Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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If Anty’s thread is anything to go off you have good odd’s at filling in those temples. On another note why was Anty’s english language thread deleted from here, it’s majorly frustrating that a lot of valuable information that I’m sure was discussed is now lost, I looked on archive and google too see if they had it cached but no look :(
Who is Anty?? Where's Anty's thread?


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Who is Anty?? Where's Anty's thread?

A reckless/fearless polish dude that used to post here before he was banned a couple of months back. He went by the name @antydhtor, in his thread I am referring to he made some remarkable gains in the frontal temporal regions. As @DHTpolice mentioned he has a thread over on the polish forums but is only accessible if you create an account which is kind of tricky as there is a security question in polish. You can judge for yourself though, here are his earliest and most recent postings (Aug. 2015 - Nov. 2017).



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Who is Anty?? Where's Anty's thread?
He had the most extreme regimen. Finding his thread is when I discovered how effective antiandrogen regimens can be and inspired me to try cypro and estrogen


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Wtf! Lol

are you really taking 6mg E?! are you cis?

Nope, think of it as an experiment. Historically, even as a child I've required higher doses of anything. Example, I was stuck with a baterical cold, and required 'double' the medicine we'd give a normal human, and even more time for recovery. I believe it was 250mg something, for 3 days, but I used to need 500mg for 7 days to get well. That still hasn't changed I feel.

I tried getting off 300mg sprio (to 100-200mg) as I discussed with others, but anything lower would make my scalp, and some portions of the face oily again.


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Nope, think of it as an experiment. Historically, even as a child I've required higher doses of anything. Example, I was stuck with a baterical cold, and required 'double' the medicine we'd give a normal human, and even more time for recovery. I believe it was 250mg something, for 3 days, but I used to need 500mg for 7 days to get well. That still hasn't changed I feel.

I tried getting off 300mg sprio (to 100-200mg) as I discussed with others, but anything lower would make my scalp, and some portions of the face oily again.


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I started receding when I first began to lose hair because my female hormones went kaput. I’ve been on oral 2mg minoxidil + topical 5% minoxidil + Diane 35 since the end of 2015 and it regrew my hairline to the point where it was actually TOO low. Estrogen is a major player in hair regrowth. HOWEVER. This is Androgenetic Alopecia we’re talking about, so there needs be an an antiandrogen component here as well. I tried spironolactone for 9 months, didn’t help and made me sick. Tried dutas, made me actually BLEED on the pill. Tried saw palmetto, same thing as dutas happened. Basically anything that has ever thrown my estrogen off or increased T levels has caused massive hair shedding with mostly hairline recession and bleeding. Therefore, I plan to try RU because it’s *supposed* to have minimal sides, and maybe also chuck in topical 17-alpha estradiol or estrogel. I’m like the god damn hormone barometer man. My body reacts to everything, PARTICULARLY my hair. Estrogen fluctuation has always either caused loss or gain. It’s imporant. This dude is definitely right about it, but I think possibly the side effects aren’t worth it for men...


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A reckless/fearless polish dude that used to post here before he was banned a couple of months back. He went by the name @antydhtor, in his thread I am referring to he made some remarkable gains in the frontal temporal regions. As @DHTpolice mentioned he has a thread over on the polish forums but is only accessible if you create an account which is kind of tricky as there is a security question in polish. You can judge for yourself though, here are his earliest and most recent postings (Aug. 2015 - Nov. 2017).

View attachment 71828 View attachment 71829 View attachment 71830 View attachment 71831
HOLY sh*t! What was his regimen?!


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A reckless/fearless polish dude that used to post here before he was banned a couple of months back. He went by the name @antydhtor, in his thread I am referring to he made some remarkable gains in the frontal temporal regions. As @DHTpolice mentioned he has a thread over on the polish forums but is only accessible if you create an account which is kind of tricky as there is a security question in polish. You can judge for yourself though, here are his earliest and most recent postings (Aug. 2015 - Nov. 2017).

I wish all his posts weren't nuked. What did he do, anyway?


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Wow. That is more extreme than a transgender regimen. Holy. sh*t.
200mg cpa is a bit overkill perhaps. at one point he took 300mg for awhile, eventually he went down to 100mg. probably one of the reasons he was banned was because Admin thought he was too reckless.
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200mg cpa is a bit overkill perhaps. at one point he took 300mg for awhile, eventually he went down to 100mg. probably one of the reasons he was banned was because Admin thought he was too reckless.

I wouldnt take the admin any srs. He also prohibited the wounding discussion cause he cant see blood and is anyways just here to sell us out with the shop.


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Tbh I’m considering CA myself. Or flutamide. Something that demonlishes testosterone anyway.


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I wouldn't do it you're taking way too many sh*t already you will demolish your system
Im actually not on anything atm except oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil,1% topical cetirizine, the pill and some vitamins. Sometimes I’ll use peppermint and rosemary oil but it’s sporadically. I have tried avodart 3 times (that’s 3 pills) and it’s made me bleed like a stuffed pig with horrendous cramps and beyond crazy hair shedding literally a day after taking it. Every time. I have RU currently on the way which I will mix in with my minoxidil plus some niacamide, but otherwise not on an AA. I’m despo man. My hair is a fuxing mess.


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Im actually not on anything atm except oral minoxidil, topical minoxidil,1% topical cetirizine, the pill and some vitamins. Sometimes I’ll use peppermint and rosemary oil but it’s sporadically. I have tried avodart 3 times (that’s 3 pills) and it’s made me bleed like a stuffed pig with horrendous cramps and beyond crazy hair shedding literally a day after taking it. Every time. I have RU currently on the way which I will mix in with my minoxidil plus some niacamide, but otherwise not on an AA. I’m despo man. My hair is a fuxing mess.
I wont even take topical minoxidil due to the skin aging


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I wont even take topical minoxidil due to the skin aging
I don’t think I ever had that problem tbh, although if I have, I haven’t noticed it. It might have something to do with the fact that I also take estrogen/progesterone which could counteract it?


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I don’t think I ever had that problem tbh, although if I have, I haven’t noticed it. It might have something to do with the fact that I also take estrogen/progesterone which could counteract it?
Lol I didnt wanna make u even more paranoid you weirdo. I just have dark circles and it made it way worse. You look fine from what I've seen.

Maybe send a new pic to be 100% certain :D


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I wouldnt take the admin any srs. He also prohibited the wounding discussion cause he cant see blood and is anyways just here to sell us out with the shop.
probably money was somehow involved in the banning decision. I wouodn't be surprised if he gets commision from hair transplant surgeons who post here cause Anty was reccomending people try Polish doctors before he got banned.

I don’t think I ever had that problem tbh, although if I have, I haven’t noticed it. It might have something to do with the fact that I also take estrogen/progesterone which could counteract it?
I believe this is true because my skin looks better now than before I started minoxidil. estrogen increases collagen.