24M, significant diffuse thinning and receding hairline - is this salvageable?

Mr. Slap Head

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No one said dutasteride is bad for everyone. We are saying that one should exercise caution and not jump straight into it because you don’t know how your genes will respond. It’s a risk. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn’t.


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ok so why literally not a single study reflect that? you trying to say unproven internet anecdotes is more reliable than the trials published and what doctors claim it does to their patients?
There is a study actually that says some men react badly hair wise on dutasteride.


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No one said dutasteride is bad for everyone. We are saying that one should exercise caution and not jump straight into it because you don’t know how your genes will respond. It’s a risk. Sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn’t.
Why would anyone ever not jump when in majority of cases its better and if its not he can just quit it?


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I think all this debate has to do more about Testosterone impact on balding than dutasteride vs finasteride... the science is very inconclusive in this regard, some say the impact is none or negligible while others say it is impactful enough. We know dutasteride raises more T than finasteride, so that's the most logical outcome. Most likely the majority of population is waaay more sensitive to DHT than T but in these cases its similar or even flipped.
If you have normal to high T dutasteride wont raise your T so much, but if you have below normal T like me then it Will raise it alot according to what studies say. Guys with higher T levels have hairs that are used to high levels of T already. But not People like me with low T levels. I cant grow a beard or a moustache even.


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It seems you guys didn't even bother to check your T/DHT levels on Dutasteride to even confirm any of your suspicions, what a way to be eternally nocebo paranoid. I wonder why you make it so difficult for yourself lol. Just test DHT/T/E2 levels on finasteride, then jump on dutasteride, test again, and make proper conclusions. If you react badly, then you can go back to finasteride. End of the story. Everything else is just random internet anecdotes with 0 basis and nocebo chamber


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It seems you guys didn't even bother to check your T/DHT levels on Dutasteride to even confirm any of your suspicions, what a way to be eternally nocebo paranoid. I wonder why you make it so difficult for yourself lol. Just test DHT/T/E2 levels on finasteride, then jump on dutasteride, test again, and make proper conclusions. If you react badly, then you can go back to finasteride. End of the story. Everything else is just random internet anecdotes with 0 basis and nocebo chamber
U cant even test dht in my country. Also like I told u before I felt like i was on roids on dutasteride but feel weaker on finasteride. So T was alot higher for sure.


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arent you bored of using your own alt to talk with yourself, peak autism

anyway lets stop spamming this poor dudes hair diary... it's clear what our opinions are by now, just wanted to make sure he doesn't buy into your "anecdotes" as facts


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The uncertainty, and where I am right now with my hair sucks. Still better than what I started with last year, but I'm hopeful that going back to the original protocol that grew a sh*t ton of hair for me will work. Just the interim SUCKS!


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The uncertainty, and where I am right now with my hair sucks. Still better than what I started with last year, but I'm hopeful that going back to the original protocol that grew a sh*t ton of hair for me will work. Just the interim SUCKS!
The uncertainty, and where I am right now with my hair sucks. Still better than what I started with last year, but I'm hopeful that going back to the original protocol that grew a sh*t ton of hair for me will work. Just the interim SUCKS!
Just never go on dutasteride. My hair feels thicker ever since Going off that poison. Im using oral propecia x3 weekly with topical home made finasteride on the same day I use oral. And use oral minoxidil 2mg day. Ketoconazole shampoo everyday. This regimen beat oral dutasteride, and even topical dutasteride with oral dutasteride. And oral minoxidil high dosage 10 to 20mg.


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Just never go on dutasteride. My hair feels thicker ever since Going off that poison. Im using oral propecia x3 weekly with topical home made finasteride on the same day I use oral. And use oral minoxidil 2mg day. Ketoconazole shampoo everyday. This regimen beat oral dutasteride, and even topical dutasteride with oral dutasteride.
yeah im using topical 2x daily and oral 2.5mg a day now, should supercede my first protocol if anything + needling / vitamin d supplemnet / finasteride 1mg daily


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yeah im using topical 2x daily and oral 2.5mg a day now, should supercede my first protocol if anything + needling / vitamin d supplemnet / finasteride 1mg daily
yeah im using topical 2x daily and oral 2.5mg a day now, should supercede my first protocol if anything + needling / vitamin d supplemnet / finasteride 1mg daily
I did needling its allright but damn did I hear My hair crack alot. Not sure I wanna do it again maybe just 1mm this time. IT does cause hair to break.......I use a stamp.