Are hair pieces & hair systems REALLY that bad?


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How did you order your hair replacement system from hairpiece warehouse?

I know how you feel about losings your hair young, I'm 27 now and have been losing my hair since 17. Up till recentI've just shaved my head which for the most part I like but it just gets boring after about 9 years. So I started to look in to hair systems and as of one week ago I started wearing. I wish I had more experience to share with you but I'll let you know what I learned so far....

1. It's very secure, I mean you can't rip it off if you wanted to. To remove you use some thing call lace release. So no I'm not worried about it falling off.

2. To answer your question if sweating a lot will ruin it I'll have to wait and see. Its only been a week but I can say it looks the same as it did a week ago and I just shower like it's my real hair. I just make sure I use a good conditioner to keep the hair drying out. ( I hear that can be a problem with real hair pieces )

3. Do people know? Well most of my friends knew that I shaved my head because I was balding, so after I grew my hair out and put on a system my friends wanted to know how my hair had no sign of hair loss.
I don't care to say it's not my real hair, but I know most people don't feel the same way I do. Bottom line is if you go from no hair to a full head of hair people will want to know how you did it.

4. Is worth it? So far for me it has been worth it, I mean I didn't feel like I had anything to lose other then a little money. It's safe and reversible and I think a hair systems can achieve a better looking head of hair then surgery (at least what I've seen).

5. As for where to start...... read as much as you can about them. And look in to different company's that offer systems a couple that I hear good things about are northwest lace, toplace, and hairpiecewarehouse (I got mine from hairpiece warehouse)

Lastly since I'm sure you would like to know all cons I've found so far here they are.(I'm sure some of these can be fix as you become more experienced.)

Feel. In some parts I can feel the edge of the lace when I run my fingers in my hair.

They won't last forever. From what I hear they last about 3-5 months.

Cost. You really should think about what you will be spending on them over a year. You can get a great looking system for around $159-$399 a unit so its not bad but can add up.

Getting it cut in. For me I did all the work myself so it was a learning experience, It went well but I can see where I could have done better. So make sure you think about who's going to cut your hair.

I hope this helps.

I live outside US, specifically the Philippines. So, I was wondering how can i order from hairpiece warehouse? and do they have consultations there because if they do i think it's better if I just go there and have them fit it in person.

It would be better if you can also give the exact address of where i can buy it, thanks!

- - - Updated - - -

How do you style hair replacements? Like if you want it to look spiky, what will you do? Also if i live in the Philippines how can I order one? or do they have consultations so that if they do i'll just go there and have it fit in person. It would be great if you put the addresses of those hair replacement shops that you mentioned. Thanks!


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I live outside US, specifically the Philippines. So, I was wondering how can i order from hairpiece warehouse? and do they have consultations there because if they do i think it's better if I just go there and have them fit it in person.

It would be better if you can also give the exact address of where i can buy it, thanks!

- - - Updated - - -

How do you style hair replacements? Like if you want it to look spiky, what will you do? Also if i live in the Philippines how can I order one? or do they have consultations so that if they do i'll just go there and have it fit in person. It would be great if you put the addresses of those hair replacement shops that you mentioned. Thanks!

welcome, researching and reading, then ordering online and doing it yourself will work out cheaper, sustainable, more educational and give more options. there are many good places online that will give you consultations and support; even if you just need a second opinion.

I get mine shipped to Hong Kong when I am working there.

You style just like real hair.


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I got the unit at its a swiss lace base with medium density. (note next time I think I'll try mid light. It just seems a little thick) As for cutting I just took a chance and cut it myself so there are blending mistakes but I'm happy with it. The first picture is with the hair dry and the next to is when its wet.
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Looks great man. Farrel hair does the same thing with their short minimal hairpiece. You are only paying a fraction of the cost going the route you did. You should take some pics of the back as well.


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Is it possible to get a small partial hair piece just for the front? I have no hair loss at the back and mid scalp so don't want to shave it yet but my frontal hair is wispy thin.


