Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Speaking of which, is there a discord or anything focused around discussion of topics like this? I tend to be more active there than on forums generally. Obviously i'm taking HRT to prevent hair loss. Among other reasons.


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Speaking of which, is there a discord or anything focused around discussion of topics like this? I tend to be more active there than on forums generally. Obviously i'm taking HRT to prevent hair loss. Among other reasons.
Hi, DHTcel :rolleyes:


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But can someone tell me who or link me to who the guy that went from a high norwood and regrew a lot with nothing but vitamins. Been lookin in this thread and I think its another one but I can't find him.


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But can someone tell me who or link me to who the guy that went from a high norwood and regrew a lot with nothing but vitamins. Been lookin in this thread and I think its another one but I can't find him.
If you regrow from vitamins, which I doubt, then you didn't have androgenetic alopecia exclusively.

There was a guy who had a vitamin D defenciency and regrew some after correcting it


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No offense but...I don't think this guy is being truthful. Male pattern baldness is not caused by a vitamin deficiency, maybe in some extreme cases you would get diffuse thinning alopecia all over your head, but not in the typical male pattern baldness pattern.

However feel free to replicate his experiment if you wish. I tried a supplement based approach in the past with many different things, and nothing helped.


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But can someone tell me who or link me to who the guy that went from a high norwood and regrew a lot with nothing but vitamins. Been lookin in this thread and I think its another one but I can't find him.
No offense but...I don't think this guy is being truthful. Male pattern baldness is not caused by a vitamin deficiency, maybe in some extreme cases you would get diffuse thinning alopecia all over your head, but not in the typical male pattern baldness pattern.

However feel free to replicate his experiment if you wish. I tried a supplement based approach in the past with many different things, and nothing helped.

That sounds a bit iffy, honestly. While I'm sure that there are some people who via quirks of their biochemistry metabolize far more of a certain vitamin or mineral than needed, and thus operate at a negative it is probably incredibly rare.

That said a good diet and maybe a multivitamin is something basically everyone should do if they can anyway, regardless of hair impacts or not.


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I have case studies of Androgenetic Alopecia folks regrowing hairs solely from vitamins and peptide cream.

Let met show you:

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I'm aware of a few Indian hairloss studies which use cyclic nutrition but when you read the fine print they use minoxidil in addition to it.

"compares the current acknowledged form of treatment for hair loss within two controlled groups for both men and women against the use of cyclical nutritional therapy and minoxidil 2%."



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I tried a supplement based approach in the past with many different things, and nothing helped.
Me too, hairloss Is anti-androgen first.
Hairloss can be caused by extreme micronutrient defenciencies I, but 95% of it is from androgens.


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I'm not him, whoever he is.
We have multiple trolls who repeatedly harass and declare us on this thread as mentally ill incel trannies and sometimes they create alternative accounts after getting banned.
So, it's always suspicious when a new member asks to join the discord even if they seem nice


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That is just one study that calls for Minoxidil. I am well aware of it. In other studies, though they use peptide cream. Those pics are shared ARE SPECIFIC to peptide cream and vitamins and in one case LLLT.

I purposefully excluded the Minoxidil cases.

See for yourself (these cases don't include the use of ANY drugs):



These pics are at the end of the second study above

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View attachment 132199

There are more photos I can share if you like
Despite all the full heads who are homeless, drug addicts and binge on junk food.. you've convinced me that we all need better nutrition, certainly these accredited scientists aren't trying to push a hippy Hindu agenda


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Don't worry. I am friendly.
Well, I'm not.
If I could I would eat a bunch of corn then pick them out of my $hit later and sneak then into your nutritious meals, the euphoric brain chemicals would likely make my hair thicker.


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We have multiple trolls who repeatedly harass and declare us on this thread as mentally ill incel trannies and sometimes they create alternative accounts after getting banned.
So, it's always suspicious when a new member asks to join the discord even if they seem nice
Big oof. Yeah, don't worry. I'm outright trans so some sperging incels just make me roll my eyes more than anything. Generally speaking, if someone experiences such high body dysphoria from hair loss that they would consider taking steps that would lead to androgyny/femininity in terms of aesthetics or appearance, more power to them. I'm quite pro bodily autonomy.

hmu with that link if you eventually feel I'm trustworthy. I'm on discord waaaaaaay more than I am on forums, and this one is a bit obscure honestly.
It is certain, better nutrition can prevent diseases and ailments.

And on that same token, better nutrition can reverse diseases and ailments. Even though the cause may very well be androgens related, what I am trying to say is nutrition in the form of supplements may reverse the Androgenetic Alopecia cascade (ROS, Oxidative stress, inflammation, Mast cells, autophagy, etc.) providing for a better "scalp environment" for the hair cells to replicate and grow.

I mean, nobody is disagreeing with that. It's just that vitamins are very, very unlikely to be the thing that will reverse or even halt your problem. They can't hurt though (unless you take extreme doses/those shitty brands that offer 2000%dv stuff.)

