EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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I think @Pigeon is being a bit fear mongery, he might believe he's doing good and trying to help people so no offense, but I believe he and others like him are very biased against Finasteride and probably believe in a naturalist ideology, so being against any modification of the natural functioning of the body, especially hormone modifications, and that is what Fina does.

I know I might not be listened to, especially since I'm on a regimen most men would find extreme. I'm not cis tho so I don't care, but the point remains, I'm not here to praise Fina or to say it has no side effects. But I will say people like @Pigeon and others seem to overplay these side effects, that don't happen to most users of Fina. There are millions of men around the world on it for years with no sides.

I didn't come here to push any pro Fina agenda or anything, I was just lurking and decided to state my opinion so it might calm some people down, and not let fear mongering scare away desperate people who haven't yet tried the drug. Be aware of the potential sides, but try first. That's my philosophy.
It's just upsetting because I literally have no idea what my other options are. If finasteride goes bad for me, I suppose I'd have to try minoxidil and eucapil.

If someone is going to scare other people about the drug, they should give alternatives, if they actually have good intentions


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That's good for you friend but since we're talking about anecdotes now, let's see how many guys have sides on this forum:

Here's a poll from 2019, with 165 people. 53% experienced side effects.

View attachment 171180

And this is on a hairloss forum where guys are desperate for fina to work and stop their hairloss.
People who get sides are more likely to post on forums lol that’s classic sample bias. People who post on forums also tend to be bdd/ocd. The majority of the people who take finasteride pop a pill, don’t get sides, and don’t post online lol


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It's just upsetting because I literally have no idea what my other options are. If finasteride goes bad for me, I suppose I'd have to try minoxidil and eucapil.

If someone is going to scare other people about the drug, they should give alternatives, if they actually have good intentions
If you're scared of Fina you could try oral minoxidil, topical dutasteride etc.

But still like I said, the people who fear monger might think they have good intentions, but most of them are pushing an agenda. One clearly influenced by personal bad sides from Fina and/or naturalist ideology. Yes be aware of the sides, but you don't know will you get them unless you try. You will probably end up in the majority with no sides anyway.

Good luck, and I hope your hair situation improves :)


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People who get sides are more likely to post on forums lol that’s classic sample bias. People who post on forums also tend to be bdd/ocd. The majority of the people who take finasteride pop a pill, don’t get sides, and don’t post online lol
Also this, exactly my sentiment towards most anti-Fina people on here.


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If you're scared of Fina you could try oral minoxidil, topical dutasteride etc.

But still like I said, the people who fear monger might think they have good intentions, but most of them are pushing an agenda. One clearly influenced by personal bad sides from Fina and/or naturalist ideology. Yes be aware of the sides, but you don't know will you get them unless you try. You will probably end up in the majority with no sides anyway.

Good luck, and I hope your hair situation improves :)
Okay but if finasteride doesn't work for me, what are my other options to save some time or just have hair for as long as I can? If I get sides from finasteride, dutasteride will definitely give sides obviously.

Would minoxidil and eucapil be good? As RU-58841 isn't the best either, lots of negative reviews and proven studies too


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People who get sides are more likely to post on forums lol that’s classic sample bias. People who post on forums also tend to be bdd/ocd. The majority of the people who take finasteride pop a pill, don’t get sides, and don’t post online lol
I want to leave this forum, but I can't because it's the only help I can get. I'm asking around a lot and probably known for it, but idc.

I'm wondering what an alternative to finasteride would be it if doesn't mix well with me.. What other options are out there? Dutasteride will give sides if finasteride does, obviously. Suppose eucapil and minoxidil could buy some time?


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I think @Pigeon is being a bit fear mongery, he might believe he's doing good and trying to help people so no offense, but I believe he and others like him are very biased against Finasteride and probably believe in a naturalist ideology, so being against any modification of the natural functioning of the body, especially hormone modifications, and that is what Fina does.

I know I might not be listened to, especially since I'm on a regimen most men would find extreme. I'm not cis tho so I don't care, but the point remains, I'm not here to praise Fina or to say it has no side effects. But I will say people like @Pigeon and others seem to overplay these side effects, that don't happen to most users of Fina. There are millions of men around the world on it for years with no sides.

