am i a loser, i'm about to graduate from medschool and i am

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ok i understand about your taller post, but the hair post is invalid.

its just 2 inches taller thats all, i just dont want to be the shortest guy in the room, that is all, i don't hate myself, just wish to be slightly taller.

saying i hate my entire self is bullshit, i am happy with who i am, a young man in his 20s that looks normal and age appropiate (albeit im lying my wearing wig), simply by hiding the fact that i have pre-mature hairloss via a hairpiece, does not mean i hate myself, who i appear to be is normal and socially expected behaviour of myself.

agreed on the height thing, but overall its not really an image change, rather a stature increase, to say i hate myself due to wanting to be 5 cm taller isa bit of a drastic assesment of my mentality. especially since im 5 4.5, maybe if i was 5 8 it might be a bit wierd, but i feel it is within my own right to obtain a height of 5 6.5 to be more normal/socially acceptable.


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HairPieceMan said:
well i see lots of people doing that as I know, it is a very large home, im guessing my parents had sex when i was in the house :dunno:

and yeah lots of women do do LL with there bf.

tbh the LL business wont happen until im 30, so i'd like to leave that one at bay.

if you live in a £300k home saf why not stay there, tbh im willing to bet you don't because it makes little sense to move out on your own and get some new place when you have inheritance money etc.

in my 30s 40s 50s etc, i plan to stay in this house or something, just me and some gf and i guess my mum.

so it will be
2. gf
3. mum

in 4 bedroom (2 double, 1 master, 1 single)/2 living room, loft, 2 bathroom, kitchen, conservatory, double garage, double drive way, triple back garden and single front garden.

im sure that's enough room, if its an issue we can later rent a double bed flat, but overall i dont see it being a short time issue with a new girl for the first 6 months which is more what im getting at.

so with that being said we can drop the LL and the house living issue, im happy to stay here primarily, and maybe rent a place of OUR own if i have a women, but dont need one now before i have a woman

What percentage of grown adults plan to stay living with their mothers? I'd bet you are the only one from your school class who is happy to do this. My parents house is also 4bedroom (and not one of those new shoebox size ones) its pretty big since its been extended 3 times most of the rooms are 30' long, it used to have both my sisters living there but they also moved out for their own independance.
Thats just what adults do.
Thats like saying why get a license and my own car when I can just have my mum drive me everywhere?
However you try to dress this up you are Ronnie Corbett in 'Sorry'.

In the eyes of 99% of people its just weird and to put it bluntly women will find it pretty pathetic.
So far you have'nt even had a girl have a serious adult releationship with you and yet you talk about finding some girl who's going to just accept your (bizarre by most peoples standards) ideals and give up her job, family, freinds and lifestyle ect to move abroad to a country where she wont even speak the language. I've never met one who would (even if it was Brad Pitt asking).

Trust me on this one no woman wants to spend any degree of time with her mother in law and every woman wants a place of her own that she can create her own enviroment and feel relaxed in. The prospect of sharing a man with his mother and being a 'guest' in her house is not appealing to say the least.


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Cheers for that Dudemon.Yes as previously mentioned I have a couple of goals I am striving for,that is my focus.I don't think I will ever be truely happy,although happiness is a state of mind,it isn't permanent.What I am hoping for is contentment,a reason too live.


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seb said:
Cheers for that Dudemon.Yes as previously mentioned I have a couple of goals I am striving for,that is my focus.I don't think I will ever be truely happy,although happiness is a state of mind,it isn't permanent.What I am hoping for is contentment,a reason too live.

You're 33 are'nt you? well I remember at that age I was terminally depressed, however with the past couple of years I've began to enjoy life more. I think back then I was bitter about seemingly missing out on everything that everyone else seemed to have. But now I'm more mature and have realised you cant get these things back so you have the option of either staying bitter or making the best of what you can with life,
Even if you have no hair you can still achieve other goals it does'nt stop you from earning money and doing worthwhile things like travelling buying your own house ect.
Its about making the best of what you've got even if you cant have the one aspect/area that you want the most.
At the end of the day life is all you have and I'm sure its better to hang around and experience the future even if its not as good as the guy next doors.

I think most people given the choice of being dead or being a 3rd world peasant would still opt for living.


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Just turned 34 :) .Yes I agree with what you say,although I don't believe you can change the essence of what you my case a miserable bugger! :)


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dudemon said:
I'm feeling that this is a whole new year and era for guys like you and me. Try to stay positive. Things are going to turn around, and 2012 is the year it will happen! 2011 sucks and is just about gone. Good riddance!

Also - you're never too old; its only in your mind. At 42 I feel no different than 25 ... some people even say I'm like a 15 year old kid trapped in a 42 year old's body! Whatever. :jackit:

But hang in there man.

