Anyone else considering totally checking out of society?


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Don't kill yourself.
And don't ****ing call the suicide hotline. I've called those quite a few times most useless ****, half the time the person picking up on the otherside doesn't even care.
heres a post i posted on another forum about depression. seeing as i am suffering from clinical depression on anti depressants/anti-psychotics, I know what its like to feel worthless

Coming from someone who has suffered depression and is still suffering depression aka have attempted suicide (survived), the things you do or should do to start feeling better, start feeling positive again (i think this is a big one, trying to change a negative thought process/negative mindset) and just feeling better as a person (not hopeless, worthless, empty, etc) is 1) definitely seek professional advice. For anyone who is going through periods of feeling down/depressed/sad, you should definitely go see your doctor and see what he/she recommends. I also would recommend seeing a counselor and a psychiatrist (I am still seeing both), as it gives you an avenue to let your feelings of **** out to someone who is professionally trained into helping you get out of such a **** state.

yeah **** happens when your depressed and dont worry its normal to cry when you feel ****. You could possibly try antidepressants (I'm also on), and it has made me feel 'less' suicidal and as a result im slowly regaining my confidence/self-esteem. Also read somewhere above that someone has been cutting their hand, yeah it SUCKS but the alternative as they mentioned is suicide. And yeah I still contemplate about suicide all the time, but realistically having seen what it does to friends and family of the individual who committed suicide, why put your friends and family through that.. Its a way out but also as stupid as this sounds but you only live once and yeah obviously most of us are born with imperfections and flaws and are placed in **** situations sometimes which makes us feel down and not wanting to live life anymore, but you should view it as 1 day at a time, working on establishing a positive mindset, motivate yourself to do stuff and yeah its hard but believe me things do get better.. Its not the end of the world.. Just be glad you're not living in Africa or some other poverty-striken location. We are ****ing lucky as it is to live in an open and free society, many a place are ****ed up yet we are fortunate to live where we are.

Also anti-depressant medication might work for you (im on some), it'll hopefully reduce your suicidal ideations/thoughts/attempts, and overall just neutralized your bad feelings (although it doesnt make you feel good). I wouldn't exactly recommend anti-depressants, but **** man if anyone here is seriously contemplating suicide/can't take any longer, get on it its better than doing nothing. Thats another thing about feeling depressed/alone/sad, being PROACTIVE distracts your mind from your depression. So what I can say is that you should try to preoccupy yourself with activities and events that you enjoy, and better yourself for it. Like for example I've started exercising 4-5 times a week at this circuit class at a gym, and besides the physical gains and benefits from doing regular exercise, I distract myself from feeling depressed and overall I feel better after these classes. I think the biggest problem about feeling depressed (for me anyway), is trying to motivate myself to do things because I feel I am worthless/failure/etc and as a result I just don't have the motivation to do things that I once enjoyed such as going out, socializing, etc. Keeping yourself preoccupied with things you enjoy or just things will challenge you I guarantee will make you less depressed.

Ff you have been depressed for a while it takes TIME to re-adjust your neurotransmitters in your brain because they have been rewired to have such a negative thought process. So my psychiatrist tells me everytime I get a negative thought, I should acknowledge that its a negative thought, and from that I can dismiss it and question whether or not such a view was valid or not. And because you are depressed, you are more likely to have LOTS of negative thoughts, so yeah its ****ing hard to deal with, but most of the time, the negative thoughts in your head are just exactly that, negative thoughts coming from you, not from someone else. So by focusing on removing these negative thoughts slowly, you'll be a better person because of it, and feeling negative all the time definitely has a major impact on your self-esteem/self confidence. You might be in a social situation where theres a pretty girl whos looking at you but you tell yourself in your head that she thinks your scum, and that theres no point going over to talk to her, even though she might actually be looking at you because she thinks you're attractive and want you to talk to her. Its all in your head.

But as I said 1 step at a time.
1. Go see your local doctor
2. If your doctor recommends go see a psychiatrist to get an evaluation of your mental health/state
3. I would recommend seeing a counselor (free for me so its win win situation really)
4. If the psychiatrist recommends possibly start taking antidepressants
5. Work on your negative thought patterns and eliminate them slowly
6. Do regular physical exercise and eat properly (Diet is so ****ing important)
7. Keep yourself preoccupied. The lack of things to do will make you more ****ing depressed

Really good post man. I'd give you more positive rep but the stupid forum rules won't let as I must 'spread it around' first.


