Candida & Hair Loss - advice needed


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Hoppi said:
Just because it's a laxative doesn't mean it's not also an antifungal AND an antiviral o_O


Hoppi said:
Just because it's a laxative doesn't mean it's not also an antifungal AND an antiviral o_O



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For those of you who claim that you only get Candida if you have some super bad immune problem or are old! Rubbish! And let's face it you all know it xD

I could find you a ton more vids if you want I bet! :)


hope that helps! :)


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Oh my god! The bit he says at the end about women with vaginal yeast probs always having intestinal Candida!! That explains why women get Candida more than men!! And why women have more IBS and stuff!

Although I do remember hearing some other reason ages ago but... I dunno I mean, this explains it well enough for me!




Bit silly how he's so OBVIOUSLY reading it from above the camera xD Doesn't stop it being interesting though! :)

Mens Rea

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Hoppi said:
For those of you who claim that you only get Candida if you have some super bad immune problem or are old! Rubbish! And let's face it you all know it xD

Hoppi you have ignored the vital distinction.

People with systemic candida aka "leaky gut" candida are likely to be rather ill (depending on severity...however usually if it has progressed this far it'll be a severe case). You can stil have candida but not necessarily in your blood. Huge difference.


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Mens Rea said:
Hoppi said:
For those of you who claim that you only get Candida if you have some super bad immune problem or are old! Rubbish! And let's face it you all know it xD

Hoppi you have ignored the vital distinction.

People with systemic candida aka "leaky gut" candida are likely to be rather ill (depending on severity...however usually if it has progressed this far it'll be a severe case). You can stil have candida but not necessarily in your blood. Huge difference.

True, true.

Although I think it's probably more common and versatile than you realize having it in your blood. That would explain why women get those vaginal yeast infections, why I'm getting dandruff, itching, sneezing, all that junk. It's all a sliding scale. I think mainstream medicine both simplifies AND downplays Candida overgrowth.


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Some more interesting things I'm noticing on the Candida front (or feel I am noticing).

Firstly, I'm definitely sneezing more than usual. It happens a fair few times a day and may actually be worse when I eat bad foods like loads of bread and sugar and stuff (I've been lazy recently and noticed I was MUCH more bloated and I think it made me sneeze more too).

Second, oregano seems to provoke a reaction. It hits my stomach with some force and may be giving me cloudy urine and stuff (which is considered a Candida die-off symptom)

That might be it, all pretty good in terms of learning, progress, and confidence that Candida is my issue. There are other possibilities but they're rapidly fading I think. I'm taking Syntol as well as these antifungals and stuff, but I maaaayyy change over to a simple antifungals and probiotics approach once the Syntol has run out, to save cash and because I think that as long as the antifungals chosen are good (like oregano and nystatin) and rotated, I think it should do a very reasonable job of killing it off, as long as there are enough probiotics to repopulate afterwards.

Syntol I like but it's pricey and I'm poor haha, I might make it my choice of probiotic if I have the cash though :)

And sorry for typing so much, I guess I'm just using this to think out loud at the moment!


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Hoppi said:
Some more interesting things I'm noticing on the Candida front (or feel I am noticing).

Firstly, I'm definitely sneezing more than usual. It happens a fair few times a day and may actually be worse when I eat bad foods like loads of bread and sugar and stuff (I've been lazy recently and noticed I was MUCH more bloated and I think it made me sneeze more too).

Second, oregano seems to provoke a reaction. It hits my stomach with some force and may be giving me cloudy urine and stuff (which is considered a Candida die-off symptom)

That might be it, all pretty good in terms of learning, progress, and confidence that Candida is my issue. There are other possibilities but they're rapidly fading I think. I'm taking Syntol as well as these antifungals and stuff, but I maaaayyy change over to a simple antifungals and probiotics approach once the Syntol has run out, to save cash and because I think that as long as the antifungals chosen are good (like oregano and nystatin) and rotated, I think it should do a very reasonable job of killing it off, as long as there are enough probiotics to repopulate afterwards.

Syntol I like but it's pricey and I'm poor haha, I might make it my choice of probiotic if I have the cash though :)

And sorry for typing so much, I guess I'm just using this to think out loud at the moment!