Merry Christmas to all. :)

:shock: Have you been drinking or something?


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so were you actually raised in a £300K home saf?

because i find it hard to believe you'd live somewhere else and work alot for your own place?

At your age I had been working my *** off for 8 yrs and had a saved up a huge deposit for a house. I'm not annoyed at your lifestyle I pity it.

you said you're not annoyed at my lifestyle you pity it, yet you claim you can obtain the same lifestyle yourself but deny it.

my guess is you DON'T have rich parents at all, otherwise why work your *** off 8 hours a day for a huge deposit on a house, when in fact, you have inheritance, it's albiet like getting a hair transplant when you have a full head of hair.

what's your plan with your parents £300K home + your independant home in the future, join them together for an even bigger home?

i already said we can move out, rent a place after 6 months, but i see no reason to move out to pre-empt being with someone.

also living with (rich) parents isn't the same as living with parents, two different things.

and i have had females interested in me before, mostly due to my money, and all my college friends when they saw my place they said you will get a lot of money from inheritance and women would be attracted to me for my place and if i showed a women my place they'd like me.

that is what THEY said, they didn't say i should rent some crummy single bed flat so im "independent" at all.


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HairPieceMan said:
so were you actually raised in a £300K home saf?

Not for most of my life they did'nt move there until I was 18 and its only the price rises of the last few decades and the 3 extensions that have brought the house up to that value.

HPM said:
because i find it hard to believe you'd live somewhere else and work alot for your own place?

Really? because thats what every other adult does, I'd bet that of all the guys on this forum nearly all or 100% of us have or wish to earn their own money and get their own place for freedom and independance.

HPM said:
you said you don't envy my lifestyle you pity it, yet you claim you can obtain the same lifestyle yourself but deny it.

Because I'm no longer a child I'm a grown up and thats what we do stand on our own 2 feet. I dont pity the house you live in I pity the fact that you still live as a child not a grown man.

HPM said:
i already said we can move out after 6 months, but i see no reason to move out to pre-empt being with someone.

Which wont happen whilst you're still tied to mummys apron strings as a 25 yr old man. IF you want to stay at home all your life thats fine but dont for a minute think girls will take you seriously they really wont be impressed by a man who refuses to take responsibility for his own future.

HPM said:
also living with (rich) parents isn't the same as living with parents, two different things.

Its exactly the same thing, no matter how nice you're surrounding you're still living under the supervision/influence of your mum. I bet she still makes your bed with a star wars duvet on it and cooks your meals, washes your clothes ect... (am I right?)
Even if you're living in a ginormous country mansion, (which you are'nt) you're just living in a nice slightly larger than average middle class home. Probably smaller than what most of the U.S posters on here grew up in.

Heres a sample of womens opinions: ... _questions


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well your lifestyle is your choice, and my lifestyle is my choice.

in terms of sexual selection that is up to the women or man, if a women wont date a guy unless he is 6 0 no matter how "independant" he is then that's fine, but making some blanket assumption that ALL women are put off ENTIRELY by this one aspect of myself is utter rubbish, there are plenty of people coupiling up with worser things than this.

why wont it happen that i will move out, of course it will.

yes my mummy still washes my clothes and duvets and cooks me meals, although they are microwavable.

its not slightly larger than average, half my college friends said that "they havn't even been in a place like this before", my brothers wife had a similar reaction to that as well, before he decided that he was going to dump all his money into her.


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HairPieceMan said:
well your lifestyle is your choice, and my lifestyle is my choice.

in terms of sexual selection that is up to the women or man, if a women wont date a guy unless he is 6 0 no matter how "independant" he is then that's fine, but making some blanket assumption that ALL women are put off ENTIRELY by this one aspect of myself is utter rubbish, there are plenty of people coupiling up with worser things than this.

You still dont get the point:

On the one hand You hold the view that no women will accept you unless you present yourself as a man of a prerequesit height with a prerequesit amount of hair.

But at the same time you think that they wont care at all about the fact that you refuse to accept the responsibilities of adult life.

You're like a man going to a job interview with no qualifications or experience who's only worry is that his suit is'nt good enough.

Unless your house is something like this:


and then you can find a golddigger who wont care if you're still having your mum change your nappies.

But anyway I'm sure that in a few years you're mum will be looking to downsize and use the equity to support her in her old age rathers than living in a house thats larger than she really needs thats what most people do.


  • 220px-Montacute_House_Apr_2002.jpg
    12.7 KB · Views: 302


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that's rubbish

im saying living in a rich home vs a small flat of your own is just one aspect of the dating market

also being 6 0 or 5 5 is another aspect

being bald or a full head of hair is another aspect

i never once said you HAVE to have hair or HAVE to be 5 8 or over and you are now saying i basically HAVE to live in some small flat and no women will accept this life even though i already said we'd move out at a later time if need be.

