do women even like buzzcuts?


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I It's no secret that baldness makes you a lot more unattractive, you must admit that.

You're talking as if most NW2 men are attractive (understandable as you're a woman).

The default for men is being unattractive. Hair on most men is like makeup on a turd.


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You're talking as if most NW2 men are attractive (understandable as you're a woman).

The default for men is being unattractive. Hair on most men is like makeup on a turd.

I don't think all men that are NW1-2 are attractive of course, as there are other unattractive traits than hair. But hair (the lack thereof) still is the one thing that hurts your looks more than anything in my book, and a so called "ugly" guy will suddenly get a lot more attractive if he had hair, just as an attractive man will lose many points in the looks department when he loses his. Not saying that all bald men are unattractive though, as there are quite a few guys who look great despite their baldness. However, they'd look even better with hair. Hair always beats no hair, no need to beat around the bush.


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Depends some guys look better bald in my opinion, vin diesel i know has been talked about alot but him with hair would just be weird to me.


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Danny, please stop this "X looks better bald". Vin Diesel looks best with a buzzcut and he's a famous action movie. No normal guy can have that bad *** thing going on.


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Danny, please stop this "X looks better bald". Vin Diesel looks best with a buzzcut and he's a famous action movie. No normal guy can have that bad *** thing going on.

Why do i have to stop it? its my opinion, the convo was people saying people looking better with hair, thats their opinion thats fine, but to me there is people who look better bald, not cause he is famous you should see him in interviews and he is not like what he is in the films, he still looks good.

Wolf Pack

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Fred reminds me of one of my good friends/ex guitarist. When we met him (my group of musician buddies at the time) we listened to his stories and talks and were like "yea this guy gets around, cool"

Then they stopped adding up and making sense. One contradicted the other, some made zero probable sense, others people just denied they even knew him. We realized the kid was a pathological liar. We didnt hate him for it, in fact we just turned it into a positive. We made it a game of who could catch him out first, we took pots on whether "this" story was real or not. We would become ADDICTED to delving into the mystery of his being lol.

This is honestly how I view Fred. There are a lot of contradictions in his statements. Many can be attributed to growing and maturing but he never states that. He has the view my GF does where its simply "I NEVER SAID THAT", but if you dig enough youll find it for proof. Just none of us are interested. We all say contradictory things depending on our moods or a current conversation, because we all have this ingrained attitude to win our debate we built in our heads. There is no winning, just remember that. Have a decent debate, angry sounding things might be typed but with no tone in a voice just roll it off your back. As stated Ive said very nasty depressing stuff, very defeatist stuff. I usually follow it up with "im in a mood" or "im off my meds" which is a legitimate statement since getting on and off your meds seriously can F with your logical thinking.
Either way, just take what Fred says with a grain of salt (like anyone online, me included), draw what you need from it to better yourself, and if you can catch the mother fuqer out (not fred but anyone) do it because its just FUN AS HELL!
Either way if you get buggered by someone online then there is NO WAY you can handle the real world.

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dont even worry, just go do it without mentioning it and then when she asks what happened, tell her.
No reason to hide it. EVERY time Im at my follow up (3mo, 6mo, etc) there are guys there with their girlfriends. On my way out of the last I "bro" commended a guy with a thumbs up because he looked so down and embarrassed. We need to STOP being embarrassed and trying to hide it. You know how many people Ive told I had one, theres no shame in my game!

I freaking love reading your posts, a lot of insight. The way you describe your musician friend, we knew someone similar. It wasn't so much bragging about girls (that too) but just generally. Everything was a lie. We were also addicted to him but for the wrong reasons. I have that addiction to Fred because I find him a mystery but not in the cool chick way lol. In the end, this guy ended up with no friends just acquaintances. It was nothing to do with his looks or anything, he just wasn't a real person. You never "knew him" therefore he was basically never one of the boys. He never "knew you" either, it's like they are not built for social interactions. Yes he had gfs but it all ended badly, him or her leaving. I do feel sorry for these people though because they are victims of their own mind. They have a personality trait/disorder which is usually unrectifiable.

Out of all the handicaps out there, sometimes I think the mind is the worst one. Sure we learnt in class that appearance shapes someone's personality but how you interact plays a massive role. I remember you saying that people gravitate towards you in social situations and people enjoy talking to you. Totally see that with the way you write and look. You add "value" to a conversation one way or another.