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In order to check out... one must have been checked in. Some of us haven't even done that.


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Society has failed me, I'm even in the bottom sector of the top 150 needed to gain employment.
One day I said fvuck it I quit,and I've been paid ever since. People have a lack of understanding of the race card thing, if your black strike one,which means your criminal record is going to get checked automatically just because of your race, that's strike two, if your unemployed for a while and don't have **** to show for it on your resume that's strike three your out of society for good unless someone offers you a job. I'm bald too(norwood 6) now who would you hire? Me or George Clooney? Work experience has nothing to do with anything where I'm from, I'm also 40 now and the teeny to young adult is going to get hired over me. I tried for 16 years to gain full time employment and had odd jobs,nowadays I just sit thinking to myself what could of been if only? It's too late now I'm too far gone.


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Thanks Fred, I'm glad society is finally giving you the green light to move forward with your life. At 25 years old you have a lot of potential.
Save your money and get a house first,then save again and get a kick azz car.
Women come and go, just be in the position of power if they do, stay employed, have property and have a woman on the side.


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Girls are smiling at me on the street, and don't tell me it's because of my "confidence". Only a few months ago, they would just look at their feet hoping I would look away.

Some people are so incredibly stupid, they would say the reason for that, is that youre giving off 'negative energy' lol.


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I'll never forget the Emerson quote about how most men lead lives of quiet desperation. Yet I dont think many of us, myself included have a choice. We dont want to, thats just the hand were given. this cursed life.

I had to google it to be sure but there is a misquote here, and a misinterpretation of Henry D Thoreau. "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation...". he goes on to say "...Unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things."

I feel the same as you and I've read most of these posts. Guys Like Swingline747 , shookwun, whinnyblues have all made great points in the thread. And the Lollerme video posted on pg 2 Is a crazy video to help put things in perspective. One can decide to shut the door on life to pretend there isn't joy, and only pain and sadness. We get out of life what we put in. The whole of 2014 has been a blur to me, I was laid off in February and had fallen into a deep hole. I was irritated all the time, to the point where I voluntarily stopped answering phone calls from friends and family. I spent Thanksgiving and Christmas alone. I couldn't face anyone, all my cousins and friends had begun their lives and families while I continued to stumble from **** job to **** job. But there is hope for us all. As people we only get in life what we have leverage to negotiate(heard that on a podcast). Using Baldness as an excuse for throwing away your life or shutting yourself in, it is just an act of futile desperation that can easily be corrected if one puts in the work to find their own meaning of life.

For instance this thread has numerous comments on the complaints of society towards baldness. When in truth the biggest handicap a bald man has is himself. Confidence my friends is the culprit. Without it we run amok, we shout cries of the end of times all whilst cursing whatever forces that may be for even conceivably allowing baldness. We must not despair, we must work towards hope. Hope is more than just an act under desperation, it's a light at the end of the tunnel an idea that births joy. Let go of the past and work towards the future! Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now.” We can all change. That's why society loves the under dog , and why second chance stories are so numerous. Don't project your image of the shallow woman on all women, Don't let a single variable make the sum of your disposition.

Now happiness is what ever you choose it to be but don't fall for escapism, as Thoreau said 'Unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind'. Happiness doesn't just lie with women either, the act of love takes two parts to make whole. Don't zero in on just finding the 'one', try to build a happy life. Society wants to push marriage as this sacred vow that we must do as soon as possible.(what a joke marriage has become) But we don't have to let that misconception rule us. Women suffer from these also and they are pushed to have a child as soon as they are able. The only way we can tackle this epidemic of bad advice is to work on it collectively. Adoption, Civil unions etc. we must not conform just for the sake of it.

All in all , we will all walk a different path. Though it may not look it the world can be a very amazing place, it's got a lot of work but alone we can't survive. Death is just the end game but it doesn't have to be the exclamation point of one's story. So I leave you all with this and....

I cannot hidewhat I am: I must be sad when I have cause and smile
at no man's jests, eat when I have stomach and wait
for no man's leisure, sleep when I am drowsy and
tend on no man's business, laugh when I am merry and
claw no man in his humour. - Shakespeare


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Girls are smiling at me on the street, and don't tell me it's because of my "confidence". Only a few months ago, they would just look at their feet hoping I would look away.