I didn't come here to push any pro Fina agenda or anything, I was just lurking and decided to state my opinion so it might calm some people down, and not let fear mongering scare away desperate people who haven't yet tried the drug. Be aware of the potential sides, but try first. That's my philosophy.
Dude wtf is that aggressive regimen? You're literally castrating yourself and destroying your entire body

I understand how you feel because i attempted Spironolactone and Dutasteride out of desperation before. But trust me that sh*t isn't worth it one bit and i'm sure i will pay the price for few harsh years before my body goes back to normal again

Quit this sh*t before you regret it forever


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Okay but if finasteride doesn't work for me, what are my other options to save some time or just have hair for as long as I can? If I get sides from finasteride, dutasteride will definitely give sides obviously.

Would minoxidil and eucapil be good? As RU-58841 isn't the best either, lots of negative reviews and proven studies too
I want to leave this forum, but I can't because it's the only help I can get. I'm asking around a lot and probably known for it, but idc.

I'm wondering what an alternative to finasteride would be it if doesn't mix well with me.. What other options are out there? Dutasteride will give sides if finasteride does, obviously. Suppose eucapil and minoxidil could buy some time?

Ok I'll be straight forward. My advice is ignore the fear mongering and just try Fina, if it doesn't agree with you you can always stop and try something else. Don't over think this stuff too much, just take action. If you really can't stand any probability of Finasteride side effects try something else. Just do something, inaction is your biggest enemy.

Dude wtf is that aggressive regimen? You're literally castrating yourself and destroying your entire body

I understand how you feel because i attempted Spironolactone and Dutasteride out of desperation before. But trust me that sh*t isn't worth it one bit and i'm sure i will pay the price for few harsh years before my body goes back to normal again

Quit this sh*t before you regret it forever

I assure you I won't regret it. My body is only now becoming what I always wanted it to be, but was too scared to admit it. I desire all the effects of HRT. Every one of them.

The reason for this is simple, I'm trans. Feel free to think what you want about it, but I ain't stopping.


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Ok I'll be straight forward. My advice is ignore the fear mongering and just try Fina, if it doesn't agree with you you can always stop and try something else. Don't over think this stuff too much, just take action. If you really can't stand any probability of Finasteride side effects try something else. Just do something, inaction is your biggest enemy.

I assure you I won't regret it. My body is only now becoming what I always wanted it to be, but was too scared to admit it. I desire all the effects of HRT. Every one of them.

The reason for this is simple, I'm trans. Feel free to think what you want about it, but I ain't stopping.
Okay I agree that is why I'm trying fina. I have a few questions please.. To ease my mind.

1. If finasteride doesn't work, would Fluridil and minoxidil be a decent step? Even though of course it doesn't tackle the root cause that much.

2. If I get gynecomastia from finasteride, can I take an AI or sarms (think that's what they prescribe to treat it), whilst being on finasteride? Or should I get off it

3. Or If I get gyno, can I keep taking finasteride if that's my only side effect and just get surgery to remove it?

Thank you.


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Okay I agree that is why I'm trying fina. I have a few questions please.. To ease my mind.

1. If finasteride doesn't work, would Fluridil and minoxidil be a decent step? Even though of course it doesn't tackle the root cause that much.

2. If I get gynecomastia from finasteride, can I take an AI or sarms (think that's what they prescribe to treat it), whilst being on finasteride? Or should I get off it

3. Or If I get gyno, can I keep taking finasteride if that's my only side effect and just get surgery to remove it?

Thank you.

1. I don't know much about Fluridil, but Minoxidil should help, yes. Oral is more effective then topical, but can have sides too. Still the biggest problem with Minoxidil is that if you stop your gains will vanish. It's basically a life long treatment. But you could say the same about Fina or even my regimen. Fighting against genetics is hard!

2. Yes, you can take SERMs like Tamoxifen or Raloxifene to combat gyno. Although be aware these can also have side effects.