Yeah I get an itchy nose when I eat certain things so I think there's defo something in what you are saying. I also get really bad rhinitis if I eat things with a lot of sugar in them. So certain food can definately affect your nose.

Yeah Syntol is pretty expensive, I have my second batch coming in the post, am going to up my dosage and go with that for a few weeks, then evaluate things after that... hopefully I can drop to a low dosage after that to save cash.


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yeah man good call :)

Thing is like.. obviously I know that Candida can cause allergies and stuff, but also I believe I've seen all this first hand (in someone other than myself!).

I was staying with a good friend of mine last year, and he had bad allergy symptoms (constant sneezing), problems with bloating and hair loss and.. all those kinds of things, dandruff I believe, erm... yeah. And I had no CLUE why at the time, but now I believe that we BOTH have Candida. Like me his diet was/is very carb-heavy, and also sugar heavy, fat, bread, etc.

So yeah, I think it all fits pretty well.

I'm going to have to be so strict with myself again though as I just love carbs so much ._. I'm not struggling too much with cutting down on sugar, but cutting down on carbohydrates is just hell :( I love pasta, bread, oats and muesli and cereals, rice, all that kinda stuff - it was pretty much my whole diet before all this started...

Hm.... this is going to take some focus and perseverance...

EDIT -- Wow I think Candida really dislikes oil of wild oregano!! I bought this stuff: Oil of Wild Oregano

And I'm still getting cloudy urine and white and stuff when I use the loo >.<

So.. it's working I think!! Trapper on CureZone told me to look out for cloudy urine when taking colloidal silver for Candida, and to keep going for about a week or two even once it stops (I'm guessing cloudy urine is dead Candida).

He says he successfully treated Candida with CS alone!

But yeah.. wild Oregano is awesome too :)


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Hoppi said:
Calm down Rogazzle.

And yah maybe Jacob I dunno. I mean hell I was attempting to FAST with only coconut oil but yah fasting sucks so I stopped lol

I can take it pretty well, just not perfectly. It's definitely not a cause for concern but I just wanted to chuck my experience with it out there for a bit of constructive discussion :)

Why do you recommend starting on lower doses? I have been eating lots of coconut and eating the oil on and off for a significant period, so I thought that was probably enough building up? I eat coconuts far too much atm hehe ^^

Last time I mentioned coconut oil you said nothing about taking it I assumed you started out just taking spoonfuls of it.

There's..again..always monolaurin. Another page on it:

Mens Rea

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Just to end this debate of candida even exists.

I've spoken to another two top level doctors about it and they both said the seen it in the hospitals. Usually in patients with bad immune systems or people who have used anti-biotics for prolonged periods of times.

There's no debate to be had on this front.


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Mens Rea said:
Just to end this debate of candida even exists.

I've spoken to another two top level doctors about it and they both said the seen it in the hospitals. Usually in patients with bad immune systems or people who have used anti-biotics for prolonged periods of times.

There's no debate to be had on this front.

Yep exactly my experience... too many antibiotics, for too long, and too often really screwed up my body.

The Syntol seems to have helped quite a bit since I started taking it... nearly finished my 2nd batch and not getting any die off now, so think I might be able to stop taking it once its finished.


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Great gluten and dairy free probiotics include-

crabbies alcoholic gluten free ginger beer

gluten free kamichi

kombucha tea

Miso Soup

water kefir


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Not sure if this thread is still alive or not. I was struggling with hairloss for 2 years and had lots of depression from it. I went to a few naturopaths and they all thought that it was gluten intolerance, dairy, and egg. After doing a strict diet for 4 months things got little better but my hair was still so ITCHY! I decided to stop paying vast amounts of money seeing doctors and look at my bloodwork to try and fix the problem myself. First I tried doing NOFAP, which worked for about 3 weeks then randomly my hair would be amazing and people would tell me then the next week it was **** again. I finally took a harder look at my bloodworm and saw one common negative in my bloodwork. Candida. The next day I happened to have a lot of dandruff in my beard and I wasn't sure why, so I started to search on the internet for reasons. It turns out that candida can be the cause for sebum build up and dandruff throughout your body. My eyebrow hair would fall out, eyelashes, beard was very thick but started to get dandruff.