Hang in there guys, you deserve a second chance too.
There could be millions of reason why girls are smiling at you. I sometimes smile when I see a fat girl walk by and it's not because I'm attracted to her :p


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There could be millions of reason why girls are smiling at you. I sometimes smile when I see a fat girl walk by and it's not because I'm attracted to her :p

It's the hair. Let's not act as if women aren't revolted by baldness.


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Women smile at me all the time.

Doesn't mean ****. All though I wouldn't know, I'm to shy to approach, and find out.

Cue Bald

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I kind of half (as in half-assed) checked out by going to work, but not going out and spending money on commercialised things like music, electronics etc. just buying the bare essentials like rent, food, fuel. I didn't want to contribute to the hollywood type society that pushes out smiling NW1's everywhere.
So when my friends go to the cinema, I don't bother going. whenever I did go I would always end up leaving miserable anyway (2 hours of watching some NW1 chasing a girl around?)
With the money I have saved doing this (I have about $15,000) I am researching hair transplant's now as a NW5. Was tempted to get my crooked nose fixed but tbh with a NW1 having a crooked nose doesn't bother me too much.
I think there may be hope even for NW6's with 10,000 grafts (FUE + BHT) and a bit of toppik with the right surgeon. Some of my friends think I am nuts spending my money on such a thing, saying I should just buy a sports car - but why would i want to have a sports car as a NW5? to stay inside it and never show my head?


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I kind of half (as in half-assed) checked out by going to work, but not going out and spending money on commercialised things like music, electronics etc. just buying the bare essentials like rent, food, fuel. I didn't want to contribute to the hollywood type society that pushes out smiling NW1's everywhere.
So when my friends go to the cinema, I don't bother going. whenever I did go I would always end up leaving miserable anyway (2 hours of watching some NW1 chasing a girl around?)
With the money I have saved doing this (I have about $15,000) I am researching hair transplant's now as a NW5. Was tempted to get my crooked nose fixed but tbh with a NW1 having a crooked nose doesn't bother me too much.
I think there may be hope even for NW6's with 10,000 grafts (FUE + BHT) and a bit of toppik with the right surgeon. Some of my friends think I am nuts spending my money on such a thing, saying I should just buy a sports car - but why would i want to have a sports car as a NW5? to stay inside it and never show my head?

NW5 is pushing it as far as a decent result is concerned. I realy hope you have above average donor density, graft availability, and so fourth in your favour because those are the key factors in the 'illusion of density' and aesthetic result that goes along with it.

Isaac Newton

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lol just thinking back on the idea of checking out of society

problem is-we are social animals and require the approval of others for mental health and you need to be a part of the system to survive

fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. i hate going to school because the ultimate reward of it all is gone (6+ white girl). i guess that gives me motivation for a transplant but its so far away its depressing

need to start a methamphetamine regimen for motivation


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I sometimes dream of going in the far north and become a lumberjack or something. Just for the peace of mind, not because I hate society, it's just gets annoying being around so many people sometimes.


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Society needs to change for the sake of the people in it. Working 8 to 12 hours a day and dressing up for it means your working one third to half of your life away for a society that really doesn't care if you live or die for the most part.
We're all disposable like toilet tissue. Being a hero and working till your 65 doesn't prove anything except that your probably wasting your time, most men die in their 60's and 70's and women get about ten more years of life than men do. If your still young, save up your cash and think about an exit strategy and do something you enjoy more than working. Myself, I got a good twenty to thirty years left of living, if I'm lucky.
Time moves faster as you get older, get what you want out of life as soon as possible, make a five to ten year plan of where you want to be in your life, learn from my mistakes, I wasted more than 16 years of my life working and never got a thing till I retired with a residual income. I still socialize in society but I no longer feel obligated to work for people who don't even know me by my first name.
The window of opportunity for working starts when a person reaches about 16 years old and goes on till his late 30's, after that your stuck in a dead end job with no chance of promotion, your job will get handed down to some little Jimmy who still lives with his/her parents or someone less qualified when you get fired, quit or retire from work. I hate to sound negative but life is a zero sum game, you either have it all or you have nothing, I was advised when I was younger to save up my cash and build wealth, I didn't listen till years after when I went bankrupt and attained the proper knowledge afterwards. Out of fourty years of my life I have enjoyed three years thanks to good finance.
That's it for my rant, thanks for reading.


