7 month difference - pics


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Kiehl's amino acid shampoo w coconut oil

I've heard good things about this in the past, and coconut oil being helpful for hair loss.


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Looks about the same to me, but it is hard to tell with pics only 6 months apart when you have a head of hair like that. If it is male pattern baldness I would say it would be 10 years at least before there is anything to worry about.



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If I were you, I would maybe just use Nano shampoo only. I would not take Propecia or use Minoxidil yet. My hair was much better before I started using the big 3. I had very little thinning like you did and I thought the big 3 would at LEAST help me keep all that I had and just maintain but its been downhill for me since about 3 years when I started taking Propecia. I honestly think it triggered my receptors to be super sensitive to DHT. I do understand how you feel about your situation. I have a similar one but consider yourself lucky to have as much hair as you do compared to so many people on this forum. I know I am very lucky to appear to have a full head of hair still. But when I see people older than me with better hair density and a better hairline, it does not feel too great and it just makes me want the same. When someone is worse off than you are, they will always tell you how lucky you are. Its all relative. Yet they do not realize that your situation could be worse than someone who you would consider luckier than yourself.


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Well I am sure it's not as full as those pics after styling why I asked =) But feel free take a pic after a shower pre-style. But even so, if you are beginning SLIGHT thinning/receeding, it seems slow. Sadly many doctors will try and sell you anything it seems, I'd stick with your current regimen. Adding Mino and finasteride could really hurt your hair. It is meant to shock it and you'll surely shed, and in your case you aren't so far gone at all where the results would be better than what's current. Anyways. There are other stuff you can try before the big 3 too, just keep monitoring your progress.

uncomfortable man

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Yeah, I'm 34 too...just great. :shakehead:


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So, as I wrote in Dec - I was diagnosed with male pattern baldness by Bernstein in Jun 07. I had awful inflammation and SD. I'm now 34. I didn't want to take finasteride or min and just wanted to use nizoral, limit dairy, do yoga/cardio for less anxiety (which I think is critical - I'm convinced anxiety is critical to starting loss) and monitor it for progression every few months and see what happened. Mostly, I wanted to stop the inflammation, and it has stopped nearly completely. Anyone who has inflammation knows it is maddening.

The pics attached are 11 mos difference (May 08 to Apr 09) so almost a year. In them, I am pulling my hair hard back and up to fully expose and study the hairline. My hair overall "feels" slightly less full - But, the hairline looks like at least no change, and maybe even filled in on the temples? I mean, especially on the left side (your right). It may be wishful thinking. Whatya think?

If so - this could speak volumes for the benefits of nizoral, or the Kiehls coconut oil shampoo I use on non nizoral days, or no dairy, or less anxiety, or one of the supplements I take each day for health: green tea, biotin, Vit D, fish oil, magnesium, vit E, isoflavones. I don't take a multivitamin.

I am a huge believer in this - http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNe ... health1100

I'm convinced we can turn off or slow down the expression of bad genes through lifestyle.


  • may 08 cropped.jpg
    may 08 cropped.jpg
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  • april 09 cropped.jpg
    april 09 cropped.jpg
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(which I think is critical - I'm convinced anxiety is critical to starting loss)

Well you'd be wrong.

If so - this could speak volumes for the benefits of nizoral, or the Kiehls coconut oil shampoo I use on non nizoral days, or no dairy, or less anxiety, or one of the supplements I take each day for health: green tea, biotin, Vit D, fish oil, magnesium, vit E, isoflavones.

No it couldn't. The only thing it speaks volume for is the fact you aren't losing your hair. You should stop wasting time and money battling a non-existent problem.

I'm convinced we can turn off or slow down the expression of bad genes through lifestyle.

You're talking crap about things you don't know. What about bald athletes? I'm sure they have far healthy lifestyles than the fattest man in the world who has a full head of hair.
Lifestyles changes won't combat genes, if you are genetically inclined to baldness then not eating diary isn't going to stop that.


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Listen, I'm not going to argue with you - believe what you want. I think aldosterone plays a role in hair loss. I think anxiety affects aldosterone. You think I'm wrong, that's fine bro. Do what you do.

You also think I'm not balding but I'm inclined to believe my own knowledge of my 34 year old head, and the Clinical Professor of Dermatology at the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University. Now, maybe you are right, and he is wrong, and I don't know my own head and hair after 34 years any better than you know it, but how I attack it is my decision. And, it looks like I've regrown some hair, right? Right? - so I just wanted to share that with this community. And, maybe that can help someone else.

