Does being tall really makes you more fuckable ?


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Since some of you are obsessed with your height. I decided to create a conversation about it.

And also will delve into my lame *** story lol.

How tall are you? How much of an advantage is being tall with the ladies.....

193cm. I've normal corpulence though. And I can't really say if it's that much of an advantage since I've always been the tallest or one of the tallest in my school or among my relatives. So I never knew what/when/how to compare myself to. But I was often told by small dudes how much they wanted to be tall or more cynically were hating me for being tall, lol wtf

I looked normal (my face) until reaching 20 (when my hair started to really go off). I could bang chicks, were straightforward and all. Had no confidence problem. The chicks I was with were tall too, as banging small woman (like, let's say, under 170cm) made me feel like a psycho/pedophile when I'm naked next to them. Chicks who were confident were approaching me and were hitting on me too, especially the tall ones who I guess couldn't find any other tall dudes among their relatives.
But small chicks are also into you I guess, they probably have something subconscient in their mind about it.
Anyway, never had an issue with girls between being 13 to 20 (yeah because even though I was tall, I didn't care about girls until being 13 which is okay, I guess ?). The thing is that I couldn't f*** any girl I wanted either. Like okay, I was sometimes being approached but I had quite some failures too. I was a normal guy, just very tall. Some thought I was ugly, others normal, and others thought I was beautiful.

But it's only when I got 19 that I was abnormaly slaying hard with my beard. It really transformed me. Like, people were staring at me in the street. Wether it was 70year old grannies, or 6year old boys. Anyway, the sex I had with tall beautiful and young (not minors lol) chicks wasn't even the best part. This only lasts during intercourse and all. And of course it matters, not gonna say the opposite. But what really drove me into depression (yeah, because now I still have my height but got a bit fat due to f*****g prozac haha) was, I have to admit, the loss of all the power that it gave me. I don't think that I could have cared about my hairloss this much if I hadn't let my beard grow in the first place.

tl;dr: Small dudes hated me or wanted to have my height.
I guess being tall is useful but not as much as some people here think.
Height + hair + beard was the perfect slayer combo for me. BUT, before having a beard I was mostly normal, just tall.

Butterbean Head

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Since some of you are obsessed with your height. I decided to create a conversation about it.

And also will delve into my lame *** story lol.

193cm. I've normal corpulence though. And I can't really say if it's that much of an advantage since I've always been the tallest or one of the tallest in my school or among my relatives. So I never knew what/when/how to compare myself to. But I was often told by small dudes how much they wanted to be tall or more cynically were hating me for being tall, lol wtf

I looked normal (my face) until reaching 20 (when my hair started to really go off). I could bang chicks, were straightforward and all. Had no confidence problem. The chicks I was with were tall too, as banging small woman (like, let's say, under 170cm) made me feel like a psycho/pedophile when I'm naked next to them. Chicks who were confident were approaching me and were hitting on me too, especially the tall ones who I guess couldn't find any other tall dudes among their relatives.
But small chicks are also into you I guess, they probably have something subconscient in their mind about it.
Anyway, never had an issue with girls between being 13 to 20 (yeah because even though I was tall, I didn't care about girls until being 13 which is okay, I guess ?). The thing is that I couldn't f*** any girl I wanted either. Like okay, I was sometimes being approached but I had quite some failures too. I was a normal guy, just very tall. Some thought I was ugly, others normal, and others thought I was beautiful.

But it's only when I got 19 that I was abnormaly slaying hard with my beard. It really transformed me. Like, people were staring at me in the street. Wether it was 70year old grannies, or 6year old boys. Anyway, the sex I had with tall beautiful and young (not minors lol) chicks wasn't even the best part. This only lasts during intercourse and all. And of course it matters, not gonna say the opposite. But what really drove me into depression (yeah, because now I still have my height but got a bit fat due to f*****g prozac haha) was, I have to admit, the loss of all the power that it gave me. I don't think that I could have cared about my hairloss this much if I hadn't let my beard grow in the first place.

tl;dr: Small dudes hated me or wanted to have my height.
I guess being tall is useful but not as much as some people here think.
Height + hair + beard was the perfect slayer combo for me. BUT, before having a beard I was mostly normal, just tall.
Tall is only desirable IF one has a good head. Hair is on head, so without hair it matters not how vertical one may be.

I'm 189cm and 235lb of prime sublime Nordic marrow, yet I had(past tense) to degrade myself by not only paying for sex but falling "in love" for those toothless grins steeped in sin.