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Society needs to change for the sake of the people in it. Working 8 to 12 hours a day and dressing up for it means your working one third to half of your life away for a society that really doesn't care if you live or die for the most part.
We're all disposable like toilet tissue. Being a hero and working till your 65 doesn't prove anything except that your probably wasting your time, most men die in their 60's and 70's and women get about ten more years of life than men do. If your still young, save up your cash and think about an exit strategy and do something you enjoy more than working. Myself, I got a good twenty to thirty years left of living, if I'm lucky.
Time moves faster as you get older, get what you want out of life as soon as possible, make a five to ten year plan of where you want to be in your life, learn from my mistakes, I wasted more than 16 years of my life working and never got a thing till I retired with a residual income. I still socialize in society but I no longer feel obligated to work for people who don't even know me by my first name.
The window of opportunity for working starts when a person reaches about 16 years old and goes on till his late 30's, after that your stuck in a dead end job with no chance of promotion, your job will get handed down to some little Jimmy who still lives with his/her parents or someone less qualified when you get fired, quit or retire from work. I hate to sound negative but life is a zero sum game, you either have it all or you have nothing, I was advised when I was younger to save up my cash and build wealth, I didn't listen till years after when I went bankrupt and attained the proper knowledge afterwards. Out of fourty years of my life I have enjoyed three years thanks to good finance.
That's it for my rant, thanks for reading.

Excellent post and heartedly agree.

This is primarily what I'm doing at the moment. Building my wealth, saving lots of money but still liVing life from going on multiple vacations a year towards getting transplants. Gotta make the most of it when it matters. Also have investment funds through my bank.

Isaac Newton

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Society needs to change for the sake of the people in it. Working 8 to 12 hours a day and dressing up for it means your working one third to half of your life away for a society that really doesn't care if you live or die for the most part.
We're all disposable like toilet tissue. Being a hero and working till your 65 doesn't prove anything except that your probably wasting your time, most men die in their 60's and 70's and women get about ten more years of life than men do. If your still young, save up your cash and think about an exit strategy and do something you enjoy more than working. Myself, I got a good twenty to thirty years left of living, if I'm lucky.
Time moves faster as you get older, get what you want out of life as soon as possible, make a five to ten year plan of where you want to be in your life, learn from my mistakes, I wasted more than 16 years of my life working and never got a thing till I retired with a residual income. I still socialize in society but I no longer feel obligated to work for people who don't even know me by my first name.
The window of opportunity for working starts when a person reaches about 16 years old and goes on till his late 30's, after that your stuck in a dead end job with no chance of promotion, your job will get handed down to some little Jimmy who still lives with his/her parents or someone less qualified when you get fired, quit or retire from work. I hate to sound negative but life is a zero sum game, you either have it all or you have nothing, I was advised when I was younger to save up my cash and build wealth, I didn't listen till years after when I went bankrupt and attained the proper knowledge afterwards. Out of fourty years of my life I have enjoyed three years thanks to good finance.
That's it for my rant, thanks for reading.
definitely agree man, i'm not surprised we relate a lot since you said you had social issues as well. i want to get to your point where i don't have to work. i still have never had a job, i can't stand going outside yet, but obviously eventually i'll have to

its why i chose computer science major, i know its mainly ugly low status guys and mostly male. also i'd wager whatever few norwoods are at the college are in it.

ahhhhhhh 80% male, 20% female. sounds ****ing great to me. could do with less girls but you can't get everything in life lolz


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i hate going to school because the ultimate reward of it all is gone (6+ white girl).

Hahaha. There used to be a young guy that used to post comments like this on Can't remember his name, I think he got banned, but he was a good guy. Hope he is doing well and and living the dream of nailing white girls.


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Yeah I've been thinking about checking out of society, and becoming a mountain man somewhere in Montana lol.

Today I went to the gym with my buddy who just got in the modeling industry and is doing well he saw his other male model buddy there so we all worked out together. Everything was cool until we grabbed a bite to eat afterwards. All they could talk about was how many followers they were getting on Instagram and how famous their about to be and their next fashion show blah blah blah. Felt like I was transparent the whole time. After about 4 hours of being with them the one guy goes "what's your name again?" Lol Gtfo, just give me some big mountains to climb and a log cabin and dog and I'm good.