Research is clear you can affect genes. 100%. Now, I don't think you can stop balding, but I do think you might be able to affect the speed with which your genes express themselves. If you don't believe that, so be it bro. Do what you do.

I'm here just like you are. I'm sorry I'm not as bald as you - my balding may be early - but I don't want it to progress, just like everyone else. I appreciate the help.


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I love these guys with minimal hair loss (if there's any hair loss at all) that think they've figured it all out.

Oh, it's all in the lifestyle? Really? Gee, I guess no one else has ever considered that.

It's genetic.

Go away.


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I'm not here asking IF I'm balding. I know I'm losing hair. When you started losing hair - didn't you know??? Anyways, I've had the miniaturization tests twice - that's why I was diagnosed. I've been prescribed finasteride and min. I just didn't want to take it.

And I never said it wasn't genetic. It's all genetic!! I just feel in a fair percentage of less aggressive hair loss cases, you can slow down (not stop) the expression of genes via targeted lifestyle changes. If you disagree, that's fine - I'm not asking you to change. I study genes all day - it's my job.

There seems to be a backlash against early balders on this site - as if we shouldn't care. Everyone's head is different, and everyone has different concerns. A lot of you wish you caught it early - why shouldn't I? None of you have seen my crown!! Again, I'm not asking IF I'm balding. I'm just monitoring the hair line because it is easier. And showing that some may have grown back - and how.


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zcat said:
Research is clear you can affect genes. 100%. Now, I don't think you can stop balding, but I do think you might be able to affect the speed with which your genes express themselves. If you don't believe that, so be it bro. Do what you do.

I'm here just like you are. I'm sorry I'm not as bald as you - my balding may be early - but I don't want it to progress, just like everyone else. I appreciate the help.

I agree with the theory that we can affect the speed of balding.

My hair is worse than my brother's, I can see he's got a high hairline as well but no noticeable thinning. I'm 7 years younger than him, and we probably have similar genetics but I'm thinning. I put my thinning down to my crappy life in the last 5 years.

Anyway dude... Don't worry too much about it, your hair is in good shape. Even if you did have an male pattern baldness, it looks like it's been pretty slow so far. I bet you are going to have decent hair in your 40s.

Another thing you have to realise is that a large proportion of men have a degree of male pattern baldness at 40. I think what you are seeing is very normal for your age. Your hair is probably better than 60-70% of the male population your age.


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Hmm well your hairline didn't change one bit in 7 months so maybe your hairs miniturizing on top or something :dunno:

Man im 19 and my hairline sucks, you should be happy you made it too 34 as an NW1!
Even if you are losing your hair you will probably still be an NW2/NW3 by 60 so I wouldn't risk taking propecia over it, but its your choice so whatever man.

uncomfortable man

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I love it when someone without male pattern baldness tells someone who does with a condescending air of superiority that maybe he should consider a lifestyle change. Ignorance :shakehead:


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Dude, you have never seen my crown. I have lost hair, and do have male pattern baldness. Don't you think it is ignorant to assume you know more about my hair than I do based on some cropped hair line pictures? I didn't wake up at 32 and say, "hmm, maybe I'll pretend to be balding just for the hell of it."

I'm not telling anyone to change anything. I'm not preaching. I'm just telling you what I'm using and what I believe. And I'm trying to maintain for as long as I can w nizoral, coconut oil, supplements, and some lifestyle changes for my own health. That's just my own approach and I'm just hopeful it is working - hence the pics. I'm not telling anyone to change anything. Take it for whatever it's worth.

Maybe it's wrong, but I'm certainly not the one judging someone else.

uncomfortable man

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I am nw5 and the same age as you! So yes I am in a position to know more about these things and being as such I am telling you YOU'RE TRIPPIN. Take your meds and vitimans or whatever you want to do but don't suggest that will work for someone such as myself who is in a completely different genetic category than you. All male pattern baldness is hair loss, but not all hairloss is male pattern baldness, you fall into the latter category. Based on what you have done with your level of hair loss (if any), I wonder how you would feel if you found yourself in my shoes as an nw5? You would probably realize how silly you are being like I do for you right now. You do not have a problem and yes I find it insulting that you come here and weather you realize it or not, rub your perfect hair in all our faces.

uncomfortable man

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Zcat, are you also Quantum Cat? Both have cat in the name...People who have more than one account are SHADY!!!! I'd like to put you in the Thunderdome with GHG. TWO MEN ENTER ONE MAN LEAVES!!! I think you know who I'll be rooting for.