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My dilemma

This forum has been dead for a while but I'm hoping I can revive it. I have been bald my entire high school career. (AU in 8th grade). I was an extremely attractive child, but without any hair at all I've irrevocably slipped down on the ratings. It's been kind of rough on my self esteem, but I've somehow managed to attain a wonderful high school experience filled with many friends and laughs. I feel very comfortable and I even consider myself outspoken when around my friends, but I'm horribly shy and self conscious when I meet new people. I'm a senior now and will be attending a university in the fall and I think I'd like to change my appearance to fit the norm just so I'll be confident during my college experience. I have a few questions regarding hair systems:
1. I have AU so I'm completely bald. Do hair systems still exist for me? Most of the people here seem to have some hair of their own.
2. I run 6 days a week pretty intensely. What kind of hair pieces should I look into?
3. Where can I find an aesthetician near me? I'm in Columbus Ohio. I could maybe do these things myself but I'd prefer to have guidance being so new.
4. Right now I go out without eyelashes and brows but I feel like if I get the hair system I'll want those (definitely the brows). How should I go about obtaining these things? I suppose if I found an aesthetician they would know...
Comment: I had no idea there were systems where people could shower with them!! That's incredible!
That's about it I'm just not really sure where to begin with this stuff. Thanks!


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Hi Clark

Sorry to hear your story - that is a hard break for a young guy. You clearly haven't let it break your spirit though, which is great. To answer your questions:

1. I have AU so I'm completely bald. Do hair systems still exist for me? Most of the people here seem to have some hair of their own.

Yes. The same technology which is used for the partial systems which blend with your side hair (like I wear) can also be used for a full head of hair. These are usually referred to as 'full caps'. They are a bit more expensive than a partial system, but you avoid some of the issues with blending, matching hair color etc. On the other hand it can sometimes be difficult to get the temple points and the sideburns area to look natural, and for that reason no all styles look good in a full cap. Nonetheless, I have seen some pretty impressive photographs. You're welcome to drop me a line and I will try to point you in the right direction - emptyheaded1976 at yahoo dot co dot uk

2. I run 6 days a week pretty intensely. What kind of hair pieces should I look into?

I would suggest all lace (for breathability) with a thinskin perimeter around the back and sides and thinskin patches (for toupee tape) a half-inch behind the front hairline.

3. Where can I find an aesthetician near me? I'm in Columbus Ohio. I could maybe do these things myself but I'd prefer to have guidance being so new.

Sorry; can't help you there.

4. Right now I go out without eyelashes and brows but I feel like if I get the hair system I'll want those (definitely the brows). How should I go about obtaining these things? I suppose if I found an aesthetician they would know...

Some of the companies which sell hairpieces also do eyebrows, which are just very small hairpieces. I do know anything about eyelashes, although presumably you could trim down some ladies' fake lashes?




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Clark, if you are completely bald you will need a full cap and a base at minimum French Lace, maybe more robust to take the weight of hair. It should be possible to add skin at the front.

It will need to breath if you are so active. Usually with full caps you can remove as they are not always bonded.


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Am wondering for couple things

Your opinion maybe makes me to deside to make it soon.
I just have a little question.
Is the sweating will damage it?
Because I run frequently.
And my 2nd question is that am not bald.. I mean I have hair but comparing with before I look I lost a lot of my hair.

So when my hair grow will remove the system or what ?

Or should I be worry about my current some hair or not?

Is there anyone wearing the systems for a years ??


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Oskar, Sweating wont damage it. Growing hair will not removing the system. I have been wearing many years and very happy.


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You asked for the perspective of young guys, well I am 61, but I have been wearing since I an 25. When I started, the pieces were bad, but today they are awesome. You can wear with any life style. I work out and sweat like an animal, no problems. I drive a convertible, don't even think about my hair. Here are the keys, find a good online supplier. I use Northwest Lace, quality pieces, great customer service. Others to consider are, Toplace, Hats Off Hair, Cool Piece, and Hair Piece Warehouse. All are reputable. Toplace and Northwest Lace have forums, great places to learn from other hair wearers. Get a good cut in. Experiment with glues and tapes. Body chemistry can determine which ones will work for you. Use a daily leave in conditioner. There is a leaning curve, but it is not rocket science, you can do it yourself and achieve a great result. I have run the gamut from salons, to Hair Club, and for the last 3 years I have bought on line, and do it myself. I now have better looking hair, and have saved a ton of money. Even at 61, I want to look my best, I look 10 years younger(I do keep fit) with hair, and it gives me a lot more confidence. Do you research, I lurked on forums for 6 months learning as much as I could about buying online and doing it myself.

