Aplunk1's Story - (Pictures)


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Let's see... I began Avodart on Dec. 2, 2005s, and it's August 5th... So I'm 3 days late of my 8-month update.

Well, without being irrational, I'm going to say that my hair has thinned quite a bit more since the last photos I posted in the "Classify my Norwood" post.

My male pattern baldness doesn't "get" to me like it used to, but it still kills me when I get out of the shower and see lots of my precious babies on my forhead... just lifeless and dead, with white, bulbous endings.

My shedding has been going on for about 2/2.5 months, and it has lessened a bit of late (I think...), and I'm really hoping that I'll gain some ground...

When I look in the mirror, with ANY light above me, I easily see the island formation, and nasty, oily hair atop my balding head.

It's so depressing...

There is clear-cut, obvious Norwood 5 pattern up top, and the sides contrast starkly with the hair in the male pattern baldness areas.

If I keep losing ground like this, then I'm just going to shave it bald.

f*** it, I'm so sick of worrying about this sh*t.

I just want to go to class, come home and play video games.. and get laid... which, I might not be able to pull off with the bald look.


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The latest pics, from July, are on my website.

When I get my digital camera back (who knows when), I'll definitely update some new pics.


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I'm really sorry to hear about your recent hair loss, at age 21.

Do you know of any changes in your regimen before the sudden shed occured? You said you got GSK Avodart. Was that at a local pharmacy or an online pharmacy? Did you ever use the Dutas you were using, and how long ago?

If you do shave your head, at least stay on finasteride 1.25 mg or Avodart twice a week. That is not expensive and should help maintain your roots in your hairline. Vin Deisel looks like he shaves his head, and is not bald. I've seen many pictures of him and his roots are obvious, and when you can't see them in the hairline, you can't see the sides either (fresh after a shave). You have a thinner head to help you pull off the look, but you got to keep those hairline roots as long as you can.

Shave or don't shave but don't make a big deal about male pattern baldness to the women. Just say you felt like shaving it. Get laid as long as you can and enjoy it as much as you can and try not to worry about it.

I still think you should stay on topicals in case the Avodart was just fake. They are easy to spread on a shaved head.


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(I just wrote the longest, FKING post ever... PIECE OF sh*t LAPTOP!)

Okay, for the first 6 months, I used Avodart (1 capsule daily) from a US pharmacy. I had an actual prescription for this, although I didn't use insurance.

At the time that this ended, I had used about 7 Dutas capsules (1 daily), while I waiting for a 3-month Avodart supply to arrive in the mail.

I think Elitenet Pharmacy gave me legit medicine.

Nonetheless, I'm going to stick with the Avodart for an entire year, and reevaluate at that time.

I'd ideally like to use 2.5mg of Avodart, but simply cannot afford it... (I can hardly afford Avodart now) I might be switching to Proscar at the 1-year mark, but we'll see.

I have been applying my 5% minoxidil religiously, every morning and night. At nightime, I also apply 5% spironolactone cream and Folligen.

My regimen has only changed a bit in the last 6 months; originally, i was using (in addition to my current regimen; see button) 2% spironolactone, CuP serum for the hairline, Tricomin, and a hoard of supplements.

Somewhere, I might have been wrong, but I simply can't have a regimen that gives me so much hassle.

Anyway, to cut this message short, if I shave my head, and like it, then FINE. I'll keep it that way.

But, if I don't like it, then I'll consider going under the knife. I think Armani would be my top choice...

I'd ideally like a hairline like this man's:


He is having full-restoration work done by Armani, and that would be my plan... if such were the case.

Anyway, any comments?



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At least 50 of my long posts have been eaten by my connection or my computer. It is very annoying. Thank you for posting the information for us.

That link did not take me to a specific picture. I clicked on the side show. I did not think the hairline of the black haired guy looked good at first, but when it was grown out, it looked pretty good, even at that thinness. Impressive. Though your hairs are thinning, you still have all your follicles. Any transplants will be a very tight squeeze unless you don't mind killing follicles that are half the size. The doctor that gave me a big scar also went between hairs without killing any, so I guess you may be fine.

