3 weeks Flutagel report with Hairline pics


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I take 0.5mg of dutasteride per day and 1 application of Flutagel (SINERE) per day.
Flutagel application is concentrated on the hairline and temples since dutasteride was slowly loosing effectiveness at the most DHT sensitive areas.
Conclusions: after just 3 weeks I can see existing hair thickening at hairline.
No new hair has grown. No side effects to notice.


  • March07.jpg
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  • March31.jpg
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Well, I have to admit that the difference is hard to capture with a digital camera. If you look from a distance, the hairline appears thicker, and the "dense" hair section is lower.

The image at the bottom has been taken just before starting the treatement.

No shed to report. In fact the number of hair falling after shower etc..has decreased
a lot.
This is similiar to when I started dutasteride back 4 years ago.

I can feel that the hair is thickening beyond the application zone. It seems that the effects of the Flutagel extend a few cm beyond the areas where it has been applied.

I will continue and post pics after a few weeks again, but I don't expect any changes from now.
In fact, no changes to my hairline for the next few years would be a wonderful result !! :)

El Duterino


I hope you get great results mate.Is it ment to grow back hair? or is it strictly to stop further hairloss?Im gonna stop using minoxidil.Would this be a good product to take its place?


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I only take dutasteride besides Flut. I never used minoxidil. Too early to say if Flut would re-grow new hair..
I don't see any new velus hair coming up yet. I also don't see any velus hair getting thicker.
But I have been using it for only 4 weeks. Lets see in 3 months. I will post back. With pics.

All I notice is existing thin hair getting very thick and strong, healthy. Hairstyle looks different with hair straigth up and not flimsy..falling down. A real pleasure to wake up every day and touch my hair...I dont have to worry about my hairline all the time and check the mirror all the time.

I am 41, at my age I need some strong drugs because my follicules are too DHT sensitive now due to my genes.
I did great on finasteride alone when I was 31 and was thinning back then.

Flut has great potential.

Good Luck
El Duterino


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i can see an improvement in pic1. you probably should make the pics a little smaller, and have the older one first instead of second.
-edit- on second thought, it is difficult to compare the pics as the zoom level is much greater in older pic (the 2nd pic)

is 3 weeks enough time to evaluate a product?

i'm waiting on my order of flutagel and will be glad to have any results.


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Is everyone ordering this from Sinere? Or is there another place to get this.


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5 weeks update: So far I am getting fantastic results adding Flutagel to my oral dutasteride. regimen.

1)Pigmentation has returned to the hair on my hairline, temples and front/top
2)Hair are now very thick and strong at hairline & top
3)Hair in the areas were Flut is applied is now growing faster
> Usually the hair at the hairline and top were growing about half the speed of those on the side or back. Now I am getting comments (at work) on how fast my hair are growing.
4) Shedding of hair in the shower has decreased to almost none.
On dutasteride alone I was still shedding some hair..not too much but still.
5)No bad side effects !
6)Brain fog due to dutasteride has Improved !
>I had some brain fog and lethargy from dutasteride (I take 0.5mg/day). It seems that the DHT that was going to bind to those receptors of the hair at the hairline is now free to flow in the blood, and relieves Brain Fog.
7) Libido has improved ..same as point 6 I guess.

Flut seems to be a very strong anti-androgen with very good potential for rock-solid maintenance of the hairline during aggressive/later stage of hairloss.

El Duterino


el_duterino said:
5 weeks update: So far I am getting fantastic results adding Flutagel to my oral dutasteride. regimen.

1)Pigmentation has returned to the hair on my hairline, temples and front/top
2)Hair are now very thick and strong at hairline & top
3)Hair in the areas were Flut is applied is now growing faster
> Usually the hair at the hairline and top were growing about half the speed of those on the side or back. Now I am getting comments (at work) on how fast my hair are growing.
4) Shedding of hair in the shower has decreased to almost none.
On dutasteride alone I was still shedding some hair..not too much but still.
5)No bad side effects !
6)Brain fog due to dutasteride has Improved !
>I had some brain fog and lethargy from dutasteride (I take 0.5mg/day). It seems that the DHT that was going to bind to those receptors of the hair at the hairline is now free to flow in the blood, and relieves Brain Fog.
7) Libido has improved ..same as point 6 I guess.

Flut seems to be a very strong anti-androgen with very good potential for rock-solid maintenance of the hairline during aggressive/later stage of hairloss.

El Duterino
All that in just 5 weeks?Are you sure you dont work for sinere? lol


6)Brain fog due to dutasteride has Improved !
>I had some brain fog and lethargy from dutasteride (I take 0.5mg/day). It seems that the DHT that was going to bind to those receptors of the hair at the hairline is now free to flow in the blood, and relieves Brain Fog.

Thats the craziest thing ive ever heard. :shakehead:


Experienced Member
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I don't see how topical application of Flut could relieve the symptoms of brain fog due to dutasteride. People reports all sorts of things on these boards - I generally put them down to the placebo effect of beginning any new medication. :dunno:


Established Member
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thanks for the update duterino.

i received my flutagel today = 3 weeks from date of purchase (possibly due to customs inspection)
i will hold off using it for now as i am a little concerned about users on other forums experiencing sheds and / or irritation
so i will wait for some results

i also received my cedarwood oil, and am currently testing a topical formulation. i want to give this a shot on its own for now.


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Hi Guys..I dont work for Sinere..or GSK...but unlike most of the posters here I do write when things go well.
I'm just soooo happy that these drugs work and wanted to share this.
There is so much negative comments on these boards.. :thumbdown2:

These drugs will not regrow new hair but only maintain, it is important to start early.

In any case, 5 weeks are enough to see results if you are a good responder..see my pics.

It is not easy to photograph hair getting thicker unless you have a microscope at home but you get the idea looking at the pics from a distance.

I have been on oral DHT inhibitors for 10 years now..I know how these drugs work. Hair thickening...change in pigmentation..Brain fog..loss of libido....been there.

dutasteride+FLUT is a good combination. Reduce DHT to a minimum... followed by a second wave of attack on those receptors...
finasteride+FLUT would also work on younger guys I guess..but at my age I need all the firepower I can use.

Good luck
El Duternio


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Here is an updated pic I took today, zoomed on a specific hairline area, that shows thickening and gain in pigmentation of exisiting hair base shaft where Flutagel has been applied.
Notice the angle and how straight the hair shaft has grown compared to the March 07 situation, cleary visible on the 3 hair above the blue line.

It looks like I shed one hair (red circle) but I also gained a brand new hair at a different place, still about 3 mm long but I will keep an eye to see if it develops to full length.

Looking from a distance, the hairline appears lower now since less scalp is visible.

So far no side effects or major sheds to notice.

El Duterino


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Established Member
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If this didn't smell like sh*t to begin with, it certainly does now.

You couldn't find any better pics than that on the web?


Renegade said:
If this didn't smell like s*** to begin with, it certainly does now.

You couldn't find any better pics than that on the web?
How do you know that he got them pics from the web?


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Hey Guys, chill out ! I took those photos myself. Many people make claims without showing any pics. I took the time to take photos and load those here, because believe it or not SOME people are getting success and are happy about it.

Why don't you post your own pics too ?

I could take a photo of my whole head and put it here but my regimen is not something I want to share with everyone at my office...besides, look on the first page you see that this is the same hair.

El Duterino


Established Member
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Great shots, El dutasteride - and encouraging also! Good stuff.
