Dietcola's Story - (UPDATE PICS APRIL 25 PAGE 12)


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Well it's not much of a story yet but i wanted to start one now so i can update it as i go. I'm 21 and have been losing my hair pretty rapidly since 19. I would estimate that i'm on my way to a NW3 by now. My hair loss is only at the temples but i have noticed the front thinning as well, which is expected as my mom's brother and father both lost their hair in the same pattern. Shedding is constant, 2 or 3 hairs every time i run my fingers through it.

December 13th i started Proscar, taking 1/4 of a tablet per day

January 1st, nothing has changed. Shedding, same. No side effects.

i have always had thick hair, and it still grows in thick enough that i can wear it forwards and not look too bald...but it gets noticibly thinner by the month. depressing :(

i read in a few threads on here that i should wait to start minoxidil in case the finasteride alone is enough for me, any thoughts on that? should i just go for it and jump on the minoxidil bandwagon right away?

i'll update here with pics once a month


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I think minoxidil reacts quicker so that you may see results sooner.

If finasteride works great for you, Min might be a waste of money. If you do both now u wont know which product did what and will commit yourself to use (and buy) both for a long time.

OTOH if you wait a year on finasteride and it does not do such a great job, its possible that you would have lost more ground or just maintained (while you could have been making ground on Min) and more of your follicles might be beyond "rescue".

lol, so its a bit of a gamble. Personally my bet is on using both.

Good luck.


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Your hairloss sounds similar to mine...depressingly advances a tiny bit every week.

I went straight on the the big 3 begining of December and no sign of stopping loss yet but it is a patience thing for everything to start working and hair cycles to go round. Needs 2-3 months from what most say on the forum to see any results..

If your like me then would get on finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral ASAP to try to stop loss as quickly as possible and hope to gain something eventually. Trying it in stages is fine if hair loss is very slow but if it is quicker like us then you need to throw everthing at it in one go that was my philosophy...makes you feel better if nothing else that your doing everything that can be done about it.


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i snapped some pictures, this is 3 weeks into finasteride treatment, which is still what baseline looked like obviously

i thought my hair would just receed and one day stop, but in the past 8 months it has continued to thin and keeps receeding further into the hairline





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no im not looking for results yet, i'll finish 2 months of proscar before i even begin looking for new hairs, don't wanna get up or down on my hopes right now. just take it in stride.

none of the earings hurt as much as losing hair :D :lol:


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Hmm I would say start minoxidil. I think that you are a NW3 already. Once you get as much of your hair back as possible then worry about looking at which medicine you can cut back/get rid of, if at all.

Just be prepared to lose some extra ground initially because of the minoxidil shed.


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this is wacky! i havn't been shedding at all for the past week or so, and i've been shedding more and more by the month since 2003. i keep running my fingers through my hair to make sure i'm not just imagining it but nope, there's NO shed! :hairy:

4 months of rogaine 5% foam is on the way! i love e-bay :)


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january 17 - rogaine foam arrived, i started today. easy product to use but i think i'll have to get my hair cut a little shorter to make it easier to apply.

i have been 2 weeks shed free, my non-balding areas lose more hair than my thinning area :) also the few hairs i have been shedding from my hairline are 90% small hairs, inch long, already suffering from miniturization. i'm hoping this means they are being shed in order to grow back thicker, but time will tell.


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dietcola said:
january 17 - rogaine foam arrived, i started today. easy product to use but i think i'll have to get my hair cut a little shorter to make it easier to apply.

i have been 2 weeks shed free, my non-balding areas lose more hair than my thinning area :) also the few hairs i have been shedding from my hairline are 90% small hairs, inch long, already suffering from miniturization. i'm hoping this means they are being shed in order to grow back thicker, but time will tell.

Although you lost more hair than me, you and me have the same hair-loss pattern and same reaction to finastride. Intersting.


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you're lucky to have acted on it quicker than i did. my dad has a nw2 hairline but has been steady since college, i assumed i was heading down that path with him and my older brother. but nope, i took to my mom's side of the family, and since i wear my hair 2 inches long and forwards all the time (and usually under a hat) i didn't notice it had gotten this bad until one day last summer.


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dietcola said:
you're lucky to have acted on it quicker than i did. my dad has a nw2 hairline but has been steady since college, i assumed i was heading down that path with him and my older brother. but nope, i took to my mom's side of the family, and since i wear my hair 2 inches long and forwards all the time (and usually under a hat) i didn't notice it had gotten this bad until one day last summer.

If the big 3 doesn't give my temples back in a year, then I'm going to get an FUE hair transplant. It will be relatively cheap because its a small area that needs to be fixed, and with FUE there will be no strip scaring.

Ever toil with the idea of a hair transplant?


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yeah i do imagine i will get surgery down the road, i have infinite amounts of donor hair and i'm only going to bald at the front, 70% of my head will stay thick.


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today marks 2 weeks on rogaine foam, almost 2 months on proscar. i'm shedding quite a bit now and my hair has never looked worse, it's so fu*kin thin on top it's ridiculous. in a few weeks, i have progressed about as much as i expected to in 3 years. i hope this huge shed means i'll have good regrowth. but hell it's hard to contend with.


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I too experienced a significant shed from Propecia and Rogaine. I am a diffuse thinner NW5 form. I shed from about 60% coverage to 20% in 4 weeks. My shed was from week 2 til week 5 and still on going now, but not nearly as strong. I am sure that we'll rebound, just keep to your regimen.


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I'm getting some shedding in the front, it's a bummer but I can see some baby hairs coming in. Hang in there.


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2 months ago prior to treatment, i had no noticable thinning at the front...and now this.


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JayMan said:
is that scalp that i see behind the big forelock?

no, that's my soul you're seeing. it's slowly escaping...


you look like you have diffuse hair loss. i hear you on the soul thing. that's how i feel when i see hairs in the sink. but i know they'll grow back. just a temporary loss of part of my soul.