I can't make any statements about elitenetpharmacy before I test their capsules, but I just bought some dutas because I think a low priced drug is less likely to be faked than a drug that normally is $100 per month and sold for much less. In the site's defense, they did get on the net recently and probably started with low prices to get a customer base before raising them like they did, so the stuff may be perfectly legit. My Indian roommate says Dr Reddy's and Cipla are shining star companies (if you don't count patent infringement), and that drugs made by them are at most 1/3 the price of name brand drugs and just as good. The only question is whether a site actually buys from them or sells fakes. He says name brand drugs in India cost full price, and I find it interesting that http://www.inhousepharmacy.com and http://www.unitedpharmacies.com sell Avodart for $125 for 30. I also find it interesting that you had great results at first and later got a shed, which is why I was trying to pin point your transition between sources.

The price difference between 2.5mg/day and 0.5mg/day for one month could buy you a 6 month supply of RU. I believe that I can make a vehicle that not only will get it to your scalp well, but will also have 5ar blocking properties itself. Just don't get the surgery for at least another month, and I will perfect an easy way to free flax and borage seed oil from their glycerol to get free fatty acids in a pressure cooker, which Bryan says inhibit DHT production very well. They will double as ingredients in the RU cream, and help drag it into your scalp if I can make an ester bond with them and the RU. This is not difficult for me. I just need to look through my textbooks. I think you said you are giving dutasteride a full year. I think with as many follicles as you still have, you can avoid the surgery. All you will have to apply are the RU and tricomin, and take Avodart 4x per week.

I am just applying minoxidil 5% to my scalp once a day because I don't want to bother with so many topicals twice a day.


Hello Aplunk1,
you wrote:

Aplunk1 said:
I just want to go to class, come home and play video games.. and get laid... which, I might not be able to pull off with the bald look.

All I can say so far: DO IT! Waste no time and enjoy your life! i know, you probably have read this so many times, but that´s just how it is. I have been wasting my life for 24 years and now I deeply regret it. I know how it is to look in the mirror and every day it gets worse, it is so sad. BUT you still have a lots of hair so use it!! Get laid and enjoy your time as long as you can. Why you want to shave your head when you have so much hair left? When you have lost your hair you will have to take the bald look whether you like it or not, but as long as you have got hair, you should value it.

Another question out of personal interest: Why you want to make a hair transplant when HM is only a few years ahead? HM is announced for 2010 but everybody acts as if it will never come out, this scares me, it really does....... :(



really tough to tell a difference, at least for me, because your hair is styled differntly in a lot of the pics. i was going to compare a pic from last year to an august pic then i realized that your hair was a bit longer last year.


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yeah, I'm sorry. Most of the pics are poor in quality, too, because I was using a crappy webcam.

I'm waiting for my digital camera to get mailed to me, but the quality difference is obvious.


Aplunk1 said:
yeah, I'm sorry. Most of the pics are poor in quality, too, because I was using a crappy webcam.

I'm waiting for my digital camera to get mailed to me, but the quality difference is obvious.

quality is meh in some but the more important thing is to have the same hair length in both to make an accurate assessment. obviously if your hair is a lot thicker then some more scalp will be covered, especially if your hair is curly like mine.


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Aplunk1 said:
(I just wrote the longest, FKING post ever... PIECE OF $#iT LAPTOP!)

Okay, for the first 6 months, I used Avodart (1 capsule daily) from a US pharmacy. I had an actual prescription for this, although I didn't use insurance.

At the time that this ended, I had used about 7 Dutas capsules (1 daily), while I waiting for a 3-month Avodart supply to arrive in the mail.

I think Elitenet Pharmacy gave me legit medicine.

Nonetheless, I'm going to stick with the Avodart for an entire year, and reevaluate at that time.

I'd ideally like to use 2.5mg of Avodart, but simply cannot afford it... (I can hardly afford Avodart now) I might be switching to Proscar at the 1-year mark, but we'll see.

I have been applying my 5% minoxidil religiously, every morning and night. At nightime, I also apply 5% spironolactone cream and Folligen.