That is the price I had to pay for being a pedantic poet prat!


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How can people be this retarded?
Being tall is very desirable you can even be ugly but if youre 6 ft 5 or uniquely tall.women will want to be with you just for being tall
"Hes tall" she will tell her friends
Being short has 0.advantage.

Butterbean Head

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How can people be this retarded?
Being tall is very desirable you can even be ugly but if youre 6 ft 5 or uniquely tall.women will want to be with you just for being tall
"Hes tall" she will tell her friends
Being short has 0.advantage.
It's all about the head and what's on top of it(ultimately)

I'll say again, being tall when bald means minimal.

A specimen will not date a bald man just because he is tall.

Being short is a negative trait granted, but being "desirable" when tall but ugly is plain wrong.....


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It's all about the head and what's on top of it(ultimately)

I'll say again, being tall when bald means minimal.

A specimen will not date a bald man just because he is tall.

Being short is a negative trait granted, but being "desirable" when tall but ugly is plain wrong.....
If a women had a choice between a tall bald or short bald you know who.she would chose

Butterbean Head

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If a women had a choice between a tall bald or short bald you know who.she would chose
On that trait alone? Never Trevor(is that your real name?)

Only IF a woman likes you will she highlight the positives of being tall.

I haven't a girlfriend and didn't lose my virginity until I was 23. I'm tall.....but then again.

Due to the fact I'm a big hairy scary bald monster...............................................................


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On that trait alone? Never Trevor(is that your real name?)

Only IF a woman likes you will she highlight the positives of being tall.

I haven't a girlfriend and didn't lose my virginity until I was 23. I'm tall.....but then again.

Due to the fact I'm a big hairy scary bald monster...............................................................
But you like poetry and prose and humor. You might be artistic without knowing it and you can work that since most artistic sorts are say under ten stone in weight. Remember that guy on Big Bang Theory though. He had lots of loose curls and he had Sara Gilbert in his bed both in Roseanne and BBT. He was also a genius but not a genius like Sheldon (or Janey) who can barely discuss anything without taking a person first through the history of baldness and the Greeks and Romans before telling them: I recommend minoxidil.

What about when you have done a shtick so long that you aren't sure if it's shtick or reality? Since we are all bald though, in the words of my good friend, Tyler: "It's only after disaster can we be resurrected; it's only after you've lost everything, that you are free to do anything.

Amazing lyrics and sampled lines by Durden. I listen to this when I question my choices and at least, I don't want to die anymore:


Butterbean Head

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But you like poetry and prose and humor. You might be artistic without knowing it and you can work that since most artistic sorts are say under ten stone in weight. Remember that guy on Big Bang Theory though. He had lots of loose curls and he had Sara Gilbert in his bed both in Roseanne and BBT. He was also a genius but not a genius like Sheldon (or Janey) who can barely discuss anything without taking a person first through the history of baldness and the Greeks and Romans before telling them: I recommend minoxidil.

What about when you have done a shtick so long that you aren't sure if it's shtick or reality? Since we are all bald though, in the words of my good friend, Tyler: "It's only after disaster can we be resurrected; it's only after you've lost everything, that you are free to do anything.
The problem is I'm TOO masculine for this sponge-columned cess-pool that I bodily inhabit. Seriously, I have both physical and psychological traits that both bemuse and amuse the (m)asses.

I bring to the surface people's insecurities by my mere presence hence the daily wanton whispers.

If I acted like I look I could control any pissing ground I am in. I understand human psyche.

Mr Butterbean doesn't dance however, and I always follow what Popeye said.........


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The problem is I'm TOO masculine for this sponge-columned cess-pool that I bodily inhabit. Seriously, I have both physical and psychological traits that both bemuse and amuse the (m)asses.

I bring to the surface people's insecurities by my mere presence hence the daily wanton whispers.

If I acted like I look I could control any pissing ground I am in. I understand human psyche.

Mr Butterbean doesn't dance however, and I always follow what Popeye said.........
Was Popeye a limey? He uses "me" when he means to say "my" and that always struck me and pretend pirates speak like that.


My Regimen
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The problem is I'm TOO masculine for this sponge-columned cess-pool that I bodily inhabit. Seriously, I have both physical and psychological traits that both bemuse and amuse the (m)asses.

I bring to the surface people's insecurities by my mere presence hence the daily wanton whispers.

If I acted like I look I could control any pissing ground I am in. I understand human psyche.

