Baldness Confirmed Disfigurement: Wikipedia Article Matches Our Situation


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His posts are really ugly and moronic. The word "reta?d" is a slang insult word for people with IQs under 80. I've read that they feel the same way about the word "reta?d" as African Americans feel about the "N" word. As a matter of fact people with IQs under 80 refer to the word "reta?d" as the "R" word.

By using this word he's insulting people with this affliction. Then he himself cries about his hair loss affliction, which I think he deserves.



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Funny that you hate on people calling fat girls land whales or stupid people retards, meanwhile you're here calling me a zero and saying I only have 1 braincell. Pretty hypocritical if you ask me.

Do you really think anyone in their right mind believes you used to be the best looking man in the world and slayed 2000 almost virgins in the span of 8 years, and now you're too ugly to even have a girlfriend and have to hang out with only bald guys???? If the only issue you have is balding you're miles ahead of the average 50 year old, and you used to be the best looking man in the world, so you should be able to slay milfs left and right.

"I should be able to blah, blah, blah."
That would be like me saying you're a guy, lots of women like guys, so you should be able to get lots of women. Now quit bellyaching about your hair loss and grow a pair.
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So SmoohSailing are you defending Patrick's use of the word "reta?d"?
I didn't use the word retard to describe anyone, you're putting words in my mouth again. I said that you were hating on people calling others retard while you say that I have 1 braincell which is the same thing, the difference is that you avoided using a word and pointing out that this is hypocrtical of you.

Are you deliberately avoiding the my points, trolling, or are you "minimally exceptional"? I can avoid using a word too.

Why are you editing your post and changing the entire thing you said in the first place? No, I wont quit hassling you which you said in your other post that you edited out. I would if you were not lying, and the worst part is that you can't even own up to your own lies. You can't just admit that you were wrong or lying, you have to edit your post and change the entire meaning of it.


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Avoiding my points it is then.

Look the thing is that I don't respect your points. You points are unwise. You assume what things are like when a person is 50 and bald - that fact alone should be enough to tell you that you're talking out your arse.

And me saying you have one brain cell is NOT the same as Fred using the "R"word. When I say you have one brain cell that does not insult people with IQs below 80 but when Fred uses the "R" word that DOES insult people with IQs below 80.

"Wah, wah, wah, nameless edits his posts". I edit my posts, which btw is allowed, because I change my mind about what I originally said or because the post is unnecessarily wordy, or something like that.
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My Regimen
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No, I just don't respect your points. They're unwise and ignorant. You assume what it's like to be 50 and bald - that statement alone should be enough to tell you that you're FOS.

No, saying you have one brain cell is NOT the same as using the "R"word at you.
I don't respect anything you say, but I'm not deliberately avoiding your points. Because I can easily prove them wrong. You're assuming what it's like to be young and bald in 2017 - that statement alone should be enough to tell you that you're FOS. (See I can do the same thing.)

And to finish it all of, if I had 1 brain cell I would be retarded, so it most definitely is the same thing. Both are calling someone stupid.
Here's the definition of retarded by the way. You're probably going to say you define the word as something else, like the last time I showed you the definition of a word.

characterized by a slowness or limitation in intellectual understandingand awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.
Slang. stupid or foolish.
(used with a plural verb) people who are slow or limited in mentaldevelopment (usually preceded by the): new schools for the retarded.


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I don't respect anything you say, but I'm not deliberately avoiding your points. Because I can easily prove them wrong. You're assuming what it's like to be young and bald in 2017 - that statement alone should be enough to tell you that you're FOS. (See I can do the same thing.)

Forget it.

Fashion and styles have changed since I was young but the bottom line dynamics between people are the same today as they were back then.

1. The same as women don't like bald guys today; women didn't like bald guys back then.

2. The same as women like attractive men today; women liked attractive men back then.

3. The same as attractive people are more socially popular today; attractive people were more socially popular back then,

4. The same as ugly guys are socially unpopular today; ugly guys were socially unpopular back then.

5. The same as employers favor attractive people today; employers favored attractive people back then,

6. The same as employers disfavor ugly guys today; employers disfavored ugly guys back then.

Bottom line: your point is unwise just like I said it is.


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And to finish it all of, if I had 1 brain cell I would be retarded, so it most definitely is the same thing. Both are calling someone stupid.
Here's the definition of retarded by the way. You're probably going to say you define the word as something else, like the last time I showed you the definition of a word.

characterized by a slowness or limitation in intellectual understandingand awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.
Slang. stupid or foolish.
(used with a plural verb) people who are slow or limited in mentaldevelopment (usually preceded by the): new schools for the retarded.

