Bill Gates talks about not wasting money in "male baldness"

Norwood One

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He has hair on his head. And even if he didn't, he isn't looking to bang sexy poon.

Put two and two together, he don't care bout no baldness.


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Bill Gates is a liberal dumbass so what he said doesn't surprise me.
He's lucky that he is book smart and that he has a full head of hair.
Doubt he would say the same thing if he was bald like us.

Do-gooder American liberals always seem to be more worried about what's going on in other far away places like Africa rather than the U.S. where baldness, though not life-threatening, is a much bigger problem.
Malaria was basically eradicated in the U.S. in the 1950's.

Had he replaced malaria with "cure for cancer", then I would have agreed because that should be the #1 priority.


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Feel good bleeding-hearts would say something stupid like that.


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Pretty much confirms with me how societal ignorance starts at the top 1% before it begins trickling down.
It's spoiled childish reasoning. Ridicule one need in order to satisfy your own agenda. We can have both.
Textbook illustration on the persecution of The Baldite.


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Melinda might like that.



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Baldness doesn't matter if you're nearly 70 years old like Bill.


My Regimen
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Go to 2:37.

He is amazed about how stupid is wasting the money for developing mal baldness drugs, instead of researching for curing malaria.

Just Lol :laugh:

Well, Bill Gates is obviously a genius. However, he is old school and has hair. He has probably never even thought about hair loss, so don't expect him to be compassionate to the cause, or the burden we suffer.


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Believe me, I wish I didn't disagree with you, however I can honestly say I know/known several "senior" senior citizens (certainly not all) who have expressed lament over their own advanced male pattern baldness, in one form or another. They are generally independent, hard work ethic types who wear lots of different hats and are fine examples of the importance and necessity of adaptation and it's vital role in achieving their
long-term vision of happiness. I wish it weren't so and we could all have a bit of golden solace to look forward by then. Billionaire Bill could very well be one of those extra lucky fellows.

Baldness doesn't matter if you're nearly 70 years old like Bill.


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A human being is a human being regardless of what piece of land they were born on. Of course Bill is right that millions of people dying of malaria, wherever they are, is a much much bigger concern than male baldness.


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Same here! And, awful to hear about people you know who have suffered, very tough...


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My Regimen
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The pennies of research on male pattern baldness is not altogether different from the money invested into making better skin moisturizers, better shampoos, better performance-enhancing steroids, better lipstick, better mascara, better breast implants, and better nose jobs.

There's market demand for consumer products that improve personal aesthetics.

If Bill Gates doesn't like the free market ...


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This is not the fault of Bill Gates..
This is fault of the hair loss community who are unable to prove the world that hairloss affects every single aspect of life...

Given a chance...
It will take me only few minutes to explain him why he is wrong ..

I will surely will do this..

His view is that to treat diseases that save life of poor people from diseases like malaria..aids,etc.

My views about baldness is
It affects the life projections,dreams of almost all bald young males below 30 year..
Who will never want to be sucessful just because of baldness,loss of confidence,killing their dreams.


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bill gates did not say that no money should be spent on a drug for male baldness, nor did he say that hairloss is irrelevant. he was asked about his desire to give, and he replied that he feels that innovation should be used to help those in the greatest need, and he was stunned that money was being spent on innovation for a drug for male baldness and not a malaria vaccine. so he decided to take action on his own to work toward a malaria vaccine. thank God for people like bill gates. here are the results of his work, 3 years after that interview.


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Good I'm encouraged by that.
I can hardly criticize a complainer who actually puts his own money where his mouth is.
Lots of clams there Bill, I sure hope ya got a big mouth.


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I LOL'ed at that one!!



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My Regimen
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More money is spent on male baldness? Really? Where? Who's getting it? If that we're true, we wouldnt be stuck on the same treatment for the last 20 years.

What a moron.


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More money is spent on male baldness? Really? Where? Who's getting it? If that we're true, we wouldnt be stuck on the same treatment for the last 20 years.

What a moron.

Right. He's the insensitive moron curing malaria, and we're the caring geniuses whining about our bald heads in an online forum. You are quite wise.