Mr Butterbean doesn't dance however, and I always follow what Popeye said.........
Or even Jehovah, adds Janey. Now they translate thusly: "I am that I am" or "I am what I am". So for Hebrews, they heard from Moses that "I am what I am" told them to cross a f*****g river. Now if Janey had said that, people would be like, "what are you, Janey?, crazy?"

Since Janey's on meds that derive from sweet potatoes, yes, the answer is, "I yam what I yam" and it grows hair they purrs...."


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I don't know, I'm 5'11 and I feel kind of short for today's standards. Even compared to my "zoomer" relatives I'm one of the shortest.
And yes, if I was taller I think it definitely would have got me more opportunities.
The thing is height without a good face and hair is imo not worth much. But if you have a good face, hair and height on top of that, you make a majestic (maybe even a bit intimidating) impression to others... people assume you are some male model or super womanizer, basically what would be called a Chad, it's very real, I knew a guy who was like this, so I speak from experience.


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With the height, face & hair you have the superhero persona. With all those qualities but height you're just a handsome hobbit


Senior Member
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Since some of you are obsessed with your height. I decided to create a conversation about it.

And also will delve into my lame *** story lol.

193cm. I've normal corpulence though. And I can't really say if it's that much of an advantage since I've always been the tallest or one of the tallest in my school or among my relatives. So I never knew what/when/how to compare myself to. But I was often told by small dudes how much they wanted to be tall or more cynically were hating me for being tall, lol wtf

I looked normal (my face) until reaching 20 (when my hair started to really go off). I could bang chicks, were straightforward and all. Had no confidence problem. The chicks I was with were tall too, as banging small woman (like, let's say, under 170cm) made me feel like a psycho/pedophile when I'm naked next to them. Chicks who were confident were approaching me and were hitting on me too, especially the tall ones who I guess couldn't find any other tall dudes among their relatives.
But small chicks are also into you I guess, they probably have something subconscient in their mind about it.
Anyway, never had an issue with girls between being 13 to 20 (yeah because even though I was tall, I didn't care about girls until being 13 which is okay, I guess ?). The thing is that I couldn't f*** any girl I wanted either. Like okay, I was sometimes being approached but I had quite some failures too. I was a normal guy, just very tall. Some thought I was ugly, others normal, and others thought I was beautiful.

But it's only when I got 19 that I was abnormaly slaying hard with my beard. It really transformed me. Like, people were staring at me in the street. Wether it was 70year old grannies, or 6year old boys. Anyway, the sex I had with tall beautiful and young (not minors lol) chicks wasn't even the best part. This only lasts during intercourse and all. And of course it matters, not gonna say the opposite. But what really drove me into depression (yeah, because now I still have my height but got a bit fat due to f*****g prozac haha) was, I have to admit, the loss of all the power that it gave me. I don't think that I could have cared about my hairloss this much if I hadn't let my beard grow in the first place.

tl;dr: Small dudes hated me or wanted to have my height.
I guess being tall is useful but not as much as some people here think.
Height + hair + beard was the perfect slayer combo for me. BUT, before having a beard I was mostly normal, just tall
Being tall has major advantages. The big one is protection. Look at Logan Paul vs Mayweather. Yeah Mayweather went easy on him and landed major punches on Logan but Logan did hit Mayweather and stung him. f*****g Manny Pacquiao couldn't do that and he's a better skilled fighter. But there is a reason you don't see Mayweather vs Tyson Fury or Anthony Joshua. Those two would maul him because they are taller, longer reach, and more muscle potential to throw heavier punches.

Height and frame correlate with your ability to fight and protect and women value sufficient height and frame. A 5'6 manlet is going to protect Jack sh*t and probably won't have frame to go with it.

Women are the weaker sex and want their offspring (sons) to be as tall as possible because they know height is important for a man.

Now, balding is another flaw. It indicates aging and women don't care about the number, they care about looks. You can be 50 and look 37 and women in their 20s may still date you. However you can also be 21, norwood 7, and look old and not a single woman under 40 would want to talk to you.

I think for a man you can NOT be one of these three things or IT IS OVER.

1. Fat (bmi outside the healthy range) which you have control over thankfully.
2. Bald which you can try and may succeed at controlling with treatment and/or surgery.
3. Short which outside of extremely dangerous surgery, you have no treatment.

Since height has only extreme treatments, it is the most devastating problem. However balding is just as bad if treatments fail. I'm on treatment and honestly, I'm looking into Avodart because propecia isn't stabilizing hair loss as I'm still receding.