I do agree that we all say different things at times depending on our mood but with him I can instantly pick up that it is so far off the scale it's not even normal. I feel I know people on here from how they write but not him. Yes we all may say things here or there but I think he stands out from the rest a fair bit, which says something.

I understand he had a tough upbringing though which may have given him lack of awareness generally. As I said, it's also a disorder. Even some qualified health care professionals have it and can't do anything about it. I don't mean to pick on the guy but when you hear big sweeping changes from the same person about hair loss in the space of 24 hours, it just seems bizarre.


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i agree strongly there wolf lol. i think being sensitive and male is one of the worst things there is. makes me mad when feminists say "i'm tired of acting weak when i am strong!". well obviously its a hell of a lot harder (and arguably impossible) to do the inverse, that is pretend to be strong when you are weak

Wolf Pack

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i agree strongly there wolf lol. i think being sensitive and male is one of the worst things there is. makes me mad when feminists say "i'm tired of acting weak when i am strong!". well obviously its a hell of a lot harder (and arguably impossible) to do the inverse, that is pretend to be strong when you are weak

Exactly Exodus, there is that pressure to be a "man" about it all. But you will be surprised that when guys chill together, they will often open up a fair bit after a few drinks about how **** things are. Funny you mention Feminists. An old friend of mine said yesterday it's gone on too much and now they want more rights over men. He goes have you ever seen a hot feminist? Lol. From a personal view point the only "therapy" I like to any problem is drinking with my friends and kind of just talking about it, laughing. That's it.


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Exactly Exodus, there is that pressure to be a man. But you will be surprised that when guys chill together, they will often open up a fair bit after a few drinks about how **** things are. Funny you mention Feminists. An old friend of mine said yesterday it's gone on too much and now they want more rights over men. He goes have you ever seen a hot feminist? Lol.
yea definitely. being a man is very spiritual, its all about handling adversity. and lol about feminists. just like sluthate incel types, just female versions.

but thats interesting about guys drinking. i know i definitely feel very emo when i drink lol


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You guys need to get better friends, i open up to my male friends and vice versa, nothing wrong with it, we are human with emotions.

Wolf Pack

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I find you mysterious in the same way I find many mentally ill people. Because there is an abnormal thought pattern and psychopathology is interesting (for me).

Well on youtube once they mentioned you, where you said no girl notices a bald head. I mean seriously? Anyone with any kind of normal behaviour or having experience with girls would know that they notice things even we don't know about ourselves, both physical and behaviour stuff. Yet you said apparently no hair is noticed, how can you think that?

Ok lets leave it here but I can't attach value any more to your posts especially when you're in that mood. I respect you and am happy with your transplant but nothing seems grounded in times. I wish you well though despite the "wait until you're bald" bit :p

Wolf Pack

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I wouldn't listen to random people and what they say, observation is best. They probably felt sorry for you. I would have said the same to you lol unless you were my very close friend, even then I would sugar coat it to an extent.

I agree a bit of a receding hairline, some diffuse thinning, crown thinning - is no biggie. That's where the hairstyle bit comes in :p But to say a bald head or shaved one is not noticeable is crazy. People will often describe them as such, again it's not a big deal but an observation.

You just need eyes and probably a couple of brain cells to notice advanced hair loss, not be a Norwood spotter.

The kids example is poor. They are not sufficiently developed. Kids also may not recognise a good looking or ugly person either, skin tone e.t.c. So that's "taught" too right?

I agree the media does play a role but not to the extent you say it. True attractive qualities will always remain so and vice versa.

Wolf Pack

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I can't remember many of my bald teachers, mind you most had a hair style now I think of it which masks attention. One was quite bald and of course everyone knew. But that's it, no mocking at all, even from school kids. Unless they were angry at him, that's when any issue is picked up on. Not just lack of hair.

Subconsciously women will notice it at the very least if not overtly, especially if it's a guy they are thinking about. Otherwise people are too self absorbed to care. Baldness = not loser but invisible clone more than likely.

If you didn't notice all the hair missing on your teacher you must have had your eyes down on the desk all the time. You did say you didn't like wearing your glasses, maybe you didn't see :) Or you're very studious :)

Wolf Pack

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Well not having a style of some sort makes you more generic and less personal, friendly, even if you pull it off with a good face. But not a loser. Plus once you to get to know someone as a fellow guy, you don't care for his hair or lack off I agree.

