EVERYONE Will Get Finasteride Side-Effects Eventually


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''Interesting we're having new accounts pop up and tell us they're taking it for decades and have no sides''

...there's nothing to report, so why post anything


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Lol at this coping idiot. Not one rational argument found in your incoherent rambling. I didn't even start this thread. And this is a forum, like I said if you're too fragile to read about the dangers of fina stay out and go to tressless.

You're the one coping in a thread about fina side effects and try to rationalize it all because you're taking it yourself, you're biased and emotionally invested in your hormone pills. Just look how irrational and emotional you react without bringing any arguments.

Keep entertaining me though, you clown.
Bro . I do not have sides. I do not give a f*** if you had sides. You should not give a f*** if people take it. You shouldn’t give a f*** about a medicine that u don’t take. You are by far one of the biggest internet weirdos on this forum. If you wanna talk about you regimen, treatments, etc by all means go crazy. But devoting your whole life to a medicine that you don’t take is WEIRD you a fuckin weirdo lmfao. Just stfu and post your hair you incel cuck


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This comes down to personal choice at the end of the day, and is an unwinnable discussion. Unless every country in the world simultaneously bans its sale, it will always be available. people who feel they benefit from taking finasteride will continue to do so and those who feel it negatively affects them, will refrain from it,
Its not so different from trying to advise people the risks involved with alcohol, points may be valid and the risks maybe there, but people will always do what they feel is best for themselves, and as such, people like myself will continue to take this drug for further decades as long as its effective.


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This coping clown keeps on crying. Why don't you post your hair, incel cuck? Lmfao at this idiot thinking anyone here has to show his hair. Srs you low iq retard, this is a thread about side effects. Bring some real arguments or stop crying like a fragile b**ch and go back to tressless.
Go on my page I’ve posted it plenty of times beta


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I just thought I would interject with some quick points. I do not disagree with anything being said about what finasteride can do and agree many people are blind that finasteride does not only affect your hair. However on the topic of “cognition” unfortunately besides data on PFS patients, no studies have actually demonstrated significant degrees in cognitive decline with use of finasteride specifically (I am unsure of dutasteride). I have many years of experience with nootropics, majority not at all working on the hormonal system, and for many giving a significant edge. We also see data showing transgender individual both M to F and F to M typically seeing no changes in cognitive function besides slight changes in spatial memory (men have the edge) and verbal memory ( females have the edge). Then you also have 5AR2 deficient men and heck, even men with far more severe conditions such as Kallmans syndrome do not have any noted increase in cognitive decline or severe cognitive issues. The only two studies done on finasteride and cognition, not done on PFS patients or Rats are below

Papers discussing the unfortunate lack of effect hormonal profile SEEMS to have on cognitive function along with the research above.

Issue with some of these conclusions is the lack correlation of low testosterone and bad health.

Then some of the papers on transgenders cognition

There are far more studies on the subject of transgenders and it’s pretty fascinating mainly seeing how hormones affect genders and truly seems to be the significant variable in the differences although time periods also seem to play a huge role specifically puberty.

Again reason I stated In humans and not in rats is specially because not only do rats have a different distribution of 5AR types throughout the body compared to humans but, they also seem to significantly inhibit 5AR1 when finasteride is taken, comparably to 5AR2. This along with rats almost always having different results compared to human studies in most supplements or drugs, makes humans research far more useful.

This isn’t to argue finasteride is great or anything, just make a small comment on the topic. However I do not think all these internet slangs incel, cuck, and beta does anything for these conversations and isn’t conducive for scientific discussion that is being discussed. Anyways though a lot of good research on this thread, gives people to total outlook on finasteride instead of a positive view point.


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Omg this forum is literally filled with clinically insane people . You sir are asking this man, who’s saying he does not have any sides effects, and is HAPPY with his hair and libido, if his dick can get hard without touching it see a therapist you nut job
This man is on medication which lowers his androgenic activity by almost half and claiming to have no undersireable effects from that on a forum with young desperate and impressionable men. I’m just looking beyond the surface but I guess as long as you hear that androgen levels in the body don’t matter you’re happy


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John I am happy finasteride is working for you but you seem so unhappy and triggered. Not everyone gonna have the same viewpoints.
This man goes on anti finasteride rants once a month, he’s literally known for it. I have never cared if someone does or doesn’t take it, and I see the pros and cons of both. This man dedicates all his time on this forum convincing people not to take finasteride


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This man goes on anti finasteride rants once a month, he’s literally known for it. I have never cared if someone does or doesn’t take it, and I see the pros and cons of both. This man dedicates all his time on this forum convincing people not to take finasteride
Well i came across his post many times i dont mind it. Just use block feature. Out of sight, out of mind


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This man is on medication which lowers his androgenic activity by almost half and claiming to have no undersireable effects from that on a forum with young desperate and impressionable men. I’m just looking beyond the surface but I guess as long as you hear that androgen levels in the body don’t matter you’re happy
If the studies done on finasteride show that most people don’t get sides, and a random guy is saying he doesn’t have sides, then why tf do you get to say “no no more people get sides” . If anything the people or are anti finasteride screaming from the hilltops are going to make a young impressionable person go bald due to being scared to try a drug with a very good safety profile


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Well i came across his post many times i dont mind it. Just use block feature. Out of sight, out of mind
The discussions are never balanced. He will post 20 studies, and bully people for choosing finasteride, simply bc he doesn’t take it


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Interesting post.

