Exploring The Hormonal Route. Hair=life.


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Honestly I think I was stabilizing better than I thought, but I jumped the gun just because of a normal periodic shed. I am considering dropping finasteride again at some point as the ear ringing has gotten worse lately and my sleep quality has been suffering. How long have you been on your current regimen? What doses are you on? Also, where do you get your RU? Thanks
Been on RU since November, bumped to 100mg since I dropped finasteride in late march, oral min nearly a year, at 20mg for three months, I know that's an autism dose, but I am a complete oral min non responder, bear in mind I am hypertensive at this dose, my no is 152/92.

I sourced RU from receptorchem, it's a UK source, switched to anageninc now I use powder at 100mg/ml.

You used to use bi-estriol right? What was your experience?


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I dropped finasteride because I developed gyno from a high dose SSRI which sent my prolactin to over 1000, and coz I had no DHT to block breast growth, I got gyno, I kind of regret dropping finasteride tbh, I'm going to reincorporate it next month, thing is my facial hair is really coming in now I'm not finasteride, so I want to wait a tiny bit longer


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Been on RU since November, bumped to 100mg since I dropped finasteride in late march, oral min nearly a year, at 20mg for three months, I know that's an autism dose, but I am a complete oral min non responder, bear in mind I am hypertensive at this dose, my no is 152/92.

I sourced RU from receptorchem, it's a UK source, switched to anageninc now I use powder at 100mg/ml.

You used to use bi-estriol right? What was your experience?
Anagen inc tested 50% pure be careful man. I used that source 7 years ago. And kane that owns it is an ex convict.


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I dropped finasteride because I developed gyno from a high dose SSRI which sent my prolactin to over 1000, and coz I had no DHT to block breast growth, I got gyno, I kind of regret dropping finasteride tbh, I'm going to reincorporate it next month, thing is my facial hair is really coming in now I'm not finasteride, so I want to wait a tiny bit longer
Who cares aboutt facial hair man. I shave as often as I can.


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Anagen inc tested 50% pure be careful man. I used that source 7 years ago. And kane that owns it is an ex convict.
I know man, problem is I can get it for a good price from anageninc, because I get a 20% discount if I pay with BTC and use MPMDs code, this is the only way I can afford to use this dose, also I was looking at tests obsessive did on his ru and it was legit from kane


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I hope u plan to trace back the threads where u wrote "go big or go home" and the likes, regarding OM as advice, and correct that. thats cardio drug doses and 5 mg is just adequate for most. No need to send anyone off a cliff
Nah im too lazy to change that. Even nebula is dumb enough to use 20mg Day like I did. May he RIP.


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Nah im too lazy to change that. Even nebula is dumb enough to use 20mg Day like I did. May he RIP.
Yes I do heart attack speed run any %, but seriously it is a stupid dose, but I tried it for 9 months at 5 & 10mg and it did nothing. Also I am hypertensive @19yo and my doctor wants me to take some drug for it if I don't lower it in 3 months, I'm hoping oral min lowers it because my uncle used a similar med and turned schizo


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Nah im too lazy to change that. Even nebula is dumb enough to use 20mg Day like I did. May he RIP.
I tried to find posts but its gonna take me hours to find my comments man. Ppl will notice sides at that dose and stop like i did. I stopped that high dose because I started having heart issues and bleeding while taking a dump. All resolved after stopping.

Mr. Slap Head

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Been on RU since November, bumped to 100mg since I dropped finasteride in late march, oral min nearly a year, at 20mg for three months, I know that's an autism dose, but I am a complete oral min non responder, bear in mind I am hypertensive at this dose, my no is 152/92.

I sourced RU from receptorchem, it's a UK source, switched to anageninc now I use powder at 100mg/ml.

You used to use bi-estriol right? What was your experience?
Biestro did absolutely nothing for me, even at twice daily for a few months. Is anagenic working well for you? Do you use PG? Once or twice a day?


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Biestro did absolutely nothing for me, even at twice daily for a few months. Is anagenic working well for you? Do you use PG? Once or twice a day?
i think the problem is ru in general is too weak for me, and i dont respond i'm 19 so my hairloss isn't a good metric for how people will respond to RU, and my hair has defo got worse since coming off finasteride and doubling up on ru, i cant blame anageninc, because i dont think ru was doing much when I used another source which has been tested at high purity and is legit, my friend sourced sarms from them. Also, they are by far the cheapest source of RU powder for me, and their shipping is fast

I apply it 1* daily using PG + Ethanol mix because its too expensive to apply twice a day + ru metabolites have a 12-16 hour half life, and derek MPMD used it 1* a night, and he had results (i know people say he's a shill, but i've seen messages from him indicating his view has changed on RU, and he's more informed now,) Even though, the drug has a short half life in the macaque studies, they only applied it once a day and it seemed to work, and the majority of people think that in phase 2 they dosed it QD. Anyway, my schedule is too messed up to apply it twice a day. I think the problem with RU is inconsistent scalp penetration, and it cant really compete with dht.

On finasteride, I think it helped reduce my shedding, but my follicles are too DHT sensitive for RU to compete with it at normal dht levels. So i dont think its feasible dropping finasteride for ru monotherapy unless u r over 30 and have slow loss. Bear in mind I'm a minoxidil non responder, so it's possible it'd be enough to long term maintain OM gains. So, I guess it'll be worth putting in your regimen, but its no finasteride substitute.