3. Yes! Gyno surgery is actually cheaper then a hair transplant. Also don't be scared of gyno too much, it doesn't happen much with Fina. Something that has a 100% probability of breast growth is my regimen, but Fina alone has a low incidence percentage of gyno.


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1. I don't know much about Fluridil, but Minoxidil should help, yes. Oral is more effective then topical, but can have sides too. Still the biggest problem with Minoxidil is that if you stop your gains will vanish. It's basically a life long treatment. But you could say the same about Fina or even my regimen. Fighting against genetics is hard!

2. Yes, you can take SERMs like Tamoxifen or Raloxifene to combat gyno. Although be aware these also can have side effects.

3. Yes! Gyno surgery is actually cheaper then a hair transplant. Also don't be scared of gyno too much, it doesn't happen much with Fina. Something that has a 100% probability of breast growth is my regimen, but Fina alone has a low incidence percentage of gyno.

Okay thanks!

But sorry to ask, guess what I should be asking is.. Is it possible to reduce and get rid of gyno with those pills, if its already starting due to finasteride, but CONTINUE to stay on finasteride.


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Okay thanks!

But sorry to ask, guess what I should be asking is.. Is it possible to reduce and get rid of gyno with those pills, if its already starting due to finasteride, but CONTINUE to stay on finasteride.
I think so. Roiders do it while taking steroids, I see no difference between their situation and yours. SERMs block breast Estrogen receptors, and the Estrogen Fina causes due to aromatization is not enough to overcome this effect.


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I think so. Roiders do it while taking steroids, I see no difference between their situation and yours. SERMs block breast Estrogen receptors, and the Estrogen Fina causes due to aromatization is not enough to overcome this effect.
Just confused then why people get surgery and hop off finasteride if it gives them gynecomastia? Weird


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Just confused then why people get surgery and hop off finasteride if it gives them gynecomastia? Weird
Because either they have trauma, or they are afraid gyno will return. If you get surgery make sure the surgeon removes all breast glands.


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I think @Pigeon is being a bit fear mongery, he might believe he's doing good and trying to help people so no offense, but I believe he and others like him are very biased against Finasteride and probably believe in a naturalist ideology, so being against any modification of the natural functioning of the body, especially hormone modifications, and that is what Fina does.

I know I might not be listened to, especially since I'm on a regimen most men would find extreme. I'm not cis tho so I don't care, but the point remains, I'm not here to praise Fina or to say it has no side effects. But I will say people like @Pigeon and others seem to overplay these side effects, that don't happen to most users of Fina. There are millions of men around the world on it for years with no sides.

I didn't come here to push any pro Fina agenda or anything, I was just lurking and decided to state my opinion so it might calm some people down, and not let fear mongering scare away desperate people who haven't yet tried the drug. Be aware of the potential sides, but try first. That's my philosophy.

The only people who use the word "fear mongering" are guys online who are actually too scared to have that conversation secretly because they feel that if enough people start talking about it it would put drugs like Finasteride under a lot more scrutiny by regulatory bodies like what is currently happening with the law suit on Propecia/Merck.

Any reputable doctor/dermatologist you go to should always explain in detail all the possible side effects before performing any surgery or prescribing any drug, but if they were to do that which is considered basic standard practice and you tell them:

"Bro, stop telling me the possible side effects, you're just fear mongering" that would obviously sound ridiculous af. They are duty bound to say the side effects.

But it's only guys online who think it's something that shouldn't be said. People like @Pigeon and others are literally stating facts about the very possible side effects.

You literally cannot tell people to just keep quiet about it. You may be willing to take the risk but there's many people who would be greatful to know in detail what exactly happens when you block the majority of DHT.

You can't just expect people to pretend that nothing will happen by blocking 70% of the most important male hormone because a lot of us have common sense and know there must be some cascade effects.
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People who get sides are more likely to post on forums lol that’s classic sample bias. People who post on forums also tend to be bdd/ocd. The majority of the people who take finasteride pop a pill, don’t get sides, and don’t post online lol

Lol this is the most false narrative ever in existence.

1) Finasteride is not a cure, it usually will at best make things worse before it gets better (in the occasional times it does get better for people) but even when it works, people go through quite intense shedding at least, which happens several times. The sheds on Finasteride are intense to bring most men to some hairloss forum. Whether it be this forum which is one of the biggest, or others.