Good luck, and TDK your hair looks awesome![/QUOTE

i want to know abt your experience wearing it for almost 35 years. I heard there are certain side effects from the glue used like allergies and some chemicals used in it can actually cause cancer .Secondly, i would be glad if you mentioned about the maintenance costs. Thirdly , how long do one can wear a piece before having to bond it again .

i hope you see this post and reply


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I'm at around a Norwood III-IV and am 25. I really wouldn't mind being bald at 40-50, but not in my 20's :(

So with that being said, I want to take the plunge. There aren't really any 'established' places besides Farrell and Hair Club for Men --- which I heard were nightmares. Now I have a few questions and would appreciate COMPLETE honesty:

1) First and foremost, does it suck? In other words, are you CONSTANTLY thinking about it? I knew the glue/tape is supposedly very secure, but surely you've thought of it falling off, has it ever happened to you? Is it really a huge hassle?

2) What do you do, if you're like me, and you're super-active and sweat a lot. I mean if I go for a workout at the gym, does it "ruin" the piece of I sweat a lot? Can't I just shower and not have to remove, change, alter it?

3) How do you deal with your friends/roommates/SO's? Do they know, do some know, do any know? If I live with three roommates, is it inevitable they know?

4) This might be the hardest question to answer or the easier one and that it worth it? Is there any advantage of a piece (besides cost) over a surgury?

5) What would you recommend a beginner do or start?

***Last question only applies to the younger guys***

6) How did you guys in your 20s (30s even) deal with it?

Hi Ken, there are alternative ways for you to handle this. Surgery like transplant might be the last factor you wish to consider. More over is more costly

Thanks again guys, I really appreciate your help with and am GLAD I found people who can relate to this.


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Hi all. I've read this thread with interest. I'm a guy in a rock band with longer hair and I'm considering getting a full or partial hairpiece. I've got some hair loss on top and around the hairline, and have been using concealers (a combination of fibres and brush on power) for a few years now, but it's getting to the point where using concealers is becoming a pain in ***. Not only that, but my hair is greying a bit too, so I'm now having to start dying it, and because it's quite wavy I constantly have to use straighteners to keep it looking presentable.

I'm constantly thinking about my hair and it's pain in the *** to keep it looking good, so I'm thinking about getting a quality hair system so I can save time, look great and no longer have the time consuming maintenance regime of using concealers etc.

Are there any guys here with longer hair who wear a hair system, and how does it work out for you? I'd like to hear from you.


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Kenz9, IVe been wearing hair pieces for over 35 years!
1... I remember when I got my first piece around 1977, my wife had to drive when we left because it was so emotional for me. I kept pulling in the side mirror of our car to constantly check it.
There wasnt a mirror or shiney object that I would stop and check my self. I used a clip in the back, on each side, and one in the front to hold it on. And yes you do constantly think about it.
No , ive never had it fall off , and yes it can be a hassle but you learn to live with it out of vanity. I have never considered being bald. I think most men look better with hair. Black guys look better bald
than white guys in my opinion. If you can accept being bald, its probably better and cheaper! I just couldn't, considering I grew up a rocker listening to The Beatles and the Stones! And being in a rock
band myself.
2...You can be active, just use more clips, or tape (which i use now) I dont go into the water anymore for a swim.
3... If you still have hair on the sides and some on top, grow it out a little bit and then get the new piece installed. Your hair will be cut to blend in with the new piece.
Your friends will know something different but probably wont know what or why, just that you look younger and better. Maybe you should tell your room mates because you may
want to remove it to shower and sleep.
4... I've been getting a new hair piece every year since the beginning. They average $1000.00 each but its custom.
5...As a beginner, don't get crazy and do too much, you want it to look natural.
6...And what was the point of all this for me? I feel more confident and look better.
7...When I was in the dating scene, I was a little self conscious. I always wore it to bed and never let a woman see me without it. When I'm alone, I always remove it to sleep and shower.
My current future wife has never seen me without it in over 5 years and we have yet to bring it up !

