Do you guys see progress?!

I could hair less

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Haha. Good question man. At first, I was afraid to tell her, but I eventually did tell her. I explained to her my situation and how my hair would change once I stopped and without surprise she was totally supportive and enlightening. In fact, she really made this whole process easier. She explained that most women know that men go bald, and it’s something women accept in men - again most women. She added that she never liked me for my hair in the first place, and to prove it to me she told me to shave it all off before I stopped taking it and she’d show me she loved me just as much. So I did. And she commented everyday on how “sexy” my bald head was.

At the end of the day...think about all of the people you love in your lives...then ask yourself why you love them. I guarantee you never say “I love them cause they have hair”.

WOW!!! you find a keeper forsure... that is 1000% the response I will be looking for in my future spouse


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Haha. Good question man. At first, I was afraid to tell her, but I eventually did tell her. I explained to her my situation and how my hair would change once I stopped and without surprise she was totally supportive and enlightening. In fact, she really made this whole process easier. She explained that most women know that men go bald, and it’s something women accept in men - again most women. She added that she never liked me for my hair in the first place, and to prove it to me she told me to shave it all off before I stopped taking it and she’d show me she loved me just as much. So I did. And she commented everyday on how “sexy” my bald head was.

At the end of the day...think about all of the people you love in your lives...then ask yourself why you love them. I guarantee you never say “I love them cause they have hair”.

I really don’t understand the fear men have about telling their chicks about finasteride? It’s not like you have fake hair. You have real hair and you take a pill to keep it. So zero problem. You are a psycho if that’s something that would bother you about your boy.

Also as for your latest results hollyfuck massive improvement man. Like huuuuuuge. Especially if that’s only finasteride and no concealers


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Hey fellas . It’s been a while since I’ve been on the boards. So, I wanted to update you all, which will likely be my my last update ever.

I have been taking finasteride for approximately 3 years, and I have had phenomenal results. My hair seemed to have gotten better each and every month that passed - eventually restoring my hairline to 85% and the rest of my hair 100%. It was life changing when I was down, and when I was struggling to accept hair loss as part of my life.

Despite my success with finasteride, it was not without cost. As most of you know, I experienced side effects (gyno) at the beginning of treatment, and worked with an endocrinologist to overcome it - something I was eventually able to do. But, over the past three years I have matured, developed increased acceptance of myself, and most importantly found a beautiful woman that I am going to marry.

As such, I opted to stop taking finasteride and let it all go. I stopped taking finasteride cold turkey (under observation of endo w/blood monitoring) a little more than 4 weeks ago. Since stopping I have noticed numerous changes in my body...all of them sexual in nature and all of them positive. The first week I didn’t notice much at all, but the start of the second I started to get random erections through out the day and frequent erections at night. I noticed that I developed a stronger craving for sex and for women. Likewise, I have been able to get erections quicker and harder than while I was on finasteride. Lastly, my orgasms have become more pronounced - you know tingle from head to toe.

Now, While on finasteride I failed to recognize these sexual side effects because they seemed to develop so slowly over time...or maybe I was just so focused on my hair that I didn’t care? Whatever the reason, these were side effects I was experiencing. They didn’t necessarily impact my life negatively at the time, but now that I know what it’s like without finasteride again, I won’t ever be able to go back - no matter how bald I am.

Currently, I am feeling optimistic as I believe I have passed the typical window for a post finasteride crash (at least based on my subjective research), and so I hope to leave finasteride and all the good/bad that came with it behind with this last post.

I will get on over the next two days and field any questions you all may have, and I will leave you with a final picture update before I shave it all off with “no guard”.

So you took finasteride only to get a girl? What? Also your hair looks insane no sign of balding period!


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So you took finasteride only to get a girl? What? Also your hair looks insane no sign of balding period!

I think the fear stems from others knowing that we are bald without the pill. I mean, the whole purpose (at least in my mind) is to cover up balding so others don’t know. It isn’t to fool ourselves, it’s to fool others. We know we are genetically bald. With finasteride, no one else knows we are bald. Thus, telling anyone (even our wives) defeats the purpose of the pill - at least to me. Also, our society has a stigma on taking meds or getting procedures to alter personal appearance. So, I always kept my finasteride use secret.

I didn’t take finasteride to get a chick by any means. I took finasteride because I was insecure and terrified of going bald. At that point in my life, my looks were everything to me. I felt I would be ugly if I lost my hair. And being ugly meant that I wouldn’t be as acceptable socially - especially by women.