I am going to try pyrilutamide as soon as i can source it and phase out RU, and replace it with topical finasteride, as its cheaper. It's leaked results look quite promising, = to finasteride if they can be trusted, so together, i think it'll be enough to stave of hair loss for a while.

Mr. Slap Head

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Thanks for the deets. As far as RU having a short half life, what is often overlooked is that it isn’t necessarily indicative of how long acting the drug is as you say. This is because the only thing that matters in terms of efficacy is how long RU binds to the receptor - it could be a very long time. I was looking for info regarding this but could not find any. Anyone know how long RU stays bound to the receptor? And so the fact that it has such a short serum life is great because even if you over dose it, it’s likely to clear your system quickly, while still remaining in the tissues. And I do recall some mention of RU being designed in a way to where the systemic effects would be minimal. All that said, I think you are right in that the binding affinity is simply not high enough for some people. However, guys like Derek clearly got results from it - but perhaps he is simply a T sensitive guy as opposed to DHT sensitive.

in any case, do you really think RU has a hard time penetrating the scalp? It’s molecular weight seems like it should be favorable for absorbing topically. Do you think lightly needling would improve its efficacy? Also, have you ever tried the KB solution? That carrier was said to be designed specifically to increase the efficacy of RU. My last question for you is do you think RU is more effective at 8% as opposed to 5%? Thanks


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However, guys like Derek clearly got results from it - but perhaps he is simply a T sensitive guy as opposed to DHT sensitive.
Iirc Derek doesn't use it anymore because he doesn't have time for topicals, but I think RU won't work well as a monotherapy for most people's hair loss, because he is on trt and therefore has higher test levels than most men, as well as that, he has used steroids in the past, so I think that may play a role in him being a responder
in any case, do you really think RU has a hard time penetrating the scalp? It’s molecular weight seems like it should be favorable for absorbing topically.
I think part of the problem might be Pg & ethanol tbh, it gives me dandruff flakes like Minoxidil does, I think k&b might be worth a shot, and might help out if u get irritable skin. I needle once a week in the morning & apply RU in the night and I've not had a problem, don't know if it would make it more efficacious tbh.
Also, have you ever tried the KB solution? That carrier was said to be designed specifically to increase the efficacy of RU. My last question for you is do you think RU is more effective at 8% as opposed to 5%? Thanks
I've not seen a bell curve for RU, but I'd assume it has more flexibility in dosing than finasteride, so I'd assume the higher the dose, the better, if you have the money for it, I assume prostraken chose to trial it in 5% for a reason, but I think that may be because the higher the dose, the more RU is detectable in blood so increase risk of sides.

I've had no sides on RU from 6 months of using it, but I'm sure you know of the heart anecdotes and horror stories etc. I've done bloods on it, and it hasnt affected hpta axis or anything. I feel better on it than on finasteride, but I don't think it's as good for hair in my case.

Anyway, if you've got the excess money for RU I don't think it would hurt trialing it for a 3 month cycle. I think it is a decent adjunct if you are on 5aris, but I think it'd be too expensive to use it at a dose for monotherapy


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Iirc Derek doesn't use it anymore because he doesn't have time for topicals, but I think RU won't work well as a monotherapy for most people's hair loss, because he is on trt and therefore has higher test levels than most men, as well as that, he has used steroids in the past, so I think that may play a role in him being a responder

I think part of the problem might be Pg & ethanol tbh, it gives me dandruff flakes like Minoxidil does, I think k&b might be worth a shot, and might help out if u get irritable skin. I needle once a week in the morning & apply RU in the night and I've not had a problem, don't know if it would make it more efficacious tbh.

I've not seen a bell curve for RU, but I'd assume it has more flexibility in dosing than finasteride, so I'd assume the higher the dose, the better, if you have the money for it, I assume prostraken chose to trial it in 5% for a reason, but I think that may be because the higher the dose, the more RU is detectable in blood so increase risk of sides.

I've had no sides on RU from 6 months of using it, but I'm sure you know of the heart anecdotes and horror stories etc. I've done bloods on it, and it hasnt affected hpta axis or anything. I feel better on it than on finasteride, but I don't think it's as good for hair in my case.

Anyway, if you've got the excess money for RU I don't think it would hurt trialing it for a 3 month cycle. I think it is a decent adjunct if you are on 5aris, but I think it'd be too expensive to use it at a dose for monotherapy
Whats the highest dose of ru u have ever tried? I had side effects after every application. It kicked in really fast too after maybe 5 to 10 minutes. Chest pressure and a pressure on my adams apple or thyroid that lasted 10 to 15 min.


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Hmm dutasteride killed my scalp itch. And burning sensation. And reduced my shedding from 50 hairs to 10. But it wasnt enough.

Sounds like you responded really well to duta, I've never had that degree of positive effects from anything I've tried. Hard to believe you still lost ground while on dutasteride.


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Whats the highest dose of ru u have ever tried? I had side effects after every application. It kicked in really fast too after maybe 5 to 10 minutes. Chest pressure and a pressure on my adams apple or thyroid that lasted 10 to 15 min.
I used ~200mg once because I had to get rid of the bottle, I was fine, I've never really had any heart issues, but who knows, maybe I will in the future