Hello, I'm a guy with long hair who plays in a rock band too, and I'm thinking of getting a hair system as I'm experiencing hair loss and it's getting a pain in the *** to have to keep using concealers. Can you give me any advice for a guy with longer hair getting a hair system? Do you have any pics of your hair, so I can see what it looks like? I'm in the UK btw.


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Hello, I'm a guy with long hair who plays in a rock band too, and I'm thinking of getting a hair system as I'm experiencing hair loss and it's getting a pain in the *** to have to keep using concealers. Can you give me any advice for a guy with longer hair getting a hair system? Do you have any pics of your hair, so I can see what it looks like? I'm in the UK btw.

I had 14" hair, for six months, and then got tired of it, and needed a change. If you PM me, I can fill you in on tips and tricks you will need to take into account for longer hair. You can search through my posts and see my long-hair pics, also.


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I had 14" hair, for six months, and then got tired of it, and needed a change. If you PM me, I can fill you in on tips and tricks you will need to take into account for longer hair. You can search through my posts and see my long-hair pics, also.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I can't find the pics of you with long hair, so if you can link me to those posts that'd be helpful. Thanks.


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Hi there and welcome Adzy_K.

There is much talk about these services here and on other forums. The general opinion is yes they offer a product, but the cost is lower and the results better when you DIY. I DIY and all my costs including pieces, haircuts and products come in at under £440 a year. These other places they drag you in regularly will rack up costs of thousands. Avoid them and DIY.

It can seem a little daunting at first, but its really not that difficult.

Personally, I recommend removing and reattaching every 10-14 days. How often you do it will depend on the bond you use, your lifestyle and your own body chemistry. 1-month is too long.

If you get a good quality system and look after it you will get 8-months at peak. Rotating between two should give 16-months; possibly more at a push.

Pieces do shed and you can add to a system, but usually people replace it.

A lace base is very ventilated so you should not feel hot. You can shower sweat and swim in it without any problems. Its so lightweight you wont feel a thing.

I made the leap to a hair system a couple of years ago and now I wear daily and have spares. Its an important part of my life now and I love them.

how often do you replace it? I’m keen on replacing 3-4 weeks as opposed to 2 weeks. I just bought a French lace system. I’m also scared of seb derm that I recently began to experience. Considering a short low dose accutane course to shut that sh*t down

Diesel guy

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I got the unit at its a swiss lace base with medium density. (note next time I think I'll try mid light. It just seems a little thick) As for cutting I just took a chance and cut it myself so there are blending mistakes but I'm happy with it. The first picture is with the hair dry and the next to is when its wet.
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This looks really good. I like the style. I know what to look for in a system, and I see nothing that leads me to believe it not natural

Diesel guy

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The thing that freaks me out about hair systems and pieces is the possibility of someone finding out and having people making jokes behind my back. My brother worked with a guy for years and maybe about a year ago he was looking at the guy's head from the back and noticed something unusual. Sure enough, he figured out that he was wearing a hair system/wig and he had been doing so for years without anyone noticing. From just that one time of something happening with the blending of his own hair into the wig or system, it allowed everyone at his work to figure it out. Now they all make jokes about him under their breath.

I thought about this completely, and I decided to own it. I planned how I was going to start, and moving forward, I make it a point to change my hair style often. My baldness pattern in the cauldesac thing - so I would grow the hair on the sides of my head - and the next time I replaced my unit, I would style it a bit longer. Then in 3 weeks when I did the rebound, I would cut it shorter. For those around me that know - they are amazed at the versatility of it all - and for those that don't know, when they do find out, their comment is they had no clue - then they want to know how it works.

So I think there are right ways to go about it - and for me, owning what I've done has worked best for me. As for people talking under their breath - I honestly do not think they are.