Baldies and the reason they have to be buff


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Some interesting points HPM and I take them on-board.

You do have a point as well that some people don't look good bald and also about people in pub lightings etc can look good. I live in a country where we if lucky get 3/4 months of decent weather so for 1/3 of the year so going sly and with my gentics ties me down to being a white Billy Corgan look for most of the year.

I specifically asked them about Vin Diesel as well - I even said, 'Are you girls thinking of Vin Diesel or some super-fit guy?' and most of them said they weren't - just an average guy and then they gave me the line about him being a nice person and that attracts them first. :ermm:

Think that shaved to bone is here to stay. What's it been now about 15 years or so since it became a more mainstream look and it seems the easiest solution to people who are balding and hating the thining/diffuse receded out look that they currently have? Of course, if they suit it and feel happy with it.
It's not plain sailing though
e.g how do you know if you suit it? You might look in the mirror and think 'I look ok' but the other half think you look ill
The tan issue - I a bald forum for a while that encourages balding people to shave it all off with a razor and the constant ''Get a tan'' line you'll be as good as gold , that's all fine and well if you live in California or Qatar where it's sunshine pretty much all year round but if you don't and live in Northern Sweden, Scotland, Ireland etc and also, sun damages your skin and in the long run can make you look older plus the added risk of skin cancer.

How long were you sly HPM? I take it you weren't a fan of it. Did you get a negative response from women about it? And also, how did you go from a balding bonce to a wig?


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i was sly for 2 years (22 - 24), i woulnd't even bother to attempt to date girls looking like joe satriani and being 5 4.5

its clear i need an image overall, thus the hair system.


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hiya said:
SAF - I agree to an extent that it is very different between us and women. From the women that I've dated, friends with or know through work, family, friends etc a lof of them seem to enjoy the dressing up part, but there are a few who are even almost paranoid about being seen without makeup - I worked with a girl and she used to wake up 20mins before her boyfriend on week days to get ready for him.

HPM - like you say about ultimate confidence is growing out the horseshoe but to I'd guess 95% of the sex you are trying to attract, a grown-out horseshoe looks awful.
What bout the guys who use straightners on their hair? Many of them are no doubt good looking and confident, but they feel they look better with their hair straight.

It's about finding a style that we like ourselves and hopefully suit and going with it. If it's a wig, a shaved head, a short back and sides with concealers. Go for it.

Ok guys, some new survey straight off the the minds of 20-21 year old girls. I was speaking to a few tonight in a bar - and out of the 9 of them, 6 said they found shaved bald attractive and I asked if they meant shaved with a hairline like Victor Valdes and they said bald, bald but the guy has to be in shape.
The other 3 said they didn't fancy bald guys.

6 out of 9 aint bad - so there are women out there for us.. And if anything, the hottest girls were in the 6.

I'm trying to be light-hearted before anyone brings me up about it.

This is actually pretty close to my experience and scientific studies done. 2/3 women are indifferent to it, 1/3 don't like it. With the caveat that you're in shape.

As I said its the STEREOTYPE they find attractive.


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Good for you HPM - like I mentioned if a system helps boost your confidence and your image, go for it and I wish you success with that.

Push on and forget the past. We can't change that but we can go into tomorrow and do what we want (within reason of course) :woot:


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oh and before anyone says "but you didn't even try" and "inner qaulies" BS just actually try to IMAGINE looking like satch and being 5 4.5 for 10 minutes, think of that image LONG in your head, looking like that, and being that short, THEN try to make a comment such as that.



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jijijijiji said:
hiya said:
SAF - I agree to an extent that it is very different between us and women. From the women that I've dated, friends with or know through work, family, friends etc a lof of them seem to enjoy the dressing up part, but there are a few who are even almost paranoid about being seen without makeup - I worked with a girl and she used to wake up 20mins before her boyfriend on week days to get ready for him.

HPM - like you say about ultimate confidence is growing out the horseshoe but to I'd guess 95% of the sex you are trying to attract, a grown-out horseshoe looks awful.
What bout the guys who use straightners on their hair? Many of them are no doubt good looking and confident, but they feel they look better with their hair straight.

It's about finding a style that we like ourselves and hopefully suit and going with it. If it's a wig, a shaved head, a short back and sides with concealers. Go for it.

Ok guys, some new survey straight off the the minds of 20-21 year old girls. I was speaking to a few tonight in a bar - and out of the 9 of them, 6 said they found shaved bald attractive and I asked if they meant shaved with a hairline like Victor Valdes and they said bald, bald but the guy has to be in shape.
The other 3 said they didn't fancy bald guys.

6 out of 9 aint bad - so there are women out there for us.. And if anything, the hottest girls were in the 6.

I'm trying to be light-hearted before anyone brings me up about it.