Salvador Adam Llopis

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Hey guys,
I am new on this forum. I have been speaking with Bridge through an another application but since I have been reading this thread for a long time... I would like to know how to join into the discord chat.
Can anyone give me the link??
I am on hrt as well and I would like to know what it's going on :)


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In case any of you are interested in meanstick's regimen, here it is taken from: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=160444941

FYI: experiment at your own risk. This guy literally mega dosed on supplements with no drugs. His results speak for themselves.

I've been researching for the past two months on a few forums, and I've compiled a list of supplements that can help ANYBODY regrow their hair NATURALLY.

This is something that's worked for me and something that's worked for others, I do not claim that it is the only/ultimate cure. It's not that expensive, thus I think most people could give it a shot and we could all log it together.

I gathered most of this info from a user on another bodybuilding board.

The biggest factor when it comes to hair loss is inflammation. Your immune system basically attacks your hair. To cure this inflammation, you need to treat the underlying causes:

Excess estrogen
Fungus (Candida)
Overexposure to insulin

Many people blame DHT as the sole cause of hair loss, while this simply is not true. When your scalp is inflamed, yes, DHT expedites shedding. This is why people have stopped their shedding/regrew some hair on products like Finsteride (which inhibits the enzyme that converts Testosterone to DHT). The reason you don�t want to use Finasteride reduce your DHT is because DHT is the hormone that makes you a man.

DHT is responsible for erections, muscle hardness and the development of type-II male characteristics (such as facial hair, a strong jaw, dick growth, everything ****ing manly). If you inhibit it, your muscles will look soft, and your PENIS can SHRINK (SRS).

What I aim to do in this post is aware you on how you can fix your health and feel 100x better while regaining an aesthetic hairline.

Disclaimer: Consult your doctor or physician before following this protocol. I am not responsible for what you choose to put in your body.

Now before we start:

Remove wheat from your diet, it inhibits mineral absorption VERY strongly. Other grains do this as well to a lesser degree. Remove them too if you want your supplementation to be the most effective.

Take internally:

Virgin (Unrefined) Coconut Oil: 3 to 6 table spoons /day

Lowers DHT within natural ranges, also increases libido.

It can sometimes stop shedding within a week. You can take more if you want faster results.

Iodine: 12.5-100mg /day

50mg is the standard dose. Be aware that you may experience symptoms of halogen detox as your body flushes out excess halogens (Fluoride/Bromide/Chlorine). These don�t really do anything good for you, so better out than in.

Iodine is basically fuel for the Thyroid. The Thyroid filters the blood and regulates hormone levels. This is one of the most important supplements in this protocol.

Use the Lugols solution version of it, it�s a mixture of Iodine and Iodide. JCrows is a good brand. Iodine is for your thyroid and Iodide is good for your bodily tissues (Hair, skin, organs, etc).

The 5% formula contains 5% Iodine and 10% Iodide. It has a total Iodine content of 125.6 mg/mL.

I take 8 drops of the 5% formula. This equals about 50mg. I drop it into empty gelcaps so I don�t have to taste it.

Make sure you get NON-radioactive Iodine.

Bonus: Iodine also helps sleep

Selenium Methionine: 400 to 600 mcg /day

Selenium must be taken with Iodine, it prevents negative side effects from occurring and converts the thyroid hormone t4 into its active version t3.

Two Brazil nuts contain 400mcg of Selenium, I prefer them because Selenium tablets smell bad.

The conversion of t4 to t3 is dose-dependent. I advise to not take more than 800mg of Selenium with Iodine (4 brazil nuts), because high doses can lead to a condition called thyroid storm, which can be deadly. I think doses up to 1200mg might be ok, but to be safe I wouldn�t take more than 800mg. 400mg is plenty anyways.

Chromium GTF: 400mcg /day.

This is to control blood glucose spikes, because excess insulin in the blood creates inflammation of the scalp which = perfect environment for shedding.

High blood sugar feeds fungus (Candida) in your body which also = inflammation which = hair loss.

High blood sugar also creates an acidic environment within the body which = inflammation.

I take 200mg with each meal, for my two biggest meals each day.

Magnesium Citrate: 2000mg /day.

Split up the dosage and take away from other minerals (like Zinc) as they compete for absorption. After a few months lower the dosage to 1000mg /day

Studies show Magnesium improves blood glucose by 50% and can cure Type 2 diabetes.
This is good because insulin resistance can also lead to estrogen trouble and inflammation (which triggers hair loss).

For optimal absorption, take minerals like Magnesium and Zinc with Apple Cider Vinegar.

Zinc Pi****nate: 150mg /day

Displaces Copper. High Copper levels cause your body to hold on to Estrogen, not allowing excretion. Left untreated over time, Estrogen levels build up. High Estrogen = Inflammation.

Countries like the US who use Copper pipes for their water experience these problems more often. Copper usually contaminates many foods of these countries as well.

Take until levels are normal, then you can lower the dose to 50mg /day (if you wish)
I personally take 150mg /day.

Molybdenum: 500mcg 3 times /day (Or with meals)

Also helps displace Copper.

