg dhea sublingually
100 mg progesterone sublingually
3 to 6 drops of estradiol-gel
vitamines, nems, .....

Great results dude :eek: Are you going to be on this regimen as long as you can or you will try to cut some dose to check if you can keep it without such a strong drugs?

How do you feel overall? Is your gyno so bad? Dick still works? Still feel straight? How is your confidence with your new hairs? :D


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@LEXUS What about spironolactone? Its weaker than Cypro, and some people have had great results with that (they were not using estrogel or anything like that), regrowing all hairs on NW0 area

Do you believe, that high dose of dutasterie can provide us regrow? Or it will just stop balding?

Spirolankton is a potassium-sparing diuretic. Antiandrogenic effect is a side effect of spirolankton. Inside it can not be used for a long time. Are you talking about oral or topical spironolactone? I have not seen good results on spirolankton. If there is, please show. :))) I know for sure that there are no results on the topical spironolactone. At first I thought that dutasteride can only stop baldness, but for hair growth, estradiol is needed. But now I think that the whole problem is that DHT is difficult to block in the scalp. There is no possibility to check the DHT in the scalp. Therefore, Avodart’s experiments on one capsule per day are not correct.

I heard the story of MTF (male to female) after castration when there was no testosterone, estradiol did not help him. This again suggests that testosterone is not the cause of baldness. I also heard the story of an experienced MTF about the fact that testosterone without DHT is not active. And another MTF told that from a dose of 10 tablets of DUTA per day, DHT can be reduced to zero. But as I said DUTA is also a harmful drug for the liver. And 10 tablets is a lot, and do not need so much. The problem is that alpha reductase enzyme is intracellular. Sweet food increases alpha reductase.


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Spirolankton is a potassium-sparing diuretic. Antiandrogenic effect is a side effect of spirolankton. Inside it can not be used for a long time. Are you talking about oral or topical spironolactone? I have not seen good results on spirolankton. If there is, please show. :))) I know for sure that there are no results on the topical spironolactone. At first I thought that dutasteride can only stop baldness, but for hair growth, estradiol is needed. But now I think that the whole problem is that DHT is difficult to block in the scalp. There is no possibility to check the DHT in the scalp. Therefore, Avodart’s experiments on one capsule per day are not correct.

Ye there are not good results on topical spironolactone, thats right, but Oral worked for some ppl

Im thinking about checking it, but im not sure that i will be able to keep results (If there will be) with just duta, becouse i dont want to take spironolactone longer than half of the year.

So do you think that lets say 2x duta ed (morning and evening) + 1mg estrogel ed (On stomach) + minoxidil + Dermarolling should be best regimen to see some regrow and stop balding?

+ Im still looking for answer for this question
Even if i will use 1mg of Estrogel can it couse any pernament changes in my body? Can it couse that i will have to use it forever?


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Yeah thanks. Had seen. But I'm not so brave to take spironolactone orally. :) Moreover, this drug reacts to the exchange of potassium. You can read the side effects and do not want to take spironolactone. If you stop taking it, then your hair will probably fall back. Estrogel has no benefit, it is not able to compete with dihydrotestosterone for receptors. If estradiol causes a change in the body, then after the cancellation, everything will come back. But I have already said that it is probably not needed at all. If the form of baldness is not aggressive then you can try your scheme. But I stopped using minoxidil forever. Tired of synchronization, falls out, grows up, falls out, grows up. It seems like an illusion that something is growing.


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Yeah thanks. Had seen. But I'm not so brave to take spironolactone orally. :) Moreover, this drug reacts to the exchange of potassium. You can read the side effects and do not want to take spironolactone. If you stop taking it, then your hair will probably fall back. Estrogel has no benefit, it is not able to compete with dihydrotestosterone for receptors. If estradiol causes a change in the body, then after the cancellation, everything will come back. But I have already said that it is probably not needed at all. If the form of baldness is not aggressive then you can try your scheme. But I stopped using minoxidil forever. Tired of synchronization, falls out, grows up, falls out, grows up. It seems like an illusion that something is growing.

Genuine question: If estrogel (which is estradiol?) does not provide any benefit and hair loss is not caused by testosterone, what has caused the regrowth?

Apologies if I am misunderstanding. I am a newb.


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Genuine question: If estrogel (which is estradiol?) does not provide any benefit and hair loss is not caused by testosterone, what has caused the regrowth?

Apologies if I am misunderstanding. I am a newb.

Yes, estrogel is estradiol. What causes growth resumption? If there is no estradiol, then hair growth causes testosterone. I am not kidding. Hair growth needs a hormone. The main thing that would not be DHT. And growth causes a hormone. This is either estradiol or testosterone. If you remove all the hormones at all, then all hair will fall out, there will be osteoporosis and you can die and get depressed. When taking cypro estradiol rises, and if you block both testosterone and estradiol completely, you can die. In the body should always be hormones.


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And immediately stopped hair fall out. While there is no new hair, but for me it is already happiness. Saw many who took Avodart 2.5 mg per day but new hair was not much, but baldness stopped. For new hair, you probably need to add estradiol.
Estrogel has no benefit, it is not able to compete with dihydrotestosterone for receptors. If estradiol causes a change in the body, then after the cancellation, everything will come back. But I have already said that it is probably not needed at all.

I dont get it :c Estrogel is estradiol, so where is the problem?


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Great results dude :eek: Are you going to be on this regimen as long as you can or you will try to cut some dose to check if you can keep it without such a strong drugs?

How do you feel overall? Is your gyno so bad? Dick still works? Still feel straight? How is your confidence with your new hairs? :D

i feel great.... ;-)

the only poison i take is CPA and finsteride

both i will stop anywhere

now i have 2 weeks off-phase (no cpa and finasteride) ...

the rest of my regimen is for me really healthy..
my testosterone is low...on the long run, this is bad.... so i could raise my estradiol-gel to a full HRT.. maybe 20 drops per day...
i can live androgynous with this regimen

gyno is maybe a cup A... i can get over it