Right away I started on a strict Candida diet.

First 2 days I only juiced green vegetables to kill the yeast as fast as possible.

The next day I continued to juice but I added in a few anti-fungals. All of which taste horrible.
-1/4 tablespoon of cayenne pepper in water 3 times a day.
-ACV ORGANIC 3 times a day 3-5tbspns.
-Add 5 cloves of garlic to juice everyday.
-add Ginger to juice everyday.
also coconut water as a small probiotic to reintroduce good bacteria into system.
the coconut oil is terrible but it instantly makes me feel better.

Start to reintroduce foods into your system on the 4th day. (by this time my temple hair has grown back and the top corners of my head are turning from vellus to real thick hairs.
eat only greens no sugars, not even carrots, apples, pomegranates, strawberries etc.
You can start to have meats no pork. Make sure everything is clean food, organic if you can afford.
I am also taking probiotics at this point in time while taking antifungals. make sure your probiotic has many varieties of probiotics inside of them and also

I am currently only on the 6th day of my diet and my head feels amazing. I can feel the hair growing back and I never want to stop. If you have a blood test and your candida is high I recommend you trying this diet. For more information on Candida Diet go to

hope i helped

- - - Updated - - -

Do not drink kambucha tea, it is fermented in yeast. Same as gluten free bread not all brands are yeast free, this includes the most popular brand Udi's.


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I am currently only on the 6th day of my diet and my head feels amazing. I can feel the hair growing back and I never want to stop. If you have a blood test and your candida is high I recommend you trying this diet. For more information on Candida Diet go to

hope i helped

Unfortunately six days is not enough to make any difference at all, so it's all psychological at this stage I'm afraid. Most likely you will see little or no change on this regime, but good luck to you.


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I had candida and bad, but I reversed it totally along with my hair loss when I switched to a high raw vegan diet.


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I had candida and bad, but I reversed it totally along with my hair loss when I switched to a high raw vegan diet.

...yet you're still hanging around the hairloss forum? Doubtful. I'd like to see photographs documenting your full recovery, otherwise I'm highly sceptical.


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Against candida is Nystatin best. For some bald men Nystatin is an excellent cure for hair loss


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If you have fungal intestinal Candida, using Nystatin will be like wiping mold off the wall but it won't kill the spores infused in the wall. Probiotics, good GAPS based diet, supplements, kefier etc, is good for support but it won't do **** to kill off the infestation.

Even if you starve it by removing all access to sugars, it will survive to give you problems latter when you think you're OK. There is another way to attack this problem. It makes sense but it's experimental.

The evil corporate NOVATIS hold a patent to a drug called LUFENURON. It kills fleas on animals by preventing the fleas from growing their "chitin" (their outer skeleton). Candida spores have Chitin also.

Lufenuron is relatively 'very safe'. It's fat soluble and loads up in your body and then passes through. There have been no human trials, only on animals and has been found to be very safe and effective at attacking Candida. I told my doctor about it and that I plan to try it and he thought it would be a very good idea, unofficially. I asked him to give me a prescription for a powerful antifungal to use at the same time to kill off the Candida which is made vunerable by the Lufenuron.

You can not buy pharmaceutical grade Lufernuron for human use ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. One person tried but was shut down. There are people selling it on line and claim it to be pharmaceutical grade but I have proven them to be liars, just ask them for a certificate of analysis and you will soon see that it's Chinese pesticide grade no better than 98.4%. They buy their stock from about $100 per kilo and sell for $100 per 10 grams. $10,000 profit! At your expense.

I told my doctor that I have bought 4 packets of PROGRAM flea tablets for dogs (409.8mg each tablet at a rip off price) and I will eat them over 3 days and hopefully have a die off reaction. People have reported success with this method but this is only anecdotal and it''s still not guaranteed to succeed.

The unethical bastards at NOVATIS refused to tell me what the inactive ingredients are or weather the Lufenuron is pharmaceutical grade. This paranoid company doesn't even have an email address, only phone! Although from my research I've concluded that it would be highly unlikely for them to use substandard materials. It's either that, the Chinese **** or stay sick and go bald.