Did I Go Below The Belt Or Was It Justified?


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As a male pattern baldness sufferer you shouldn't be using it as a weapon against others dealing with the same disease

But it is hard to feel bad for the dude when he went out of his way to try and belittle you

Don't make a habit of it


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The guy might have meant it in a sarcastic none intrusive way, light-hearted like, cause he might have noticed the girl earlier and exchanged looks of interest, and figured it might be a good ice breaker to jump in when she was talking to someone else since he seemed to respond in a surprised way that you attacked him back.

And yes totally showed his hair insecurity as he took offense to it and you hit him right where it counted. Just one of those things you write off as an awkward misunderstanding of a social situation.

I don't know exactly why but this story reminds me of the time I was playing video games with my nephew, it was Uncharted 4, and if you don't know it's like a movie/video game. In between the action there is character dialogue to build the story, and my nephew blurts out "shut up baldy!" - he was referring to the character Sam. This was a 4 year old making such a comment about a guy whose not really bald, just hairline recession. Sheesh I thought, this balding social stigma is for real if this comes out of a 4 year olds mouth. Or maybe kids just say the darnedest things?
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The guy might have meant it in a sarcastic none intrusive way, light-hearted like, cause he might have noticed the girl earlier and exchanged looks of interest, and figured it might be a good ice breaker to jump in when she was talking to someone else since he seemed to respond in a surprised way that you attacked him back.

And yes totally showed his hair insecurity as he took offense to it and you hit him right where it counted. Just one of those things you write off as an awkward misunderstanding of a social situation.

I don't know exactly why but this story reminds me of the time I was playing video games with my nephew, it was Uncharted 4, and if you don't know it's like a movie/video game. In between the action there is character dialogue to build the story, and my nephew blurts out "shut up baldy!" - he was referring to the character Sam. This was a 4 year old making such a comment about a guy whose not really bald, just hairline recession. Sheesh I thought, this balding social stigma is for real if this comes out of a 4 year olds mouth. Or maybe kids just say the darnedest things?
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Interesting post.


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Couldn't agree more. No comeback from being mocked about being bald, it's over, you've lost. Mocking someone for their hair loss is the lowest possible blow you could imagine, and nothing they say will win the argument. You could take any argument and come up with any possible crap to throw at the other person but if they say "at least I'm not bald" - they've automatically won. Even if they don't say it they've won, it's enough that they know they're above you and that you're just a bald loser anyway.

Depends, if a girl is fat, flat chested or both you might have a comeback.

Could be difficult for you though. If you sh*t on one girl for being fat all the other fat girls nearby will hate you.


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The guy might have meant it in a sarcastic none intrusive way, light-hearted like, cause he might have noticed the girl earlier and exchanged looks of interest, and figured it might be a good ice breaker to jump in when she was talking to someone else since he seemed to respond in a surprised way that you attacked him back.

And yes totally showed his hair insecurity as he took offense to it and you hit him right where it counted. Just one of those things you write off as an awkward misunderstanding of a social situation.

I don't know exactly why but this story reminds me of the time I was playing video games with my nephew, it was Uncharted 4, and if you don't know it's like a movie/video game. In between the action there is character dialogue to build the story, and my nephew blurts out "shut up baldy!" - he was referring to the character Sam. This was a 4 year old making such a comment about a guy whose not really bald, just hairline recession. Sheesh I thought, this balding social stigma is for real if this comes out of a 4 year olds mouth. Or maybe kids just say the darnedest things?
View attachment 44783

Lol are you sure your nephew knew what he was saying? Maybe he thought "baldy" refers to someone with a big forehead. Because Sam is in no way a hair loss sufferer.


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Hey guys,

Last night I was at a party. In my somewhat buzzed state I was kind of wandering around with my balls out (not literally but you get the point) as my buddy that I came with was with some girl. As I walked about this group of two girls (both cute) one of that said to me "Hey I like your hoodie" about this band's hoodie I was wearing. So of course I said "Thank you" and we started to talk a bit. I could tell that the one friend was trying to set up her friend and I (both being flirty with me, etc).

We were probably talking for about 5ish minutes (I smoked a little weed too so it might have been shorter) then this kind of jocky guy came up to us. The guy had a pretty athletic built and solid facial features, but was like a Norwood 3 with a shaved head. When he came up he made a comment about me "Why would you girls be talking to this guy that looks like a reject emo One Direction member?" (I wear my hair like old Justin Bieber but waaayyy tighter on the sides to hide my little recession I got going on). I quickly shot back with (which still I don't know how I can usually never think on my feet) "Don't be jealous that I still have a hairline" and pointed at his shaved head. I heard the girls kind of giggle and the guy looked pissed, I thought I was about to get the living sh*t knocked out of me. I could tell I must have caught him off guard because he responded with something stupid "Hey at least my hair looks good on me" which I wanted to responded with "What hair?" but I know that would have set me to an early grave. The girls and I carried on our convo and he tried to add in sh*t but the girls just shut him down until he walked away. I ended up with the one girl's number and am supposed to be getting coffee with her this week.

So guys, did I go below the belt making fun of that guy's hair loss? I normally never like to be that guy to do so, but seeing as he was trying to belittle me I thought it was justified....
Douche or not, yeah that was a low blow. I wouldn't have said it.


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Hey guys,

Last night I was at a party. In my somewhat buzzed state I was kind of wandering around with my balls out (not literally but you get the point) as my buddy that I came with was with some girl. As I walked about this group of two girls (both cute) one of that said to me "Hey I like your hoodie" about this band's hoodie I was wearing. So of course I said "Thank you" and we started to talk a bit. I could tell that the one friend was trying to set up her friend and I (both being flirty with me, etc).