This is actually pretty close to my experience and scientific studies done. 2/3 women are indifferent to it, 1/3 don't like it. With the caveat that you're in shape.

As I said its the STEREOTYPE they find attractive.

well looks like i don't have to work out and spend my days in a tanning salon so i end up with skin cancer in my 40s then.

now i can be a regular looking guy with hair.

*eats lots of pizza to celebrate* :D

so i guess i got something out of being bald for a few years, i got my hair back forever, so i have nothing to worry about later on in life, and from now on at 25 etc.


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also i forgot to mention that im pale, like really pale.

ori83 if that is you in your pic i envy your skin stone, i could never achieve it. :sobbing:

before anyone asks i tried spray tan, it cost £20 a time in the salon and was my whole body, it lasted 4 days and all dripped out in the shower, i smell tropical fruits half the time.

so £20 a week to have the same skin tone as neil thanks!

my bed sheets were covered in tan to, the smell and everything.

i could do home spray tan on my face, that would help take the edge of my pale skin, but its not powerful enough to get the skin tone of ori83 or neil strauss.

its still not presentable enough!

ok i know you will say hit the sun beds but i aint doing that for health reasons.

i see some of those older ladys that sun bed tan way to much, their skin is all horrible looking and rubbery, and its very fake looking (like orange)

i dont want to go down that route and become a tan nut case, would probably cost about £30 a month for my fake tan in sun beds, and espcailly since im in UK where there is no sun 90% of time.

also it might look odd me being soo tanned yet living in the UK, id have that look of that im naturally REALLY pale and just hit the beds reallly hard and have some sort of L.A. tan.

and as i said before i can't even find any bald mans clothes, all the shops are pro hair, anti bald.

i feel the world is against me being 5 4.5 , looking liks satch and pale (i am as pale as satch)

also why the hell doesnt satch tan, i mean he could just home spray tan his face, i do that myself anyway with hair :dunno:
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HairPieceMan said:
also i forgot to mention that im pale, like really pale.

ori83 if that is you in your pic i envy your skin stone, i could never achieve it. :sobbing:

before anyone asks i tried spray tan, it cost £20 a time in the salon and was my whole body, it lasted 4 days and all dripped out in the shower, i smell tropical fruits half the time.

so £20 a week to have the same skin tone as neil thanks!

my bed sheets were covered in tan to, the smell and everything.

i could do home spray tan on my face, that would help take the edge of my pale skin, but its not powerful enough to get the skin tone of ori83 or neil strauss.

its still not presentable enough!

ok i know you will say hit the sun beds but i aint doing that for health reasons.

i see some of those older ladys that sun bed tan way to much, their skin is all horrible looking and rubbery, and its very fake looking (like orange)

i dont want to go down that route and become a tan nut case, would probably cost about £30 a month for my fake tan in sun beds, and espcailly since im in UK where there is no sun 90% of time.

also it might look odd me being soo tanned yet living in the UK, id have that look of that im naturally REALLY pale and just hit the beds reallly hard and have some sort of L.A. tan.

and as i said before i can't even find any bald mans clothes, all the shops are pro hair, anti bald.

i feel the world is against me being 5 4.5 , looking liks satch and pale (i am as pale as satch)

also why the hell doesnt satch tan, i mean he could just home spray tan his face, i do that myself anyway with hair :dunno:

:dunno: I might be missing something painfully obvious here HPM but you aren't actually bald. Ok, well technically speaking you are, but seeing as you're a wig wearer to Joe Bloggs you're just a guy with a perfectly normal head of hair. I can't understand then why you be looking or for that matter need "bald mans clothes" whatever "bald mans clothes" so happen to be.

HPM, can you elaborate on what you mean by shops being pro-hair/anti-bad I'm actually genuinely interested on your take on this. And what clothes shops in particular are you referring to. Seeing as how we both from the UK I'm just curious as to what high street chains you're on about.


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well im saying in the past when i was bald how anoying it was to try to find something that worked.

i mean just clothes shops in general, its been mentioned a lot on this forum that only certain clothes work with the bald head like business man type clothes or something.

you can't just walk into new look or jean scene (uk shops) and put on clothes, even the pictures in the photographs are all the males with hair etc.

im sure other can chime in here on people that actually attempted to make the bald head fit with clothes, i myself just didn't bother at all.

the only things i can think of are

1.power suit
2.monk outfit
3. tight t-shirt if yoru buff bald guy
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HairPieceMan said:
well im saying in the past when i was bald how anoying it was to try to find something that worked.

i mean just clothes shops in general, its been mentioned a lot on this forum that only certain clothes work with the bald head like business man type clothes or something.

you can't just walk into new look or jean scene (uk shops) and put on clothes, even the pictures in the photographs are all the males with hair etc.