My regimen has only changed a bit in the last 6 months; originally, i was using (in addition to my current regimen; see button) 2% spironolactone, CuP serum for the hairline, Tricomin, and a hoard of supplements.

Somewhere, I might have been wrong, but I simply can't have a regimen that gives me so much hassle.

Anyway, to cut this message short, if I shave my head, and like it, then FINE. I'll keep it that way.

But, if I don't like it, then I'll consider going under the knife. I think Armani would be my top choice...

I'd ideally like a hairline like this man's:


He is having full-restoration work done by Armani, and that would be my plan... if such were the case.

Anyway, any comments?


Hey Aplunk, looks like we have very similar hair. I to have been shedding like friggin crazy since around early May maybe sooner. I've defenitly thinned out more the past 4 months or so (its getting kind of scary at this point). I've been on propecia 1mg for 17 months and this is the worst shed I've had no doubt. Hair is just flying out my head. Anyway just wanted to let you know you're not the only one. Not sure what the hell is going on but it doesnt look good. finasteride is all I've been using BTW. I'm trying to get in the steady habit of using CP though.


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Goodluck to you, my friend.

I really hope new treatments are made available to us in the near future...

I'm just going bald.


Aplunk1 said:
Goodluck to you, my friend.

I really hope new treatments are made available to us in the near future...

I'm just going bald.

Good luck to both of you. You both have good souls and I hope that HM is available soon for you.


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if you are giving up hope and accepting baldness, that is OK, I guess. But why not stay on the easiest regimen you can. Get Dutas for $40 per 30 and take 2 per week. I can understand if you don't want to sleep with spironolactone in your hair, or have greasy minoxidil in your hair 8 hours out of the day. But folligen is cheap and dries fast. And 5% minoxidil diluted with with ethanol to make 3% should evaporate kind of fast and be cheap and keep any minoxidil growth from dissappearing too fast.

Just keep the roots around your face for another 10 or 15 years, so the shaved look will look better. I got less hair than you and I'm not giving up, but that is because I just increased my regimen and have hope, whereas I guess you tried everything.

I think your new goal should be a cheap, easy, fast regimen that keeps your roots below NW2 around your face for 10 to 15 years. Then take your mind off your hair and go get as many women for as long as you can.

Since minoxidil just gives you more hair while you use it, and can be started any time you want, you could just apply half a mL of diluted 5% to the front of your head. That would cost you less than a dollar a month. Just buy everclear for someone and ask them for 6 oz. Then the dutas is $8. The folligen is cheap. The three will run you $13 per month.


I generally agree with CCS and want to remind you of another thing. Maybe in the near future there is another drug coming out, an improved version of Propecia which works 100%. If this drug comes out and you have no hair left, you will be very angry since it may not regrow hair only maintain it. just stay on finasteride/ dutasteride, nizoral and take some vitamines. Good Luck!


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Aplunk, I really don't think your hair is bad at all. When hair is cut that short, EVERYONE'S hair looks that thin. Sure there is a bit of recession, but it is nothing that is immensely noticeable, it actually looks good, and in the pictures where you have it spiked up (second to last) it looks really thick.
I genuinely don't think you have anything to worry about, your hair is better than a lot of people's hair, and certainly better than mine (chino HLH). I know shedding sucks, i shed all the time too but so far it hasn't made much noticeable difference. Just keep on with treatments is all you can do.


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9-Months - 1 Week on genuine Avodart
10-Months 5% Minoxidil

So Far: Maintenance and Regrowth...

Shedding seems to have slowed down incredibly. Just this morning I was having a sh*t-fit because my hair was looking a little thin. I brushed it up, and wow... I seem to be maintaining, despite the 4 months of aggressive shedding.

(Before this, 10.5 w/ Propecia... No maintenance or regrowth.)

09/11/06 - Back


09/11/06 - Left


09/11/06 - Right


09/11/06 - Front


09/11/06 - Top



Crown looks great aplunk. Did you ever have a problem there? Top looks great as well. Only problem area is the temples in that they're recessed to about a nW2, but i'm bad with norwoods.