Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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You'll likely have some feminisation, even if minor. It might just be less oily complexion and smoother skin, but there's also a chance of gyno. The lower the dose, the less likely of it happening. But anytime you invert your E and T ratio at all in can cause some gyno. As for impotence, it seems very much an individual thing. I haven't had any erection problems, but I have much lower libido now though.

Do you recommend drinking Estrofem 2 mg, is this the best option?
Since I have 4 Norwood, is it better to start with dutasteride or finasteride?

Estrofem 2 mg, + dutasteride.
Estrofem 2 mg, + finasteride?
Which is better from two points?


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Do you recommend drinking Estrofem 2 mg, is this the best option?
Since I have 4 Norwood, is it better to start with dutasteride or finasteride?

Estrofem 2 mg, + dutasteride.
Estrofem 2 mg, + finasteride?
Which is better from two points?

Dutasteride is far superior to finasteride.


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Do you recommend drinking Estrofem 2 mg, is this the best option?
Since I have 4 Norwood, is it better to start with dutasteride or finasteride?

Estrofem 2 mg, + dutasteride.
Estrofem 2 mg, + finasteride?
Which is better from two points?
Again, you don't "drink" estrofem. You can either take it by holding it under your tongue or in your cheek until it dissolves, or swallow the pill (but it's less effective that way).

Dutasteride is more potent than finasteride. It inhibits a portion of both type 1 and 2 5ar. And it also blocks about 60% of scalp DHT whereas finasteride blocks somewhere between 30-40%.


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Again, you don't "drink" estrofem. You can either take it by holding it under your tongue or in your cheek until it dissolves, or swallow the pill (but it's less effective that way).

Dutasteride is more potent than finasteride. It inhibits a portion of both type 1 and 2 5ar. And it also blocks about 60% of scalp DHT whereas finasteride blocks somewhere between 30-40%.

In your opinion is it pointless to take 1mg estradiol orally? my hair isn't all that bad right now, just diffuse thinning on my crown, the crown is usually seen as the easiest to regrow hair compared to temples etc Do you think i will see results on such a regimen or should i use 2mg orally? I expect side effects but would like to decrease the severity of them.


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In your opinion is it pointless to take 1mg estradiol orally? my hair isn't all that bad right now, just diffuse thinning on my crown, the crown is usually seen as the easiest to regrow hair compared to temples etc Do you think i will see results on such a regimen or should i use 2mg orally? I expect side effects but would like to decrease the severity of them.
1mg oral is a very low amount. You'd likely not see more than a 20 point shift in serum E levels, if that. Instead of increasing the mg amount, why not use sub/buc? Oral also has a higher risk of clotting from liver metabolism as well.

It's impossible to say exactly how much is required to be effective as everyone processes it differently, leading to different serum levels with the same dosage. That said, E levels don't need to necessarily be supraphysiologic for results. A study of an MTF trans patient showed substantial regrowth without exceeding 100pg/ml.


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Again, you don't "drink" estrofem. You can either take it by holding it under your tongue or in your cheek until it dissolves, or swallow the pill (but it's less effective that way).

Dutasteride is more potent than finasteride. It inhibits a portion of both type 1 and 2 5ar. And it also blocks about 60% of scalp DHT whereas finasteride blocks somewhere between 30-40%.

With Estrofem, I understood everything. What about dudasteride what dosages? Are they in tablets or capsules?


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Need to keep track of testosterone? The norm of testosterone is 12-35 mmol.
Can't testosterone drop below 12?


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If for a long time (more than 2-3 months) suppress testosterone completely or slightly less than completely, then irreversible infertility occurs


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I want hair with minimal negative effects. Is it necessary to monitor the level of testosterone so that it does not fall below 12 moll?


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Hi, been a long time since I've posted anything. Gonna probably be my last post ever here unless something changes.

My hair has pretty much regrown any loss that happened in the last year or so, and continues regrowing nicely. The crown hair loss has become pretty much unnoticeable even in harsh lighting. Front is still thin but coming in ever so slowly. So I'm pretty ecstatic about all that.

My regimen is exactly the same as was started with, but I might lower my dose or go on spironolactone just for the sake of health, because Cypro isn't great to take long term. Zero health issues so far, I'm healthy and have a doctor monitoring me.

Interesting things I've noticed besides the obvious:
  • Hair is lighter, I've always had very dark/black hair, but now its somewhat of a darkish brown.
  • My hair is a bit curlier like when I was younger, much less straw-like now.
  • Body hair still as dense but way lighter, my chest hair isn't really noticeable now and grows slightly slower I think.
  • Shedding isn't nearly as drastic, but I still shed, so make of that what you will.
Also to anyone thinking of doing this and trying to stay a 'man', please don't, it's such a stupid idea lol. Don't ruin your life over it.

Bad pictures, yes I know the hair is longer but it doesn't matter.

Gg8n2a7.jpg hOGZFLB.jpg
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Amazing results maybe swith to a lighter maitenance regimen now.

If he wanted to lose his hair, sure. Plus, he did state that he’s non-binary so stopping these medications negates his efforts.


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Nope. I'm concerned about him, he asked for his account to be deleted and now there's no sign of him. He even mentioned suicide once, and that makes me more concerned.
Don't scare me man. I have also dropped E and cypro after getting into relationship. No such signs so far. We also see many/some trans taking breaks so I should be fine (or laybe I'm just coping).


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Don't scare me man. I have also dropped E and cypro after getting into relationship. No such signs so far. We also see many/some trans taking breaks so I should be fine (or laybe I'm just coping).

What are you using now?


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oh snap.... so can we say with some confidence that this isn't just a possible lifestyle/gender change but also an intake change? as in water, food, eat, sleep, pop anti-andros and estos?

scary....but not totally new. Anyone who wants to keep what they've had on anything will have to contine