Want to add that nobody jumps on finasteride without adhering to the safety profile and possible side effects.

If it works for you great. If it doesn’t, sucks you’re at square one. If you got PFS, again, you knew the chances and odds, you simply got sh*t end of the stick. Don’t go imposing and trying to dive deeper into psudeo-studies and anecdotal evidence, it’s pointless. Work on trying to get yourself back to where you were, crying to kids that you got PFS does absolutely nothing for you nor them.

If I were to get noticeable and damaging sides, I’d come off the drug, I hope everyone else would too. Its not that complicated, so don’t make it.


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Sadly the more the effects of 5ar inhibitors are studied, the more it comes to light that it's not as safe as the young balding guys want to believe it is. Also lol'd at "pseudo studies", you mean Merck's study then? You know where they lied about the side effects of propecia just like they lied before with Vioxx.
Cool. He lied, she lied, they lied. I could care less. 1) Is it negatively affecting me, not to my understanding. 2) will I continue to take it... for the foreseeable future, yes. 3) if I get sides will I get off it, certainly.

end of story.


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Good, I wish you all the best.

Btw, to make it clear to everyone, I'm not against banning fina. Everyone should have the choice to take whatever they want BUT people should know the real dangers, that is all.
Very good response and I agree, everyone should not be throw up blinders and only view one end of the spectrum, which seems to be “pro-finasteride” on hair loss forums and subreddits. People should read ALL studies pertaining to 5AR inhibitors, no matter where they come from and compile the data to not only come to a conclusion of whether or not you feel the risk to reward ratio is suitable for you but, also have knowledge on how to best be safe while taking finasteride which is not necessarily healthy. FYI this is coming from someone on finasteride for over a decade. If I only looked at the positive or “skewed” studies of finasteride, I would be a far worse off and not monitor certain thing that finasteride can and will affect.

Like everyone else here though, I am hopeful that maybe not one single treatment but, a new combo of treatments can be viable for LONG term hair loss prevention, with a better safety profile.

As of now

minoxidil mixed with TRET
Waiting to see data on CB
SM04554 hopefully can work synergistically with minoxidil and does not work entirely by the same mechanism, that would suck

Then again more treatments even if growth stimulants, can be combined to give such significant regrowth, that even in the presence of androgens, can be maintained for years.


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It is all relative to how desperate you are.

If baldness is causing you to get all the side effects that finasteride would give you anyway, then you might as well give it a try. Like others have said, if your situation is even worse after that, just taper off of it.

But these side effects are really tricky to pinpoint the cause to. Many factors in our day to day lives can cause them.


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Thank you. Finally someone who can discuss the side effects of propecia with rational arguments and doesn't go on a hysterical, emotional temper tantrum like @JohnSmith21 because his favorite hormone drug is criticized.

And I believe the problem is there haven't been any human studies focused on the neurological effects of 5ar inhibitors beside the rat studies. But the rat studies clearly show there are negative neurological effects, it's not a good sign. Also if you understand all the neurosteroids being distorted, it's safe to say it's not looking good for the (neurological) safety profile of fina.
It’s not a tantrum your just bugging as usual. There are more reputable studies proving finasteride is safe then dangerous. Are their potential sides? Yes. Do most people get them? No. Just cuz it didn’t work for you and your still balding, doesn’t mean you need to convince every single person you interact with not to take it, citing whatever you possibly can. Most reputable hair transplant surgeons still believe PFS is a type of anxiety disorder, rather then an actual biological issue. I saw Bernstein in nyc and he said before the rise of online forums, he never heard of pfs. He then said in the last 10 years, he’s heard of a handful of people getting pfs, who happend to already be formally diagnosed with ocd. So no one is coping. Everything knows the pros and cons. There is no need to push finasteride, and there’s no need to fear monger, like you. Because the reality is that most people do not get sides. I don’t have sides. The other posters here do not have sides. And this is a biased hair forum . So good day, you weird weird man you


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Another "I can't take finasteride so it must be evil" thread.

5alpha reductase blockers block conversion from testosterone to DHT, nothing else. Yet:

"We conclude that 5 alpha-reductase inhibitors do not lead to erectile dysfunction to a significant degree, and we support the position that dihydrotestosterone is less relevant than testosterone in erectile function."

Here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18421068/

No sh*t people on TRT don't have a problem with erectile dysfunction. It's testosterone, not DHT.

But let's not talk about your broscience. You really have two choices:

#1: be bald, no woman will find you attractive ( or at least not the attractive ones ). No sex.
#2: take DHT suppressants and live without a penis. No sex.

Let's be real, the result is actually the same either way even if you totally fail with antiandrogens.

I'm happy I never listened to this paranoid anti-finasteride broscience posts. Been 11 years on antiandrogens and my morning wood is still as strong as in my 20's. And there are millions out there just like me.