+ on house size its still really freakin big.

3 double bedrooms
1 single bedroom
2 bathrooms (with showers in each)
a VERY LARGE living room
a dining room
a kitchen
triple back garden
double garage with loft extension.
double driveway
front garden


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HairPieceMan said:
thats rubbish
i never once said you HAVE to have hair or HAVE to be 5 8 or over

:shock: You imply that all the fukkin time!

HPM said:
and you are now saying i basically HAVE to live in some small flat and no women will accept this life even though i already said we'd move out at a later time if need be.

I'm saying that at 25 yrs old you have to appear to have grown up and be a responsible man rather than a immature kid in order to make a woman want to be in a longterm relationship with you.
And probably do a whole lot more if you want her to give up her life and go to India with you for 6months to have height surgery.


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A big house that isn't even in your name doesn't make you rich. Even a materialistic woman isn't attracted to a beautiful house if the income is zero. And since you're not working and therefore presumably have little to no income, no woman will date you for your money.


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So HPM is rich.
Suddenly I dont empathesize as much with him.

How much is your family's net worth HPM?

Staying with your mum: I actually dont see it as a deal breaker --- although many many women will be put off by it. But, if a woman cant see the values of staying in a nice house, helping the single parent, its her loss. I'd rather my kids are taken care of by my mum, rather than a nanny, or be at daycare.
Plus, you end up saving ££££.

On the other hand, you have to make clear, you are not a momma's boy. Some independence is required. And you have to have a choice. Having a job in this case is essential. If you have no job = loser in women's eyes, unless you are very rich (I dont know how rich you are). Even then, not having a job is a big negative in women's eyes.


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lol no i never implied you HAVE to hair to date girls, its just going to be tougher, becuase most males have hair.

same with height, most males are 5 8 or over, simple as.

its just an aspect of dating scene that kinda throws you off on the extreme end if your YOUNG.

well we shall see, im pretty sure females will be all over me when they see how much money - my parents- have.

saf can work all day and live in his crappy apartment, i will throw parties in my rich parents home and get 3somes with swimsuit models with my fake hair.

unfotunetly i wont be able to wear my 3 inch lifts inside, i will have to stick to the 1 inch kitten heel making me 5 6 inside.

i also spent £6000 on dental veneers, £300 per veneer at top and bottom teeth, 20 teeth in total, and of course the £2000 laser eye surgery,


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HairPieceMan said:
my only saving thought is that I CAN BE SAVED in this geneation thanks to Hair systems, Leg Lenthening and other bits and bobs.

Do I need hair? I would say yes .... yes I do.

HairPieceMan said:
lol no i never implied you HAVE to hair to date girls, its just going to be tougher, becuase most males have hair.

same with height, most males are 5 8 or over, simple as.

its just an aspect of dating scene that kinda throws you off on the extreme end if your YOUNG.

well we shall see, im pretty sure females will be all over me when they see how much money - my parents- have.

saf can work all day and live in his crappy apartment, i will throw parties in my rich parents home and get 3somes with swimsuit models with my fake hair.unfotunetly i wont be able to wear my 3 inch lifts inside, i will have to stick to the 1 inch kitten heel making me 5 6 inside.

i also spent £6000 on dental veneers, £300 per veneer at top and bottom teeth, 20 teeth in total, and of course the £2000 laser eye surgery,

HPM said:
I am 25 and have never had a girlfreind conincedence? I think not


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twenty.five said:
A big house that isn't even in your name doesn't make you rich. Even a materialistic woman isn't attracted to a beautiful house if the income is zero. And since you're not working and therefore presumably have little to no income, no woman will date you for your money.

The opinion of an actual woman.


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This guy is more deluded than CCS. This thread is quite entertaining.


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well i refuse to live in a crummy apartment and work some lamey job so i can say "im independant", i just don't care, if a women doesn't like what im doing, fair enough, its her choice, but stop claiming that ALL women will hate this and its a HUGE dealbreaker.

fact ismmost will see how rich i am and drop their pants.

i was also over exagerating there that i am saved with wigs/lifts, its just that im saved from the ugly girls with my hairpieces etc.

kitten heels, wiki pedia it, a kitten heel is 1 inch lift, steletoes are 3 inch lifts.

also if a girl doesnt like me for my lifestye that is one thing

1. lifestyle
2. looks
3. personality

so a girl not likeing me for one thing is ONE thing, like how i wont want to be with a women if she has 2 kids, or is fat, or some personality flaw.
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