Forget it (Part 2)

I never said that saying you have one remaining brain cell doesn't = me calling you dumb. I said that saying you have one remaining brain cell is NOT the same as calling you the "R" word. And in fact, I'm correct. Take a close look at the two numbered statements below and see if you can spot the differences. Doesn't one statement look longer than the other statement?

1. You're a r____d

2. You have one remaining brain cell left

The most important difference is that when I say YOU have one remaining brain cell that is not offensive to people with IQs under 80. They don't care if I say that you have one remaining brain cell. They care if I use the "R" word.
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My Regimen
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Forget it.

Fashion and styles have changed since I was young but the bottom line dynamics between people are the same today as they were back then.

1. The same as women don't like bald guys today; women didn't like bald guys back then.

2. The same as women like attractive men today; women liked attractive men back then.

3. The same as attractive people are more socially popular today; attractive people were more socially popular back then,

4. The same as ugly guys are socially unpopular today; ugly guys were socially unpopular back then.

5. The same as employers favor attractive people today; employers favored attractive people back then,

6. The same as employers disfavor ugly guys today; employers disfavored ugly guys back then.

Bottom line: your point is unwise just like I said it is.
This is my last post discussing this with you. Because there is no way to make you realise you're wrong, and even if I somehow can knock some logic into your thick skull, you will not be able to admit you're wrong or you'll just ignore my points as you have done over and over, or you'll just edit your post to change the entire statement of what you said in the first place. (Editing out a spelling error, or changing the grammar is not the same as changing the entire post, which you implied in an EDIT earlier and you do this multiple times even hours later.) Having a discussion with you is like beating a dead horse at this point.

How would you know, you haven't lived as an young bald man in 2017. (Once again using your own stupid argument against you.)
And once again you avoided adressing all of my points.


My Regimen
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Forget it (Part 2)

I never said that saying you have one remaining brain cell doesn't imply something negative about your intelligence level. I said that saying you have one remaining brain cell is NOT the same as calling you the "R" word. And in fact, I'm correct. Here if you don't believe me take a look below at both statements and note that the two statements don't look the same. I'm sure you can see that one statement is longer than the other statement.

1. You're a r____d

2. You have one remaining brain cell left.

When I look at the 2 above statements they look different to me. The point is that saying YOU have one remaining brain cell is no offensive to people with IQs under 80. They don't care if I say that to you. They care if I use the "R" word.


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How would you know, you haven't lived as an young bald man in 2017.

I guess you didn't see it the first time I responded so I'll respond again.

I have lived as a young balding man. And while fashion and styles have changed since I was young the bottom-line dynamics going on between people are the same today (2017) as they were back then.

1. The same as women don't like bald guys today; women didn't like bald guys back then.

2. The same as women like attractive men today; women liked attractive men back then.

3. The same as attractive people are more socially popular today; attractive people were more socially popular back then,

4. The same as ugly guys are socially unpopular today; ugly guys were socially unpopular back then.

5. The same as employers favor attractive people today; employers favored attractive people back then,

6. The same as employers disfavor ugly guys today; employers disfavored ugly guys back then.

Bottom line: your point is unwise just like I said it is.
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My Regimen
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is it just me or is there a lot of fighting going on the past week...more so then normal.
It's not you
Apparently January is the worst month of the year for those who work...


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I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to feel a lot better. I accepted I can't afford a hair transplant. I also don't know if I will ever get one.

Even though I sometimes use a razor and just shave my head completely, for whatever reasons when I do get the courage to go out, I do get approached by cute women with nice bodies. This doesn't happen in everyday life when I'm out grocery shopping, but in a social environment it DOES happen (no lie)

I think I might just start embracing what I have and accept who I am. Although I feel I will get trashed for this post, I honestly woke up today feeling very good about myself. I don't know what will happen from here. Maybe I don't have anything wrong with me and it's just in my head, and yes maybe baldness is a disfigurement, but I'm going to try really hard and embrace myself and try harder to improve in other parts of my life.

If I die alone, I die alone and that's just what it is.

You really do suit the buzzed head look, and definitely look attractive the way you are now. If I looked as good you did, I would man up and finally buzz my head. I just hope more than anything that I can look attractive when I do finally buzz my head. Like you, I am also a muscular weight-lifter.


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You really do suit the buzzed head look, and definitely look attractive the way you are now. If I looked as good you did, I would man up and finally buzz my head. I just hope more than anything that I can look attractive when I do finally buzz my head. Like you, I am also a muscular weight-lifter.

Honestly man, thank you. My only advice to you could be: have you tried buzzing it or shaving it yet? If not maybe try it out, and you never know you may like the look/can pull it off very well. You don't know until you try right?


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Baldhurts, chalk me up as another (straight, haha) guy who thinks that you are quite good looking even with the shaved head. Very fortunate to be able to pull it off that well. You're like the best case scenario.