Niacinamide (b3): 500-1000mg before bed.

Beneficial to sleep, cancer, anxiety AND hair loss.

Green Tea Extract: 3 to 6 caps /day


Omega 3 Fish Oil: 3 to 4 gelcaps or more /day

Quells inflammation.

Cod Liver Oil: 3 to 6 gelcaps /day

Quells inflammation.

If you�re only going to take one type of fish oil, choose Cod Liver Oil.

Has the bioavailable form of vitamin A, which is needed for vitamin K2 (below) to be absorbed.

Vitamin K2 (MK-4): 500mcg-1mg

K2 shuttles Calcium from your blood to your bones. The less Calcium in your blood, the less that will be available to settle into your scalp and prevent hair growth.

If calcium is settled in your scalp, your **** is all clogged up and you can�t get any blood up there to give your hair the nutrients it needs to grow.

K2 also prevents arterial calcification. Really good for heart health.

Vitamin E: 400mg /day

For optimal circulation which is needed to get nutrients to the scalp.

Boron: 3-20mg /day

Start low, gauge how you feel. Cycle 3 days on, 3 days off.

B Vitamins: Full-Fat Liver Powder contains a range of b vitamins.

B vitamins give you energy. People deficient in B vitamins tend to have sleep disorders and low HGH (HGH helps hair growth).

Liver powder is superior to B-complex vitamins because B-complex vitamins contain B6, which can cause nerve damage (and is linked to autism). P-5-P is the broken down version of B6 and will not cause these problems.

P-5-P (Pyridoxal phosphate): Up to 300mg /day

Inhibits prolactin. Prolactin makes you shed.

Taurine: 1400-3000mg /day.

Rids the body of fibrosis including liver cirrhosis and scalp fibrosis.

Fibrosis of the scalp prevents new hair from growing.

Baking Soda: 3-4tsp /day taken in glasses of water throughout the day (on an empty stomach or 45 mins after meals, not before meals though as it neutralizes stomach acid)

Candida fungus thrives in acidic (low-oxygen) environments. Baking Soda alkalizes (high-oxygen environment) the body so Candida cannot survive.

Baking soda 30 minutes after meals will help final stage digestion after food leaves the stomach and enters the duodeum.

Cayenne Powder: 1 capsule with large meals

Helps digestion, can heal stomach uclers and improve heartburn.

Take all of the fat-based supplements together.

Use topically on scalp:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Rinse scalp every other day before bed.

Mix 2-3 tbsp in a small cup of water. Rinse your scalp with it, rub it in, and dry your head with it still in. Sleep with it in your hair. It'll kill topical fungus AND clear calcium deposits which prevent hair growth (male pattern baldness people have this badly)

Bragg's brand is the best; most health food stores have it.

Niacinamide and Boron:

After the vinegar rinse, open one Niacinamide and one Boron capsule and dump them in a bowl. Add a few trickles of water to create a paste. Rub it on your bald spots. Many people report new hairs to spring up within weeks.


Use in the shower every other day at first, then reduce to 2-3 times /week. Leave in for 5-10 mins.
The 2% formula is best, but I could only find the 1%. I use it every day. You can use a very small amount. I use about 3 dime-sized applications for male pattern baldness areas.

Nizoral is an antifungal. Many people think it works because of its anti-DHT properties, but those are actually much weaker than popularly believed.
Just f*****g lol.

Buddy you need to stop coping and bringing isolated and likely fake cases.

If skull growth/diff skull was chief reason for Androgenic Alopecia, women wouldn't be suffering from hair loss.

Also, fuckin vitamins aren't going to cure AA. I have megadosed them for long enough to say that.


My Regimen
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Hey guys,
I am new on this forum. I have been speaking with Bridge through an another application but since I have been reading this thread for a long time... I would like to know how to join into the discord chat.
Can anyone give me the link??
I am on hrt as well and I would like to know what it's going on :)

I think I see what you mean bridgeburn, yikes. Incels gonna incel.


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Big oof. Yeah, don't worry. I'm outright trans so some sperging incels just make me roll my eyes more than anything. Generally speaking, if someone experiences such high body dysphoria from hair loss that they would consider taking steps that would lead to androgyny/femininity in terms of aesthetics or appearance, more power to them. I'm quite pro bodily autonomy.

hmu with that link if you eventually feel I'm trustworthy. I'm on discord waaaaaaay more than I am on forums, and this one is a bit obscure honestly.

I mean, nobody is disagreeing with that. It's just that vitamins are very, very unlikely to be the thing that will reverse or even halt your problem. They can't hurt though (unless you take extreme doses/those shitty brands that offer 2000%dv stuff.)
you sound legit to me so far. I don't actually have the link for the group chat tho, @Ikarus created it so that's whose trust is to be earned. but you're welcome to pm me there if you wish


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You are always talking about your muscles, but the million dollar question is how much your feminine penises shrank.


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I'm not him, whoever he is.

We need proof of you not being him, especially since it seems suspicious. I don’t trust new members, especially since DHTcel is a master manipulator and can seem to switch his personalities with every new account.