I would be at the gym and find myself idolizing men who were bald but rocking it with confidence. I would think “man, I wish I could just accept myself like I didn’t have to rely on a pill to be happy”. So, I worked really hard at it. I stopped finasteride because at this current point in my life I have achieved that self acceptance. I have learned that I am far more than my physical appearance. I learned that people can and will love me even if I am bald. My fiancé helped me understand that. So, I don’t feel the need to take finasteride anymore as I am comfortable with being bald now.

My results were 100% from finasteride - nothing more. Like I said, it almost completely restored my hair to teenage years. And, I felt like it was continuing to get better every year.

I could hair less

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I think the fear stems from others knowing that we are bald without the pill. I mean, the whole purpose (at least in my mind) is to cover up balding so others don’t know. It isn’t to fool ourselves, it’s to fool others. We know we are genetically bald. With finasteride, no one else knows we are bald. Thus, telling anyone (even our wives) defeats the purpose of the pill - at least to me. Also, our society has a stigma on taking meds or getting procedures to alter personal appearance. So, I always kept my finasteride use secret.

I didn’t take finasteride to get a chick by any means. I took finasteride because I was insecure and terrified of going bald. At that point in my life, my looks were everything to me. I felt I would be ugly if I lost my hair. And being ugly meant that I wouldn’t be as acceptable socially - especially by women.

I would be at the gym and find myself idolizing men who were bald but rocking it with confidence. I would think “man, I wish I could just accept myself like I didn’t have to rely on a pill to be happy”. So, I worked really hard at it. I stopped finasteride because at this current point in my life I have achieved that self acceptance. I have learned that I am far more than my physical appearance. I learned that people can and will love me even if I am bald. My fiancé helped me understand that. So, I don’t feel the need to take finasteride anymore as I am comfortable with being bald now.

My results were 100% from finasteride - nothing more. Like I said, it almost completely restored my hair to teenage years. And, I felt like it was continuing to get better every year.

Im in your shoes now like you were 3 yrs ago,just not at the point of having a women in my life tell me how amazing I am without hair, Im working to gain better self confidence but finding it tough when I keep losing hair...

do you think finasteride can help miniaturization all over the top?


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Im in your shoes now like you were 3 yrs ago,just not at the point of having a women in my life tell me how amazing I am without hair, Im working to gain better self confidence but finding it tough when I keep losing hair...

do you think finasteride can help miniaturization all over the top?

I feel ya man - it’s a tough position we are in. But, I really challenged myself to learn knew things and develop other skills. I needed to develop other things that I valued more than hair. I made list of these things and pushed to achieve over three years. I earned my masters degree, got my dream job, learned to play piano (still learning), started going to the gym and put on 20lbs of muscle, made great friends, learned to dance, and also joined a basketball league. These things helped me feel better about myself. They gave me confidence and made hair seem petty to me. It was hard work, and there were many days I found myself crying in the mirror - thinking I was doomed. But, those feelings faded more with each skill I learned.


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Hey all! I have kept my head shaved over the last 2 years (since quitting finasteride), and finally decided to grow it back out over the last few months to see how catastrophic the damage was. To my surprise, it ain’t too shabby. It definitely got thinner on the hairline, but to be expected. I’m gunna continue to grow it to combing length and see how it looks then. Hope y’all are doing well!


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Hey all! I have kept my head shaved over the last 2 years (since quitting finasteride), and finally decided to grow it back out over the last few months to see how catastrophic the damage was. To my surprise, it ain’t too shabby. It definitely got thinner on the hairline, but to be expected. I’m gunna continue to grow it to combing length and see how it looks then. Hope y’all are doing well!
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I wish my head wasn't so small, otherwise I wouldn't mind losing all my hair either. I'm pretty sure I have microcephaly, not a severe form because I'm not completely retarded or anything, but enough to make my head look noticeably small. I have thick curly jew hair which was the only thing covering up my tiny skull, but I will no longer be able to hide it soon....
You said in a previous post that taking letrozole for 3 months inhibited the gyno effects of finasteride from then on?
I don't understand how that works? did it permanently lower your estrogen or something? Did your doctor ever tell you why you were then able to tolerate finasteride without the gyno side effect?
I ask because I also get that side effect, and have somewhat resigned myself to just losing my hair and exposing my small head, but if simply taking letrozole for 3 months will permanently fix that side effect then I would definitely try that.

Just want to end by saying that I'm glad you've come to terms with your hairloss and I wish I could achieve the same with my head size, If it didn't imply that I'm less intelligent than others I wouldn't really care.