3 month hair growth results without using minoxidil or propecia(GREAT RESULTS)


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Interesting info, I appreciate for the detailed insight. Would eating one piece of salmon and fish oil supplement a day would be enough to fit the ratio?
Sockeye Salmon and a high quality fish oil supplement will get you in the right ball park for sure. PUFAs oxidize (go rancid) very easily so make sure your fish is very fresh or high quality canned and high quality Fish Oil Supplement. I found https://cronometer.com/ was helpful to add up the omegas and work out the ratio.


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Happy new year everyone:


I took this photo yesterday. I haven't been doing the regime properly in December where i was skipping days and not doing the diet sometimes. i quit on december the 20th due to lack of motivation to due to eating the same crap daily. Since then I've got my diet checked by Taeian because my original diet was lacking in a lot of things hence the limited hair gains. so I'm going to start again with a more nutrient dense diet in pufa fats today or tomorrow and begin the aggressive micro needling at 2.5mm at speed level 5-6 with the derm pen. Ill use this photo as a baseline
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Actually at the worst, which is actually extremely common, with Finasteride you can get sexual side effects, mental side effects, as well as your homome levels getting permanently messed up. Worst thing is, the side effects are often permanent for most people that get Finasteride sides.
why are you on finasteride, then?


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why are you on finasteride, then?

Unfortunately, I didn't know Finasteride would have such side effects when I was taking it, my Dermatologist just prescribed it without telling me anything about side effects (which is the case with many dermatologists/doctors/specialists when giving medication), it was only after I got side effects, that I stopped taking it.

Some people say that researching the side effects before using a treatment is bad, I think this isn't true, I think it's good to always have an idea of what could possibly happen, so that at the instant you get sides, you can stop so that you can have a higher probability of reversing sides compared to someone who ignores the sides because social media/the internet tells them its super rare (which isn't true) and continues to use Finasteride for extended amounts of time and ends up having a far more difficult time reversing sides, many people mention that their side effects are irreversible.
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Unfortunately, I didn't know Finasteride would have such side effects when I was taking it, my Dermatologist just prescribed it without telling me anything about side effects (which is the case with many dermatologists/doctors/specialists when giving medication), it was only after I got side effects, that I stopped taking it.

Some people say that researching the side effects before using a treatment is bad, I think this isn't true, I think it's good to always have an idea of what could possibly happen, so that at the instant you get sides, you can stop so that you can have a higher probability of reversing sides compared to someone who ignores the sides because social media/the internet tells them its super rare (which isn't true) and continues to use Finasteride for extended amounts of time and ends up having a far more difficult time reversing sides, many people mention that their side effects are irreversible.
so do you still have sides?


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Yes i do still have sides, and I stopped Finasteride for just over 3.5 years now.


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Yes i do still have sides, and I stopped Finasteride for just over 3.5 years now.

what side effects do you currently have? I find that really insane that you barely used it and have perma damage.
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Yes it is a long time but it's known that Finasteride can result in permanent (life-long side effects).

Currently I'm mainly left with low/diminished Libido and ED.

Low sex drive effects other drives in your body, like the drive to do normal things. It can make you sluggish, lazy, depressed, unmotivated, etc, these mental issues are really really hard to overcome.

Read this thread, the user "Charger" and "Ausgebombt" posted an informative response:

I don't know what I can do that would help reverse the situation. I've hoped that giving it time would make the sides reverse on its own, but it hasn't been the case.

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This one!!! :

Look how many negative reviews of Finasteride, a majority:

With so many negative reviews, websites and studies on Finasteride, as to how some people believe only a few hundred people or only "4-6% of Finasteride users experience sides", is beyond absurd.
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Maybe you should try something like a very low dose of testosterone or an AS for a very short cycle to help upregulate androgens? Hopefully you don't need lifelong TRT.


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Yeah, I'm with you. I don't think it's a good idea to inhibit the majority of the most potent male sex hormone. It just doesn't seem healthy and it certainly has to have consequences. That being said, obviously there are some people who can handle it just fine. It surprises me that finasteride is the most prescribed medication for hair loss when even a low dose of oral minoxidil is likely more efficacious and minimal in side-effects. Big pharma for you though.


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THis is absurd. I knew finasteride created penile shrinkage but l was under the assumption if you had finasteride side effects for a while they would be permanent. But you used it very shortly and yet sides are permanent.

Norwoody may be onto something. I know bodybuilders shut down if they don't come off steroids properly. I could ask Taeian if there's a solution regarding your case.


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THis is absurd. I knew finasteride created penile shrinkage but l was under the assumption if you had finasteride side effects for a while they would be permanent. But you used it very shortly and yet sides are permanent.

Norwoody may be onto something. I know bodybuilders shut down if they don't come off steroids properly. I could ask Taeian if there's a solution regarding your case.

how exactly does finasteride causes penile shrinkage? DHT is only important to it during puberty, if dht affects your penis post puberty, then you could also say that putting dht creams on your penis every single day would end up increasing its size, which we all know won't happen.


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Maybe you should try something like a very low dose of testosterone or an AS for a very short cycle to help upregulate androgens? Hopefully you don't need lifelong TRT.

Whats "AS"? Yes hopefully, although I thought HRT is dangerous especially long term?


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Yeah, I'm with you. I don't think it's a good idea to inhibit the majority of the most potent male sex hormone. It just doesn't seem healthy and it certainly has to have consequences. That being said, obviously there are some people who can handle it just fine. It surprises me that finasteride is the most prescribed medication for hair loss when even a low dose of oral minoxidil is likely more efficacious and minimal in side-effects. Big pharma for you though.

Thank you Norwoody, I appreciate your sentiments. Yes it definitely agree with you on everything you've said. I actually can't understand how Finasteride with such a large and dangerous side effect profile is even FDA approved to begin with.

Big pharma is definitely running some corruption. Lots of people are getting paid of and there's a lot of false-positive reviews, media/marketing and surely studies too for Finasteride.

But yes there are ofcourse some who tolerate Finasteride fine.


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how exactly does finasteride causes penile shrinkage? DHT is only important to it during puberty, if dht affects your penis post puberty, then you could also say that putting dht creams on your penis every single day would end up increasing its size, which we all know won't happen.

google it


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THis is absurd. I knew finasteride created penile shrinkage but l was under the assumption if you had finasteride side effects for a while they would be permanent. But you used it very shortly and yet sides are permanent.

Norwoody may be onto something. I know bodybuilders shut down if they don't come off steroids properly. I could ask Taeian if there's a solution regarding your case.

I would appreciate you asking Taeian. Thank you