im sure other can chime in here on people that actually attempted to make the bald head fit with clothes, i myself just didn't bother at all.

the only things i can think of are

1.power suit
2.monk outfit
3. tight t-shirt if yoru buff bald guy

Ah right fair enough mate I didn't realise you were talking about in the past. I can definitely appreciate this point you're making HPM. I'd love to say that as I go through the norwood scale (which I am with great alacrity) that I'll wear whatever I like the look of but ultimately I'll probably end up dressing in a slightly more mature/smarter manner. :shakehead:


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hiya said:
Ok guys, some new survey straight off the the minds of 20-21 year old girls. I was speaking to a few tonight in a bar - and out of the 9 of them, 6 said they found shaved bald attractive and I asked if they meant shaved with a hairline like Victor Valdes and they said bald, bald but the guy has to be in shape.
The other 3 said they didn't fancy bald guys.

What about a close cut horseshoe?

I have ugly blotches on my head due to a recent autoimmune issue; and it seems the blotches dont go away (its been more than a year). I'm dying a virgin, oh yeah :punk: :woot:


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CaptainForehead said:
hiya said:
Ok guys, some new survey straight off the the minds of 20-21 year old girls. I was speaking to a few tonight in a bar - and out of the 9 of them, 6 said they found shaved bald attractive and I asked if they meant shaved with a hairline like Victor Valdes and they said bald, bald but the guy has to be in shape.
The other 3 said they didn't fancy bald guys.

What about a close cut horseshoe?

I have ugly blotches on my head due to a recent autoimmune issue; and it seems the blotches dont go away (its been more than a year). I'm dying a virgin, oh yeah :punk: :woot:

A horse shoe is ok, can't be more than a #2 buzz cut though sorry.

What is the autoimmune condition btw?

try fish oil and vitamin d....avoid gluten


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jijijijiji said:
What is the autoimmune condition btw?

try fish oil and vitamin d....avoid gluten

I forget the name of the conditon, I had the attack last year, thats when the pigment cells got attacked by the immune system. Its over now, but the damage has been done. There is no cure for it, causes are also not known! :woot:


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CaptainForehead said:
HairPieceMan said:
yes, i even read an artical that said that bruce willis's girlfriend (i think she was a playboy playmate), she said in the interview that she "didn't mind" his bald head, the artical went on to say that if that is how she views bruce willis's head how does that fare for the average guy who is not a super star actor nor looks like bruce willis bald.

quite a depressing artical, but it is true and many articals hold baldness VERY negatevly.

Yeah, quite you have a link to the article?

yes i do ... 820060.ece

extremely depressing, she "doesn't mind" the bald head.

also note the extremely negative stigma that bald men face, even in biblical times it was mocked, even when the dating scene didn't matter as much, it was STILL a bad thing (this was mostly becuase of horshoe), however being fully bald isn't as far off.

also pics of her etc. ... -DESC.html


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The reason baldies have to be buff is so that they can go out and score a royal princess like England rugby player Mike Tindall! :woot:


She's a royal princess, he's a balding rugby player, with a nose broken in several places, what ya gonna tell me now folks?? She married for the money right? :)


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You'd think that at all of places!!!! The wedding of a broken-nose, NW4 rugby player to a royal princess would get some mention, but I guess this happy story is too far out of the negative depressive safezone for most people here.



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These guys could have leprosy and these women would still marry them.


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He's a rugby player you absolute douche!!! :shakehead:

It was an amateur game 10years ago ffs! They earn peanuts, even the international players!

I'm sure he earns a respectable salary by normal standards, but nothing in sportsman terms & she is infinitely more wealthy than him!

If anything he is marrying for money & not the other way around. :woot:


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Primo said:
He's a rugby player you absolute douche!!! :shakehead:

It was an amateur game 10years ago ffs! They earn peanuts, even the international players!

I'm sure he earns a respectable salary by normal standards, but nothing in sportsman terms & she is infinitely more wealthy than him!

If anything he is marrying for money & not the other way around. :woot:

That was'nt aimed at you, your posts came on while I was loading those pics.

It was aimed at the post about Bruce Willis and the playboy playmate.

However re: Mike and Zara That is definatley one of lifes exceptions to the rule. Ever since they started dating (about 10 years ago) there has bee alot of press attention to the fact that they are definatley 'the odd couple'.

Do you think for one second that if they'd never met he'd be married to some other attractive and extremley well connected woman? I think its fair to say he definatley hit the jackpot on that one.


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My sincere apologies Sir, I think I got a bit too excited there. :eek:opsblush:

But yep, Tindall definitely hit the jackpot here, but then again, you can see he's always been confident and had the right attitude in public despite being physically quite unattractive & guys like that normally punch above their weight with women, although admittedly like you say, this is punching a long, long way above his weight.