We were probably talking for about 5ish minutes (I smoked a little weed too so it might have been shorter) then this kind of jocky guy came up to us. The guy had a pretty athletic built and solid facial features, but was like a Norwood 3 with a shaved head. When he came up he made a comment about me "Why would you girls be talking to this guy that looks like a reject emo One Direction member?" (I wear my hair like old Justin Bieber but waaayyy tighter on the sides to hide my little recession I got going on). I quickly shot back with (which still I don't know how I can usually never think on my feet) "Don't be jealous that I still have a hairline" and pointed at his shaved head. I heard the girls kind of giggle and the guy looked pissed, I thought I was about to get the living sh*t knocked out of me. I could tell I must have caught him off guard because he responded with something stupid "Hey at least my hair looks good on me" which I wanted to responded with "What hair?" but I know that would have set me to an early grave. The girls and I carried on our convo and he tried to add in sh*t but the girls just shut him down until he walked away. I ended up with the one girl's number and am supposed to be getting coffee with her this week.

So guys, did I go below the belt making fun of that guy's hair loss? I normally never like to be that guy to do so, but seeing as he was trying to belittle me I thought it was justified....

You only went below belt because he did first...I dont think you would go around doing that to people who did not f*** with you....Good for you played a bully at his own game.

And you got the girl :)


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I dont understand anyone defending a guy who called him a 'reject loser'

You dont call another man a reject loser in front of women and not be prepared for someone to come back at you.

I think everyone is taking it personally because he's got hair issues--but you got to use what you can against someone who fucks with you like that.

He challenged a complete stranger--he does not expect someone to come aback at him hard in anyway he can??

Do i approve of name calling? no but that guy struck first.

You better have NO insecurity if your going to come at someone like that out of the blue.


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The orher guys comments weren't personal, just stupid generic insults you can fling at anyone. He called you out on your hairstyle, something you chose and easily changed. You called him out on a genetic disease. Not something he chose or has control over, and can't be changed.
Calling him out on his genetic disfigurement is deeply personal. There's a big difference
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For people trying to say that the guy was just "joking" with me; I might have had a few in me but I could totally tell that he was trying to make fun of me/put me down in front of those girls. Honestly I don't even know why this guy was there, he was this clearly frat bro type at a artisty /"""hipster"""" party.


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I think it's fair and square. The guy called you out on your hair and you called him out on his.

However if he made any other insult and you went at him about his disfigurment, then that would of been a low blow.


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The orher guys comments weren't personal, just stupid generic insults you can fling at anyone.
Calling him out on his genetic disfigurement is deeply personal. There's a big difference

Seriously> they are not friends its a stranger at a party trying to come up and c*** block him and called him a loser...where i grew up you get your head stuck in a toilet full of sh*t--forget name calling.

If you can not take sh*t do not dish it out.

IF any of us who have hair issues do not have thick enough skin to have it thrown in our face--i suggest you do not go around at parties and call strangers 'losers' when they are trying to get laid.


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For people trying to say that the guy was just "joking" with me; I might have had a few in me but I could totally tell that he was trying to make fun of me/put me down in front of those girls. Honestly I don't even know why this guy was there, he was this clearly frat bro type at a artisty /"""hipster"""" party.

He assumed you were a pussy--he stepped up to your women you were talking to--attempted to knock you down and intimidate you--you stood up to him instinctually said what came to your mind--you only have split second to deal with people like that--he backed down..you got the girl so f*** him.

is it right? No but if he had a large nose that would be fair game too if he was short etc--ONLY because he insulted you first...
What kind of dick goes up to random people and insults them?


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Dude was an idiot, be the bigger man. He mentally insecure, stupid and out of his element, you could have brushed it off, I bet you weren't even offended or hurt by his comments. It was unnecessary, and very disproportionate response.


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I think it's fair and square. The guy called you out on your hair and you called him out on his.

However if he made any other insult and you went at him about his disfigurment, then that would of been a low blow.

Its a low blow but when a stranger comes at you insulting you and trying to intimidate or bully you--f*** him you go low.


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Dude was an idiot, be the bigger man. He mentally insecure, stupid and out of his element, you could have brushed it off, I bet you weren't even offended or hurt by his comments. It was unnecessary, and very disproportionate response.

I am a woman, he was trying to emasculate this guy in front of two women he was chatting up...Im older now but if i was in my 20s if a stranger intimidated a guy trying to chat me up--it could possibly effect my attractiveness to him--but he stood up for himself--thats attractive. So he wa f*****g with his game..thats primal sh*t for young guys in their 20s i would think.

Who cares about low blows when someone steps up to you being an a**h**...if someone sucker punches you kick them in the balls. What are you going to challenge him to a polite duel?


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I dont know maybe its just me and being from NY but there is some sh*t you dont pull with strangers if you dont want someone to cut you down...Cant take it do not dish it out.


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Dude was an idiot, be the bigger man. He mentally insecure, stupid and out of his element, you could have brushed it off, I bet you weren't even offended or hurt by his comments. It was unnecessary, and very disproportionate response.

maybe he was hurt--i would think he styles his hair specific way because he has hair loss--eveyrone with hair loss at various stages seems to struggle with it.


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I think what the op did is fine.

It would of been the only come back that would of put this guy in his place. From what the op describes, this guy was bigger, and had a stronger presence.

Anything else would of been weak.

That guys game was weak thougg. I am not sure what his intentions were or why he went out of his way to say what he did.

Sounds like high school sh*t.