2) People need to stop pretending like Finasteride is some magic pill when as soon as you take it your hair gets completely better and you just go on about your day. Most people actually heard of Finasteride in the first place online, or from hairloss forums.

3) There have been studies showing people have persistent side effects from around 30% of users up until around 60% of users. There's a lot of new and independent studies been done fortunately.

4) Even verified doctors on Twitter have come out and tweeted to other verified doctors about how frequently their patients on Finasteride experience side effects which is quite often, so it's not just on hairloss forums but verified* medical doctors as well speaking up

5) If anywhere near 99% of people didn't get persistent side effects after stopping Finasteride there wouldn't be almost every new company in the hairloss pipeline mentioning the side effects of Finasteride. It's clearly a big problem otherwise:

A) There wouldn't be a need for other hairloss treatments

B) These new companies wouldn't mention their upcoming products not having the side effects of Finasteride as a key selling point.

For the reason's stated in 1) and 2) it actually shows that the majority of people who do suffer from hairloss do browse or comment on hairloss forums or websites.

Also, we are living in a digital age where even people in their late 60's know how to use the internet quite fluently.

For those reasons, the majority of hair loss sufferers will at some point either view and comment on a hairloss forum or website and a good idea of whats really happening can still be established. Heck even if you go onto YouTube you will find loads of people commenting about their negative sides on Finasteride under Pro-Finasteride videos or under almost every hairloss video. Finasteride sides are highly common, fact.
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Lol this is the most false narrative ever in existence.

1) Finasteride is not a cure, it usually will at best make things worse before it gets better (in the occasional times it does get better for people) but even when it works, people go through quite intense shedding at least, which happens several times. The sheds on Finasteride are intense to bring most men to some hairloss forum. Whether it be this forum which is one of the biggest, or others.

2) People need to stop pretending like Finasteride is some magic pill when as soon as you take it your hair gets completely better and you just go on about your day. Most people actually heard of Finasteride in the first place online, or from hairloss forums.

3) There have been studies showing people have persistent side effects from around 30% of users up until around 60% of users. There's a lot of new and independent studies been done fortunately.

4) Even verified doctors on Twitter have come out and tweeted to other verified doctors about how frequently their patients on Finasteride experience side effects which is quite often, so it's not just on hairloss forums but verified* medical doctors as well speaking up

5) If anywhere near 99% of people didn't get persistent side effects after stopping Finasteride there wouldn't be almost every new company in the hairloss pipeline mentioning the side effects of Finasteride. It's clearly a big problem otherwise:

A) There wouldn't be a need for other hairloss treatments

B) These new companies wouldn't mention their upcoming products not having the side effects of Finasteride as a key selling point.

For the reason's stated in 1) and 2) it actually shows that the majority of people who do suffer from hairloss do browse or comment on hairloss forums or websites.

Also, we are living in a digital age where even people in their late 60's know how to use the internet quite fluently.

For those reasons, the majority of hair loss sufferers will at some point either view and comment on a hairloss forum or website and a good idea of whats really happening can still be established. Heck even if you go onto YouTube you will find loads of people commenting about their negative sides on Finasteride under Pro-Finasteride videos or under almost every hairloss video. Finasteride sides are highly common, fact.
Listen man the incidents of sides are 2-4% idk what to tell you. Everyone knows it’s not a cure, that’s why they are still looking for one. I’ve been on it 3 years, and I’ve had time off it too, libido is great either way, I’m lean and In good shape, doesn’t effect strength either for me, I’ve noticed no difference. You know that there were 0 reported instances of permanent sides before the early 2000s? Weird that around the time Internet forums became a thing, did people start getting permanent sides from a drug that was already around for 10 years…. It’s almost like it’s a place where ocd hypochondriacs come to freak eacother out or something…. Also there has been studies done showing that people with diagnosed OCD have a much higher chance of developing “PFS”. Google it. Dr Bernstein in NYC will not prescribe finasteride to people with OCD for that reason. You do the math! I don’t deny at all that a minority of people get sides, but people talk wayyyyy too much about this drug. If you take it, there’s a 95% chance you get 0 sides, and if ya do get sides, they go away when you stop taking the drug. Like y’all need to chill out. Feel like you guys just post these studies for fun while you bald, to cope with your choice to not use the only FDA approved treatment for hair loss. Give it a rest. No one gives a sh*t.