I'm yet to meet a woman who doesn't notice a guy's hair, I swear. I am not talking precise NWs but generally speaking. It's one of the first things you subconsciously notice with the rest of the face, especially if you spend time with that person. Girls who have had balding bfs are clued up, well you hide it but most people are open to an extent.


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I'm starting to wonder if someone has hacked into Fred's account because this sounds like a completely different person speaking. It's like he did a 180 almost overnight. I actually find it quite creepy. What about all the stories you told Fred, about how people treated you because of your baldness? What about the overwhelming depression? And now all of a sudden you believe people don't notice, and that being bald isn't that bad? Come on!

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Just like you don't particularly notice if someone has blonde or spiked hair. You don't go like "Oh he's blond!

Errr, wrong! Hair is the first thing you notice when you meet people. "Who are you talking about? Oh, that blond guy!"

Wolf Pack

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I agree with that. I think my cousin who is bald would say something similar, there will be bald jokes no doubt because it's an acceptable and more open target. Same time people may not realise that the guy is very sensitive over it like other medical problems. Usually though, most people I feel wouldn't say much. (from the feedback I get and see from people who have been bald).


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What about myself then? Why have I never noticed baldness in anyone when I had a full head of hair? I swear.

Was I too stupid and unaware? I had a lot of bald teachers, and only after my diagnosis, I looked back and thought: "Oh yeah they were bald!"

Other members have said it was the same for them. Maybe you have been trained by your media to spot baldness from birth. It's just not the case for Western Europeans.

This shows that cultural influence plays a major role in how we perceive baldness, or if we're even aware of it at all.

Its not that people dont see bald people when they not losing hair yet, its just they didnt care, they saw them as bald and thats it, same with people with hair, you dont think anything of it, obviously they have hair but its not in your mind, when you worry about whatever, you seem to see the object of the worry more. Like me i worried about my head shape in the past, and i started to look at peoples headshapes and saw people with the same or similar look, when before the worry i never saw it, just saw a bald guy.

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To me it just looks like he is not looking at the world through his old paranoid self, before his transplant when he felt worse he probably thought his situation was alot worse then it actually was, for example thinking more people was dissing him in some way when in reality they probably didnt give two ****s, but thats what worrying does to you. It feels like now he is feeling better he is seeing that now, sure he had insults, horrible moments, most of us have in different ways maybe same, but he is seeing that the world is not as bad as he first thought, most probably wrong in thinking that lol but its what i think.


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How did I do a 180? I've always thought that.

It's just that you used to (not long ago) join uncomfortable man and other's sharing their experiences about how bad people treated you because you were bald, and how girls would dump you for NW1's etc. I get that not all the people in your life did that, but it sure seemed like baldness was a big problem for you, and now it's not? That's what I mean about doing a 180.

I hope you don't believe the entire world is against you because you're balding.

I've never believed the world is against me because I'm balding, but it surely puts you at a great disadvantage in life to be bald. Especially as a balding girl. People won't mock me but they'll feel sorry for me, wonder what's wrong with me etc.

Agustin Araujo

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"Come on, man up! It's just hair! Hit the gym and it won't matter!"

This seems to be the mantra said to men who are suffering from baldness. From what I've observed, this has been the experience in the real world about baldness:

So nearly any man who is suffering from severe baldness, what are they often told? "Your losing your hair? Man up! Shave it all off! Be confident! Be positive! Go to the gym! Work out! Get buff! Get tan! Get ripped!". Statements like that who are often told by the ones who say hair loss doesn't matter are the same ones who'll make fun of baldness. They're also the same ones who say to compensate for hair loss will also call out those with baldness who are successful as try-hard overcompensates.

You can go as far in life as possible and be a greatly successful person. But do you know what everyone's going to be able to see? Your bald/balding head, and it looks like that's what people care the most about. Two great individuals as perfects examples are Jordan Spieth and LeBron James, they're constantly made fun of because of their baldness, and look at how successful they are. And of course, their success has nothing to do with compensating for their baldness.


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If anything I would tell a balding man to land to become 3ducated and land a six figure job. At least with money you having purchasing power and can land some hot foreign pussy.

Its more practical