24M, significant diffuse thinning and receding hairline - is this salvageable?


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i'm 6 foot 3 but quite slim, some facial hair and my jaw line is ok, i've had it buzzed for a while now but was thinking if its too far gone


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Throw some keto shampoo for good measure too of course!


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That'd be a good idea! I won't lie to you your hair loss is pretty aggressive for 24, let's hope your a good responder.
yeah, i know :/ my mother has thin hair and my dad is completely bald. i've rocked the shaved head look before so i'm not opposed to it. have you seen anyone with similar hair left as mine recover well?


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Yes, if you're aggressive with your regimen and a good responder maybe you can get good gains on:

Finasteride or better yet Dutasteride
Minoxidil + Microneedling + Tretinoin
RU58841 or CB-03-01.
i dont know much about ru58, cb03 or tretinoin -- what microneedler would you recommend?


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Been keeping up with it well. finasteride 3x a week. minoxidil 5% 2x a day. Am noticing a dry scalp/dandruffy appearance a bit. Not fun haha.


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Been keeping up with it well. finasteride 3x a week. minoxidil 5% 2x a day. Am noticing a dry scalp/dandruffy appearance a bit. Not fun haha.

If you're using liquid minoxidil the dandruff and flakes are due to dried propylene glycol. Ketoconazole shampoo (1% or 2%) thrice a werk solved that problem for me. You could also get minoxidil foam which doesn't have propylene glycol but some users say it isn't as effective as liquid minoxidil.


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Yeah it's definitely worth it. Hair loss in the crown is the easiest to regrow and the rest isn't terrible. Because you have shaved your head, I can't tell but it matters a lot to predicting just how your fringe hair looks. For transplants, folks with unaffected, high fringe can have close to juvenile hairline results and this was true even back in the 80's although they struggled recreating hairlines back then so many wore bangs but otherwise turned out perfect and now we know how to re-create hairlines! I have never interacted with anyone Welsh before. Do you speak Welsh?


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Thx for the reply. Been using keto shampoo daily from I started minoxidil
It's strange when I was a "guy", I used Keto and it was fine but now in a feminine context, it just destroys my hair and strips it bare. That's how much of a difference in sebum production there is. I seldom wash my hair any longer and I used to wash twice a day if I had been outside.


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Thx for the reply. Been using keto shampoo daily from I started minoxidil

You may want to ease up on the ketoconazole shampoo at least until you've grown out your hair because it can cause thin, wispy hair due to how strong it is. I wouldn't use it more than 4 or 5 times a week.


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I dont speak Welsh, only a few sentences:) ill try to cut down the keto shampoo a little then.


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I dont speak Welsh, only a few sentences:) ill try to cut down the keto shampoo a little then.
It won't hurt anything. It just strips away oil very, very effectively and the nicer the hair, the more it does this, lol. You might try polysorbate 80 as this is much less taxing on the hair and it appears to me to have similar efficacy to Keto. PS80 and PS60 were all that we had in the early 80's but they saved my life and hairline. But the big bully, the FDA outlawed marketing them since they were advertised under the sebum plug theory which is no longer even a thing. You can still find them on Amazon and in Health food stores.