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Lol this is the most false narrative ever in existence.

1) Finasteride is not a cure, it usually will at best make things worse before it gets better (in the occasional times it does get better for people) but even when it works, people go through quite intense shedding at least, which happens several times. The sheds on Finasteride are intense to bring most men to some hairloss forum. Whether it be this forum which is one of the biggest, or others.

2) People need to stop pretending like Finasteride is some magic pill when as soon as you take it your hair gets completely better and you just go on about your day. Most people actually heard of Finasteride in the first place online, or from hairloss forums.

3) There have been studies showing people have persistent side effects from around 30% of users up until around 60% of users. There's a lot of new and independent studies been done fortunately.

4) Even verified doctors on Twitter have come out and tweeted to other verified doctors about how frequently their patients on Finasteride experience side effects which is quite often, so it's not just on hairloss forums but verified* medical doctors as well speaking up

5) If anywhere near 99% of people didn't get persistent side effects after stopping Finasteride there wouldn't be almost every new company in the hairloss pipeline mentioning the side effects of Finasteride. It's clearly a big problem otherwise:

A) There wouldn't be a need for other hairloss treatments

B) These new companies wouldn't mention their upcoming products not having the side effects of Finasteride as a key selling point.

For the reason's stated in 1) and 2) it actually shows that the majority of people who do suffer from hairloss do browse or comment on hairloss forums or websites.

Also, we are living in a digital age where even people in their late 60's know how to use the internet quite fluently.

For those reasons, the majority of hair loss sufferers will at some point either view and comment on a hairloss forum or website and a good idea of whats really happening can still be established. Heck even if you go onto YouTube you will find loads of people commenting about their negative sides on Finasteride under Pro-Finasteride videos or under almost every hairloss video. Finasteride sides are highly common, fact.
I have 3 bald friends, and a few friends on finasteride, who have never posted on a forum. The average PERSON doesn’t post on ANY forums. Your a deluded person, who probably doesn’t get out of the house a lot. These forums are extremely niche. People who post on forums in general tend to be very anxious and prone to hypochondria. The average man with hair loss doesn’t post on forums, and the average person in general doesn’t post on forums. Also, other companies mention finasteride’s side effects to…. Ummm… duhhh… sell their f*****g product? Lol. Obviously if you can come out with an effective treatment with 0 sides that would be better…. But guess what man! There hasn’t been any new treatments in like 30 years buddy. So again, you either take finasteride or cope


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Lol this is the most false narrative ever in existence.

1) Finasteride is not a cure, it usually will at best make things worse before it gets better (in the occasional times it does get better for people) but even when it works, people go through quite intense shedding at least, which happens several times. The sheds on Finasteride are intense to bring most men to some hairloss forum. Whether it be this forum which is one of the biggest, or others.

2) People need to stop pretending like Finasteride is some magic pill when as soon as you take it your hair gets completely better and you just go on about your day. Most people actually heard of Finasteride in the first place online, or from hairloss forums.

3) There have been studies showing people have persistent side effects from around 30% of users up until around 60% of users. There's a lot of new and independent studies been done fortunately.

4) Even verified doctors on Twitter have come out and tweeted to other verified doctors about how frequently their patients on Finasteride experience side effects which is quite often, so it's not just on hairloss forums but verified* medical doctors as well speaking up

5) If anywhere near 99% of people didn't get persistent side effects after stopping Finasteride there wouldn't be almost every new company in the hairloss pipeline mentioning the side effects of Finasteride. It's clearly a big problem otherwise:

A) There wouldn't be a need for other hairloss treatments

B) These new companies wouldn't mention their upcoming products not having the side effects of Finasteride as a key selling point.

For the reason's stated in 1) and 2) it actually shows that the majority of people who do suffer from hairloss do browse or comment on hairloss forums or websites.

Also, we are living in a digital age where even people in their late 60's know how to use the internet quite fluently.

For those reasons, the majority of hair loss sufferers will at some point either view and comment on a hairloss forum or website and a good idea of whats really happening can still be established. Heck even if you go onto YouTube you will find loads of people commenting about their negative sides on Finasteride under Pro-Finasteride videos or under almost every hairloss video. Finasteride sides are highly common, fact.
Yo dude don't bother anymore explaining anything, It's not like they're not responsible for their own health. Sooner or later they will experience hellish side effects and learn the hard way

Listen man the incidents of sides are 2-4% idk what to tell you. Everyone knows it’s not a cure, that’s why they are still looking for one. I’ve been on it 3 years, and I’ve had time off it too, libido is great either way, I’m lean and In good shape, doesn’t effect strength either for me, I’ve noticed no difference. You know that there were 0 reported instances of permanent sides before the early 2000s? Weird that around the time Internet forums became a thing, did people start getting permanent sides from a drug that was already around for 10 years…. It’s almost like it’s a place where ocd hypochondriacs come to freak eacother out or something…. Also there has been studies done showing that people with diagnosed OCD have a much higher chance of developing “PFS”. Google it. Dr Bernstein in NYC will not prescribe finasteride to people with OCD for that reason. You do the math! I don’t deny at all that a minority of people get sides, but people talk wayyyyy too much about this drug. If you take it, there’s a 95% chance you get 0 sides, and if ya do get sides, they go away when you stop taking the drug. Like y’all need to chill out. Feel like you guys just post these studies for fun while you bald, to cope with your choice to not use the only FDA approved treatment for hair loss. Give it a rest. No one gives a sh*t.
Dude, if you wanna take Finasteride or even chop your balls off, go for it. You don't have to post paragraphs about how safe Finasteride is since we all know deep inside that that’s bullshit. If you're so confident about Finasteride, then you have no reasons to waste time writing essays for random people online trying your hardest to convince them - or yourself - how they're wrong about the miraculous drug called Finasteride

it's your body, and your responsibility. It's not like people will suffer any kind of side effects in your place. So just do whatever you want


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Lol this is the most false narrative ever in existence.

1) Finasteride is not a cure, it usually will at best make things worse before it gets better (in the occasional times it does get better for people) but even when it works, people go through quite intense shedding at least, which happens several times. The sheds on Finasteride are intense to bring most men to some hairloss forum. Whether it be this forum which is one of the biggest, or others.

2) People need to stop pretending like Finasteride is some magic pill when as soon as you take it your hair gets completely better and you just go on about your day. Most people actually heard of Finasteride in the first place online, or from hairloss forums.

3) There have been studies showing people have persistent side effects from around 30% of users up until around 60% of users. There's a lot of new and independent studies been done fortunately.

4) Even verified doctors on Twitter have come out and tweeted to other verified doctors about how frequently their patients on Finasteride experience side effects which is quite often, so it's not just on hairloss forums but verified* medical doctors as well speaking up

5) If anywhere near 99% of people didn't get persistent side effects after stopping Finasteride there wouldn't be almost every new company in the hairloss pipeline mentioning the side effects of Finasteride. It's clearly a big problem otherwise:

A) There wouldn't be a need for other hairloss treatments

B) These new companies wouldn't mention their upcoming products not having the side effects of Finasteride as a key selling point.

For the reason's stated in 1) and 2) it actually shows that the majority of people who do suffer from hairloss do browse or comment on hairloss forums or websites.

Also, we are living in a digital age where even people in their late 60's know how to use the internet quite fluently.

For those reasons, the majority of hair loss sufferers will at some point either view and comment on a hairloss forum or website and a good idea of whats really happening can still be established. Heck even if you go onto YouTube you will find loads of people commenting about their negative sides on Finasteride under Pro-Finasteride videos or under almost every hairloss video. Finasteride sides are highly common, fact.

in another thread @user394587 showed you that this study is bullshit because its participant were all recruited from the forum propeciahelp.com. considering this im actually surprised it wasnt close to 100% but ok.

and this was yesterday. so why are you repeating this again without any context?